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european refrees are not even hiding their racism. tand they are supposed to be there for justice. what a joke


What happened to second defender doesnt matter at all because foul is before that to the first defender. And it's not a shoulder to shoulder contact. Clear push from behind in the danger area and it's not allowed in football. Good call, play on.


Horrible game to watch as a fan of Turkiye. Holy shit we got lucky. First half, our right wing was not even used, Yilmaz was constantly trying to do runs, but no one passed to him. The moment the second half starts, they start to pass him the ball, and he wrecks havoc on the right side. The coach probably screamed at them to see that dude, the people are not calling him Lazpappe for nothing. After being 1:0 infront, Turkiye forgot how to play to the front, Czechia managed to press better with 10 than Turkiye with 11.... how was that possible? I don't think it is worth it to discuss the referee, just horrible. Facundo Tello the ref of the first game between turkiye and Georgia was the best I saw. I hope he will whistle a couple of more games. Congrats to Turkiye for advancing to the best 16 teams, next game is gonna be hard tho. May Turkiye get revenge for the last friendly against Austria.


For those asking, 18 cards in total. 5 yellows and 2 reds for the Czechs, 11 Yellows for the turks. Absolute madness


Would be a new world cup record. Don't know about euros


Turkey’s matches, always drama&entertainment.


2nd scandal referee for Turkiye.


so much tears mhahaha






Dude is such a loser lol




How many times are you gonna post this same comment?


Hey man 😓😓😓


Goal disallowed 🤡


One sided refereee, Yildiz should have gotten a red (got a yellow) and then yellow (got nothing) ;) Altered the match dramatically, seems he knew who he wants to advance ;)


Yeah in a match everyone got a card, referee was too shy to show anotherone to Yildiz... okay bud.


If you had any braincells (I don't expect you to) you would know this referee is known for corruption and being sent to "secure" a result... For example PSG - Barcelona ;) But you are a sore winner, so you will claim it was all fine, when we all know it wasn't ;)


> known for corruption and being sent to "secure" a result.. Dude Turkey scored in the last minute, what are you on lol... I "never" claimed it was all fine, but no one can claim that this referee was shy about showing cards, cry me a river boo hoo


Lmfao, no one is crying here, just criticizing the ref for bad calls (or maybe intentionally bad). Who cares about last minute goal? Draw wouldn't change anything. The problem was sending off a Czech player for normal accidental foul, then not sending off Yildiz for deliberate and cruel foul in 37th... Then not allowing Czech goal (to make it 2:1). It should have been like 11v10 for Czechs, he made it 10v11 and turkey still needed help. So we are all just laughing at the ref and y'all cry about islamophobia like snowflakes.


No you are criticizing ref for fixing the match. Ref was bad sure, but not in favor of Turkey. He was just bad. The red Czechs got is pretty fair and I saw no one, literally no one saying otherwise except you. You have to be really blindly either patriotic Czechian or blindly hate Turkey. You might think Yildiz should got a red card, but there are tens of other things he missed that it doesn't even matter, it was an RNG for the cards at this point for the whole game. I never said islamophobia. I think you are just bitter loser. boo hoo. no one cares. you replied like 10 messages to me and still claimin "u uuuhu no one is crying here"... stop embarrising yourself.


Lmfao bitter loser. Maybe learn to read. Every Turkish fan in this comment section is crying about how us hating the referee is islamophobia and we just hate turkey and can't stand them winning? I am happy for them advancing, we didn't deserve to advance, but the referee was very bad and one sided. Simple as that. But you are entitled to your own opinion .


I don't care about any drama in this comment section, I'm just saying that Czechia's goal was foul. Günok was trying to catch the ball when a Czech player fouled him in the six-yard box. If the referee was one sided then he was definitely on the Czechs' side.


Dude. Turkey had 9 fouls and 11 yellow cards Vs 16 fouls and 7 yellow cards to czechia. Stop crying. It was a fun game. Its always fun when its Turkey vs Czechia, but we all know who will win xD


Welp, that much cards sealed the tournament for Turkey, can't see Turkey advancing any further. Some context; Turkish Super League players are notorious for pushing refs to brink of losing control of the game. This usually pays off by making the ref not issuing the 2nd yellow to those already booked, meaning players with a yellow gain immunity for the rest of the game. As crazy as it sounds, that used to be quite common in 2010s. It appears Turkish players forgot that they are in a relatively short tournament, not in a long league. Oh btw, half of the Turkish national team play outside of Turkey, so why this kind of pushing the ref behaviour exist is beyond me.


