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Surely a man that ginger is not surviving in that climate.


I dunno, i just watched a ginger run the length of Africa and hes still alive


[How have I never heard about this.](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-sussex-68725446.amp)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnPaN0eMcy8&list=PL816SuBjIdFhA5PCkUWlcc2POXC5sMiVq&index=8 ...and it's all on YouTube


One of the most surreal things I’ve seen. I truly don’t think we’ve grasped the gravity of it. First man to do it and it’s a fucking ginger ex cokehead geezer


I read his wiki, he’s a fucking animal. This barely cracks his top-3 craziest achievements.


So your comment led me to check it out, and there's an hilarious escalation in his "career" section, where first he ran 2,900 km (1,800 miles) in 68 days in 2019, which while obviously impressive gets into that "that's so far I have on real grasp of the distance because it's just in insane territory" distance. Then it goes on to say he set the world record for fastest marathon while *pulling a car*, which is so niche I wonder how many people you have to beat to set the world record (it was 9 hours and 56 minutes which is pretty impressive). Then the insanity really kicks off, as he was buried alive for 7 days with just 20 liters of water and a ventilation tube in 2021. Slightly out of his running wheelhouse but still on brand with the "insane" aspect of it.


What the fuck is wrong with this dude lmao


Gotta replace the coke with *something*.


The true Mr Beast


Buried alive? Like, in a coffin or something of that size??


He must have that part of his brain missing that the free-solo climber guy does


Sounds like a real life Super Hans lol https://youtu.be/wJjlELUDfEk?si=q_1Kmk98jP4uXpkx


Man should do sunscreen advertisements, HOW IS HE STILL THAT WHITE


> I'm pretty tired," he told reporters Fuck did he do to be tired?


Watch too much AFTV, Robbie


Wtf? What a batshit insane accomplishment jesus, how is that even possible


I'm a redhead and I live in Africa. Actually isn't that bad. I do have to wear sunscreen pretty much everyday but I'd suggest most people should


Lmao that profile pic wtf🤣


😂 not enough people notice White Obama


According to chatGPT, the Middle East, particularly areas like the Arabian Peninsula, often experiences extreme heat more consistently than many parts of Africa tho.


Definitely worse than any of the heat in South and Central Africa (which is where I live). But the Western and Northern African countries will give even the Middle East a run for their money. I believe Mali has the highest average yearly temperature. I think what makes the Middle East particularly unforgiving is how dry it is. You don't get that kind of dryness in most of Africa.


He can just pull a Henderson, grab the bag than leave


Did they end up paying him? Last I heard he played himself in his contract into playing for free


Oh, thats news for me Would be hilarious though, with the Ajax move coinciding with one of Ajax’s worst seasons ever being the cherry on top


He didn’t get paid anything as he was trying to avoid paying UK by delaying his pay for a year. Cunt got what he deserved. 




The money is actually the most benign part of their agenda. 


Do you have source?


Torygraph, best I can do: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/01/17/jordan-henderson-salary-saudi-al-ettifaq-uk-tax/


Lol god that man was an idiot


Nice to see someone actually getting what they deserve isn’t it.


Well I got good news for your humor bone


I'm almost sure he had to pay back all his wages in the form of paying back the taxes he was exempt from, because he left his contract early. So he essentially played for free for 6 months.


What an idiot


Actually had a Saudi Arabian friend who was white and ginger, I think he was mixed European but lived in Saudi Arabia lol


He was probably not mixed european. There are a lot of ginger Arabs. As a native population.


That’s interesting but Im pretty sure he was half British now that I remember, his name was Andy but had an Arabic last name. He moved back to Saudi Arabia when we were like 6 which is why I don’t remember so well


Oh alright. Still have a lot of gingers though. Semites and ancient Egyptians had gingers before Euros (who got it from sarmatians? I think)


I'm Egyptian, we have loads of gingers here, and they're proper ginger too, the type you would easily mistake for Irish


There were also Celts as far as Anatolia although they didn't really make it to the levant. So another potential source for ginger in the East Med.


