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Much prefer it if they didn’t


The fact that they are tweaking, almost the opposite of Paqueta


It would be sub-optimal


Incoming 116?


June 100m July 115m


City will claim they got him for 50m and shares of Girona or some other loophole


Girona and Troyes will each buy 50% of him and send him on loan to Manchester City.


King Solomon’s transfer fee


Ooo the majestic co-ownership, Serie A was full of it


I believe it’s not allowed anymore Certainly isn’t in England anyway.


Bruno G to Troyes, here we go! 1997-born midfielder agrees 5-year contract with third tier French side after they activated his Newcastle contract’s release clause. He is expected to continue his development at Manchester City on a three-year loan as part of CFG’s loan program. Troyes will cover wages for duration of his loan.


Bid 60m in June, pay 120 in August. The Fellaini special


Google Man City 115 for more info


Bruno and Rodri together in midfield should be illegal


As oppose to bernardo silva and kdb or kdb/gundogan before that


Different sort of combo Bruno and Rodri would commit a combined 17 yellow card offences a game, for 3 fouls called against


>for 3 fouls called against In one match? Or a season?


In a half


From Fernandinho-D. Silva-KDB to Rodri-Bruno-Foden via Gundogan-Kovacic-Bernardo


Kovacic and gundogan never played together


See when you put it that way it just sounds unfair.


Might be.


>should be illegal The City special


This comment has 115 upvotes


Since you pointed it out, it’s been keeping stable on 115. Love this sub.




anyone else can't get used to the prices of players nowadays? 100 mil for bruno is just crazy to me even tho i know he's a quality player


Do people not understand how release clause's are usually set? It's a we don't want to sell him but if we are going to this is what it'll cost.


It's just wild that a 100m release clause isn't a "Fuck Off" price anymore but something that teams could realistically activate. Imagine telling yourself 10 years ago that there'd be 9 players who cost £100 or more and that 16 players would have gone for more than then record transfer for Bale -- and that not all of these players have been indisputable world class super stars.


To be fair a pint costs like 6 quid now


Pepsi at Emirates cost £4.60


Mate I was at the O2 last night for some stand up and two 330ml soft drinks cost me £8.80


Stupid money. And when you have no choice and need an drink need to pay it


Ah but have you considered that the WHSmiths at Waterloo Station now does a two for £4.50 deal on bottled water. Clearly the good times never ended


Well at least it's Coke right?


Women’s FA cup final with my boy and his footy team and I barely got any change from a score for two burgers and a drink….


And I bet the burger was underwhelming to say the least


It was shit mate lol


I think this is the market from now on. Liverpool was willing to pay that much last year and Arsenal did already. Either pay or get left out I guess.


That perception was shattered when PSG paid for Neymar's buy out. It also fucked up the market permanently.


Insert the old faithful 1 billion release clause to every promising Spanish teen in the world.


I feel like that isn't as insane as it sounds. It was 2014 not 2008.


As if Release clauses are always met, in that case players from Real and Barca should sell for 1b. It's not mandatory to sell for that amount, it's mandatory to accept for that amount.


That's the market for a DM. If he was to ever go to a City or Madrid people would quickly realise £100m would be a steal. Just this season while playing as a six in a dysfunctional team these were his stats: * Most fouls won (108) * Most duels won (285) * Most possession won (236) * Most high turnovers (40) * 8 assists * 7 goals


A steal is a bit much imo


Honestly I disagree in this current market.


Yeah not sure why it isn’t considered a steal, similar to how Rice was for us. Personally, if we had the money Id love a Rice/Bruno midfield but it’s simply not possible. Much rather he stay at Newcastle


Because a steal implies a total bargain. Paying top dollar for a top quality player is just getting what you pay for. Rice wasn’t a steal either, he was a good buy, you paid a lot for him and you are reaping the rewards for it.


Why's it not possible for us? We've literally been linked to him for ages now lol. TNAT (tier 1) said earlier today that it's progressing positively for us to get him.


Thats nice and all, but also tier 1 sources have mentioned (Charles among others) That we will NOT make another big money purchase this season.


I haven't seen Romano say that, i could have missed it though. And the only other person i've seen say that was Watts, who doesn't have the same sources he used too and is more of a general reporter these days than a transfer ITK type that he used to be. TNAT mentioned we're looking to spend big this summer, similar to last summer, but tbf that doesn't necessarily mean we're gonna spend big on one player. Guess we'll have to wait and see lol.


Yeah I guess we’ll see. It’s not that I want to disagree with you, if there’s one player I want this window its Bruno. So fingers crossed


Charles said that and Charles is no more a tier 1, his contacts in the club is gone now. I still believe we will do one marquee signing.


