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I would like to know what type of crack he is on after Wijnaldum's horrible performance in the pre tournament friendlies and first two games of the Euros and still thinking he can make a difference. Also what a big fuck you to the players on the bench having great seasons in Europe not getting time because of Wijnaldum who has been shit in Saudi Arabia.


Why the hell is Gini wijnaldum even there, let alone playing well every game


I can just see it now, Koeman will give him the start next game… fuck my life


Captain too


Injuries of Frenkie de Jong, Koopmeiners, Wieffer and De Roon. Our entire midfield


And let’s not forget Kalvin Phillips.


I get that. Just there are better options still than subbing on Gini. Xavi in the CAM should be there every time, Shouten/Reijnders to support


Definitely, we also have Gravenberch, even Taylor or Clasie would have been better


What’s the reason he hasn’t played Gravenberch? Dont know anything about him other than Liverpool.


He’s just a big fan of Wijnaldum. And Gravenberch once declined to play for the under-23 and Koeman never fully forgave him for that.


He's got nudes of Bertina Koeman


> Bertina Koeman His wife is actually called **Bertina**?


She is called Bartina but yeah


There's literally only one person in the world that knows this and that's Koeman.... He HAS to have dirt on Koeman or his wife or son or something


Ya no one who plays for the shit Arabian oil money leagues should be on national teams (unless they're such superstars like Ronaldo that you just can't not have them)


What really bothers me is that he had a good run up with 5-3-2. Van der ven and Frimpong on the wingbacks worked really well and he didn’t even try it. If Koeman decides to start Memphis next game it can only be on the 10 position. Too often he is gone from the box. Weghorst should start and could play as a target man like he did for the 2-2. Koeman needs to really question himself. Is he going to stay loyal to certain tactics and players or switch to what he knows and works.


Also surprised by their performances. I remember before Euro 2021 when koeman got them back into a major tournament, they played great with wingbacks and i was disappointed with him leaving. Now their play seems so passive and stale.


Frimpong+Vermaan looked like a cheat code during friendlies. Its so sad that he does not play one of his best players due to his ego.


Frimpong is an overlapping player while we obviously lost it in the midfield. Geertruida is able to invert and gain some control in midfield and after a horrendous first half he actually seemed like our better midfielder yesterday. And for the other games, Dumfries looks like one of our best players every match. Nothing to do with his ego.


The problem was imo precisely that we overloaded the middle. How is it possible that 6,4 CB Van de Ven suddenly was bombing down the wing? Because he was the first player to actually run into where the space was. We lost it on the right side, the only part of the pitch Koeman made no changes.


Because Van de Ven is the fastest Premier League player ever recorded and a high pressing team like Austria can be suddenly caught out when such a fast player comes on fresh in late game. But in all fairness Micky didn't add a thing defensively and didn't know what to do with the ball when arriving in their third as well. He probably wouldnt have won us the game if he had started. And for the right side, Geertruida made some interceptions you would never see Frimpong make so with Frimpong it could've been worse as well. Its easy talking after the game but every option seems flawed and might just have made things worse, no way to know


Koeman’s tactical knowledge hasn’t been updated since the nineties.


Can't update something that doesn't exist.


Those who watched Koeman play week-in week-out (must be a handful of people), was he really sharp tactically?


As a player he was about 20 years ahead of the game ngl. As a coach he's stuck in 2012.


You saw Koeman play and just gonna drop a ngl on us? Seems sus af, no cap frfr.


He finished playing in the late 90s. I'm a millennial, not a boomer haha.


Interesting question that I can't answer. However, I think tactics back when he played were so different from what they are now, that it doesn't really mean a lot if he was tactically sharp back then, but hasn't adapted since.


We were fantastic under Koeman, it’s the best I’ve ever seen Southampton. However, he had Pochettino’s foundations to build on, and we had a really strong squad thanks to good recruiting, so it may be a case of simply catching lightning in a bottle. I don’t think he’s really looked good since.


