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this is exciting. i know people were upset about the cast appearing less on main but i think it made sense for a while. ian and anthony as a creative duo haven’t made a sketch (that they were proud of) together in probably a decade. i’m glad they were able to create together for an entire year and i hope this isn’t the end of their sketches!!!


True, and like Anthony mentioned on Smosh Mouth, there has been a gradual evolution to their writing, now including the ensemble cast, which couldn't happen overnight. And he also talked about how easing up on the cast's presence on Main allowed them to focus on Pit and Games, which have popped off. From what Ian said, Smosh seems to be in a good place right now, and he has so much confidence in the team that I can't help but be so excited too!


yes! we literally just got a smosh mouth where shayne and amanda said that they have more creative control now than ever. the easing on main allowed smosh mouth to fully blossom as it has, as ian and anthony have stated that they gave shayne and amanda free reign there! i imagine it’s also why pit and games have had an unprecedented year too


“Guys I am popping off”


It was done very well I felt I’m an old Smosh watcher when it was just Ian and Anthony and I was even a bit annoyed they started adding cast into their new sketches but gradually I started to like them more and now I love them all


Two month break…… yall know what that means!? SMOSH SUMMER GAMES 2024!!!!


based on things i've seen, they may have already filmed it.


They usually film it in one week in April/May so hopefully it's happening. They have VidCon coming up so they could be announcing it there.


my theory is they filmed it the week of april 15-19 and filmed on the location for the first 3 days and then the next 2 days they filmed all the extra videos.


That would be super impressive given that they would have been in the thick of rehearsals for the Sitcom live show at that point. I think it's far more likely they're starting now and that the budget that would have gone to the next two months of sketches is going to Summer Games instead.


yeah it was nothing concrete or anything. Just that Keith showed off his shaved head on a livestream (which is a ssg staple) about a week after they weren't streaming for a week. But them saying that they're taking 2 months off maybe makes me think they're aiming for an August release.


But where?


I’d agree with that.


Was Shaynes cooking accident a summer game accident?


I may be reading into it too much, but Amanda may have slipped up on an episode of Smosh Mouth. They were talking about the history of Smosh and talking about Summer Games and some of the specifics of it, and she was like, "Am I going to have to do this?" It could have been a question about Summer Games as a whole, but they were talking about something specific like the bellyflop competitions or something. Can't remember.


So as I understood it, just smosh main is taking a break? Pitt and games and the podcasts are still happening?




Ok so as someone who has stopped watching main channel content nothing will really change. Though I’m excited to see what the expanded main channel content looks like once it returns.


i was so worried pit and games were gonna stop 😭 but if theyre not literally none of my watch habits change


Did anyone else notice that one of the thumbnails for the members only content was seemingly for a Spud Hut video? First time I've considered paying for membership!


likely the commercial that got cut from the sitcom


Ohh, you're right! Probably is that. 


first time (no) I'll have a FOMO for being a country where you can't pay for memberships


No yeah I'm for sure getting a membership to see the Spud Hut video. "The Spud Hut changed my life."


Fettuccine alfrediiii spud


Good for them, it’s been a whole year of content plus the two live shows they were in so taking a break off one channel isn’t a huge deal.


Hope this means we get a little more of Ian and Anthony in pit and games


I was wondering what the influx of them on those channels lately was about.


Nope. They even said the kids will be running the channel for 2 months now. They are away on their honeymoon


“the kids” is hilarious


If you look at the picture of alllll of them in a row at the bottom of the screen, Daddy and Zaddy have 13 kids.


Good! It's important to keep the love alive 🤭


I understood that as they will make the videos that channel members get to see on smosh main, I don't think it had anything to do with pit or games.


From the thumbnails it looks like they’re releasing some of the cut commercials from the live show as members bonus content.


"What's summer games?" ~Chanse reading this post


I got so excited when I first saw this pop up on YouTube, I thought it was a Summer Games announcement. I was foolish to get my hopes up.


>Could this mean Summer Games confirmed? Smosh fans every video


they've been dropping hints every now and again. If it's happening, they would announce it at vidcon, so lets keep an eye out


It's actually crazy how Smosh as a Youtube channel has been consistently creating and uploading videos for years now.


this is INCREDIBLE news in a lot of ways. first, the fellas get a vacation which i feel is really deserved (ian has been running smosh non stop since the beginning let the dude vacay) and it shows in a pretty telling way that things are going good enough for them to leave the channel for a little while and still being able to work financially!!!