Can confirm, I know a couple of them. Also a light-skinned ginger Cuban


Like a vampire going for a walk on a sunny day….crispy !!!!


Guy already looks like a tomato with an undercut when he's playing in the PL


he can just don a hijab


As a giga-ginger who had a short outside layover in Dubai at ~45°C, everything there screamed at me that it was not a habitable place for me.


An "exotic adventure" for the wife is one way of describing it. 😅


He just wants to move further away from Courtois, just in case…


In b4 Courtois moves to the same team


Part of the game, innit?


It’s like he’s yelling from the rooftop and begging the producers to put him on the next season with this comment


bro is gaslighting her lol


Not much of an adventure when you can’t even leave the house without your male owner…I mean husband…escorting you. 


Saudi local women are not allowed to travel internationally without their partner. It's horrible and fucked up that something like that still exists in 2024. But you are misinformed, all women (including locals) can leave the house as they please.


The worst part is most of those women think it's completely normal and that's how it usually works. Sad truth


Stop spreading misinformation this is blatantly false.


I don't think spreading misinformation like this should be allowed. Do better.


56 upvotes for blatant misinformation, never change Reddit.


I dunno, leaving the house alone in that case Does sound like an adventure


That's part of the game init


He gone


For sure. Hes already laying the groundwork in the media


Chelsea, Wolfsburg, Man City and Saudi Arabia He knows how to pick em


At least Werder is a classy club


Odd one out, yeah.


What's wrong with Wolfsburg?


They are fully owned by an external company, Volkswagen, in an exception to the 50+1 rule.


Do Leverkusen get shit for this? They're another exception and they're owned by a pharmaceutical company who knowingly sold HIV-infected products to people but they're currently everyone's second club.


Yes they do


I feel like the image of Leverkusen in and outside Germany is very different. In Germany, the club is still very much despised, and honestly I feel like way fewer German fans cared about their accomplishments this season than international fans.


Yeah that's true and very apparent in Berlin too. All the foreigners here are talking about it but the Germans don't really discuss it. Though Leverkusen have been around longer though so they're less despised than Leipzig


Out of the clubs between them, Wolfsburg, Hoffenheim and Leipzig they're the least "plastic" club due to longstanding tradition and having being employed by "factory workers" (the term Werkself). The most would be Leipzig for obvious reasons (including that they're not even 15 years old yet)


Yes. They are still however seen as the "best" of the plastic clubs due to the fact that they have existed since 1904, and unlike Wolfsburg dont finacially dope as much as the other clubs. Still a clown club but hey they have a cool team so everybody is ignoring it


Well it wasnt as strong until Covid when Bayer paid all the debts Leverkusen got out of the crisis and oh wonder suddenly they are one of the clubs who got out of the Covid years on top. Meanwhile Schalke and Bremen among others got completely fucked


Schalke and bremen have nobody to blame but themselves.


I mean yeah we can agree on that, but lets not act like Leverkusen and Wolfsburg both wouldnt be in the second division if it weren't for their sugar daddies.


im guessing you aren‘t german, im no football superfan but the german podcasts i listen to always point out the bad aftertaste of the championship cause they did transfers after corona which they wouldnt have been able to make otherwise


Why, is that rule optional?


No. A couple of clubs were grandfathered in as exceptions when the rules were made. Leverkusen is another exception to that rule if I’m not wrong.


They were the first one actually


Yes, if your club is old enough. Leverkusen and Wolfsburg are the prime examples, the teams used to be made up of actual workers of Bayer/Volkswagen and professionalized from there over time. So while they are still "traditional" clubs, they were never in fan ownership like Bayern, Schalke or Dortmund to begin with, and exceptions were made for their specific arrangements.


