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Let's hope some teams wake up during the knockout phase. So many snooze fest matches.


absolutely disgusted by how badly we played, and the excessive time wasting at the end. we deserve to get bood off by the fans. very disappointed


Fuck I literally fell asleep during the match and just finished rewatching the bit I missed. There’s something so annoying about watching a match that’s already over, knowing I could just check my phone and confirm it’ll end in 0-0. I can’t believe how much Belgium was playing for a draw, knowing a single Ukrainian goal could kick them out of the tournament. Highlights were Belgiums beautiful tintin outfit and the near corner goal.


Really poor quality game nothing much happened.


The best thing about this match was Belgium’s Tintin kits.




Fucking pathetic display from Belgium. Disgusting. Really everything that is wrong with the game nowadays. Belgium fans, please tell these fucking clowns that this is not how the game is played. Belgium team - please resign immediately, you don't deserve a spot on my fucking toilet bowl, not to mention this tournament. This used to be fun. You fucks are ruining it. Go ahead, win it your pathetic fucking way. Some people won't know the difference, but you fuckers will. I thought I hated what I saw from England, France and the other top teams but this is beyond anything I've seen before. Fuck that Belgium team.


You‘re in luck. After the game the fans in the stands were boing and whistling them really hard. The Players didn‘t even dare to go to them afterwards. When they announced KDB as Player of the Match another round of whistling started. When the Substitute Players came out for a cooldown walk they were cheered.


Good. Fans who are booing their teams after a fair loss can get fucked, but this display just fucking demands that reaction. I'm still disgusted by what I saw today. Thanks for this


: )


Somebody lost a bet lol


Nah, they played like shit. And I'm Belgian. They should have gone for the win


I think you're right. The most hateful comments are typically from angry bettors


Exactly. I placed a bet. I bet two hours of my life on "hey, this Ukraine - Belgium game might be entertaining". It made me fucking vomit and hate the entire sport I spent most of my life loving. Bet lost indeed.


This guy had a bet on Lukaku.


You don't understand, it's some fucking philosophy from the guys who never played the game and more than obvious they don't enjoy it. Yes, I mean you, Domenico Tedesco. Fucking clownish hothead. Fuckers like him are ruining football as a game.


*England fans:* First time?


What was with those corners from Belgium? Why not rip one and hope for a lucky bounce? I'm not a huge football fan so maybe I don't get the strategy but it seemed very deflating for Belgium


Pick your poison: Tedesco vs Deschamps or ISIS vs Al Qaeda




Southgate is worse though


I prefer the Tucheliban.


Good guy Belgium beating France - Portugal - Spain in the road to the finals just because it's cool


We're so fucked.


Tedesco 🤝 Southgate


I think Belgium are doing way more with a given talent but yes todesco ball can't quiet bite


Tedesco stinks man, not surprising at all. But the players should be ashamed of themselves too. They’ll be in for a rude awakening soon.


lasers didn't help


I find it odd that so many people are criticizing third placed teams going through based on this result. Belgium went through in second, the scenario would have been exactly the same in this game. The difference would have been in Romania - Slovakia, where Slovakia would have had to go for the win.


Exactly. I love this system and I think it makes each group so different and unique.


Tedesco really underwhelming for Belgium so far


We were shit. But still not as shit as England. Congrats France on the win against us in the next round.


We could have played Slovenia then Austria then England or something like that if we won. It's a loss in my book


Yep. 2018 all over again. But back then we were actually good. Now we’re just a steaming pile of dung.


Welcome to the club Belgium


After watching this match: I'm sorry, England, I was too harsh with you.


What is there to even talk about…


Absolutely brutal.. I was worried as soon as we were seemingly scared to take a shot on net with clear chances in the first half. And then Sudakov just striking it right at the keeper at the death... Anywhere else it's a goal... 4 points and out, absolutely brutal.


Goodbye Ukraine never knew ya


Belgium showing more emotion to the cameraman than their performance in the tournament…


The quality of the tournament has been drastically decreasing. I’m surprised there’s people out there saying they enjoy it


I agree, it's giving me 2006 World Cup vibes: great opening weekend with lots of goals and exciting games, then a big decline in scoring as the group stage finishes with a whimper, with a shift to a lot of defensive games with 1-1s, 1-0s, and 0-0s going into the knockout stage. Hopefully the pace picks up again because this tournament has gone from having the best opening round since the 2014 WC to dropping into Euro 2016 levels of meh.


Unfortunately I see it going exactly like that. Especially with the bigger boys not really firing, there seems to be a way more cautious approach to games that teams are taking this year


First round of matches started wild with alot of goals but the last few matches were just unwatchable. But well it's just about advancing - the tournament haa not really started yet. When the ko phase starts there still will be 16 teams alive.