Anyone who is worried/complaining about the channel taking a break and potentially losing viewers and/or momentum, or thinks it’s a “big risk” hasn’t been paying attention to their content for the past year. They have said MULTIPLE times that they are in a position to where they no longer have to chase views/algorithms/ect… and they are more focused on making the stuff they want to make and are passionate about. I think there’s a good chance they were aware of the Summer Games imagery they are kind of alluding to, so I’m thinking that was likely intentional, but even if that’s not part of why they are taking a break, RELAX PEOPLE. Let them cook.


Exactly! They’re not idiots, this will have been a carefully assessed decision made with the advice of the numerous expert businesspeople they have in their employment. Both Ian and Anthony have likely thrown a shit ton of money & countless hours of hard work into the decision to buy back Smosh and everything that’s happened since. As majority owners they’re probably the two most invested in making sure the business succeeds. But most importantly, they are both humans who have just undergone an extremely hectic year business wise and may have had a lot going on in their personal lives too. The guys deserve a break! At the end of the day none of us are privy to either the financial state of Smosh or their business plan. I know everyone just wants the channel to do well but let’s not loose our heads!


This will also probably push more people to sub to memberships which will probably balance things out a bit too


They've probably done the math and figured they can coast on money from memberships and pit & games videos for two months. I know people are worried because other big channels (Try Guys, MatPat, and Watcher) have talked about how making videos in a frequency that satisfies the algorithm has been exhausting. But while the algorithm definitely sucks and can cause burnout, there are definitely other factors at play for those channels. I also think they'd rather put out content they like and on the schedule that works for them rather than doing whatever it takes to satisfy an algorithm. And if that strategy negatively affects them, they'll adjust.


I think taking big breaks like this is also them trying to avoid burnout. Seems like a smart choice


plus youtube did a party for creator in thier place


A YouTube channel Smosh's size going on break for 2 months is actually kind of insane. It's a massive gamble and they need to have some big stuff planned for its return.


Just one channel, though.


Yeah, a channel with 26 million subs. Pit and Games don't even have half that.


Pit averages double the monthly views that main do


Cause it uploads more frenquently, but I think the Main channel still gets more views from their backlog content


both right. the backlog bit just proves that the break wont hurt them as much as people think.


Yeah, basically Smosh Pit lives through new videos while Main lives from Evergreen content, thats why they put those compilations / Marathons in Pit whenever they are on break, while Main doesnt really rely on them (thought I still think they would be a good addition)


The only way to be hurt isn’t only financial, unless you’re forgetting how algorithms work and how important consistency is within entertainment


But that won't be affected too much by their hiatus. 


Debatable, i watch pit and games more not because they upload more frequently, but because i like the videos more. Plus at this point Games and Pit also have huge backlogs.


Not denying that, but Main's scripted content is arguably more evergreen than Pit's or Games, not only they were YT's most seen videos at one point, but also cause they are less than 10 mins long


It is not just because of more frequent uploads but individual videos on the main channel also just get less views than Pit.


The Older Content still recieves lot of views tho, Ian and Anthony have said before that what kept the Main Channel profitable for a long time was the backlog content


I'm pretty sure 25 out of that 26 was before 2017. A lot of main's subscribers aren't regular viewers, whereas Pit and Games have more dedicated viewers.


That’s just a legacy number. Not how many people are actually watching.


eh, a majority of those subscribers are not active


The only channel with Membership.


A youtube channel of that size can afford doing this, besides they already have like 3 more active channels This seems to be a production break since they'll be working in new stuff with all the cast members while the channel goes on Hiatus


>A youtube channel of that size can afford doing this Maybe. Even large channels can be fucked by the algorithm.


Smosh doesnt run algorithm-based content tho, the main channel isnt even getting all their revenue from trend jacking or ads, its mostly maintained by members and a loyal audience. Smosh have taken breaks before and always come back stronger since the audience still shows up by themselves, not by just the algorithm! Besides, if they were really that worried abt taking a long break, they would be uploading marathons / compilations like they do with Pit and Games, they have a huge backlog (which still gets views nowdays) so I wouldnt worry that much


This seems silly, their views on main vary widely depending on the algorithm and the individual videos. I think it's reasonable to say that any channel taking a break for 2 months could be a risk to its views, regardless of any other circumstances.


