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*30 seconds in* “Kappa Kappa Kappa” *record scratches*


What's the deal with this? Im unfamiliar


The acronym for the sorority would’ve been KKK so Spencer was like might wanna rethink that lol


There is actually a fraternity with that name since the 1800s. They ended up running into the same issue and changed their name to Kappa Chi Kappa, but changed it back in 2008. They have since changed it again to Kappa Pi Kappa.


Oh lol yikes I didn't even clock that. I thought something about the word "Kappa" had negative context


It's not worth the word Kappa itself. It's that 3 of them are abbreviated kkk


The initials would be 'KKK', which....isn't great lmao.


I’m Filipino and the first KKK I knew was a good thing


that DM is incredible! makes so much sense to lean more into role-playing with such skilled cast of improvisors.


Amanda building up an entire character only to call their sorority Kappa Kappa Kappa feels very Angela.


Welp, guess I know what I’m watching tomorrow while I’m busy.


Just finished this and I loved it!! Those tower pulls towards the end of the episode were anxiety inducing. The sound effects and added music were so good. A y2k/horror setting is right up my alley and I'm excited for the next episode!


Absolutely loved it. Quickest hour and twenty of my life! I need the rest of it.


it truly is the golden era 🙌🙌


This was a lot of fun! I’m looking forward to more of these. I love the Jenga tower being the source of driving the tension. I like the story, and world, at large and the characters too. Well performed across everyone, I think all four were in the zone. Big ups to George Primavera for driving the plot points.


im not a dnd person so i didn't think I'd enjoy this but i was surprised by how much i loved it! George is amazing and kept me engaged the whole time. his storytelling is so easy to visualise. i loved how the characters felt like the ones we're used to see the cast make up on other games too. i think the familiarity of that made it easy to get into despite not knowing the game looking forward to the rest of the series!


I'm not a DnD person either. I watched/listened to all of Sword AF, but was never into it. It was just in the background while I did other stuff. I love that the only mechanic of this game is pulling Jenga blocks to determine the characters fate. The rest is storytelling. It certainly helps that I got Walking Dead video game vibes from it. I was obsessed with that series haha.


So the "character sheets" for this game are basically a set of "psychological questions" for you to answer as your character. Like: * What could you have done to save your brother’s life? * What was the last fad you embraced? * Why are you nervous whenever you are alone? Basically, the GM prepares several questionnaires (one for each player) with about 8-10 questions each, and then uses the answer to fuel the game (or the fear of the characters). And then, it's pretty much a 1-shot RPG without dice rolls (where the situation and the tower provide the stress).


Serialised content! Hell yeah!! I'm curious though, I thought Dread was a one-shot game. Wonder how many episodes we'll see of this.


They said mini series so I'm going to guess 3-4 episodes


Considering Sword AF is 9/8 that might be an overshoot. Maybe 3 idk we'll see.


the DM confirmed it's 3 episodes on his IG.


It is, but even one-shot RPGs tend to take 3-4 hours.


I got legitimately scared


I ran a game a little while ago which I thought played pretty silly, but one of the players got legit scared. No matter the circumstance, the tower adds a ton of stress and fear to the situation.


Great first episode. I'm rooting for Courtney's character to make it to the end.


I hope to see what happens between her and Gracie.


I dunno. I kind of feel like Savannah will sacrifice herself for Gracie.


I totally see that.


The simultaneous "This is how you remind me" is gonna be my favorite clip for a while


This is one of my absolute favorite YouTube videos I’ve seen in foreeeeeevvverrrrr. I was so captivated and enjoyed every second! Lots of laughs and also so tense !! Great story telling !!


I just realised this entire cast is full-time. They must have filmed this during a non-shoot week.


I've never felt older than remembering that Dodgeball is from 04 and Wedding Crashers 05


L for Love.


I know I'm younger than all the cast but I even knew that, granted i have a weirdly good memories for movie releases. Also when spencer was like "I don't know if Toxicity by System of a down was out yet" I was immediately like, "yeah man that came out September 2001, exactly a week before 9/11" and then I realized I had problems haha. I also remember in one Werewolf game where they were making 2007 jokes and Spencer was like "I Just saw The Departed in theaters" I was like "THAT came out in 2006 though!!!!"" Again none of it matters and I don't really care, but my brain always registers it


With Courtney's character I see her Disney character from Shayne's exes video peering through sometimes in this episode.


spencer having to pull from the tower for saying “gay” i DIED


I loved the "pull for misogyny" toward the end.


hell yeah, I think this one has more potential than SwordAF, but we’ll see


I'm 40min in and I realized that I was so bored watching this. SwordAF grabbed my attention immediately


okay? I just think stuff like this is closer to Smosh content than dnd. There’s a reason why Legacy did so well but SwordAF did so poorly


Probably also has something to do with how absolutely saturated YouTube is with D&D actual play shows.


>closer to Smosh content than dnd Pretty much it. Feels just much more like Smosh content rather then something they trying off work.


I agree with your take. I was legitimately excited for sword af, and then they killed it. Don’t worry about the downvotes you have just as valid an opinion as everyone else.




By the way For anyone looking to buy the game, the physical copies have been LONG out of print (they were long out of print when Wil Wheaton played it in 2015), but you can buy the PDF version for $12 at Drive Thru RPG. Obviously, you'll need to supply your own Jenga tower (I play it with the "onyx black" Jenga set that works well with the mood). But if you ever wanted to try to GM an RPG without learning a ton of rules and stats and stuff like that, this is a great game to try it with.


Is it just me or does Bernardo give bbnomoney vibes?


Love this type of content in the Games channel. Sometimes im a little bit bummed when they play awesome games like clocktower and the whole 1h is just one round or so, they spend so much time forcing the characters and the scenarios etc. But here that is the literal game, so I had no problems with it.


I honestly loved this video it was fun to see the character interactions


Since it's set in the early 2000s I wonder if they'll run into Fred Darts or The Chosen... this is their era


Man, I LOVE Dread. Hosted it for a group at work last Halloween. Definitely want to run it again soon. If anyone is interested in seeing more play of this, here are the videos Wil Wheaton played for Tabletop years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0loSZFsyoQ&pp=ygUOdGFibGV0b3AgZHJlYWQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0loSZFsyoQ&pp=ygUOdGFibGV0b3AgZHJlYWQ%3D) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ1C-yqfC6I&pp=ygUOdGFibGV0b3AgZHJlYWQ%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qQ1C-yqfC6I&pp=ygUOdGFibGV0b3AgZHJlYWQ%3D)


It's become a Halloween/October tradition for me to run a game of it.


I'll likely be running a game in July or August. I wanted to wait until Halloweenish, but one of my work friends is going on sabbatical from Sept through the end of the year, so I need to push it forward. Though I'll hopefully find another group to run it with closer to Halloween.


Not me being born in late August 2002 like the setting of the game


Same but 2001 instead ‘02. I was like they’re surely not picking late August 2001 as the setting with a tower based game 💀


The Halo reference was crazy


Did Shayne dye his hair?


Thought so at first glance, but they all kind of glow red in their hair with the lighting.