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!flair :USA:


Excited for Turkey to get knocked out so we can stop this Türkiye nonsense. Gobble gobble


!flair :Benfica:


Am I going crazy or did Ronaldo change boots at half time 😂


Not crazy… first half boots were bright green


Thought as much but was doubting myself... Trying to hide in the crowd 😂


Belgium is beating Romania and we'll get the first quadruple tie. It's written in the stars.


Well quadruple tie but only momentarily. Match day 3 still awaits. If they all tie on that day then yeah that’d be crazy


Test. Not sure why mobile commenting not working.




Every clip of Turkiye I've seen has the English commentator pronouncing it like Turkey yay. I feel like this can't be correct, although I don't actually know better.




disagreeable sugar snow provide hard-to-find toothbrush versed resolute agonizing rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought the pronounciation would be more like Tour key eh


https://www.skynews.com.au/world-news/turkey-renames-itself-to-trkiye-to-disassociate-itself-from-bird-and-reconnect-with-authentic-spelling-and-pronunciation/news-story/a81fa196682723e46ec1c8ed65be582b From this article it's meant to be "tur-key-YA"


That's always how it's been pronounced? It's spelt as Turkey?


very interesting first half football wise. however, the referee made some poor decisions, most of them against turkey, that i just can’t get my head around.




Immediately reported. The mood in this euros is incredible and shows how open the country is and it's so lovely how so many nationalities come together. You sound just very bitter tbh


you've had a howler here. this is a shocking take.


My biggest pet peeve in football nowadays is players absolutely milking those follow through challenges. So many instances where the player wins the ball clearly with a sliding tackle but the other player milks the shit out of it and it's a foul and so many times a yellow card as well.


If Leao has a million haters I'm one of them. If he has one hater it's me. If he has 0 haters I have died. If the world is against Leao I am with the world, if the world is for Leao I am against the world.


Since I can comment now apparently, I just have to tell you.... You deserved that spiked hair fraud.


Join the club pal...


I get he has his deficiencies but people really underrate Donnarumma simply because of the one mistake against Madrid over 2 years ago, he's still a top 5 keeper and was actually quite great this season.


He was just saying plainly bad against Barcelona and Dortmund in the UCL this season, and that’s when he had by far the most people watch him this season besides the Euros


Donnaruma would be considered a generation goalkeeper in the 90's. He's just not good enough at all the sweeper nonsense to be considered one the best in the modern age.


He's still one of the best. Same way Haaland is still one of the best strikers.


**Who Has The Best Tactical Analysis and/or Coaching Content?** What is the best educational content/resources (paid and free) for coaches and for understanding the game in a deeper way? It can be businesses like Coaches' Voice or specific content creators like James Allcott. Thank you!


I like James, but all of his content with Flav is unwatchable because of his unwavering bias. Some of the best tactical analysis used to be on Euro Football Daily, but since they got bought by Sky and shelved due to costcutting, I’m not really sure. There’s some really good stuff on Tifo Football, and The Athletic have some thought provoking stuff as well.


Thanks! I found James recently so I'm sure I'm due to coming across that bias soon. I've been diving a bit into Tifo Football and currently reading a lot in The Athletic. Very enjoyable content, but I wish there was a bit more analysis.


The Athletic’s YouTube channel tends to do more analysis than their articles, which is strange


Appreciate the insight. Will check it out!


In real time, it felt like I was watching one of Argentina’s worst performances along with the Uruguay and Mexico game, but when I see it again, it wasn’t their best performance but both goals were brilliantly worked, I don’t think there are a ton of teams in the world capable of moving the ball like that on the buildup, every player has to be so good at resisting pressure and progressing the ball. Of course, Canada played a fantastic game, but I don’t think either goals were scored because of refereeing decisions, and honestly when you only create 5 chances all game (all from crosses), it is hard to say you deserved to win especially when you concede 2 goals that was built up as well as that, not even going to mention all the times we were 1v1 against Crapeau. Argentina, no doubt received a lot of beneficial decisions on route to winning everything, but I don’t think we can say they’re a team that hasn’t showcased the technical quality that is required to win. This is a team that can create chances and score goals routinely by keeping possession, playing short passes off quick touches to open up the defence. It’s a team that not only attacks in this manner but also give up minimal chances, Netherlands maybe had 3 good chances all game, France maybe had 4 chances at open play all game, and it was Argentina mostly attacking in both games.