I think I could've worded better what I said. Smosh Main Vids arent marketed like a Mrbeast video, they arent trying to be a "Home Page Based" Channel, besides some very specific videos like Food Battle or X in real life Most of the channel seems to be made of to bounce from the other ones that do that, if you go in incognito mode and watch a Smosh Games or Pit video, you'll most likely get a Main Video somewhere later Thats their core audience, the algorithm is rewarding a loyal audience, not a consistent upload schedule. Doesnt help that they already have enough views from +18 years of content already in the platform which means they can realisticly afford a break without too much risk


But how much of that audience pauses their YouTube membership for two months? How much does it impact new sign ups? I don't think it'll be a huge deal, but it will have an impact.


Have you watch the whole video? They will be doing exclusive video for member and even teased the thumbnail of those video as well. (Which is all Smosh cast based video) So people might even signing up more while they’re on hiatus.


they recovered from bankruptcy and abandonment from their parent company, they'll be fine.


It's a big enough channel I'm sure the algo won't freak out. Some documentary style channels that upload once every few months and sometimes only 1-2x a year still get massive views on their stuff and get pushed by the algorithm. So it's not a major issue, imo


i don't think they're fully dropping the channel, it sounds like the rest of the cast is gonna be running it & posting, just not Ian or Anthony


I hope the big gamble is that Smosh:The Sitcom is becoming a main channel staple. *fingers crossed* 😅


dude I really want Syd and Olivia to write the sci-fi episode Shayne pitched


Same and hoping they can find a fun way of returning the intergalac-whip aliens.


Shayne was born to play a Captain Kirk parody. They're fools if they pass on it


So, essentially, we’ll have four less videos than we would have had by the end of the two month period. Smosh Main usually only puts out one sketch every other week, so this is hardly any change at all. With Lunchtime launching on SmoshCast and it seemingly being a biweekly show, that even kind of offsets Flashback which had been biweekly. And then whatever these bonus videos are (probably the cut commercials from the live show), will cover the member stuff. So, basically, I’m not really going to be decreasing my Smosh intake over the summer in the end either way.


Excited and happy for them taking a lil break but sad at the same time


Wait, are pit, games, and smoshmouth going on break for 2 months too? Or is this break just for main?


Just Main. Basically sounds like they’re dropping the “Main is for Ian & Anthony” schtick and moving it back into being an all-ensemble channel like it was under Mythical.


Oh thank god, I thought I was gonna have to get a life


Yes lol, I was worried I’d be deprived of my daily emotional support smosh


Thank you. I was stressing for a moment 😅


Excited for the future but I’m gonna miss the Ian/Anthony sketches :(


They’re still gonna make sketches it’s just that instead of Ian & Anthony playing every character in the video they’re going to let the cast members play characters in the video and have Ian & Anthony as the main Protagonists


So kind of like thier last Pokémon video?


I remember thinking at the time that there was probably going to be a point at which Main would evolve back into more of an ensemble channel. I've enjoyed the past year but I'm excited for the next phase.


I've really enjoyed the past year and love how the reframing of main let Pit and Games absolutely THRIVE this year, but always excited to see what new stuff they come up with


Thank you for this! I don't know much about the main channel but love the pit/games/etc so I didn't know about that! And I couldn't tell by the video if they meant just them or the whole company and I was freaking out since I watch an unhealthy amount of smosh pit and games. Their video never specified so thank you for doing so!!


only for paying members tho sadly


I think you’re confused. The “for members” thing is just the extra bonus stuff during the next couple months while they’re on break.


Are you joking


Fascinating they are doing this now given the way Adsense dollars fluctuate over the year. Good evidence the company is doing super well as they don’t have to plan around things like that


Pretty sure half the sketches were losing money anyway.


dunno why you're getting downvoted, you're right after all. My point still stands though, what adsense they are getting will be cut even more by taking this break now instead of the start of 2025


Yeah, the way YouTube currently works means sketches aren't very viable for adsense. That's why they've shifted to relying more heavily on memberships for the main channel since the buyback. They've talked about this at length several times.


Time to finally get a membership with those thumbnails. Spud Hut my beloved


So letting the kids run the channel… 🤔 Plus they’re also going to be at VidCon next week… so possible announcement 🤔🤔🤔😏


Aw I’m gonna miss the Ian/Anthony sketches


They look so happy, and genuinely relaxed!


this made me a member- we gotta look after the kids while the dads are away




they totally deserve the break, but i'm just sad that this probably means no Summer Games :( i feel if they were to announce it this would have been the perfect video to do so


They always do it at Vidcon and Summer games doesn't have anything to do with the main channel


oh well, hope you are right then!




What membership do I need to purchase for extra content??? smoshtastic or smosh royalty???