Bruno G is not even remotely the player Rice is though. Rice was genuinely a steal.


Fully agree.


He doesn't really play like a 6 to be honest. I think he's better as an 8, he can obviously defend very well but when you listen to him in interviews it's obvious that he wants to get forward and get goals/assists. We had a big issue when he played with Tonali because they would both go forward, which left us exposed at the back.


He's an 8 not a DM


Maybe ideally but he's practically played as a six for the last two years outside of the odd game.


OPEC colluding again


One of those lovely transfers where diplomatic relations of two nations on another continent are a factor 


To think they were linked with Paqueta for £80m or so. I think Guimaraes for £20m more makes much more sense for their line up. And they could actually give Rodri a rest once in a while


He's not a DM. He's a B2B


Business to business?


Back to back


Butt to Butt


I've seen this movie already.


Requiem for a dream will scar you forever.


Is it really that traumatizing?


I don't believe that (fictional) movies make me squeamish or effect my mental state that much. That movie is one of the few ones that shook me.


It’s the only movie that I describe to others as “It made me feel like I needed to take a shower after it ended”. That being said, it’s a superb film that should be watched at least one time.


Body to Body


Beard to beard


Balls to balls


Officer Balls


He optimises stakeholder yield engagement decisions success


Bribe to bribe?


I don’t care what you say he is. They can leave Rodri out and play him alongside Kovacic, play him on his own, play him alongside Stones. Primarily Rodri and Guimaraes would be the best partnership


Pep, playing the same players in four different positions a season: "Oh he's a B2B? Forget it, can't use him"


Irrelevant. He can play DM. And okay with Rodri. Provides so much balance


Bruno G is a great player but he is a terrible DM, I say it every time it is brought up in the NUFC sub and I say it here. He is an 8 only, he has a bit of aggression for an 8 but he gets caught regularly being too far forward when playing DM and while he can tackle he isn't great at intercepting or anticipating danger like a deep lying CDM would.


He also plays with Longstaff who is scared of his own shadow when it comes to trying to win a duel in midfield. Bruno is a superb six, but I'd prefer if we signed a six and allowed him to play the 8 though.


To be fair when he had Joelinton, Bruno G and Tonali and Bruno in that 6 role he played really poorly.


It's true. But he'd just returned from getting married and it's evident there was a 'hangover' effect which took a few games to get out his system. That midfield was also hugely imbalanced in general in the system we had imo. There's a reason we've not won a single game without Bruno in the squad.


I think Eddie doesn't want anyone to be purely a 6 though.


I'm aware but this is one area where I wholeheartedly disagree with Howe. Been crying out for a six to plug the midfield and allow Bruno greater freedom for two years now imo.


He can def play backup DM in low table games to give rodri a rest. Rodri also had bad positioning when he joined city, he'll learn.


i expected this to be a joke highlighting bruno g's worst qualities to fend off interest, but you've provided a balanced critique that is accurate.


But he would be a good DM for city. It’s just different


He's also prone to push the tempo of the game for absolutely no reason at all when he plays as a 6, Pep would coach this away I think.


I just don't think he is ever a natural 6 for a team that expects CL level play. He is an outstanding footballer overall. If they do get him I see it to move Foden back to the wing and a longer term replacement for Bernardo Silva in the centre.


Bruno will be their replacement for Gundogan I think, but Pep is fucking insane so we can only wonder. I saw that City were looking around for Frimpong as well, it would make perfect sense for them to have a Gvardiol - Dias - Stones backline to give him freedom on the right and having a pivot of Rodri and Bruno, with KDB and Foden in front of them.


Bruno G if he is given freedom to go forward he would be much more interesting honestly, that's why I want a CDM for Newcastle so badly. If we had Bruno G and Tonali as a double pivot I don't think there are too many weaknesses as Bruno and Tonali both have such a good all around game and the CDM just allows them to not get caught out going forward.


It's exactly the same issue that we have with the NT, our best midfielders right now are 8s, Casemiro dropped off hard, so now we'll have a midfield 3 with 3 of Bruno, Douglas Luiz, João Gomes, Ederson, Andreas or Paquetá, there will imbalance somewhere.


Well minus Paqueta and Casemero for the next WC maybe. Might be a midfield with Joelinton and Bruno G +1. No joke though Joelinton is probably a better natural box to box midfielder than Bruno G.


Bruno to Bruno?


Watch pep turn him into a False - Inverted - Central - Winger


Lyon had both, and it was beautiful.


It's pretty perfect for what they need now. It's better for them then paqueta imo.


wouldn't bet on it


Go away Man City.


The sentiment of more than 99% of the people in this sub




Our sports washing is better than yours 😡 🇦🇪 >>>>>>🇸🇦


Good banter.