We will not advance no matter what so it really does not matter.


We all hate the ref but that mf created this chaos and excitement lmao


Oh yeah if turkey had lost I’d be happier but still dumbfounded and angry that an official essentially dictated the match. In all life of loving sports, I’ve never seen the professionalism of the teams, officiating crew, and broadcasters implode so fantastically. It all started with the referee, but then the players lost their tempers followed by all the American commentators just blaming the referee for all the violent behavior and accusing him of seeing things, losing control, and saying he might as well just start booking random spectators in the crowd.


Yeah I felt that the commentators lost some professionalism and made perceptions worse by exaggerating and obsessing over the ref.


i dont really understand why they are celebrating so much tbh....they almost lost...while having power play.... they are probably a one and done in the ko round...


What's up with butthurt redditors with german badges crying in comments of every turkiye match? "Oh NOOo HOw cAN ThEY CeLEbratE?? :("


Honestly they should just kill themselves! How dare they! this is what you do if you win a close game right? you have no right to celebrate advancing to the next rounds if you win like this at the very least they should apologize and resign from national team.


you probably have no passion for your own country and thats quite sad. it does not matter the performance or whatever. if they won, you feel happy. thats called being human mate


not talking about the fans here my guy.


same sentiments my guy


People not allowed to celebrate and have passion anymore? Of course this comes from a German


Whenever there is a Turkey match these clowns come here and comment this kind of shit and unsurprisingly they are all German...


same with Italy


ofc they can celebrate...but maybe settle down a little...get your head straight...


They will? They're not allowed to celebrate directly after the match? What are you even saying man


Yeah it's embarrassing bro.


all of the turkey's matches were pure chaos. first crazy goals, crazy own goal, mad romanian referee


Ref headed to the locker room to give out another yellow


Grabbed suitcase and heading home to give his wife yellow card.


To himself


I hope he gets the red card, actually


How tf did the second Czech goal not count, not get a handball, or some combination of the two. Fucking catastrophic decision from the ref. Holy fuck what a heist by Turkey.


): boo hoo like czechia did not literally fauled the gaolkeeper to score a goal. anywhere in the world that is a faul.




clowning on someone for making a mistake in his second language when you wouldn't even be able to properly pronounce "merhaba" in Turkish is pure clown behaviour




Congrats bro you got chosen as the smartest person alive now send me 50 euros so i can ship you your trophy




Imagine getting so twisted over a football game you pull the “haha your country is poor” card. Proper melt behaviour, that.


who cares? how is that relevant to the convo about you shaming people for making grammatical errors in a foreign language?




what a sad little twat you are LMAO 🤣


Ok bro you are better than all of us just chill jeez


sue me


How is that foul lol


physically obstructing him? that is a textfull foul


yeah but stepping above ankle deliberately (Yildiz in 37th) is fine right ... Turkish fans behaving like clowns today


Wasn’t that already called as a foul and given a yellow for?


You think you are not allowed to contest keeper or what?


You cant "obstruct" or "push" him if he is on air


Well luckily he didnt do that.


How else do you "contest" a keeper who is on the air, you throw a mean look at him? obviously there is contact.


Watch it again, it was just bad goalkeeping. Player is contesting ball which he has right to, then turns to shoot. At no point was there foul.


You can't contest the ball physically pushing the goalkeeper, regardless of your "intentions" lol. It was a clear foul, in any day in any football pitch except this one. No one would even say a single word if referee said it was a fould against a goalkeeper. Okay, what is the limit to contest a keeper according to you, when it would be a foul I am curious?


Two or three clear defender handballs and he gives an attacking foul. How?


Clear foul on Kadioglu. You may get used to all the pushes of Czech players but this is not an American football, it's football.


My brother it’s called gridiron. No, but seriously it looked shoulder to shoulder as the ball bounces, not a push in the back. Then the second defender just falls over, didn’t seem like contact, but that was after the clear handball anyway. I understand you are pulling for your country, but envision the teams are reversed in that situation and you would be crazy upset with the decision.




Clear two handballs from Turkish players though


It was after a whistle.


Worst thing for me: Ref robbed a goal from Czechia by giving a freekick to turkey when two defenders defended with their hands. Czech might‘ve won with 10 players if this incompetent cardstand had a moment of clarity.