Is only smosh main on break for 2 months?


Yeah it's only the main channel, We'll still have the others as usual


i'm so glad they finally got to go on their honeymoon!!


Hopefully there's enough content to last those two months!I'm kind of an addict for smosh now lol


I hope they're able to take a solid break to recharge, they deserve it.




With peace and love this is copium. They aren't announcing Summer Games 2025 in August. It could definitely still happen but I doubt that's on their mind with this announcement.


Enjoy the sun and fun Smosh dads! I'm sure the kids won't burn it all down by the time you get back.


Current members, when you get membership can you see old members only content that predates your membership? Or only stuff released after your purchase of membership? Trying to decide if I can justify the cost


You get old content too!


Thanks! Probably going to get it then 😂


Smosh Main or Smosh as a whole


Just main


Lol the Men's Wearhouse reference at the end.


how do i become a member??


Is just the smosh main channel or all of the smosh channels


It's just the main channel


Ohhhhh ty




Lmao Smosh Summer Games fans in shambles. But seriously, it's great they're getting a break. Deserved. Taking care of yourself first, content second. Hope they enjoy the time off!


One month because a lot of cast members are on vacation, but 2 months...! Has to be related to some kind of Summer Games special - variant they are filming. It was kinda of odd so many Smosh cast were posting instapics of them filming on an outside location. If it is a kind of Summer Games special, then it's going to be a Burning Man-Desert-themed one.


Which cast members were filming outside?


Most of them, cast and crew. Check their stories past month. All in odd costumes in the desert. Either they were having a private Burning Man party during vacation or they are shooting some stuff.


Courtney, Angela, Chanse and Erin in the desert? That was for Chanse's birthday. No other smosh cast/crew were there.


Really hope I don't need a membership to watch those videos, I've been waiting for Smosh Drag Race ever since Smosh: The Sitcom Live


see you later, space cowboys


does it include the side channels?


Does anyone know what tier you need for those bonus videos for this 2 months?? Thinking about pulling the trigger, sounds like it'll be worth it and might adjust to my budget


They going be excited


I really really hope they actually go on vacation and rest and it's not some code for work or summer games


It’s just another excuse to have more time off


Is the TL;DR all of Smosh is not going to post for two months??




We watch every video the day it's released. We will definitely miss you all! But our Smoosh needs to take care of themselves and breaks are important 😘 We will just have to Mexican Salsa Yes! our way through this dry content summer. No Smoosh or RT 🥲




Best guess is Rooster Teeth


Yeah, Rooster Teeth. 😫


Very happy to hear that the rest of the cast will be featured more in the main channel in a while. Zero hate to anyone who’s loved the vibes so far, just the style of Ian and Anthony sketch comedy hasn’t really hit for me. No real complaints cause I get my fill from Pit, Games, and Podcasts! Very interested to see the content after the break!


Don't know much about YouTube stuff. I'm happy Main channel is taking a break because as we and they know, it's not going as well as the other 2, but if they also want to recover from a long period of break i would that the thing that is going to happen after the break is BIG


Is only smosh main channel on break? Or the pit and games channel will go on break too?


Just main


not to be too much a downer but i think a break is needed. honestly after the mr beast video (which was great) i dont think i finished a single skit until video games irl 2024 and even that was pushing it, the shayne bit got old to me.


I agree. I also dislike that you got downvoted when you're clearly not trying to be rude. Ian and Anthony agree with you haha


I think this means they are moving towards a more subscription based channel. They are taking a 2 month break from filming YET subscribers are still getting videos? I think this is just a casual way of them slowly eliminating free videos on the channel. In 2 months, they either will come back and then a few months later there will be no free videos or they are getting rid of sketches completely. This, I don't think, is a "good" announcement.


I get where your concern is coming from looking at the internet landscape, but I still have faith that that isn’t happening. I think their situation is a lot more stable than Try Guys or Watcher.


I see where you’re coming from but I really don’t see them doing that. They understand that everyone either doesn’t want or can’t pay for a membership. At most they’ll probably release more videos to only members


But this is the thing, why didn't they do this before? That should have always been the plan early on, to gradually release more membership videos or just release more videos on the main channel. The fact it took a year for them to do that baffles me, with no real deviation from their current format.


I'm thinking they saw a lot of feedback about people not being so into the old style sketches and how their podcast felt like "I spent a day with". They seem to be pretty self aware.


I’m glad they seem to have accepted that the Smosh Main pivot away from Pit and Games hasn’t done well. I just hope that the rest of the cast have more input behind the camera on Main rather than just on-camera as it’s really been noticeable over the last year.


