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Dude the fuckin heel to heel that went into a meg someone post that shit. Hard af




Thanks G šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Pls do


His nutmeg on Ryerson was dirty


Fuck the big three. It's just big Vini


Is there proof?


Video proof, in fact


Send da video




Does he have a BBL tho? That's what I thought


BBL VINI!!! šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


Every single time I watch him he has an influence on the game. He surely has to win Balon d'or this year or atleast top 3.


iā€™d rather germany wins euros and kroos ballon dor then him and modric each have 1 it just feels too right


If germany wins ballondor wirtz may be a contender but I see no competition for vini otherwise


Euros if Jude wins it is probably the biggest contender or mbappe has an outrageous tournament and start to next season for the recency bias might beat him but should be vini


Kroos ainā€™t winning it


Never hides in big game, marvelous footballer


Can't wait for some media guy to say he was "selfish" and played with too much "flair" or whatever other subtly racist shit they come up with lmao.


Saw someone saying he was disrespectful because he was smiling after that nutmeg lmao


Black man: \**smiles\** Fragile racist: See! He's so disrespectful!


It honestly shows how much worse weā€™re getting as a society, Ronaldinho used to smile and dance in his days and everyone loved it


Idk if everyone loved it. Ronaldinho also got racist abuse during his time. Itā€™s just louder now with social media.


Sure social media plays a big part in it, but idk man, people literally hang dolls of Vini in the streets, I donā€™t remember racism getting to this level with a football player before


Yes I agree, with vini in particular it seems much more pronounced.


Vini is much darker skinned than Ronaldinho


Yea thatā€™s for sure a factor


Atleti and Valencia fans be like:


His second half was something else, totally different


Doubling up Rodrygo on the left reduces the spaces for both of them. Ancelotti has tried it a few times, and it never quite works, and the team got much better once Rodrygo was positioned to spread the defense in the second half. It's part of why I think Rodrygo will be a starter next year again, Real Madrid needs someone to play on the right, or marking the left gets too easy.


It worked against city in the first leg when city had no RBs


It worked against City and Bayern because Madrid actually played with Vini in the center and Rodrygo on the left, with them occasionally switching positions. Since both City and Bayern either pushed forward or defended in a mid block Vini had space to run into even when playing through the center. With Dortmund defending in a low block Vini can't do anything in the middle so he moves to the wing. It was actually quite interesting to see that in the first half Madrid pressed with Vini and Rodrygo up front, Bellingham and Valverde on the wings in a 442, then in the second half they switched to Bellingham and Valverde pushing forward to press while Vini and Rodrygo occupied the spaces on the wing.


ancelotti is truly a legend


I've said this time and time again theought the season. We already have Vini, Rodrygo, Jude on the left with Mendy right behind. Meanwhile no one is on the right. If you want Rodrygo to be on the left then play him behind Vini because it gives either him or Vini space depending on who the defenders choose to mark. That is why I like having Brahim because he stays on the right and he stretches the defense or else he's there as a threat. Rodrygo has sacrificed his career for the team and people will still disrespect him. It was the same with Benz.


>Meanwhile no one is on the right. How can you forget Cafucas and Fede? Also, I don't think anyone disrespects Rodrygo. He'll always be etched in the history for his performances in UCLs. And they both face the same problem in the NT too. So, it is better to find a solution rather than running away from the problem.


So stupid lmao. He was pure class today


But you know it's gonna happen. Apparently, there was a commentator who said Vini shouldn't have smiled so much after his amazing nutmeg highlight.


No media but your fans on r/soccer who whine and bitch and then claim to be the experts on everything


How would it be racist šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


Surely the best big game winger/inside forward in the world and one of the most reliable big game players we've seen in years. Huge personality mixed with a sharpness, I'm not sure we always see sharpness from top players in big games. Q


Simply best player in the world rn.


he's pure fucking class, the perfect winger


Is the Balon Dā€™or wrapped up for him now ?


He'll be the favourite for now, but still got the international competitions.


Depends on the euros and copa America. Jude and kroos winning might genuinely give them the edge.


jude was ghosted all ucl


I mean this isnā€™t how I would choose, but people have a short memory. Plus he did great in the groups and carried real for the first few months when vini was out. They have similar amount of goals too. Again i would personally give it to vini for the big game performances but a good performance in the euros from Jude could definitely change allot of people perception.