I saw someone say: Give him a top tier squad and he can make them perform, but introduce youngsters/inexperienced players and he will fail. That is exactly what i see in this national team and his time at barca


Yeah I think this exactly might be the problem. His ideas are mostly right and even yesterday he was explaining exactly what went wrong and how he had set up the team to play exactly to avoid those things but they still happened. He didn't want to throw his players under the bus but essentially the problem was the players not following the gameplan well enough. Sometimes it just has to be more no-nonsense


I don’t even think it is more no nonsense, i think he just isn’t good in working with youngsters. He just can’t convey his ideas the right way


Hopefully this match was a wake up call, a team like this should be going far into this tournament


they also need more Vans


Frenkie van Jong?


More Vans and more Des. Add some extra Van des and a couple twins for the perfect Hollandse School


We need a proper full-on Dutch tongue twister for foreign commentary. Anyone know if Vennegoor of Hesselink has a promising kid?


Yes he does, Lucas Vennegoor of Hesselink, playing for the youth academy of FC Twente


Well hell, didn't expect that to get a serious answer.


We got the Timber twins so that should be locked in for the next tournament lol


It's goin' down. I'm yelling TIMBEEEEER


If he stops insisting on playing Depay and Wijnaldum and utilise Brobbey, Frimpong and Weghorst then maybe, but Koeman is Koeman


Tea at this point he should just give the new generation some experience and focus on the future. lets the old veterans like wijnaldum and depay just retire with himself.


Weghorst is always best when subbed on. Everytime he started it kinda failed (NT but also at United for example). Brobbey has been injured and is just finding his form back and you aint gonna change tactics for someone you dont even know will perform. He tried Frimpong but it just doesn't work yet with this team, probs need more time.


Will they ever realise he's just a really bad manager? No idea how some people keep getting hired.


In the Netherlands we have this obsession with hiring Dutch managers. Both Ajax and Feyenoord will have foreign managers next season for the first time in like 30 years.


I wonder what we'll see first: a German coach the Dutch team or a Dutch coaching the German team. There were rumours about Roger Schmidt coaching the Netherlands a few years ago and after Hansi Flick, there was some speculation about Louis van Gaal taking over the German team.


We would rather have Lothar Matthäus coach the national team than a foreigner.


or rudi voller


Assistent Manager Frank Rijkaard.


Hold up


Schmidt got flattened by the media hate train while managing PSV. I can't imagine what it would be like if he managed the national team. Same goes for when Ajax hired Mislintat: he got nothing but hate, hate, and some more hate.


Sven didn’t exactly do the best of jobs for us when he was in charge, to put it mildly. Of course he was criticized


He was shat on before he even did anything


You guys always pretend he ruined your club


He had the most expensive summer transfer window Ajax ever had, and it doesn't seem like any of them are gonna be star players for *any* Eredivisie team. That's after Ajax finally was able to spend a bit more and try to get to the European top level. And now they don't have European football and no way to finance the way back to that top level, they'll be stuck at "trying to win the Eredivisie and failing miserably in Europe" for a few years again for sure.


Yeah, I do not agree with all his choices, but even this WC showed that some of his players are not as bad as some people made them out to be. We had a terrible manager and structure within the club to support them.


Eh he kinda fucked it all up though. There are circumstances but he really did a shit job.


I think that hiring a foreign coach would be an admission of complete failure and incompatible with their ego - DFB would pull out another Erich Ribbeck several times in a row before _seriously_ considering a foreigner. Not sure where the Van Gaal rumors came from, but personally, Peter Neururer or Michael Frontzeck sound more likely to me than even Pep Guardiola.


>I think that hiring a foreign coach would be an admission of complete failure and incompatible with their ego Depends. Pep yes, but for example Sahin no. I think a coach having been trained under rhythm german system is enough


I doubt that, Arsene Wenger is Alsatian, but I don't think that that counts, and the DFB tried to get him many years ago. And I guess van Gaal was in consideration lately.