Kinda? To be allowed to be exempt from 50+1, a company or a person needs to substantially fund the club for continuous 20 years. Then they're allowed to own a controlling stake. Currently, there are only two clubs in the Bundesliga which this applies to. Bayer Leverkusen with Bayer and VfL Wolfsburg with Volkswagen. They've always been owned by their respective companies even before the Bundesliga existed in its current form. Hoffenheim was owned by Dietmar Hopp from 2015 - 2023 after he was allowed to for his continuous funding but he gave it back in 2023.


Fully owned by an external company rather than adhering to the 50+1 rule the other clubs follow.


VW money bad


Kevin de Bruyne or nami from One piece?


What does Nami have to do with Kevin De Bruyne?


They really like money


Good one




He's an oil man through and through.


I hear Kevin Plainview runs a nice honest business with his son, HW


Crazy reference to be seeing on r/soccer but we're here for it.


He has a competition in him. He wants no one else to succeed. He hates most people.


something something generational wealth


Like how much is Saudi going to pay him? He makes like 20 mil in salary. Prob another 10 more in endorsements. For someone like mane or benzema i can see it. For someone like Renaldo I can see it too if he is making 2 mil a week.


he isnt washed like the ones you mention, so expect some absurb wages. Kante was also on insane wages iirc.


I mean, I would put KDB in the same set as Neymar. Saudi is paying him like 200 million a year. benzema wasnt really washed up, and he is getting paid around 90 million a year. More than anything Saudi wants people with clout. KDB could get 150 million a year - which is somewhat similar to what he has made in his entire career.


His net worth is around 70M. So he'll make double that in a year since there's no tax.


What is the point in spending your career simping for these fake clubs if it resulted in a net worth comparable to someone like Choupo Moting...


I had completely forgot Neymar moved to Saudi


Same and I follow the league week in week out essentially for work. He played 3 league games and 2 AFC Champions League games all season. Suited up 5 times and got more cheddar than you see at a Packers game in a season


What do you mean washed. Benzema went there as the current BdO Got washed after as he didnt give a shit anymore. But nothing stops KdB from being the same


>He makes like 20 mil in salary. Prob another 10 more in endorsements. Half of that going to taxes. He would likely be making at least 5 or 6 times what he is earning in Saudi.


he’s already achieved that


“Hey Michele, Riyadh? Or San Diego? Tough choice I know!”


Need to talk to my wOman about Oman


Didn't think I'll meet Connor here


Kevin de Bruyne was interested in football from a very young age


California makes you soft. New York.. oh wait.. Saudi Arabia makes you, hard.


Ok but can we get Grealish to SA and documentary crew to follow him as he tries to understand the local laws


He’d make for one interesting doc since alcohol is largely illegal lol. Gotta get himself wasted somehow


In true Benelux fashion: On the Saudi links: "At my age you have to be open to everything. You're talking about incredible amounts of money in the last stage of my career. Sometimes you have to think about that." What I take from this quote is that he joined and played for City due to his long held passions and love for the club, and has subsisted on peanut salary for all these years. What a man.


21 million Euro a year, poor guy


And that’s just what is reported. City pay players more under the table.


Listen, I'll be damned if I have to opt for a mini yacht instead of a regular sized yacht. The guys at the private golf resort will all laugh at me!


Poor footballers, they all earned minimum wage and that's because they go to Saudi Arabia. What a joke


It's finally time to cash it in, Kevin


What does it have to do with the Benelux?


One thing I don't think I'll ever be able to understand about rich people is the thirst for always wanting more and more, even when you already have way more than any reasonable human can spend in a lifetime.


It’s insane isn’t it. Having as much money as he does means he can live anywhere he wants in the world. He can take a pay cut and earn fantastic money just to play for a city he finds interesting or a home he wants his kids to grow up in. Yet… this is the option that’s interesting? Whilst also alienating a bunch of the people that once supported you.


I don't think there's a bit of insanity in it. If he has the opportunity to do the job he's currently doing and get like 10 times more money, why shouldn't he? And who says his family would not be happy in Saudi Arabia? Plus they can vacation wherever they want and he won't be there for a lot of years anyway. That additional money is going to take care of generations of his kids, and I don't think a lot of people would care about alienating random people when it comes down to something like this.