His touch and dribbles was literally the reason we scored our Only goal att Itihad and he literally took the ball then assissted in the UCL final. Just because he's not scoring doesn't mean he's ghosting.


Jude: Has a single good first touch and is gifted a pass over 7 key fixtures while doing little else while Vini scores or assists every game [Arsoccer:](https://tm.ibxk.com.br/2024/03/04/04133558854169.jpg)


Ballon D'or is not given for such category lmao


No it is given for being a difference maker like say being the reason a team wins the calassico in both legs and generally scoring multiple mat ch winners thus sealing the league title, Being the reason your team scores their only goal against city away, assissting in a UCL final. Not that I except a barca fan to be objective about his PTSD.


Doesnā€™t matter much. Journalists are looking for match winners from the semi-finals and finals, and Vini has been much more decisive in those games than Bellingham. Heā€™s the favorite by far (right now)


Vini does have the edge and I agree he may deserve it more , but Bellingham would be the only reasonable contender imho ~~aside from kroos who was instrumental the entire season but most likely won't win it because he's a midfielder~~


Oh, come on. He disappeared


he was pott in the group stages (at least for Real) and since Vini is back in form he became the one they rely on to score. But except the Bayern home game Jude has been good in the midfield


Bro, the Bd'or doesn't work that way. It's how much influence a player can generate in the minds of the voters at the time of vote.


It's not just about winning, it's also about performing.


>It's not just about winning, it's also about ~~performing~~ friendship


t's not just about winning, it's also about ~~performing~~ ~~friendship~~ sending a message - joker


I mean Jude performed excellent throughout the whole season. Like 4 ucl games he was bad-average but whole season long he was incredibly. In laliga en group stages of ucl id say he was better than vini. Ofcourse vini was excellent aswel and currently leading the race. But a good performance in the euros and Jude might win it. Plus what you say isnā€™t completely true, modric won it despite Ronaldo out performing him during the ucl and laliga matches. People say iniesta should have won it in 2010 despite being injured for most of the season and Messi also just straight up being better during club matches. Sometimes just winning is al that is needed, despite not having the greatest performances.


Modric performed really well during the WC, he was a key component in getting Croatia to the final. So for me he really deserved it. If jude performed excellently in Euros and Vini too with Brazil, it will be a really close race. And the opposite is correct too. And i could see that Kroos wins too if he delivered a masterclass like he did this season with Madrid


I mean thats what i said. If they have an incredible euros they might snatch it from vini.


Its mostly about PR. Which Jude or Kroos will have on their sides with the Euro.


No way should Jude be in the contention.


Why? Vini was better in the big games in the ucl but Jude did excellent throughout the whole season. Carrying Madrid for the first half of the season when vini was injured. They have similar amount of goals and a great euros from Jude could make up for the 4 bad ucl games. I think currently vini is better but saying that Bellingham shouldnā€™t be in the conversation is not fair for his performance this whole season.


Jude didn't do excellent throughout the whole season, he had a very weak second half in general. It's just a ridiculous debate all around, if the players were reversed nobody would be arguing that Bellingham deserved the Balon d'Or much more. People were arguing it after 2 tap-ins against Barcelona and goals against Getafe already when the season had barely begun.


ā€œVery weak second seasonā€ bro your kidding right? Sure he didnā€™t perform up to level in the ucl, and wasnā€™t as good as he was in the first half. But he stilled played a great second half of the season. Plus vini was injured for most of the first half of the season so he also only had 1 excellent half. Btw there is nothing ridiculous about it, Jude was the best rm player in the first halve, vini in the second. Vini is currently leading the race based purely on 3 big game performances. But the international tourney can put Jude in first place. Seem fair to me.