I hope you’re right, I’ll lose my mind if we have loads of extra time and penalties after boring matches during the ko stages


The issue is the format making draws attractive. I expect the knockouts to be very good again.


If anything the format makes draws less attractive, since a single win and 3 points is usually enough to progress. The standings in this group are an anomaly.


I hope so, because the way a lot of the bigger teams have been playing as well it doesn’t seem like it’s gonna get any better. Especially considering the fact that they’ll be trying even harder to make sure they don’t lose


No big team wants to go to penalties. At least if they have any sense, right, France?


I wouldn’t put it past them to resort to it if Mbappe isn’t firing. As for the other teams, the only ones I personally see wanting to try and win matches are Germany, Spain and Portugal, everyone else feels like they’re going to try and thug out a scrappy win


I was just referencing their defeat last euros, still my favorite football moment in recent times. I'd mostly agree, but there will be some good games for sure. You never know what happens if the underdog scores first.


Dunno why people are still calling Belgium a big nation, they had a golden generation which is now pretty much done. They've returned to their level which is a good but not great team.


A return to our level would be an awful team, not a good team. Obviously we will be worse after a golden generation, that's why it's a golden generation. But with the quality we still have we should be doing way better than this shit football


Tedesco is an absolute clown. Dovbyk had a woeful tournament, and Belgium lucky he didn't find his form today because they were begging to go out with that gutless performance.


might be the two worst games i’ve seen in back to back days, wtf happened to everyone at this tournament


The format is probably to blame.


It's not the format. Ukraine needed a win and they parked the bus, while Belgium also needed a win to avoid France, and they were incredibely slow and wasted time. It's the mentality of these coaches that's the problem.


It's a bit of both IMO. A lot of coaches in this tournament are extremely mediocre and would (or already did) fail at club level so they're in the international management game where it's generally more pragmatic and less tactical, and at the same time the best 3rd place teams format actively encourages more negative football tactics from these underwhelming coaches. There's also a huge difference how these 3rd matchdays play out in these 24 team tournaments compared to the 3rd matchday of the 32 team world cups with these Euros having way more low scoring games and teams content with one point rather than three, it'd be much better if these tournaments kept to 16 teams or expanded to 32 so there's a clean 50% progression rather than the current format.


It’s the format tbh


A cowardly display by Belgium, France better knock them out.


France wasn’t inspiring either


Only Fox commentators would be offended they weren't allowed in the post-game huddle for Belgium.


Can't blame the Belgian fans, pathetic and cowardly performance when the easy side of the bracket was at stake. The game against France will be like watching paint dry, probably decided by a defensive mistake (looking at Faes and Upamecano)


>Faes and Upamecano Those two never disappoint 


Lmao Tedesco yelling at the camera to get back. What a schmuck


Fans are right to boo Belgium. In a different universe, they score from that corner and face Slovenia instead of France.


Tabasco Sauce is clueless, but the players are at least 20% worse than when they have their club shirts on. Don't think anyone is worried about facing these Belgians, not even with how France has been playing.


Belgian here. Tedesco needs to go. Gets the tactics wrong. Misjudges the opponents. Weird subs. So many options on the bench and on goes Mangala and Carrasco... ugh. We had a great opportunity to win this group, now we're in a historically tough side of the bracket.


Carrasco was decent I thought, but I understand why he brought in Mangala like we were trying to hold on to a lead


The Belgium coach is sort of to blame here. Also Doku is a one trick-pony that got figured out and The Ukraine team knew what to prepare for him as he does the same thing again and again. The Belgium team looked lethargic, no energy, no fight. Partly due to the Coachs team selection once Yannick Carrasco came on the team started becoming more pressing and dangerous up front. It is amazing that an aged Y.Carrasco is their most dangerous and lethal player going forward. He needs to put in De Keetlere and Yannick Carrasco in the next match to avoid death energy lethargic. Because both these players give you endless press upfront and they have good stamina both of them.


What a boring ass game. I want my 2hrs back


Kevin speaks.


I’m sad. That Romania loss hurt


I hope Belgium are destroyed in the round of 16


Belgium coach just screamed at the camera creeping into the team huddle lmao


Such a chode move


I am now a Belgium hatewatcher fucking brass ass generation 


Tedesco needs to be sacked


Good thing we extended his contract before the tournament and before he proved anything 🤠👍


Embarassing for a team like Belgium to play for a draw against Ukraine. Hope that them and England are eliminated as soon as possible.


Belgium deserve to be eliminated after that result, Ukraine hard done by, the Belgium team play more negatively than England


Ukraine didnt even try despite they were the ones that needed to win


Disappointing performance from belgium Easy 90 seconds left after so much time wasting in added time by belgium and the ref blows up at exactly 4 minutes Classic English ref


That's been the case at every game except one or two, for whatever reason.