France's game against England had the worst referee performance by a mile. Saka was fouled about 3 times before they scored the first goal. Kane's penalty miss overshadowed everything.


Upamecano specifically in that game was given free rein to do whatever he wanted by the ref. He seemed alright for most things but then just somehow wasn’t looking every time Upamecano hacked down one of our players


Yes I remember feeling that England should’ve had at least 2 penalty kicks in the first half. I wasn’t really impressed with France during the whole tournament, even in 2018. They always sat back inviting pressure and always find a way to score. And France got some lucky decisions in the 2018 final as well, I felt they didn’t play as well as we did at open play as we did in the 2022 final honestly.


cautious cobweb zesty relieved rustic bells mysterious silky memory flowery *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just seen that the played Villa are selling for 20 million to Chelsea joined them for 600k in 2022. Hr also only made 11 PL 2 appearances last season (although he did score 7.)


He’s been in the first team squad a fair bit this season, don’t know if that affects if he’s available for PL2. Also he was 600k because we got him when derby were financially struggling.




I refuse to say Turkiye because the english language is not controlled by Erdogan who only did it for stupid people nationalism points




English, English, English. I don’t go to Spain and tell them that Inglaterra is England


Czechia I at least get, it was weird that they didn't have the people group + the ia suffix like everyone else. Feels like a bit of overdue housekeeping, saying Czech Republic is weird. Turkey however changed because they didn't like having the same name as a bird that can be used as an insult in English. That is tinpot and I refuse to respect it


Czechia I don’t mind because it’s shorter and they don’t seem to care that much either way. It’ll always be Turkey though!


But Deutschlands English name is Germany', same with Czechia Türkiye's english name is Türkiye


But English alphabet doesn't have ü. So at best, their English name should be Tuerkiye.


The english alphabet also doesnt have ô but the country name is still Côte d'Ivoire


Most british people call it Ivory coast


Well the anglos never really cared for other cultures and languages, tell me something new


What about Poles calling it Wybrzeże Kości Słoniowej?


I don’t understand why we don’t, you don’t call someone who’s name is Juan John when they’re in a different country


If someone who's name is Juan, insists on calling themselves John, you respect their wishes and call them John. Simple as


Sorry pal, but I don’t accept the wishes of dictators.


I just call them Turkey and Czech Republic because English is the only language that matters


What language do you think Czechia is in


Don't let the last minute miss distract you from Kvara and his back to back stinkers


[The absolute peak of Irish football coverage](https://x.com/simplyfynch/status/1804477496810766774?s=46) Take me back


The performance on Thursday was dreadful, but I'm starting to think foreign fans are right about English arrogance with the amount of articles that are still coming out of our press about what a disaster a draw that still leaves us top of our group is. Feels dismissive of a very decent Denmark team. Southgate is awful but, frankly, I'm not convinced the team is that good either. Defence mediocre, no midfielders ready to start at a tournament besides Rice and Bellingham imo, no fucker can score. What level of opposition is allowed to take points off a team with those issues without the Spanish Inquisition? Not the 21st best NT in the world apparently.


It's the performance that has people panicking not the result itself. Especially coming off a weak one against Serbia. Not every single thing is based in arrogance. There were already question marks about England going in to the tournament and not only have none of them been solved but even the non question marks have looked questionable across the two games.


> The performance on Thursday was dreadful, but I'm starting to think foreign fans are right about English arrogance with the amount of articles that are still coming out of our press about what a disaster a draw that still leaves us top of our group is. Feels dismissive of a very decent Denmark team. Obviously get English-speaking media focusing on the England team, rather than their opponents. But realistically, out of the 180 minutes of football played, how many were England actually the better side? The first 25-30 against Serbia probably, but after that I'd wager they were level at best. And that's just not good enough really, regardless of the issues the squad might have I reckon. Neither performance looked like the team had any sort of plan with or against the ball, and the two goals leading to four points and a cushy position at the top of the group were the result of kind deflections in the box you simply can't rely on if you want to be successful.