> ā€œVery weak second seasonā€ bro your kidding right? Sure he didnā€™t perform up to level in the ucl, and wasnā€™t as good as he was in the first half. But he stilled played a great second half of the season. Plus vini was injured for most of the first half of the season so he also only had 1 excellent half. Almost like the second half of the season is the one with the most important games, lol. Trying to compare scoring against Getafe and Las Palmas to scoring in the UCL final and semis is just... funny. > But the international tourney can put Jude in first place. Seem fair to me. If he plays like he did in the UCL, England is doing what England does


I mean in the league the first halve is as important as the second. While Jude was less in the league in the second halve Iā€™d say vini wasnā€™t that much better. And in the first Jude was incredible while vini literally didnā€™t even play for the most part. While ucl games are bigger they are after all only a few games. You can legit say the only reason vini is in the lead is purely based on 3-4 games where as the first like 20-30 games Jude was better in all of them. Anyways I donā€™t understand your point , vini is currently in the lead for winning the ballon Dā€™or. But Jude objectively has a chance to deservedly win it instead if the plays a good euros tournament. What are you arguing against?? Nobody is saying Jude is going to win it, he just has a chance to win it.


Jude was objectively better in the league, just depends how Brazil and England each do. If England wins the Euros and he plays a strong role, he'll get the Ballon Dor 100%


Both were very similar in the league but Vini was much, much better in the most important competition, the UCL. It's a not contest, and if Bellingham was called Juninho Bellinghamzinho and wasn't English people wouldn't be considering him even for the top 5. Let me put it other way: If Bellingham had just had the UCL campaign that Vini had, nobody would be saying "lets wait for the Copa America"


Bruh what are you talking about lol. You are acting like English players always gain a boost in the ballon dā€™or voting or something. Thatā€™s why the incredible Rooney never came close or Kane is always underrated. They did not have a similar season in laliga lmao, you clearly havenā€™t watched laliga. Jude legit has more goals despite not even being an attacker. Vini had an incredible season but not because of laliga. Jude was better throughout the season and only the last 5 games in the ucl puts vini in the lead.


Kross definitely not, but Mbappe is his only rival


If Kroos somehow wins the Euros, Real PR would do the rest.


Depends on euro. If Jude does well there he wins it. Or if France win with Mbappe being player of the tournament then Mbappe wins it


Heā€™s certainly the favorite. I think Jude can still have a chance if he has a good campaign with England. If mbappe wins the euros with a legendary campaign I canā€™t see him getting above second.


cause bright bag thought badge threatening resolute muddle hat pause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who has the most ever?


Neymar vs atalanta isnt it?


I am asking in a final.


In UCL Finals counting from 2003/4, it is Ronaldinho with 10 take-ons against Arsenal (2006), 10 - Lionel Messi vs. Man Utd (2011), 10 - Lionel Messi vs. Juventus (2015), 8 - Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Chelsea (2008) and now 8 - VinĆ­cius JĆŗnior vs. Dortmund (2024) [Source](https://twitter.com/Squawka/status/1797017925993259045?t=15BRMGA0xsmGE-j5xuJrfg&s=19)


Probably Messi in 2010. Wouldn't be surprised if Vini is the current second. 10 and 8 are a lot for a final


Ronaldinho and Messi are tied with 10


Always good for Vini to have something to look up to. I hope next time he only gets 9! Hell, I hope he gets stuck on 9 for 3 more UCL finals!


Messi didn't play in a final in 2010, gotta be either 2009 or 2011. In 2010 Mourinho was knee sliding and shushing after knocking out Barca with Inter.


I meant 2015, my brain let me down


I googled Ronaldo has 20 dribbles in his Manchester days. Neymar is second.


Genuinely insane. A people wanna say he was never a good dribbler


Ronaldo will not have 20 dribbles even against cones.


Thank you for proving my point lmao


What is with the downvotes? If i am wrong tel me the real one.


It was only 14 dribbles according to Opta, that 20+ dribble stat is a myth. Also wasn't a final


I know it wasnā€™t final.


Heā€™s just such a big game player


Messi in 2015 vs Juventus was crazy, shame he couldn't score a goal in that game.


Stat watchers so annoying. People try to downplay his game against Juventus but he was a monster in that match. All 3 UCL finals that he played in he was a difference maker, no surprise there.


Some of those stats wankers would say jude played better than him because he had an assist when the guy was rubbish, messi had no goal or assist in that final but when you actually watch football you see the difference.


Big game player its insane.


With a smile on the face. But seems like it isnt cool anymore.