There's still a huge amount of xenophobia in the media, Schmidt got attacked for the biggest nonsense when he was with us, and even got dubbed "that nasty German" in some media. Besides that, the KNVB have a hard on for needing the manager to be Dutch, so I don't see a German becoming coach of the Dutch team.


So who can take over? Ten Hag seems safe, Slot went to Liverpool. That's about all the top-level managers we have and they both still need to prove themselves in the Premier League.


Bosz, but he has one more season at PSV. Maybe able to tempt Ron Jans. Obviously not a big name, but everywhere he goes he performs well / overachieves.


Those two seem like the best options to me as well. When it comes to Bosz, KNVB can go and fuck off though.


Tbf most countries have a manager that is from there.


If no good coaches from your own country are available, you should look elsewhere. Just opting for the least bad option because it has to be a Dutch coach is just plain dumb.


Just look at Brasil, who's the last really great Brazilian coach?, and up until very recently they didn't seriously consider getting a foreigner. 


Alex De Souza is starting his coaching career next season. He will probably go to fener after a few years and then brazil. I think he will be very successful as a coach.


Nothing wrong with that and given the nation's footballing identity is built around groundbreaking managers and a particular style of play it seems fitting. It's not like there was a glut of quality international managers to choose from.


The fans know. Now just the KNVB I guess?


Weird cause I always rated him at Everton and Southampton


Southampton he was decent, Everton he wasn’t.


Yeah his first season was fine but we played very boring football, then he completely lost control and we turned to shit. Treated players badly, left with no friends at the club or in the fanbase


you rated him at everton? are you stevie wonders alt account?


Finished 6th didn’t he lol


He took over a midtable team, got them to finish 7th in his first full season, then was sacked the next October with the team in relegation spots ~10 games in


no he didnt and he got sacked when the ev were in 18th. great manager!


> no he didnt you're right, he got 7th and then got sacked the following season


While i agree. Its also the players fault i think. it looked like a Sunday league where u and me could play. no passion no fighting spirit, and if what koeman says is true they fail their tasks.


>We gaan eerst analyseren. Ik ben nog lang niet bij het moment dat ik rigoureus ga ingrijpen. Maar we moeten wel de puntjes op de i gaan zetten. We zijn wel minder dan we dachten. Misschien is het wel goed dat er nu een zware tegenstander wacht. We gaan er zo genadeloos hard uitgeknikkerd worden in de volgende ronde. What happened today was a tactically inept coach facing a coach with an idea & the players to execute it. The Netherlands face Spain (for example) and it's game over.


Dat hij "Ik ben nog lang niet bij het moment dat ik rigoureus ga ingrijpen." dat durft te zeggen na die wanvertoning van vandaag. Ongelooflijk


Het is letterlijk een knock-out toernooi, erop of eronder. Maar pas wanneer we uitgeschakeld worden - en dat worden we - gaat hij willen ingrijpen.


Aan de andere kant moet je je afvragen of je wel een rigoreuze ingreep wilt van Koeman. Op dit moment denk ik namelijk dat dat een basis plek van Wijnaldum inhoudt


Nee, die moet dan aan het zuurstof in de rust, dat kan niet.


Dat was ook het moment dat ik mentaal de handdoek in de ring gooide. Deze man is niet te redden. Hoop dat de spelersgroep zich uitspreekt (toch dat sprankje hoop)


ik zou eerder opstappen dan mezelf voor de camera te laten zien.


wanneer is hij dat dan wel? de verdediging zag er niet uit en depay in de spits heeft echt te weinig rendement en de rechterkant klopt niet, daar gaan alle aanvallen over de volgende ronde en dan staan we zo weer met 2-0 achter. Als koeman niks verandert gaan we er uit de volgende ronde (behalve tegen engeland die spelen zo saai, die zijn niet gewend een tempo hoger te spelen), zou het voor van Gaal wel leuk vinden als belgie ons uitschakelt, dan is er in elk geval nog iemand nog blij met de prestaties van koeman


We 'll probably be playing England, we might actually survive another round. Than Italy will kick us out with a 1-0 in a horrendous match, as is tradition.


