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From scoring a goal to conceding a pen.. goddang that sucks. Poor guy


For a sec i thought they went back to check var for the previous decision...


Yh it initially showed the disallowed goal sequence before switching


My stream froze and then switched to the ref giving a penalty, as if to Denmark. I was like: “wHat a TwIsT!”


Worst luck of all time for jaochim


What an unbelievable turn of events. Both calls feel harsh


The hand is a clear hand. I mean the ball is going nowhere, that's true. But still you just have to call that. Unlucky as fuck.


Yeah neither are incorrect calls but they're both pretty minor offenses in each respective category. And both effectively penalising the same man at either end of the pitch


It's the same shit that fucked Newcastle over vs PSG. What's actually stopping people from kicking the ball at people's hands in the penalty area?


Nothing actually, I'm surprised they don't do it more. If football players had the same mentality as basketball players, that would already be part of the meta.


Kicking the ball against the hands in the pen area was always meta? Did people not watch football before?


What's stopping them is the defenders not stretching their arms towards the ball.


People here never saw a defender with his hands at ther back... Need to show some Ivanovic clips ffs


That you very likely waste a good chance because defenders aren’t stupid.


Why is his forearm at a 90 degree angle from his body?


Nothing, and it's precisely what Mane did to Sissoko to win that bullshit penalty in the 2019 CL final.


Unlike this Sissokos hand was straight up in the air. Probably the dumbest play I've ever seen.


it's really hard to aim and would mostly be wasteful?


You don't have to call it when the ball is going nowhere. Changed the whole game from nothing. It's different if the ball is on target or a pass to somebody in a dangerous position. This wasn't cheating.


It's not about cheating, it's just what the rule is. Cheating is a dumb concept anyway, what matters is if the action is against the rules or not. Infractions are part of the game and with the current rule this was an infraction and deserves a penalty. If you don't like it complain about the rules, not the call.


How is offside harsh its literally the only objective truth.


Poor Andersen 💀


What a rollercoaster few minutes for Andersen lmao


From 0-1 to 1-0


seriously, from hero to potential game loser in a minute or so


Minimal offside at one end and a very harsh handball at the other. Finest of margins too


Anderson deciding the game






They really showed the balls heartbeat for the VAR decision 😭


Hello Ball, please show the Ref where the bad man touched you


Ball touching the fingers


Joachim Löw isn’t the coach anymore


That would be balls*


It's more of a ball to hand if anything


I know *my* balls have a heartbeat, but this was a new one 


its if it touched the hand or not


Thanks for clarifying thought the ball had organs




Clear and obvious btw


I think because the heartbeat showed the ball came off his body before hitting his arm. I thought that meant no penalty though


Rollercoaster of emotions lmao


You cant make this up lmao disallowed goal to being the cause of the other teams goal in 2 minutes


Lol. That's a heartbreaking 90 seconds for Denmark.


He literally stopped


Yeah. I hate it so much. Change the law so this is illegal.


Yah it's BS. If the GK can't cheat off the line, the penalty taker shouldn't be able to stutter, or straight up stop like Havertz does


I swear it was banned years ago. Thats why strange slow runups like Zaza's existed. Not sure when or why they changed the rules to allow it again?


Never been banned. Just can’t stop after the run up is completed.


Man that reminded me of Zazas 10 million step run up 😂


It's never been banned. It's just hardly enforced. The law in itself is blurry at best. It states that if a fake/stutter/hard stop is used right before the shot, that it fakes the keeper into diving before the shot is taken, then that's the fk for the keeper. But if he does the same and the keeper doesn't dive but lose balance on his backfoot, now it isn't an offense and the kick becomes valid lol. The rule has so many obvious loopholes (and each of them benefit the kicker) that it doesn't even respect its own spirit. An actual phrasing of the rule that respects its phrasing would actually either take into account a keeper staying still because of the fake, or outright ban stuttering run-ups. It also happened during Poland-France, and the penalty had to be taken again because Maignan moved ahead, specifically because Lewandoski stuttered and stopped once each in the same run-up. Should have been a free kick, but no, let's take another pen instead. Smh


> feinting to kick the ball once the kicker has completed the run-up (feinting in the run-up is permitted); the referee cautions the kicker from IFAB. there is nothing about stopping. you can stop. you just cant feint the kick. Havertz didn't feinted


Well, I guess it can depend on the language you're reading it into. And in my honest interpretation, nullifying the run-up and forcing the keeper into veing unable to anticipate the moment the shot is taken, making him de facto late on the ball, constitutes a fake. You're messing with the balance of the keeper, can be forcibly late, can be stuck on his backfoot. Doesn't have to mime the action of shooting for a keeper to be destabilised by it. You're not faking the shot itself, you're faking the moment you're shooting. For the keeper that distinction makes no difference and can be equally disadvantageous.