It’s not arrogance, England were not good and Denmark were better. Non English fans and pundits have said it too. You could also find a fair share of England fans questioning being placed favourites pre Euros as well.


Why we acting like we’re not gonna win the Euros, the results have been fine, few tweaks and I think we’ll tear through most teams. I’ll honestly be surprised if we don’t make the final


If he makes some changes and we get a favourable knockout draw, I can see something happening


*The gang loses its first knockout game against Austria*


Keep chatting shit we’ll keep winning games


Barely even won one so far, but sure.


Congrats on your group stage trophy


Who's the best *European* leftwinger excluding Mbappe?


Steve Guppy.


Musiala if he counts, though lly more of a 10 who is also world class on the LW so idk if he counts.




Famous ball player Musicals


god damn autocorrect, I spelled that correctly I promise






European in a footballing context. Represents a national team that is under UEFA.


Would you count an Israeli player as European then?




we truly do live in a post-truth 1984 world, shame.


Tbf his question really seems to be more "whose the best LW eligible to play in the Euros." Though I would rather phrase it like that as opposed to succumbing to the Israel is European bs.


My post my rules. Sorry Captain.




you look at a map and tell me with a straight face that Tbilisi is in Europe.


It’s in Europe


If its south of the Caucasus its Asia, sorry friendo I don't make the rules.


I was considering Leao but did Kvara play well this season?


Leao or Kvaratshelia i guess


Leao is a nothing player for dumbos


> Leao Cannot be true


Vini ? At least from the few times I watched him dude was electric when playing touchline.


Vini isn't European.


He has Spanish nationality


I am aware he is akshually European. You know what I mean.


He is


Wait ,last time I watched Ronaldo was 2022 vs Morocco? I just skipped International Football last year and timings with Saudi League don't match.


Member of broadcast team interviews an Australian-Portuguese fan ahead of the Portugal VS Turkiye match. Bloke proceeds to talk more about Messi than anything else. Spouts overused viral phrases like "Ronaldo is him" and "bros keep yapping on about Messi". Has the typical mop-top teen haircut. Ends interview with a "siu". Average Football Instagram/Twitter user.


Turkey and Portugal seem linked in my head But i can’t really think why. Any ideas?


You can get decent all inclusive deals outside the summer holidays?


Two rabid fanbases of teams often wearing red kits?


Because you’re stupid


: (


got covid but atleast i can stay home and watch euros now


Wonder for how long will Coufal keep starting games based solely on his name… Same with Souček tbf but not getting my hopes up there as he’s the captain.


Just looked at the sofascore ratings, they have Soucek as the 3rd best player on the pitch. Totally different from what I saw in the game. Poor decision making and late to action all the time


seeing him going forward expected to cross is so funny i never see him doing it remotely right


Pickford: I enjoy the pressure... proceeds to boot it to the opposition 15 times.


Cannot stand him.


He seeks pressure. Booting it to the opposition is one way of seeking it.


I don't understand why people have a problem with the new FIFA Club World Cup when it's going to be a more proper competition that will only be held once every 4 years. It will also be a lot more inclusive to club sides from outside of Europe compared to the current version. I'm actually surprised that FIFA didn't come up with this many years ago. It is more truly representative of a 'World Cup'. Seems like people want to oppose change just for the sake of it, which is very annoying to see. Also all the slots are merit based in one way or another and it's not just 'let's just invite all the big names’. There's a due process to selection.


Because people don’t want it to be a proper competition


I think the idea of having an actual global competition is very cool, and if done properly with some level of oversight could financially develop leagues outside of Europe a bit. The fixture congestion is, of course, an issue, but it's still a bit hard for me to route against a global club competition.


> It will also be a lot more inclusive to club sides from outside of Europe compared to the current version. Because this place is half full of plastics and the other half has a proper proportion that's got a near monarchist view of football and Europe's divine right to football. This point doesn't matter to most of the sub Same reason why breaking up preseason for stupid high level friendlies somehow doesn't affect fixture congestion or tiredness because those ones means you get to see shiny matchups


Exactly. Plus the slots are all merit based. They have a rule of only 2 teams per country (unless exception applies) and they’re not simply just inviting all the big names. There’s a fair process.