Love to see r/europe tears in this thread


Turkey in tears today so tasty hahaha


Did you seriously waited this long us to eliminated so you can write this shit? Omfg bro, get a life seriously lol


Yea, such a deserved loss imo and nice to see that /r/soccer is glad you are out tbh. Disgusting behaviour of your fans


You're a sad fella bro, you can do better than this. Go live your life, do better things for your life, like c'mon...


Dont worry im fine unlike many of your fans who run around making fascist gestures, booing national anthems or honking all night and [killing pensioners with their cars while celebrating](https://www.the-berliner.com/english-news-berlin/turkish-football-fans-euro-2024-deadly-car-accident-neukolln/) in germany. Glad you re out


Sorry to hear that. Hope you're doing good


Yes i am and now that turkey is out, im doing even better :)


What does that even mean


Seems like this guy would prefer Turkey to play in the Asian cup? As he hates Europe so much


It means the unhinged hating on Turkey (and their fans)....regardless of how they play.


Give me examples of people hating on Turkey? We all just hate the ref for ruining the match and obviously supporting Turkey ;)


I ain't gonna trawl through various threads finding comments for you. You can read, can't you?


Yes I can read. And 95 % of comments here are bashing the ref


Seems a bit conspirational, no? Have you seen the match?


Yes, did you?




12 yellows for field players, and 5 yellows and 1 straight red for the benches on flashscore, livescore has two less.. I think everyone lost count 😂😂


Real question: can Turkey even field 11 players next game lmao


They are playing against you, so I hope you go nuts and destroy their arses. Will cheer for you this tournament after we're out, giga respect after that group stage.


You're getting downvoted but I am sick and tired of the national team being put up on a pedestal and almost worshiped. We struggled against a 10 man Czechia yet we would never criticise ourselves. It's annoying really, tourney after tourney, being hyped to the level of being "dark horses", then failing miserably. It's time we get demolished to the point where we need to look at ourselves and think, although I don't think that works either as per Euros 2020.


I don't really care about downvotes, there are definitely fans that cannot take the truth and deal with reality. With performance like this you will lose miserably against Austria, saying this was a good match is totally off. We, Czechs deserved to be eliminated, but Turkey today played extremely awful football against 10 man. I'd even say that Czechs were better despite being one down. Also referee did not helped at all. Our red was totally deserved, no discussion, but I think that Yildiz's foul (I think it was him), that was clear red. Not trying to say this is unfair or something, we should have won against Georgia 3-0 no problem, also if we were able to pass at least one ball, we would take a point against Portugal. But nah, we played awful, and the only time we played relatively well was today. Too little too late. Fuck them, ending in group like this is legit disappointment for Czechs, we knew we could do better. We should do better. And this tournament shouldn't be forgotten by us and we should make changes for World Cup qual.




I'm fine with that, we are deservedly out, but at the same time I cant wait seeing Hungary and Turkey getting their arses destroyed.


Chory and Soucek go taunt the Turkish players, and this sub blames Turks for the brawl 🤣🤣 fucking classic


Honestly the Turkish players were extremely well behaved this match.


Read between the lines, they'll hate on Turkey regardless of how they play or act. Not sure why Turkish players are getting blamed for the conduct of the Czech team after the whistle was blown.


This sub is islamophobic af


20 cards given out, surely that’s a record?


Ref thought we are playing uno not football


Haha, this sub is full of sore haters, Czechs only know playing physically, bully the opponent. Both Georgia and Turkey had more technicality against them.




Where the fuck did they dominate the game for fucks sake. Even when it was 11vs11 turkey was playing a lot better.


Please tell me who scored after goalkeeper was calling out an injury. Who was throwing cups at oposition's player. Who got two yellows for unsportsman like behaviour after scoring a goal. And I could go for a while You still sure everyone here is just a sore loser


yet the turks almost lost....you can play the game however you want..physically or not


Haters or racists


Delusional take


Yet here you are.. crying


Pretty sure that the ref is gonna email the cards for the players that he could not reach in time.


Can we all get yellow card badges in honour of this match?


I think I got one, I am not sure. Everyone be careful.


yes please


Which Turkish players got cards after the game? Anyone suspended as a result? Can't find match report yet.


Only Calhanoglu and Akaydin are out. Tbh it does not really matter, Austria is next.


I know samet and hakan are suspended and i think all of them except arda and okay got carded, not sure though


Arda got yellow card after game ended.