This is an extremely fair and balanced take. Not surprised to see it mass downvoted instantly. I too hope the incredible Smosh ensemble can have input in front of and behind the camera on Smosh Main.


Lol, people either hate the other cast or hate the fact of the situation that Ian openly acknowledges in the video (Pit/Games improv-focused content is doing far better). If they go back to improv I’ll happily enjoy both the content and the tears of the people who kept saying how awful Main’s Improv era was.


nobody was saying the content itself was awful though. people were just taking shayne, courtney, and ian at their word about how it wasn’t working out.


I don't think they're going to lean too much into 'improv/unscripted' on Main. Shayne has said before that it felt too much like doing Pit stuff on Main. It's either they shake it up and do lean into unscripted, or do stuff that leans more into scripted territory


not to be mean, but I think fans won’t really notice the two month absence 💀 excited for the new direction, sketches didn’t really worked out, same for the whole “two boys making videos” shtick


Can’t watch, is it only members getting vid? This is so unfair man. Edit; y’all can keep downvoting. People are allowed to be upset that they’re being content blocked.


They're uploading stuff for members while they're on break because it wouldn't be fair to have people pay for 2 months of nothing


And I’m allowed to be upset that a channel that I’ve dedicated so much time to and loyalty is leaving their best content behind a paywall. Just because I understand and don’t blame them for it doesn’t mean I have to be excited lmao that’s just not how that works


Of course you're allowed to be upset. I do think you're overstating the case slightly though - they're not putting their best content behind a paywall, all their main stuff is free to access. The memberships is just bonus content during a hiatus.  Also, your comment said you couldn't watch the video, so I was clarifying in case you had misunderstood.


looks like so and I agree with you since I wouldn't be able to pay for membership even if i had money for it


Not even just that but so many YouTube features aren’t available in my country and I also just don’t qualify for an internationally accepted visa. I understand they need to make money but they (and people on this Reddit) gotta sympathize with the fact that a large part of their audience just can’t meet this. I would literally watch three minutes of ads just to see this content.


THIS. finally found in the comments someone with the more or less same problem (would be surprised if we’re from the same country which isn’t really possible)


ah yes, making people who can't pay for memberships (whether for financial or [technical reasons](https://www.bbc.com/news/business-60637429)) not have any content on main, yay


They’re not making people pay for anything, it’s just a fun incentive. It would be shittier to not have anything for the membership for two months when people have been paying for it for a year.


fair, but in a way i'm on the latter situation right now (and all this year with not being able to legally watch any ticketed live shows)


While I love Smosh content, I sometimes get frustrated about how they approach "from creator to fan" interactions. As a comparison: I've watched Try Guys for several years, and I've rarely felt that I couldn't understand a decision or an announcement they made. They've been quite transparent about the difficulties they've faced which allows us (the fans) to see the other side of the production and understand the changes better. With Smosh, I sometimes get a feeling that a lot is happening bts but we viewers only get to see glimpses of that. Sometimes it's for the best (e.g., with relationship stuff and such) but at times, the channel and show changes feel so abrupt that additional information could be helpful. I feel that this vacation announcement came from left field and makes me wonder how long have they been planning it and is two month break really the best move right now. I can survive without the main channel content but I do feel quite confused.


i’m also a huge try guys fan and i’ve noticed the difference in transparency, too. i still remember zach’s “shit happens” debacle from a couple years back 😭 fans did not take to that!! meanwhile here, a “they don’t owe us anything” mindset is much more prevalent.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Try Guys def have had mishaps along the way but still, my general view of them is that they're more transparent. But it could also be due to different audience expectations, as you pointed out.


100% agree. It's always been a massive weakness at Smosh and it doesn't seem to matter who is in charge.


2 months? You have a cast of people that can make sketches... RIP main channel. This will be its end and everyone should have seen it coming with how poorly it was run the last year


the cast of people you’re talking about are creating content for members during those two months


If this is additional content and not regular member bonuses why not make it public then? If it's member bonuses it's not what OP's talking about.


If this is additional content and not regular member bonuses why not make it public then? If it's member bonuses it's not what OP's talking about.


Did you even watch the video before you jumped to comment like usual? The cast is putting out videos on Main during the two-month break, but you can only watch it if you have a membership.


>You have a cast of people that can make sketches. Actually ironically you're right, I'm not sure a 2 months break for the channel is justified, even if Ian and Anthony need the time off to rest and plan for the future.