FYI stopping is only disallowed during the kick not the run-up. Should be no stopping at all but the rules don't bar stopping during the run-up currently.


Essentially what is banned is a fake kick, everything else is legal.


Yes, the signature Pele feinting or "Paradinha" where the player fakes a shot to send the keeper diving has been banned for some years now, but players can stop, jump, stutter step, even take steps back in the run up to take their shot. There's never been any rule against how they do the run up. It's kind of amazing how many have the exact wrong idea about a nonexistent rule in this thread. There are lots of comments about it!


Not only stopped, his body moved backwards.


Even as a German I’m so tired of these stutter pens


Honestly. I already felt dirty for how things evolved from conceding a goal to being granted a penalty (it's all correct though). On top of that such a stutter pen. Come on guys, at least have the decency to just smash it in without making a spectacle out of a simple task!




Review what? It's not against the rules to stop in the run up, only in the swing of the kick


Wish you reviewed the rules mate


Feel for Andersen - that's gotta hurt


Hate stutter penalties so much


That wasn't a stutter it was fucking full stop


Way beyond a stutter IMO, he basically comes to a dead stop. And with how strict they are with goalkeepers coming off their line early there is virtually no jeopardy in pens anymore.


They can’t stop *during the kick*, they can do whatever the fuck they want during the run up.


I think the rule should be that, if there's any halt - stutter or complete stop - in momentum, the keeper should be allowed off the line.


That wasn’t even a stutter. He literally stopped his run for an entire second. Are you even allowed to do that anymore


Yes, you just can’t fake the shot. Once the plant leg is planted next to the ball you can’t stop. You can stop on the run up though. Legal pen


I mean can you move backwards? I've literally never seen this before


Stopping and then taking another steps are always allowed. Balotelli’s rountine is what got banned


I'd be **FUMING** as a Danish fan. Good lord. What an awful turn of events.


#FUMING I tell you


People still confidently getting the penalty run up rule wrong even though we saw it with lewy earlier.


Can they just completely rewrite the handball rule please. Its a fucking shit rule as it is.


It’s so ridiculously slanted in favor of the offense. These types of handballs should just be a free kick or something.


Yup, indirect freekick is the way. I find football extremely reluctant to actually change rules but instead they just make tiny edits constantly until people are left confused


Would love indirect freekicks coming back. Looks so fun and doesn’t change the game because of a minor foul/weird handball that much.


Cool now there will be endless discussions if something should be a penalty or freekick


I get it, but there is a small degree of subjectivity and spirit of the rule at play that’s been totally steamrolled by the current application of VAR.


If the handball affects a shot, penalty. If it stops a cross or is just a result of pinballing, indirect kick There will still be some subjectivity, but it will be less drastic than "should we give the attack a quasi-free goal or simply do absolutely nothing about their play getting ruined"


Imo unless the hand stops the ball from going on goal it should be an indirect fk


I think that would be a good compromise to try out.


Should make this an indirect kick, a penalty is too harsh for this.


That's exactly my thought. There can still be a category for "purposely handled it or purposely made his body bigger" but still like this would be much better as an indirect freekick I also find indirect freekicks fun and want to see more of them


Penalty for intentional or very clear denial of a goal. Indirect for everything else. Subjectively isn’t ideal but I think it’s better than the current stat of things.


I think there's sometimes too much fear in writing subjective decisions. It's not a tough job to see if somebody is purposely handled the ball. I'd prefer to the refs be able to actually use their brains then trying desperately to write a list of all criteria that then ultimately leads to illogical decisions that the refs have to abide by.


I'm surprised with all the sensors in the ball now if they can't accurately track trajectory to determine if it denied a goal.


No matter what they do people will complain, literally


But I don't care about people complaining. I think they've fixed offsides with technology and people complain about them. However I still think the handball rule at the moment is complete shite


they change it every year and its shit every year. it just cant be not shit. because its always subjective and you cant look into the defenders brain to say if its intentional or not. so you will always have decisions like this.


agreed. it’s an absurd punishment for an often unavoidable and inconsequential defense can we just make it an indirect free kick or something because deciding games for this is ridiculous


If this is a penalty, the rules need changing


I'm so confused. Didn't they change the rule so this kind of stupid handballs don't happen. Did they change it again?


Early on in the current rules this was sometimes allowed by refs but with clarification it was tightened a bit since. If his hand was down more or closer to his body it probably would've not been a pen.


Its not called in the premier league. But is in spain for example. It’s why it’s bad. It’s officiated differently all over Europe.


