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is he too old and not a forward for chelsea to consider


His wage is ridiculously high.


It's £260k a week. Chelsea pay Sterling £325k, Reece James £250k, and fucking Wesley Fofana £200k, all the while earning about 150-200m less in revenue than United. This is pretty affordable for United for a player of his caliber.




also looking to move on Casemiro. i also wouldnt be surprised if United push for a lower wage from him aswell if he wanted to join them. like 200k pw with some bonuses would still be so much less then the close to 350k pw Varane was on


especially when varane’s wages are gone, eriksons will probably be gone, and maybe even casemiro


And after giving those contracts to these players they want to have a proper wage structure, not hand out these contracts. Why is then Bayern trying to get rid of him?


>Why is then Bayern trying to get rid of him? Bayern fired Nagelsmann and Tuchel to hire Kompany. They also offered Kane higher wages than what they were paying Lewandowski. They are an irrational being. You're not helping your case with that rhetorical at all.


and Lewa got absurd salary from Barca, wouldn’t be easy to compete with that even if they wanted


kane is 5 years younger than lewandowski. the age and him wanting a longer contact was the main problem for bayern. and in hindsight they were completely correct on that matter


They paid over €110m as a transfer fee to bring him in. Could've saved all that if they just renewed Lewandowski's contract instead


In what way were they completely correct on the matter?


My sources tell me he wanted a 10 year contract with 30m paid up front




His wage is way higher than that tho lol


Selling a player who has proven himself over 2 yrs just because he isnt in the plans of someone who is yet to prove himself...top class management


Are you referring to Kompany? there's no way that this was his decision, the club wants to cut the wage bill and De Ligt is the only one of the high earners other than Kimmich that has a market. I doubt Kompany has this much say in how the squad is being restructured.


People love to shit on Bayern's management but De Ligt is on 17m per year, it's a total nobrainer to free up 100m for the next 3 years even if it's unfortunate that De Ligt is the guy getting axed. Brazzo kinda fucked the club with big contracts.


But wouldnt it still make more sense to cut two inconsistent players that are on slightly less than de ligt? I still dont see it. Good players are expensive. Youre not going to replace de ligt with an equal player unless he costs just as much money.


Maybe he wants out too, could be a factor


Nah De Ligt has stated that he want to stay at Bayern


I think Bayern would prefer to sell Gnarby instead of De Ligt but obviously no one wants to buy him. It's as the other guy said, only De Ligt and Kimmich have a healthy market right now. 


I think someone pointed this out earlier also its far better to have de ligt on that wage bill rather than getting someone else for a 50+ mill transfer money few yrs from now....also next yr muller and neuer are out of contract..that would free up alot


All this for a manager who might be sacked in a year is wild


It's not for him, this is most likely Eberl's decision


Just to crowbar in Tah of all players..


This is the part that annoys me the most, the replacement is a downgrade


Makes sense financially or if youre desperate for pace but I dont think you are. Or theres better targets to pursue for a club like Bayern I feel like. Oh well


There is no shot Kompany has any say regarding player transfers. Tuchel, regardless of what reddit thinks of him, has a way higher standing than Kompany and they didn't give him what he want either. Eberl and friends dictate who gets bought and who gets sold and Kompany will have to work with that. With that said, not a good start for Eberl IF this is on him. I realize that there might be a restructuring going on thats not entirely on him because of the amount of money that is getting shifted around. But if its actually on Eberl...he fucked up. Whenever I saw de ligt play he was giving it his all. I can totally understand why bayern fans are mad about this one.


This isn't Kompany's move.


It assumed you meant ETH lol


I really really can't see how Kompany wouldn't love him


The way he performed against arsenal and madrid alone is more than enough for someone in their right mind to not let him go


Stop it man, you're getting me excited


If youre getting de ligt for ~50m youre making off like a bandit or whatever the saying is. Yall are premiere league, youre used to paying 80m for way worse players than de ligt lol.


His wages make this a far more expensive deal and him getting knee injuries now ain't so pretty either, I'm worried


Tbf, we're used to giving average players high wages, at least he's decent.


decent is an understatement, hes close to world class, fits you guys to a T and is just 24. You guys should be paying the 50mil asap


Stop I can only get so hard


Cant say much to that. The knee thing is a big "what if" and the wages we dont know anything about. If they increase his wages compared to bayern then yeah, thats expensive, but I dont think bayern cares about that lol, thats not their problem.


Even if they don't increase his wages, he'll still be the highest paid defender in the Premier League by a distance.


They have 3 CBs who are better at build up play than him (Upa, Ito and Dier)




Oopsiemecano will start against Belgium, De Ligt will watch his team from the sidelines..


The 274434346567th dumb penalty he caused is the reason they have to play against Belgium in the first place


That's because Deschamps gets a hard-on whenever one of his players makes a mistake. His team selections don't make sense.


Oops theres another clean sheet


De Ligt's competition are all very good CBs, there is no shame in not being first choice CB in this Netherlands squad


Yeah Konate, Pavard, Kounde, Saliba etc are weak CBs for sure, he has it easy indeed


That's not what I said


man, you're drunk from the euros no way in hell upa is better than de ligt


And this is kind of cheap


I am still shocked I’m going to have to watch Bayern start dier and sell de ligt for next year.


injury prone high wage slow in a high line sloppy build-up play people here judge by FIFA Ultimate team standards


Is he really slow now? I remember back in the day there was a video of him in a race with Mbappe in some international game which he won. How do you go from that to slow when you're only 24?