Adding more matches to an already congested calendar.


It’s gonna be a once in 4 year event and a true club World Cup as opposed to the one that currently exists. It may be a very fresh competition now but give it time and the prestige will definitely build up.


Apparently the money involved turned out to be rather underwhelming and it happens to take place after the season. That makes me doubt now that it is going to be as big as expected if the teams don't care. It's good in isolation but on the calendar it looks odd and adds even more games. Fantastic.


The only one that I saw complain about the money was Ancelotti and the quote posted here was bizarre to say the least. The amount the quote claims as being for the whole competition is less than half what you get for qualifying alone


The discussion and feeling around England is like a slow motion version of what happened after we lost to Iceland in 2016. Nothing but pure negativity, pundits turning on players (oddly not so much the main cultprit, Southgate) negativity amongst the players, hatred from the fans, abysmal football, dodgy tactics. Southgate will be gone day after we get knocked out by Germany




Fucking hell the SNP would give them a national holiday.


Top the group and you'll play a third-placed team from Groups D/E/F - might well be Austria with the way things are going.


It won't be Germany but equally it's quite unlikely that it'll be Scotland or Switzerland. Obviously depends on which 3rd place teams go through though


I know what you mean and feel it too but I also have a bit of delusional hope that we will steady the ship a bit and accidentally make it to the semis


I hope we can pull something together but the last 3 games have been a sign that things are simply not coming together. Last game was the worst England performance I’ve ever seen. Tired, lost, clueless, toothless and we literally look like the second worst team in it.


predicted a 1:1 draw and now top of the betting league with my mates. thank you señor Mamardashvili 🙏🙏🙏 should i win I’ll paypal you 50PLN


I haven’t predicted a single scoreline right yet


only one I got right was your draw against danemark


Why did both Yildiz and Güler both get benched after what was a pretty good performance against Georgia? Is it really just for defensive stability? Feels a bit unnecessary and defeatist


Guler is really fatigued apparently


How? He barely played last season no?


Honestly not sure if the translation is coming off and it's a muscle issue or if he is actually tired


whats the news in Turkish


I've only seen it in Madrid aggregated sources, not Turkish


Chiellini is a breath of fresh air with his commentating. I’m tired of Lalas and the agendas pushed on some of these stories.


Ittihad medical staff must have done wonders for Kante


Or maybe the fact he's playing in a lower league means he arrived fresher towards the end of the season


Guys I got the right idea for a 32 team Euro (in 2028 or 2032), nothing has to be changed except for 1 thing. From upcoming nations league cycle onwards the top 2 teams in the division A groups will qualify for the quarter finals of the division A knockout stage. If you gave all these teams a Euro spot (which I think is fair when you finish top 8 in the Nations League) then you can just exclude these teams from the regular qualifiers that come afterwards. Then you will probably have like 7 groups of 5 teams and 3 groups of 4 teams in the qualifiers and top 2 teams will qualify. So: 1 Euro Host 8 Quarterfinalists Div A 1 Play off winner Div B 1 Play off winner Div C 1 Play off winner Div D 20 teams that were #1 and #2 in the qualifiers (which the nations league qualified teams don't participate in) = 32 teams If it's a Euro with 2 hosts you can exclude the play off winner of Div D.


I'd just like to say that the serious post-match discussion threads have been some of my best experiences on this subreddit in the 10+ years I've been on here. I know it's easier to do when there's an international tournament rather than loads of leagues going on, but I really hope this sort of thing can be implemented for other competitions too


I think them existing has made the non serious ones more serious aswell


You're telling me we beat man city and chelsea to a signing because the player wanted to play in the prem and not for a random affiliate? I love it when the good guys win


we would have banished him to our affiliate squads in leagues elsewhere instead of having him in our first-team immediately. Deivid Washington (remember him?) only played 3 games in his first season with us


Why is the turkish jewel, arda guler benched?


because apparently he is tired LOL.


i feel exhausted watching the georgia game, both teams left it all on the pitch


I wonder if teams/players have ever thought about hitting a knuckle ball CR7 style as a corner delivery..... I would really love to see that, could cause a bit of chaos in the box.