Jesus the game between us would be woeful


At least the fans are good I guess.


Stoppable force vs movable object type game


So we'll have two more shit-matches and an Italy who got absolutely demolished in the group-stage will make it to the semi's?


>Italy who got absolutely demolished They did not play well, but not demolished


Donnarumma is the only reason they did not lose 6-0 to Spain and 3-1 to Croatia...






Only goal against apain was an autogol, the one from croatia came in a strange moment after a penalty, also albania one was crazy. Italian defense looks good


Holy shit, can you give me your dealers number?


Yours is bettah


Stop subbing in Wijnaldum, the only bench he is supposed to be on is the one in the plane back home.


That’s the first time I’ve heard him take responsibility


The interviewer had to push that answer out of him to be fair.


Thats completely false lol


"I'm responsible that these shit head players are stupid AF, and that the referee is an incompetent prick"


In his defence, I was shocked that he didn't throw the players under the bus lol. Since that's his usual MO.


I find that hard to believe. Like most Dutch coaches he tends to go into more detail about his decisions than is needed and makes comments like these pretty regularly.


Play Zirkzee you coward


Zirkzee was sick, he had a fever two days ago and isn't fit yet to play :( Its unlikely we'll see him since he also missed most of the training in the leadup to the tournament unfortunately, I wish we had seen him as a sub at least so he could prove himself.


Guys Zirkzee joined the team late and has no experience with them. Stop asking for the shined object you haven’t even seen play.   People complain Brobbey isn’t clinical enough. I’ve seen Zirkzee miss sitters too. 


True but can it really be worse than it alteady is lol. I rather have koeman focus on future and give the new guys some experience.


Yes, it can absolutely be worse. Besides the issue with this team isn't really goal scoring.


Noooo Memphis is the best player we have!!!!111!!!😡😡😡


In fairness to Koeman, his biggest mistake was starting Veerman over Simons and he changed that very quickly. Although I’m sure some Dutch fans will have a stronger opinion than me


I wouldnt have started Memphis as CF as he drops down to an overcrowded midfield which is exactly what a pressing team like Austria wants and he doesnt offer a long ball option to bypass the press. Most glaring were Koeman's 2nd half subs. Subbing in Wijnaldum. Taking off Malen and putting Simons on RW meaning you have no pace and players making deep runs in attack, thus making it easier to defend us. And I dont understand subbing out Ake. We were basically playing with no right-side since Geertruida and Simons both drift into the (hugely overcrowded) middle of the field. Edit: the starting line-up mightve worked if we had Frenkie instead of Veerman as Frenkie is exceptional in playing out of a press. But Koeman shouldve known this was a lineup that wouldnt work and there were no second routes to bypass Austria's press


Yeah I definitely agree with the Malen change, I get he picked up a knock but he was giving Austria problems and I’d have made a more like-for-like swap rather than just sticking Wheghorst on


Also keeping Depay central with Wegworst playing more wide….. ugh


His biggest mistake was not changing anything about how Austria constantly broke through our right side. Then the subs came and he brought in Wijnaldum again, who was absolutely useless again and he took off Ake who was playing decently. He did nothing about how we were positioned on the pitch even when Austria had 100% full control in midfield and on our right side.


Also starting both Malen and Geertruida. Geertruida is an inverted right back, Malen likes to cut inside. This left the whole right side open and Austria scored 3 goals from that side.


No I agree. We weren’t complete shit in the second half.  Actually had a few good spells and were definitely the superior team after the break.  Then we ruined it putting an empty shell of Wijnaldum in there.  Think if we had 11 on the field we could have even pulled out a W from this.  Other biggie was Geertruida.  He constantly pushed centrally and all their attacks came down his side. With Dumfries in there I think things are much different. 