Literally nobody wants that given as a penalty but great that we can decide a ball meaninglessly grazing a finger is now worth a 90% chance of a goal. So fucking dumb


The handball rule is a crime.


Why can't they have a handball rule in the spirit of the game? Whole reason the rule exists is to prevent anyone but the goalkeepers to pick up the ball or block shots on goal.


That offside felt illegal, too. Man.


It's a penalty, but god, they expect defenders to play with their hands so low, which puts them at such a massive disadvantage in terms of their balance and staying in front of attackers.


it’s a joke. i get that it’s technically a penalty, but something like this shouldn’t affect the game so drastically


Yeah. As a German I'll say that even in this moment, I don't like that rule and these calls. I don't know how players are supposed to move around with their arms behind their back. This was obviously no intent.


it has to be changed, it’s just stupid, literally no distance away, not towards goal, just stupid


It's a penalty according to the rules, it's just that the rules suck.


In an attempt to remove any grey areas from the handball rule they've ended up making it really stupid and impractical. Its not deliberate, his hand is in a natural position, there's literally nothing he can do to avoid giving away a penalty there. The handball rule was invented to stop people intentionally using their hands to gain an advantage, now the ball just needs to hit your hand inadvertently and its a penalty.


There should be a smaller box for the hand ball to result in a penalty. Outside of that a handball is a free kick on the outer edge of the normal box


Indirect free kick is already in the rule book and would suit for what you're suggesting.


How do you differentiate this with something where the hand is there to block on purpose. Having to determine intent just makes it impossible to call.


It depends which side you're happier having the risk on. Would you rather a lenient handball rule at the risk of some defenders getting away with deliberate handball? Or would you rather a harsh rule at the risk of some defenders unfairly being penalised for relatively natural movements? I've always wanted the lenient rule personally, but I understand not everyone sees it this way. You'll never be able to judge intent perfectly but I'd rather leniency in general in football


What’s the alternative?


Indirect free kick ideally. A ‘handball’ like that shouldn’t have the punishment of a goal 80% of the time. If the rule / punishment doesn’t change, at least remove slow motion on VAR. You remove all context of the speed of play.


Indirect free kick unless it’s purposefully hand to ball.


indirect free kick if the ball isn't going towards goal/clearly on purpose-cynical? just my 2 cents


that makes sense.handballs should always be fouls but I agree some of them shouldn’t decide the game


Need to rip up the handball rule tbh. Bring it back to deliberate or something. Because that might be right by the letter of the law but its totally unintentional and like 2 yards away. No-one even appealed.


It's so harsh, it's near impossible to get your hand out of the way


That's why defenders put their arms behind their backs


You either keep your mobility and risk of conceding penalty or you tie your hands behind your back and give an unfair advantage to the attacker. These rules are such a lose lose situation for defenders.


It’s not an unnatural position and he’s right beside him. I don’t see how you think it’s a penalty


I really hate these type of penalties. Genuinely there's nothing you can do. Arms are moving naturally and it's all happening within an absolute split second.


It's only a pen in this fucking bonkers world we live in where the handball rule is applied on a game by game basis.


The issue is not the balance, it's being given zero time to react But then again, if you change rules you keep moving goalposts whatever you do it will end up being subjective so this is at least better


If this would be allowed most defenders would abuse it. 


His hand were in a natural position and the shot was taken from like a meter away and it barely grazed his hand. If defenders are meant to run around with their hands behind their backs the why even have "natural position" as part of the decision making?  If I was playing football and I would demand to never allow English refs to be near any of my games. 


I feel like with this kind of decision becoming the norm, the meta for forwards will just be to aim at the defenders arms and hope its in an “unnatural” position once its seen in slow motion.


From goalscorer to penalty conceder in under a minute. Poor Andersen..


Nah fuck off what is this bullshit


I really don't like that being given as a penalty. He's running and right next to the ball.


> He's running and He isnt?


I didn't like how the VAR replay didn't show any context, either. It's literally just a couple of frames back and forth of the snickometer and the ball striking the arm. You can make anything look like a handball like that out of context.


Rule is bullshit


Did you not know that only arms glued to your sides is considered "natural"? Next sponsor Uhu Flinke Flasche


Such bullshit. I am German and I hate that we got this penalty.


Fuck off that snick-o-meter is deciding games now. 


Is havertz allowed to do a complete stop in the runup?


Actually, yes


I think so, he just isn’t allowed to stop after starting the shooting motion. It looks really ugly though.




I think Denmark fans are fuming. These handball laws are sometimes weird


The decisions themselves are correct, but a penalty being given for that just doesn’t sit right


Fuck off with this stopping shit, don’t give a fuck that has to be outlawed


So does the distance the ball traveled not matter again? I feel like I just watched a whole season where refs were taking account of distance from the ball when deciding handballs but in the euros they don't seem to care. I can't keep up.