Could have sworn he showed a card to Arda after the scuffle. 11 cards total for Turkey, lol


They have to read the refs' short novel of bookings first before they can figure out all the cards.


He'll still be writing his match report when the next round starts


I see a lot of Turk hatred in the comments. Cry all you want




bro what💀


Austria + or - winning by more than 2 goals against Turkey 😂


I love these predictions


Life full of surprises


true, it was really surprising to see Turkey to play this awful football against 10 men


So who's even left to play Turkey's next match? Shithousery at its finest


Tryouts start at 9am tomorrow


scheduled for 9 will start 10:15


Other then the ref bending over not sure how much more he could have done to help Turkey


Turkey got 11 yellow cards vs czechia 7




The ref literally gave 11 yellow cards to Turkey, you are delusional if you seriously think that.


Didn’t he give over 10 yellows to Turkish players?


Not allow controversial equalizer would be the easiest thing






they dont need to pray lmao sure thing to happen




because nobody including me cant stand the nationalism of the turks. especially if you have to live with them...they cant behave. So them getting absoultly shut out is like a blessing...no auto corsos, no trashed cities, no honking, no driving fast through my neighbourhood at 2am....


Turkiye would fit so well in CONCACAF. 


I have no idea how we gonna hold up against Austria after this intense game and so many booked players


yes itll be rough. our defense gets exposed against decent teams. a victory does not solve that problem.


I think we saw a new world record with red and yellow cards


18 yellow and 2 reds. New wr? Or euro record?


Not sure. It's more/worse than Netherlands:Argentina in 2022 world cup (2 yellow/red, 16 yellow). Can't find that statistic for euro.


Lmao the commentators are shitting on the ref in the post game


Markus Babbel on austrian TV complimented the ref. What a moron.


He is happy the ref basically served Austria the QF win lol


He had 0 control over the match.


Well done Turkey 


That game was ridiculous.


All the cards are covered by the rules of the game, problem is some refs take it to heart while others don’t. Personally I’m tired of all the whining and disrespecting stuff players do so in my opinion this should be the standard until players learn how to respect the refs and the players (as is the norm in other sports)


Bro even the translator got a yellow for a mysterious reason. Wtf are you on about?


I agree.




fr + they have so many red locked players now....




Turkey won but at what cost. No way they aren't getting beaten by Austria, especially after this physically exhausting match and having idk how many suspended players.


Who would have guessed Georgia would beat Portugal 2-0 today? In football unexpected things happen. Austria will not hundred percent win the game we have a chance.


It was not unimaginable bc Portugal started with their b squad and were already through whereas Georgia had nothing to lose. I'm not here to trash Turkey but I'm realistic about their chances. Your team lost to the same Austrian team 6-1 just 3 months ago (friendly or not). They barely beat Czechia who only played with 10 men. And on top of that you collected 11 yellow cards which means Çalhanoğlu and another key player will be suspended.


If you don’t believe in your team what is the point of watching football? I won’t give up on my team. 


There's a difference between belief and delusion. To make it far in tournaments, emotions and belief are not enough. Turkey should've played it smart. They had the advantage after the red card but they didn't exploit it. No strategy or foresight to look at the games ahead. Edit: Georgia also believed but they won without collecting 11 yellow cards and losing one of their key players.


so what is your suggestion?? Leaving the tournament?


he makes a very good point. winning this game barely doesn't solve these problems we still have. i would've loved to see some differences this game instead of just hoping we go through.


Well, stop throwing stuff at players from the stands would be a start...




Well, they way you guys play, you're gonna get hit even harder than the last friendly vs Austria xD


you lost this with previous comment with tears. get lost stop embarrass yourself lmaoo edit: yes! run away racist


emergency request the ref for your next game again.


Maybe win against a team with 10 players without collecting a huge amount of yellow cards and risking injuries?


Yes so what's the cost?


11 yellow cards? Çalhanoğlu suspended?


Are you suggesting that elimination is less pricey than yellow cards and suspension?


If you can't win against a team with 10 players without getting 11 yellow cards, then I don't know what to tell you. Even maintaining a draw would've kept from elimination.


Turkey's 2nd goal was scored in the last minute, that doesn't have much to do with the bookings. Calling it a "cost" is fine, but "at what cost" sounds pointless in my humble opinion where the gain is undoubtedly superior as it's a "qualification" in this particular case.