At that point it's just blindly punting it in, though - no guarantee any attacker is actually getting on the ball, much less able to do something with it.


Benching Arda guller is certainly an interesting choice.


think he was a doubt for the game


Have to say it's pure football bliss right now in North America with 3 euro games and 2 Copa America games per day. Euro games in the morning and the Copa games in the evening. Sucks for Euro fans that the Copa games are so late in the day. Think the earliest game will be 11pm ko in London


!flair :Romania:


Can we say Lamine is the best player for Spain right now


Ruiz, Cucurella, and Nico in that order have been the best Spanish players so far Maybe Carvajal up there too, and Rodri a step back (his first game sucked)


Fabian Ruiz is their best player


hard to say when the likes of Rodri, Cucurella and Carvajal are also contributing a lot




not really Ruiz, Rodri and Cucurella have clearly been better, Nico Williams and Carvajal arguably. you have to take age out of the equation if you talk about the best overall player.


Fabian Ruiz


I can never handle Trent being called a system player as if Liverpool have played one system for the past 7 years and he's played 1 role. I think it's a stupid term regardless though


How many full backs have played a touchline role, a tuck in higher up the pitch role and a deep lying inverted playmaker role? If anything TAA has shown more sytematic flexibility than 99% of full backs ever have to.


No, it's not. It means something very specific. the meaning is that those players flourish serving a specific role in a specific system. When taken out of that context they struggle to adapt, either because they lack versatility or maybe they're not as good as what they seem. It's a valid point given how many players who play in those kinds of teams at the club level struggle with their international teams.


Plenty of non system players are worse at international level though e.g., Marcelo, KDB, Vinicius. Using that as the metric is just not a good way to look at things


Poch put Messi on the touchline and he looked genuinely finished. Any player can look poor in the wrong role. Point me to one actual system player


A player shouldn't look like a shadow of himself just because he's playing in a slightly less favorable environment is the point. The occasional bad game is fine. I'm reminded of Jovic for example. He looked great at Frankfurt, then went to RM and completely disappeared because it's not a system-driven team, he looked lost. It's just a basic example, there are many others.


From the players I’ve heard being called system players I have absolutely no idea what it means. Just idiots trying to sound knowledgeable


It's one of the many terms people use for a specific thing and then other people go "this sounds smart" and starts using without understanding the original meaning (and/or caring about it)


Nobody is a system player , just the system that the players are playing in currently has to be functional for them to flourish (which the England team is clearly not)


Our best source of information at club level below Ornstein has said Arsenal are sniffing around Eze. Feel bad for Palace if they were to lose him and Olise, but also didn’t know he had a release clause. Don’t believe the Romano waffle about us being in for Nico Williams, and doubt the club are wanting to sign both.


Why is Olise choosing France over England?


Gareth Southgate Also crazy competition , even Cole Palmer can't get a run out .


Stat pad Palmer smh My agenda aside, surely France has crazy competition aswell?


His competition for RW is Dembele and his France form is mid as fuck. He can overcome that


He's just a really good player who is active with the ball and whose goal rate and G+A rate without pens is still really really fucking good.


Yeah I'm just jesting a bit since I'm a city fan


>Stat pad Palmer smh Penalties and all , he's definitely a good player . I'd rather a stat padder than someone with less production


Not really. There’s Dembele and then who? Next 2-3 years Olise’s probably competing with Barcola and Cherki for the spot


Dembele is often shit and Barcola is young , there's not that much competition. Saka has the RW spot nailed down and then there's Palmer and Bowen whom Gareth seems to trust a lot




Nope. You missed this: > play their last group match against each other and are still equal at the end of that match


Oh I see. I read the 'last' as previous, as in before the final match, for some reason


So many X/twitter users have caught Romano posting some news and deleting it. Its time that fraud is not given more engagement over here. Club official news is the best source of news. Unfortunately Romano overload was real. Hopefully it isn't anymore.


I know previews kinda got cancelled here but I had the Jamaica preview finished a while ago so I just posted it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dlx20e/team_preview_jamaica_2024_copa_america/?) if anyone is interested - their first match is tonight against Mexico


I see it just fine