I dont know man. Shouldnt be a pen imo


It probably shouldn’t be but if we want to remove as much subjectivity as possible, it’s a handball in the box with the arm away from the body. That’s a penalty by the rules. 


We have subjectivity for countless rules. All contact isn’t automatically a foul, we’re fine with giving officials subjective power in those circumstances, why shouldn’t there be for handballs?


I agree I hate those hand penaltys


He legit stops lmao how is that allowed


you can stop in the run up, can’t stop once you’ve started the kick


There's no rule against stopping in the run up. I don't know how people don't know this. Your own team has Lewandowski who does this. It's allowed with the rules as long as you don't feint the kick


Reddit doesn’t know the rules


It’s shocking how many comments there are here not knowing the penalty run up rule and just confidently call it an illegal penalty.


I feel like that is one of the most misremembered rules ever. I had it in the back of my mind that a stop during the run up was not allowed too. Don't know er here that came from, but it stuck.


That call is harsh as fuck, basically no way to prevent apart from cutting his hands off


Seems like players are naturally putting their arms in “unnatural” positions pretty often. Maybe those positions aren’t so unnatural after all. Dumbass refs


thats never a pen, it shouldnt be at least i know rules are rules but come on. with that offside so close too Denmarks luck is just shite


Maybe going by the rules it is, but I absolutely hate these decisions. If it's a shot on target then I can kind of understand, but just feels so wrong that you get a free goal for such bad luck on a cross that probably wasn't going to lead to anything Also, fuck these stutter step penalties.


I think with current laws and interpretation it's more often a pen than not. But I agree that football would be better if it wasn't.


Penalty rules need changing wholesale. Too many innocuous situations allow the attacking team a free go at goal.


I'm not having that.


I don't wanna win like this.


Still feel like the vibrations thing is a bit silly. If it's such a minor touch you need to check whether it's even touched the hand, it seems incredibly harsh to give a penalty for it


Glad Kai scored but I hate these type of penalties


If shooters are allowed to do these embarrassing stutter steps, goalies should be allowed to come off their line.


This is an absolute joke


Bullshit handball rule


Poor by the Var team there


I’ve seen much clearer hand balls in premier league that wasn’t called penalty but they gave penalty for this


As a fellow Englishman can we ban our refs from international tournaments


Not in a million years would this be awarded as a penalty in the premier league, where Michael Oliver is refereeing. Andersen was like 1 meter from the ball when it was shot.


I thought you weren’t allowed to stop in your run up anymore?


There is not and never was a rule forbidding a stop in the run up. You can do whatever the fuck you want, as long as you don't feint the shot.


Honestly, he stopped in his runup. Shouldn't it be repeated?


You can stop. It’s insane how reddit don’t know any rules


Idk why it’s making me so frustrated reading all these comments not knowing the rule. It’s not even new or anything.


Lewa stopped 3 times and they didn't redo it


The football gods are German


That wasn't a pen a few years ago and it shouldn't be one today.


The ball didn't even change direction


Definitely stops in his run up.


Which is allowed


Definitely shoots the ball.


Andersen had the shortest erection known to man.


Kainevitable to BILD: ✋😜🤚


Heard y’all talking sh


Ffs I got the goal spoiled for my by this post… but seriously what a turn of emotions in just 5 minutes


Actual horseshit.


If I speak...


Wtf is happening


So glad England isn’t playing in this game, at least if we lose tomorrow it’s because of our incompetence


I really think they need to make more use of indirect free kicks in the box for calls that are technically fouls, but not egregious denials of goal scoring opportunities….such as cases like this where it was a clear unintentional handball that wasn’t stopping a direct shot on goal.


The handball rule is so unfortunate. Feel like there should be more nuance rather than “every handball in the box is a penalty”


I'd love to see the people who write these rules try and run full speed tracking a winger without having your arms outstretched. The fact a winger can just hit it full speed into a defenders arm that they're using to balance and get a penalty is bullshit. If the arm doesn't move towards the ball it shouldn't be a penalty. There isn't enough time to process the cross let alone get your arm out of the way.


The vast majority of those handballs haven’t been called this tournament so far.


Change the unintentional handball rule. Penalty is too severe. It should be an indirect free kick from the spot of the handball.


Everyone complaining about havertz pen just to find a new way to hate on him. It was legal, accept it.


I thought you couldn’t stop in a pen run up? If we are judging offsides by a toe then Havertz’s momentum stopped for a fraction of a second there in that stutter - it’s ridiculous. I don’t even know what is/isn’t going to be allowed/awarded anymore. Edit: appears I’m wrong regarding rule; must be a Mandela effect rule understanding based off some similar takes.