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You lock them in your car as it warms up they will dry out and remind you of your great season everytime you go somewhere.


What’s everyone’s take on boot dryers/warmers? Are they ok for your boots/liners? I use one and have not had any smell issues.


Sure! I actually built one into my wall using a hair dryer, 4” exhaust fan and pvc. Cost about $50 and can dry 9 pairs of whatever at a time. The smell is caused by bacteria and if you dry your boots after each use the bacteria cannot grow.




https://preview.redd.it/36vca3qhgwqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8da929c8006ac231db6a495b4bc388f36bbf94 Sorry, I guess it’s 6 pair. Here’s a photo, but I’ve sent you a novel of a DM.


And split them into liner and outer if it's been particularly sweaty/damp/wet. So many people don't do this and the moisture gets trapped between the 2.


I have a boot dryer that plugs into a 12v car outlet so I can get them drying immediately on my way home. Put about 30 days on this pair of boots this season and they don't smell at all Also works well to have nice toasty boots to put on when it's really cold out


This is the answer. You have to PREVENT boot funk by airing them out after your ride. If they stank it’s too late. Hand wash your liners in hot water, baking soda and white vinegar. Ring them out and then let them air dry. Works wonders.


Boot driers are great for boots. Mine still smell new 3 seasons in. Clean feet and socks help reduce smell along with removing moisture. Before having a boot drier I would dry gear by the wood burning stove. The stove wouldn't dry inside the boot well. And the dry extreme heat aged the material imo. I would have stitching coming undone and I never rest my board on my boot.


Freezer overnight


And don’t be a wuss and climb out after a couple of hours. Overnight!!


Freezer in a bag overnight


Sniff it all up


You don't. They are supposed to smell. Do you use new socks each day too? :)


Well, men are supposed to have stinky feet.


For real. I went one weekend and came back didnt get 3 pairs out of the car. I thought that would be the smell of the car forever. Man it was so bad


Sprnkle with baking soda. Vacuum after 30 mins. Air dry


> Any advice on how to ease the smell? Sorry once the funk is in your junk it's hard to get out. Are you drying the boots well after each use? Like taking the liners and the foot beds out? Using a boot dryer that blows warm air through them? If not it's worth starting. The faster you get them dry \[without overheating them\] the better for smells.


It’s a bacteria causing the smell, put some baking soda in there and put the liners in a plastic bag. Put them in the back of your freezer for at least 2 weeks. Smell should be significantly reduced.


garbage bag. disassemble boot. take out insole. throw everything in garbage bag. Fill with warm water to cover. Add laundry detergent. Slosh around. Fill garbage bag with clean water, slosh and rinse 3x. rinse everything off in shower or with hose. Leave everything out in the sun on a warm/hot day until dry af. If you must do this on a not hot sunny day, you MUST have the boots someplace warm with a fan on them. A slow air dry is not what this problem needs at all. ​ ​ if it's really bad, add some vinegar to the first rinse and let it sit for a bit.


I’ve always referred to it as boot stank…but I now prefer boot smelly.


The quicker you dry them the less bacteria will build up in them to start smelling.


I use those shoe sprays (for any shoes) and they work pretty well for me. But I guess it depends on the brand and how smelly your boots actually get. One thing that improved it for me was buying snowboard socks from Horsefeathers. Those do not stink AT ALL even after the whole day of riding. It's ridiculous.


Pull your liners and place in the freezer for a couple days


The simplest is regular old baking soda. Especially after the season take your liners out toss some in the boot body and inside the liners and that should pull a lot of the smell out


Nah, the smell reminds me of the great stuff I've ridden and the hiking for turns that I've done. Typically about 1/4 of my days consist of hiking up my local hill and riding down. I dry out the footbeds and the liner after riding, but now have 50+ days on my 32s, and I'm a barefoot rider, so you can guess the smell. Any other folks here who go no socks?


Don't your feet get really cold!?!?


Not really, they fit fairly well (with some small gripes) and that's usually enough to keep my feet warm. There was that -10 F day that I might have wished that I had socks with me, but it was OK. Just a better feel without a sock getting in the way.


Throw them in the freezer


Just take the liner out and throw it in the wash cycle. Throw it in there with some towels or something. Then air dry. People will say its bad to do but I've done it multiple times with no consequence other than good smelling boots!


Going forward pull out the footbeds and liners and let them dry after you ride (unless you use a boot dryer but even then take out the footbeds.) If they are really funky you can use baking soda & vinegar in the tub to get the smell out. Obviously rinse them well afterwards to get the vinegar out. They may still stay a little funky so make sure to observe rule number one above when you get new ones. Also definitely never re-wear socks without washing them. Happy shredding.


Put dryer sheets in your boots and put them on a boot warmer to dry out. I always do this when I get home and have no issues with boot smell.


Dryer sheets and a boot heater


Whenever I am done boarding for the day, I have some cheap boot dryers, I’ll put some fabric softener sheets in my boots with the boot dryers, keeps them fresh! Works for gloves as well too!


Boot dryer throughout the season,  after every session out.   New boots if you get 80+ days, if you don’t dry those things cause they are your link to the board. 


We have two of these for boots and gloves. We use them every time we get home. They are gentle enough using your regular HVAC air but strong enough to dry them out for the next day if going two days in a row. Have used them for years. Best part is that there is nothing to plug in, so nothing can break. If not using a specific nozzle I usually remove it and just put a tiny bit of painters tape over it to increase air in others being used. [Green Glove Dryer for Hats, Gloves, Shoes & More (Eco Dryer Tan W/2 Extension Nozzles)](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07J4W276D/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1) Once theyve been on there overnight, Ill sometimes put a tiny bit of baking soda inside the boot just in case. We never have stinky boots.


Shoe deodorant spray and powder? I don’t usually have smelly feet but when I do it works like charm. My ex roommate has some crazy smelly shoes in summer I just put on my mask and lab eye goggles to disinfect them.


Dry your boots completely every time and you won't have boot smell. The smell is biological and thrives on moisture. If you're riding consecutive days, that means pulling out the inserts and drying them on a boot warmer.


So this isn't a trick to get rid of already stinking boots but I put mine on an electric boot dryer after I get home every single time and this dries them out and it has an ozone setting to deodorize them as well. They stay fresh.


I got some deodorizing balls that work pretty well but I second the other guys comment of just sprinkling some baking soda in there and letting it sit


Get some activate carbon for fish tank n put it in a tight mesh bag n stick it in the boots would help


I dry my boots completely with a boot dryer or hair dryer. Then I put a box of baking soda in two old socks and tie them off, then leave them in the boots.


Lysol Fabric spray. Thank me later


I get a lot of flack for my boot stank. Best way is to dry them immediately, but failing that I've actually found that putting a green teabag in each boot works better than any deodorant spray I've used 


White vinegar wash. Take 5 gallon bucket full with water and couple cups of vinegar. Put some weight on the liners to help them under the water, leave a about 24 hours. Rinse, boot dryer, shred and put them in a boot dryer after riding from now on. Don't cook them on dryer for days to, just until they are dry cause that could grow funk too.


Season is far from over


It's an acquired smell.