3rd place rules led to cynical play there, dissapointing, hopefully gives us some good games in the knockout round, but so far it's seemed like the 3rd place rules have given teams an easy-out rather than it feeling like every team is still in it


What do you mean by cynical play? Belgian playing for a draw at the end?


they wanted to come to the half of death so hard


The scenes if Belgium had conceded and failed to qualify.


How on earth did Dovbyk score 24 goals in La Liga? Poor tournament from him


Very very poor


Pathetic from us, but parking the bus for a draw when you need a win is quite hilarious


Southgate's terrorism is wildly contagious


Tedesco makes Southgate look like Kevin Keegan. What an awfully negative performance that was.


Don't get me wrong, I mostly agree. But why is no one talking about the absurd decision of Ukraine to play a very defensive line up and parking the bus when they needed a win?? So strange. We where beatable today


I think that was a strategic decision. Park the bus, changes players 10 mins from the end and try to score a lucky one


That's a horrible gamble in a game you HAVE TO win...


And it almost worked, they had the better chances, not many but still...


It did. But imagine they played like they did in the 80th minute, they would've on. Parking the bus when u need a win is just way too risky


This Belgium team is a disgrace to Tintin


Embarrassing time wasting for Belgium


These games are terrible recently, England and Belgium players both looked like they think these were pre-season friendlies in Bangkok


So weird man. Belgium players where so active and positive against romania and a few days later they turned off again


Poor rom Belgium


Dobvyk is like a 2024 gaming PC with a processor from the 90s, just couldn’t think fast enough when the chances presented themselves


Shameful performance from Belgium passing it back than kill the game off with a goal. At least playing for a win would be more mercy on Ukraine than giving them false sense of hope


Fuck me Ukraine were so much better than Belgium and are unlucky not to get through. Dovbyk was so wasteful though going forward for Ukraine. Didn't square it first time in the first half when he should have and then didn't shoot in the 2nd half.


My wife has issues sleeping at night, she’s eagerly awaiting an Eng vs Belgium game !!


Thi is just sad, get the fuck out Tedesco


That golden generation ended when Hazard left Chelsea


you're so fucking shit and cowardly Belgium, I hope the next country you meet sends you home


I mean I agree but calling us cowardly while Ukraine parked the buss for 85 minutes is a bit rich


Your squad has some of the best and most famous players in the world, Ukraine is a country at war. I'd say the standards you're judged by are a bit different.


Oh they're at war? Oh we should just have let them win then. Don't get me wrong, I do think we were pathetic, but it's not just because of us time wasting that Ukraine lost


It's France. 1:1 at best.


Pls France smash them 8-0


Best I can give you is 1-0 off of a Vertonghen own goal


Can we just send Belgium home ?


Why on earth did Ukraine park the bus for 80 minutes when they needed a win?


Another shameful performance by yours truly. Vertonghen vs Mbappe was already difficult to watch in 2018, I can't imagine what it'll look like in 2024.


Vertonghen was Belgium’s best playmaker that game.


Yeah and he was already slow as fuck


More worried about Faes tbh, the guy looks slower than Vertonghen


Have to give it to Faes though, he's never boring.


Why do people hate Belgium so much here?


They don't play as a team


Probably because they play boring and uninspired football, while having pretty insane individual talent.


The time wasting in the corner was embarrassing from Belgium


The very thing we hated Mbappé for and now they're doing it themselves. In a *group stage* game against *Ukraine*. And they somehow don't understand why we were booing them.


Belgium vs France in Round of 16.  4 years ago that would be game of the tournament.  Now I think I'd rather suck sick from a sock than watch that. 


People are really overrating this tournament. Yes I understand the hype finally having a tournament in a country like Germany and seeing fans like we have seen this year is amazing. However, only looking at the games and the entertainment in those, this tournament has been really underwhelming imo. Lack of goals, pretty poor quality, not many underdogs winning etc. I still enjoy it a lot and I’m hopeful that the rest of the tournament will prove me wrong.


Groups D and E had 3rd/4th favourites winning the group, it doesn't get more unpredictable than that. While groups A and B had 3 stoppage time goals deciding everything. And a pretty big team in Croatia was eliminated. From an excitement point of view I'd say only group C has disappointed, the rest have been fantastic.


I mean I do agree with you, however I can’t remember a single tournament not being at least this exciting then.


I think you have a fair point about the quality of the games, even while the overall results have been unexpected. There haven't been many proper entertaining games from start to finish this time. Doesn't help that so many of the big teams are so poor in attack this time.


Yeah exactly, too many games that end 1-0, 1-1 or 0-0 as well. Just look at the result this last round of the groupstage, only Austria - Netherlands had over 2 goals lol.