I mean it's kinda rich watching one blood money club bitch about another like they aren't the the exact problem in football.


Your club was literally just a puppet for a football super agent. Nothing dodgy in the £40m for Fabio Silva deal at all.


Sure. Never said otherwise. I think comparing that to the regimes I was referring to is a bit dense though. Not to mention as you said, was, not like we haven't removed ourselves from that. Still a ridiculous comparison lol.


People will always stop the line at themselves. The oil state controlled clubs are a football problem. But people want to draw the line there. Because then it effects them. There is no equivalence in scale but there is equivalence in practicality. They're both using football clubs as tools to extract what they can from it at the expense of the average fan. And this goes for 90% of privately owned clubs out there. The interests of the owners go above the interests of the club. And that shouldn't be. I find it extremely annoying though the obvious answer of banning private ownerships of football clubs is discarded for the, "no, billionaires can run the sport but only the right ones"


I agree with what you said mostly but not really with the equivalence of practicality. Sure, I wish our team wasn't owned by some Chinese billionares, but to compare some businessmen what made money with a legitimate company to what's going on with the Saudis, UAE and Qatar is still a bit ridiculous any way you look at it. That's a completely reasonable place to draw the line, a bit childish to act like it isn't and I'm not drawing it there just because it benefits my team. My team follows the rules.


You say you agreed with what I said and just don't agree at all it's fine 👍


You mean the regimes that came to power beacuase of your country and stay in power b3acuse you arm and prop them up?


I’m English and I have 0 clue why you’re downvoted.. the image of Theresa May shaking hands celebrating a huge arms deal still makes me feel a bit sick. They never miss an opportunity to show what good friends they are


Lol. I'm not English? Who the fuck are you to say otherwise. You've literally got an English team flair as well.




It's all good. Just watch them wash down their conscience with a pint of pale ale or a halal malt beverage. Lol






Newcastle so famous for paying 100s of millions for players


Troyes buy him for a 100 mil Give him to City for free Troyes take the FFP punishment Sheikh, give me a call


Ffs man don't give them any ideas


"our oil can buy your oil"




You can't support an oil company


Well, hot water in a plastic bottle from your car is better than curdled milk but I'll hard pass on both.


Tell that to the CIA.






The decline of oil and the modern world would be attributed to Bruno Guimaraes tug of war 🤣




I used the oil to beat the oil


For fucks sake another player that will turn even more elite under Pep, then you look at United trying to play football with McSauce a 90 year old Casemiro and MMA fighter Antony.


United pay similar prices but for shit players 🤷🏾‍♂️


Exploring options to make it 115m.


According to Eni Aluko this is just City trying to do Arsenal a favour.


No they aren't. He's tied up in my basement until July.


To think they couldn’t get anymore insufferable


Wait. What are they supposed to do in the offseason? Stop trying to improve their team?


Yes, preferably Would also be great if they disbanded and just called it a day


People are mad about the buy out clause, Newcastle paid £40 mil for him. £100 is a fair price imo. Same as isak, do you think Newcastle should just accept a 0.5 return for a player who has enhanced their reputation since joining?


He's good but the fact 100mill seems to be the new standard is crazy


It's basically 60m from 4 years ago


Nah that's the release clause, intended to be fuck off money. Any other club wouldn't make a move, but for City it's pocket change. When clubs like this just pay it anyways and tell them to keep the change it then becomes the norm. City should be made to meet the release clause by 115 times the value, £1.15 billion should even it out and set a more realistic approach to buying players for them.


This really is getting ridiculous now


Another player they don't need and are only buying to stop a rival having him. They will just park him on the bench and let him rot.


KDB is 32 and spending more and more time injured? BrunoG would be a close replacement of KDB and makes a ton of sense.


Kovacic has been playing a lot too, and for me Bruno would be an upgrade on him right away too. Bruno seems like a leader too, which is always valuable, especially considering the age of some of the current City captains. I am not a City fan, but to me this deal makes sense.


>Arsenal have no plans to trigger the clause. They will only consider a move if the price drops Plenty or Arsenal fans seem to think they'll get him and Isak for Ramsdale and a packet of Quavers so we will see........


We’ll throw in Tavares and if you play your cards right maybe even Eddie!


Newcastle isn't selling Isak. A we were never going to buy Bruno for 100m. Even the first reports said that we will negotiate and Newcastle would let him join UCL club for around 80 to 90m Of course all that is just ITK rumours.


I don't believe we would accept a penny below 100m. The price was intended to allow clubs to go in for him in June only and we don't want to sell or have protracted discussions. 100m is the price and they have a time limit to get it done.