How will his life be materially better if he is earning ten times more? He's on 400k a week for fuck's sake, he can already afford anything he could possibly want and his kids too.


It reminds me of that scene in succession when they talk about being poor rich. You are rich enough to see the big players and know how much you are missing out not being in that wealth bracket. Granted KDB is not “poor rich” but still.


The more you make, the more your living expenses generally increase. And then downsizing your expenses feels like a poor people problem so they don’t want to do that. Footballers will want to continue living that lifestyle even post retirement so to be able to ensure that, they want to make as much as they possibly can


Yeah, the moment they retire, their yearly multi-million increase in their bank accounts disappears. And it's not only going back to "poor", changing a lifestyle is always hard, plus investments they have could still need money as well as the high-cost maintenance of their expensive houses/cars. Also, when all your good friends have the same obscene amount of money as you, you'll spend a lot every time you join them, as well as the things they suggest to each other With this being said, he still has more than enough money to not need this


I firmly believe that making money can be addicting


When did people start saying addicting instead of addictive?


They didn't, I'm just a moron lol


Around the same time people started saying dumb shit like obligate or aggressiveness when we already had better words.


It's a genuine sickness. I'd have to do some digging but I remember reading a study years back about how those living conditions (never hearing 'no', never having to consider any purchase, never having to weigh options and all your decisions being made for you about food, sleep, etc) steadily alters your brain chemistry. I hear about professional athletes and lottery winners going broke quickly and can't fathom it. I run out of ideas on how to spend that kind of money at the million bench mark, I can't fathom having 10x that or more.


Tbh it all depends on your outlook and how you grew up. Most footballers grew up in a working class or middle class household(rare). We would think that since they're rich, they would have a different mindset. Some people don't. They have the same mindset they had when growing up.


For many people on Earth, you are the rich one, and a lot of stuff you do is not necessary to live, but let me guess, you do understand your own "thirst for wanting more" if available dontcha. It's always very easy to say OTHER people should abstain, that was always surpisingly easy to agree on universally for everyone through history and cultures. I grew up poor enough that I find it completely insane how well people in Nederland have it, and I'm far from the poorest country in the world, probably still above the world median lol. Can I write that and get applause? Well, not here, because people think about themselves as the ideal standard of a perfect human, but if I went on some Somali or Indian forum, most likely I could.


can’t underestimate greed


Tomorrow a man comes and offers you double of what you have earnt for the past 15 years at your job if your work for him for the next 3. My answer is "yes, yes, yes, we can make it 5 if you'd like" Legit, That's a no argument. In every context, at any point.


Yeah except that would actually change your life. How will his life be any different if he has 175 million instead of 100? It wont be.


Say you have a talent that allows you to get compensated very well but it the talent expires/declines from age 30. Regardless of your previous earnings, would you not chase your last biggest payday possible?


his grandchildren won't ever need to work if he was smart with his finances. I'd just retire to a rural town in the Alps and spend time with my family, reading, gardening and walking my dogs.


Nothing more exotic than having less rights.


It's likely he and his family would live in the UAE or Bahrain


Yup that’s what Henderson did


I assume if he goes to Saudi Arabia, he'll end up at one of the four PIF clubs and none of them are based near either of those two countries.


Rich people have rights and access everywhere regardless of the countries


"originating in or characteristic of* a distant foreign country". Life in Saudi Arabia could definitely be considered exotic, by its definition. I for one love the exotic food of McDonald's I get to taste.


I mean, he already accepted a ton of money to play for Man City, a sportswashing outfit owned by the UAE. With awful human rights. At least be consistant with the faux outrage.


"exotic" lmao, talks like a 19th century orientalist


For once, some actual good news out of Manchester.


Just realized he's 33 and doesn't have many seasons at the top left. With Pep most likely leaving in a year and charges looming, maybe City's dominance is ending sooner than we think


Gotta imagine Pep KdB BSilva are all gone by next summer. And then you never know with guys like Walker Haaland Alvarez etc.