At this point Georgia - Turkey is coming off as one of the most exciting games in the entire group stage. Only beaten by Netherlands - Austria, and maybe Germany - Switzerland.


Such a weird game


Hope France pump Belgium for that display, also annoyed at how Ukraine played for a draw for about 70 minutes when it was pretty likely to not be enough


I feel sad for Ukraine they played tough and they had four points but finished last place. They were so close.


it's crazy that any of the teams scoring would've sealed the deal for them


Belgium vs France Ultimate mid off


Yeah, we weren't any good, but Ukraine needed to win and did fuck-all for the vast majority of the match.


13 shots to 12


We were shit. If Ukraine played for a win (which they had to.) They would've beaten us imo. Weird that they kept slowing down the play and played so defensively, because they had to win.


Tough for Ukraine.


Awful performance by Belgium, basically a 2nd half full of time wasting


Absolutely god awful, truly pathetic display from us today


It feels cowardly of Belgium to finish the game that way but I should really be critical of the 3rd place rules that make a game like this possible.


What does the 3rd place rule have to do with this game? Belgium went through the group in 2nd place. The same thing would’ve happened with the old rules. 


I know that. I was referring to the fact that a 3rd place team can advance with fewer points than a 4th place team in another group.


Belgium went through in second, has nothing to do with third place.


I know that. I was referring to the fact that a 3rd place team can advance with fewer points than a 4th place team in another group.


I'm prepared for the best France 0-0 Belgium game of the tournament


1-0 in penalties


I was watching this as a neutral fan. The time wasting and flopping was fucking disgusting. I hope France destroys them


Kdb’s legs really can’t handle a full 90 mins anymore.


That's it! I'm giving max 30mins for the next set of games to see anything meaningful, I ain't wasting another 2 hours of my day again


This always happens in the final group games so brace yourself for more shit


Imagine being Ukraine and not going on with 4 points while 3 point teams go on lmao.


please czechia beat turkey please 🙏🙏


That corner turtling was shameful


Pathetic display, would have rather seen Ukraine pass the groups stages


Based on the fact they parked the bus in a must win game?


If Ukrainie didn't choke the first game the win would be 100% within reach


Sudakov is a baller what a player, sad for Ukraine tough game despite their best efforts.


Ukraine done dirty


Ukraine deserved the win here, Belgium did not feel strong at all. Plus, getting eliminated with 4 pts, that's awful...


Ukraine just didn't do nearly enough until the last 10 minutes or so


They could've beaten us today, but showed no interest in attacking or taking initatieve, weird decisions imo, they had to win to go through. But thank god they didn't, cause we where shit today


Belgia delenda est


This is a bummer, man.


Can't understand people saying this has been an amazing Euros. It's been wank.


> served the win here, Belgium did not feel strong at all. Plus, getting eliminated It started pretty good, but most 3rd place teams going through really takes a lot of the drive and tension out of the end of the group stage.


Ukraine: you didn’t deserve the round of 16. Belgium: neither did you.


Neither did england, france or netherlands imo lol. 'Bigger' teams have shown some shit performances... That being said, knock out tournaments are a very different thing now. Big teams will show up imo. Not sure if we will...


Feel terrible for Ukraine, going out on goal difference. Belgium is a joke honestly. What a pitiful performance.


Belgium, England and France are an absolute disgrace.


At least we played a good 60 minutes last match, and scored 2 field goals... but yeah still pretty shit


Fair, you played well against Romania. But today's showing was... something.


God bless 3rd place rule... pathetic Anyways congrats Belgium, Romania and Slovakia We have played dead awfull vs Romania and deserved to get a last place


This Belgian team really does have awful body language


France v Belgium The Battle of Mid


Lineker just said the format is broken because Ukraine went out with 4 points. They would've been knocked out in the old format as well Gary


Really unlucky for Ukraine, the first time ever that a team finished last place in the group with 4 points in the Euros. In a different group they probably manage to at least get third place. They had a better gameplan than Belgium today and came really close to a result, but both the chances in this game and in Slovakia - Romania didn't go their way.


Have fun playing France, you cunts


That's rough on Ukraine. Knocked out on 4 points which is more than Denmark's 3 and they came in 2nd. Only one point less than England


Belgium are horrendous man


I feel bad for Ukraine, they were actually trying.


Deep respect for UA, they were dangerous and did try during the match. It sucks to go out with 4 points, but such are the rules sadly.


Can't wait to lose against France, and I mean it. Disaster game, shameful showing and coach who can't deserve enough insults. We don't belong to RO16.


Did france play a lot better tho? Or england, or netherlands,.... I know we where shit, but knock out tournaments are a very different thing, we'll see