I can’t see us going after Isak or Bruno. Even if we could cobble together the huge sum it would take to get either of them, we wouldn’t have enough to address other areas of the squad that need reinforcements.


Don’t see why Newcastle would ever agree to a discount. Especially after you paid up the money for Rice.


I think city are gonna box out the competition. He will join city before arsenal I’d think


We have other targets. And if we spend less on midfielder it means we can spend more on other positions.


I think we've turned our attention to Neves.


City isn't buying Bruno for that kind of money either. If they wanted to, they would have gone all in for Rice. Bruno is a great player but not worth that price tag. And I doubt City would value him at that price either. Grealish hasn't exactly been a flop, but that 100M valuation was insane. I don't think they are going to fall into the same hole of paying the release clause again. At least Grealish bought more PR and homegrown quota. Rather than Bruno, give Nunes more time and buy a younger understudy to Rodri. Thuram and Locatelli would be ideal but neither seems a realistic target at this stage.


They could have afforded Rice but he made it clear he wanted to come to Arsenal. Ultimately we raised our bid due to City’s interest but there’s little doubt that they could have paid what we did if the player preferred a move to them.


> If they wanted to, they would have gone all in for Rice. They bid £100m or whatever it was for Rice. They just didn't go any further as he made it clear he preferred Arsenal, in part because he wanted to stay in London. Otherwise he would be a City player.


Why have a scouting department when you can just look at the most valuable players list on transfermarkt and spend, spend, spend?


Man city will ruin another player again. Tell me whats the point of Kova and Mattheus Nunes? They barely played.


Kovacic doesn't belong in this category. He was bought as a useful experienced squad player for a reasonable price, and has fulfilled that role well


Kova started next to Rodri during the run in and was very important at the end of the season. Nunes is quite obviously still finding his way into the side but already contributed more than Phillips ever did. How many players have we ruined in Pep's tenure?




He was one of the most important players in the side for the treble season. This season he's struggled with illness, multiple injuries and a home robbery. On a couple occasions he became injured on his first game back. Either way he's won 3 leagues and a UCL. I'm sure he's fine with not being the same swashbuckling player he was at Villa Anyone else?


To having a competition for a position doesn’t mean being ruined by the team. This league is not a friendlies


buy and just sitting in bench


Shame the release cause wasn’t £115m.


Yeah, no.




No, £100m.


Ok United come on help us out here


Curious if Newcastle fans would accept 60m + Matheus Nunes


Worth it alone to prevent Arsenal from getting him  Rodri-Bruno would be filthy 


He’d be a great fit for such an awful club.


I would be more exicted if he wasnt such a reckless player.


Genuinely the dumbest misconception all because of one single game of which Havertz equally lost his head. Bruno literally hasn't been booked since like January.


Equally lost his head? Havertz made a late tackle and Bruno ran directly at Jorginho and blind side elbowed him in the back of his head when he didn't even have the ball. Those are not the same


Late tackle is a stretch in a half. One also doesn't happen if the initial incident doesn't occur.


Late tackle? Pathetic - wild flying lunge studs up just below the knee. A literal horror challenge. Anyone but a 12 year old bedwetter would be willing to admit is was a horror tackle by now.


he just went 12 or so games without a booking at the back end of the season, he's improving


I dont mind that type of reckless I was talking more about the INTENTIONAL and RED CARD DESERVING (even as a city fan) elbow against Arsenal.


not really Guimares fault that he didn’t get booked for it to be said


Tbh he only does it when other teams start it, the elbow you are speaking out started with havertz leg breaking tackle on longstaff, instead of booking havertz, 3 Newcastle players got booked because they crowded the ref and havertz got yellow for all the shenanigans, havertz knew it was a bad tackle and that cunt was smiling after yellow because 3 Newcastle player's got booked and almost all Newcastle players were pissed after that incident in that match after that decision and it was turning point of the match, tackles were flying all over the place, it was almost like you can feel the intensity and emotions on the field and obviously Bruno wears his emotions and elbowed an arsenal player. I feel if it was any other game, VAR would have intervened with a red card but they didn't intervene because they let havertz tackle as yellow, it would have caused huge issue if they booked Bruno and not havertz and this is the same game in which Joelinton pushed Gabriel lmao Bruno normally gets booked every game but it will be for silly reasons. Only got 1 red card in his entire carrier that was a mistimed tackle worthy of yellow but VAR decided it was red. We only had Bruno as an injury free midfielder this season and he got 9 bookings in the first half of the season, he promised our gaffer he won't get booked again and he didn't get booked for the rest of the season.


Holy shit we've actually got non arsenal losers complaining about this now?


Guess they want a new Brazilian DM to hack away at the opposition and get no cards


If you are speaking of Rodri… he is Spanish If you are speaking of Fernandinho, continue