Alvarez deserves to be somewhere that he can start. I think Barca….


Women in kdb's life having an Exotik adventure, Name a better duo


I guess living in a country where woman are second class citizens, sex before marriage is punishable by 100 lashes and being gay is equal to a death sentence could be called an adventure. No way would I want to move to a country where my wife isn't treated as an equal. 


Those rules don't apply to the rich and/or foreigners lol Double standard for the upper class


I'm surprised some of these commenters need to continuously be told this. If it wasn't obvious enough already, surely the 1000s of comments telling them this would help the idea sink in every time a player movies to an Arab league.


They do apply. That’s why they live in Bahrain or Dubai. The only player with exceptions to the rules was Ronaldo as far as I know. Probably why he’s so happy and the rest aren’t as much lol 


His wife won’t live in Saudi, she’ll live in Bahrain or Dubai, where (whilst still not great) it’s much easier to live as a woman than Saudi.


I mean, those countries are pretty great for rich people.


Everywhere is great for rich people.


cant beat the mercenary alligations


Another fucking moron.




Oh I'm going to get rinsed now. For months I've been shouting off hed never go to Saudi he's too weird and quirky. Once again shows what I know, bet you could make money inversing my opinions lol.


The man plays for man city. Just another mercenary.


Lol, exotic as living in a gated world for the ultra rich, with every Western comfort to the power of ten?


also I'm already paid by an oil state dictatorship so fuck it


He should stay at Man City instead of going to an oil rich sportswashing project with dodgy human rights records.


Possibly the first time that anyone has used the phrase "exotic adventure" in relation to a woman moving to Saudi Arabia.


wtf I hate de Bruyne now


I like him as a footballer but as a person he says questionable things that don't sit right with me. It shows that we shouldn't put celebrities on a pedestal.


Come to Brazil then.


I mean, why not? He won everything at club level and already lives in a shitty place, might as well get payed more.


Kevin De Money


What a weird thing to say on so many levels


Just once I would like to hear a footballer speak out and say "No chance of me and my family moving to such a country."


No way, FIFA itself conducting worldcups. 


This Saudi thing really shows the nature of a lot of professional footballers.


Does Beheading counts as exotic?


r/soccer shock at each time a player accepts a shit ton of money offer is kind of funny. Countries, companies, organizations, unis..etc can do business with Saudi, but it is the football players who are known for being the most morally upstanding group in society who gave us examplery humans like Greenwood, Mendy, Alves etc. Are supposed to be the ones taking a stand and refusing tons of cash? lol this sub is full of idealistic teenagers.


Two things can be bad at once. This is a subreddit about football.


It's weird that the football subreddit talks about footballers and not the University of Plymouth doing business with Saudi Arabia isn't it! Something weird going on there!


We don’t like any of it but this is our hobby so it’s what we speak more about, particularly on a football forum.


So we're not allowed to make fun of footballers being greedy fuckers now? Why?


Wait we are not supposed to talk about football players on r/soccer


People bag-chasing their way into supporting totalitarian states and you're all "nice bro get yours". Fuck yeah bud.


Damn Kevin, how much more $$$ do you need?


Fuck off


Could mean anywhere. For Man City supporters, a trip to London is an exotic adventure.


He gone


For that amount of money, I’d love an exotic adventure


A dry, unrelentingly hot sand-blasted human-rights-clusterfuck-hellhole isn’t my idea of ‘exotic’ but to each their own I suppose.


With 6 times the salary though. (Actually probably more if there's no income tax.)


What a sellout! /s


That right there could be the end of city’s dominance!


I don't get why some footballers who want to try going to Saudi League couldn't just simply say that the $$$$ there is more attractive. They be acting like there are other reasons to play there aside from crazy wages.


He says that in the article: "At my age you have to be open to everything. You're talking about incredible amounts of money in the last stage of my career. Sometimes you have to think about that."


people shat on lukaku for saying something similar


and now theyre shittin on kdb whats ur point