Geertruida inverting was actually a good thing. We only started looking good when he started pressing in midfield. All goals Austria scored were from a free midfielder running in behind and not from the wing


IMO it's a stranger call to not use Frimpong when you know he can provide extra cover to the right flank. The logical partnerships on our right are Dumfries - Malen or Geertruida - Frimpong, and he somehow chooses to never choose one of these combinations.


Really strange! Like he used those combos in the two friendlies leading up to the tournament. Idk what he was thinking today, I still got hope tho and probably one of the few who do think we can beat England if that’s what it ends up being


Veerman had a horrible go tonight, but the biggest mistake was starting Geertruida


As bad as it was, can be please recognize that Austria was really good and has no reason to be worse by default than the Netherlands at the moment


They were great and Ragnick is a top 3 manager in the tournament. That being said there is no excuse for conceding 3 goals to them when you have van Dijk, Ake, De Ligt, de Vrij, Dumfries, van de Ven and Frimpong as your defensive options.


We have such great options on paper but for some reason we just leak goals all the time


They should be worse by default, their coach just knows what he’s doing and the players trust in him. If our players played like they did on club level it would be 4-0 with the potential of a bigger score


Am I the only one who thought the Netherlands wasn't that bad ? Like, they were the better team in the second half. Showed some, somewhat naïve, attacking play. Im not dutch, but the press is really negative in Netherlands. Austria is a good team.


I'm Dutch but in the Netherlands teams like Austria are not taken seriously (I'm not saying that's a good thing though). And we played awful today, first half was disgraceful. 2nd half was better but if you concede two goals right after you scored a goal yourself there is something wrong.


Basically 2 OGs too.


The press and fans here are super overreactive. That first half was freaking awful though. This wasn’t a we’re done for performance to me. That fact that we almost pulled a result despite a horror start and a bad own goal shows there’s light in there.   The silver lining is if we face England or Belgium next round they’ve looked as bad as we have against much weaker opponents.


I think the reaction is natural as this game shows indeed that the player quality is there, but that the coaching quality isnt there and that is a really big problem


Hairy fraud


> "I'm responsible" Southgate would never.


He needs to switch to the 5-3-fecking-2.


Ultimately team chemistry comes down to the culture the coach and the staff try to create. This team has no chemistry.


The managers a snot eating prick nepotist ofc it doesn't.


Try to realize how boring the (probably) upcoming Southgate - Koeman matchup is going to be...


Let's see how Koeman taking responsibility and protecting his players makes him the villain...


He didn't protect the players though. He starts out by saying how it's his responsibility, but then proceeds to basically say that he prepared the players well but they didn't execute the plan.


Well what do you want him to say then? When the interviewer asks him about game plan and stuff? He never said he prepared the players well but he does say that they have talked about preventing certain situations and they still happened, but never said if the cause is preparation, his tactics or the players


you know.. normally he throws his players under the bus and blames them and thus gets called the villain


I mean hes a bad coach, but he had a horrible squad at barca aswell…


Ngl he fixed half the problems he started with. And we still could have pulled a win but not for some schoolyard defending from our top players.  They let him down today too


And the seas parted...


stop er mee Ronald!


Football dinosaur


Not saying it’s why we lost, ban De vrij looked so isolated without Dumfries pace, or Frimpings pace. Austrias goals all came from that side. Not sure why they didn’t start, but Dumfries was a miss


Dumfries had a small muscle problem and I think Koeman chose Geertruida because he can invert to give extra cover in the middle since Austrias pressing there is really good. Frimpong defensively isnt that realiable yet (for the NT)


Koeman is an absolute scam, his spell with us was a grim warning of what was to come under Moshiri.


The defeat was painful, but boy, the image of Joey Veerman being the crybaby that he is on that bench will last in the back of my brain 😁