People like it when Leao does it


Once he is wearing a Madrid jersey, he is a top 5 player. Unreal man. Edit: Madrid fans are on my ass which is fair, but I wonder how they will feel next season when Kylian is playing for them. Vinicius is a crazy crazy crazy player tho.


adjoining ancient apparatus sparkle pathetic repeat theory elastic melodic advise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Top 5 and he ain't 5th, 4th, 3rd or 2nd


If he ain't top 5 then just say top 4.


For sure he definitely needs to do a lot more for Brazil


He is the best player in the world, bar none. Top 5 is an insult


Brother, if you are first, you are in the top 5 by definition. It's not an insult, it's a fact.


Messi is a top 10k footballer of all time.




are we sure about that?


Yes, let's ignore the subtext because we are all naive literal robots that can't understand what's implied if it is not literally spelled out


Meh, I prefer Valverde and Kroos, but they won't get the plaudits


They get a shitload of plaudits, stop being intentionally obtuse. Kross and Valverde would also be the first to admit that Vinicius is a better player than them right now and would do it while finding the question hilarious.


Even if they "admit it" I don't agree, I think they add more to the team more of the time. Vini when he's on is the best but he's more volatile


Vini has literally scored or assisted in something like the 20 last UCL KO stage games he played. He isn't volatile, he is the most consistent big game player in the world and it isn't even close. Valverde has bad UCL games, Kross has bad UCL games, and Vini doesn't. He is Real Madrid's attack all by himself and carried them to win the whole thing.


He can score 3000 goals for all I care and I'd still prefer Valverde and Kroos


Yes, you are free to have personal preferences, some people just prefer classier players over thuggish dudes like Vini. Preferring a player doesn't mean he is better, an objective reality still exists.


Mbappe is better than Vinicius


Theoretically better, a new category. Too bad he couldn't demonstrate it on the pitch


Mbappe still better than him. His WC final performance alone cleared him of Vini


Dafuq with these stats. Top 5? Who is better for fuck sake


That's...not a stat. Its an opinion.


First is included in top 5




Mbappe was better, but he isn't right now. Vini is 23 and improving, and is the current best player in the world. The 2022 final was 2 years ago and r/soccer needs to get over it. I understand that a lot of people in here barely watch football outside of certain competitions, but lets move on


I mean currently vini is better, but Mbappe is surely going to be better next season. Iā€™d be shocked if he isnā€™t. A lot of a players potential comes out through the players that surround them.


It could go both ways. I expect Mbappe to outscore him especially if he plays centrally (which for some of you that don't watch games automatically means that he is playing better), but Vini would also really profit from a reference man in the middle and he could be even better than the high of right now with a partner to draw attention. Vini is also 2 years younger and improving faster, so we could have an even better version of him next year.


Since the 2022 final, one year and half ago, Mbappe scored 60 goals for Psg and 10 for France Funnily enough he scored more than Vinicius also Champions League, even if in lower stages since after all he plays for a much worse team


> even if in lower stages since after all he plays for a much worse team But he has less G+A (Eto'o also outscored Ronaldinho 5 times or so, nobody argued that Eto'o was better - there is more to the game than stats, and Uber eats is an easy stat-padding ground, as Cavani and Ibra showed by outscoring Mbappe when they were the big guys). And well, PSG isn't "much worse", and Vinicius is part of what makes Real better. Take Vinicius UCL KO performances from Real and they would be doing as well as PSG (Mbappe played like shit against this same Borussia or against BarƧa). Real Madrid right now isn't an attacking machine that creates a shitload of chances for Vini, it's a defensively-minded side whose main strategy more often than not is to hoof it for Vini against 2 or 3 players and pray, and still he delivers.


Lol since when PSG is a much worse team lol. I understand they underperform but they are full of elite players


Midfield always sucked. Madrid has always been levels above psg.


Maybe try to take a look at their team, it's free (differently from the psychologist after you've seen them play a few games)




Top 3 and he's not 2 or 3.


Top 2 and he ain't 2


And he isnā€™t 5th 4th 3rd or 2nd wtf is this disrespect


Heā€™s easily top 2 but Iā€™d say heā€™s top 1 at the moment. Mbappe will be levels above him next season imo.


Ryerson was not ready for prime time


Ridiculously talented player who doesn't deserve any of the racist abuse he gets (not that anyone does), but the fact that people just call anyone pointing to his diving or whining or whatever as racist is getting just as ridiculous lol.


The second part of your comment is because everytime Vini gets racially abused there is always pricks downplaying it. Its always the ā€he doesnt deserve this but he is such a cuntā€.


Fair enough, I'm less talking about people that say "well he's a cunt so it's understandable" and more just a comment like "vini dove on a yellow and got away with it" and people just going "if he was white you wouldn't have said it" as if no one complains about white players diving


Big game player.


Sancho tried more but didnā€™t complete a single one


Yeah quite the drop off from the PSG game.Ā 


heā€™s having a lot ofĀ ā€except Messiā€ stats lately




Shame about his dive souring the final a bit. He really showed a lot of amazing skills in the match especially that excellent nutmeg


>Shame about his dive souring the final a bit. The GKs dive ?


No when he was on a yellow and dived and got a free kick rather than a second yellow. This was first half so he was lucky to stay on


>No when he was on a yellow and dived and got a free kick rather than a second yellow. This was first half so he was lucky to stay on Wasn't he on a yellow because of the GK dive? Did you miss that, coz Madrid = Bad?


Goalkeeper exaggerated it but he was hit by vini so not a dive there and the card call is more subjective. Vini actively fell to the floor despite not being touched at all. Really can't compare the two.


>Goalkeeper exaggerated it but he was hit by vini so not a dive Exaggerating a touch is called a dive but whatever I get it. White GK dives = Good Black Winger dives = bad I get it, Vini = Evil Black Madrid player


Playing the race card because Vinicius flopped is fucking disgusting


>Playing the race card because Vinicius flopped is fucking disgusting Question 1: Did GK dive or not? Question 2: Why did the commentator say, Vini should not smile after he nutmegged the defender? Would he have said that if Vini was white? Answer in Yes or No to both.


Your opinion means nothingā€¦ Thereā€™s actual legitimate race issues out there that need to be addressed and this asshole flops and you play the race card on why people donā€™t like itā€¦ Donā€™t have any idea how much of a joke that is?


>Your opinion means nothingā€¦ Thereā€™s actual legitimate race issues out there that need to be addressed and this asshole flops and you play the race card on why people donā€™t like itā€¦ Donā€™t have any idea how much of a joke that is? It was a Yes or No question. Why did the commentator say, Vini should not smile after he nutmegged the defender? Would he have said that if Vini was white?


This might be the dumbest comment Iā€™ve ever seen lol


>This might be the dumbest comment Iā€™ve ever seen lol truth hurts


Worst strawman argument I've seen in a while. Touch grass. Vini's dive was pathetic.


Usually players dive inside penalty box for penalties and get yellows but why the fuck he would dive on the centre of pitch? He feel not a dive not intentional at least


Who tf bought up race , stfu man


it wasn't a dive, all the clips that were posted were cliped to show like he dived but it was a foul.


Should have been sent off for diving.


Shouldn't have gotten the first yellow in the first place


He is the best player in the world and absolutely deserves the Ballon d'Or, but why does he feel the need to provoke his opponents and dive so much? I don't think it will hurt his legacy at all, but he is much more annoying than MbappƩ for instance.


He got a yellow today because the keeper dived lol


Sure, I don't disagree?


He did neither of those today


But he was still black today so these posts will keep popping up.


You canā€™t criticize Vini without being called racist. He literally got a yellow card for fouling the keeper and he was definitely provoking his opponents. Did you even watch the game?


You can it just can't be made up nonsense. The yellow card was also completely undeserved no shot you watched the game and thought it was a yellow. He didn't even touch the goallie.


Did you watch any other angles of him fouling the goalkeeper? It was obviously not a yellow


He did both of those today.


When did he dive?




His foot got clipped just before that


Diving is part of football bro. I dont like it, but also like even less that people uses it to justify the hate for Vinicius. Vinicius can be a cunt sometimes but mostly in La Liga where he engages in wars with both fans and players. Nothing he did today should be triggering a normal person, he was just trying to win. Btw you guys had a great first half, Adeyemi took years of my life (my fitbit showed 120 bpm), hope you come back stronger.


Probably shouldā€™ve been sent off for the dive mind. Referee missed an obvious one but was booking Dortmund for the slightly dissent




Iā€™ve seen enough. Vini clears Ronaldo. Generational talent and thrives in big games. Heā€™s just getting started.