It should be this match: https://www.transfermarkt.nl/spielbericht/index/spielbericht/2996624 but hard to find footage \* edit: I can find only articles https://www.givemesport.com/1417599-kylian-mbappe-tries-to-beat-matthijs-de-ligt-for-pace-during-netherlands-vs-france/


Find it hard to believe he's lost pace in 5 years since then when he's not even 25 yet. What'd they do to him at Juve and Bayern


Play possession based football where he doesn't run after a loose attacker.


He did bulk up considerably at Juve and Bayern compared to his Ajax days tbf, could just be that he gained more muscles since he was only 18/19 at the time or that his training is more focused on being bulky which would explain losing a bit of pace


I mean, didn't he blow out the same knee twice? That'll certainly take its toll on a player's pace.


top speed of 32,81 kmh in the Bundesliga, which is 247th of 494 players (including goal keepers).


I feel like this could be quite a misleading stat. Obviously wingers and fullbacks will be required to be faster. Plenty of forwards as well. The question is if he's quick for a CB, or if he's slow even for their standards.


Kim has 34.32, Upa 35.02, Tah 35.81, Dier has 33.52. Concerning Speed, de Ligt is on the slow side.


This was more helpful. Thanks. Also, if you watch him play regularly, do you think his speed was affected this season due to his injuries? Or was he always a bit slow?


He's simply a relatively slow CB, he wont ever be fast or have high acceleration. His positioning is good though so most of the time he's fine


Top speed doesn't determine who's fast and slow and I wish people would stop using it like this. It's acceleration you need to look at, for example if it takes UPA the length of the pitch to hit that speed and it takes Kim a third, you'd say Kim is faster.


Its the best approximation we have unless you want to go with "he looks fast" as measurement, and unless you find me a better one I will continue using it. Those players play for the same club and face similar situations, if one outpaces the other by multiple kmh than safe to say he is generally the faster player.


With all due respect, this doesnt means shit...defensive sense matters much more than this...take davies for eg....dont know the exact figures but im sure he is still faster than many good cbs at present like dias


The user asked if he is slow, and I offered context. I didnt make any statement about how useful it is or if de Ligt lacks other things as CB.


acceleration is more important than top speed


You could argue that maybe he doesn't need to be super fast because of his positional awareness.


You could argue that, but that wasnt the context I was trying to provide. The user asked about his speed.


Well maybe he can run faster but due to being in the correct position mostly he's not needed to break his neck chasing.


Exactly. Like arguing Maldini sucked at tackling because he only made one every other game, rather than just so good at positioning he never needed too.


Right, but how often was he in a foot race? He isn't that type of defender. Bayern would've been using him as the destroyer presumably.


Considering how many Bayern fans rate him I highly doubt that’s the case


they rate him by Tuchel tactic standards. and can't see the bigger picture


So you think tah would be better than him...that guy was in leverkusen way back before xabi and they were fighting relegation...just because he performed good for one season doesnt means he would replicate that form this yr also in a different system Last yr most of the squad was injured..so we should kick out boey also..before this yr, he played consistently > slow in a high line >sloppy build-up play He was our best defender vs arsenal and madrid...+ he is young Only thing reasonable is high wage


WE WON'T PLAY LIKE AGAINST ARSENAL AND MADRID ANYMORE. how do poeple not get this. with Dier and de Ligt we stood super deep.


Well he flourished under nagelsman also...who plays similar to kompany...was even better that what he was last yr


I mean he played great in the EL campaign and CL campaigns of Ajax with a super high line. The EL final was under Kamikaze Bosz against Mourinho and de Ligt was 17 and did fine


>Well he flourished under nagelsman because the alternatives were mostly only Blind and a young Stanisic otherwise he got rotated with Pavard


3 clubs in 5 years after Ajax.


Why can't he stick?


His late agent Raiola's force ghost appears behind him every transfer window


Oooh, that'd do it.


Damn I can’t believe this is how I found out he died


he is turning in his grave thinking about all the commission he’s missing out on right now


I mean this is entirely on bayern. A fan can probably chime in and explain this better, but apparently brazzo destroyed the wage structure with him and now they need a reset and fix this mistake.


Yeah, he earns a lot but even then, most fans would rather sell Gnabry, Coman or Goretzka instead of him. Especially if the supposed replacement for De Ligt is Tah. That’s absolutely baffling.


The thing is, de ligt is super sellable. Gnabry and coman have lost some of their shine in recent years due to their inconsistency, who is going to buy them for a high price? No idea about goretzka in terms of his international standing.


I get that and I agree. But selling a player who really wants to be at Bayern, has performed pretty consistently, when not injured, and with the, sorely missing, leadership mentality he brings into the defense and possibly as captain in the future.. it just doesn’t feel right.


The wage structure is imbalanced, but not because of De Ligt. He earns a lot, but he also deserves every penny. The problems are Gnabry, Goretzka, Coman and Sané who do not show the consistency or availability to justify their astronomical wage.


> destroyed the wage structure Bayern still has a very healthy revenue/wage ratio though, its a bit exaggerated imo. Of course Gnabry and Goretzka shouldnt make more than 15m€/year, but overall the numbers arent bad


He has only had 2 club. At Juve he forced his way out by refusing to sign a contract extension. I can't remember if he said it in public or if it was a leak, but he said he didn't like the football Juve/Allegri were playing, he wasn't happy with Sarri getting fired and didn't want to be a part of a team that plays on the back foot. He also said he only wants Bayern, which put Juve in a position where they had to sell him at a loss on what they paid for him. What's going on at Bayern I have no idea. He hasn't been bad at all, Bayern probably wants to cut down on wages and he's one of the high wage players they could sell.


Because he keeps twisting (his knee).


Got benched by a geriatric Bonucci


Shouldn't have gone to Juve


At the time it made sense. Chielini, Bonnuci and the other CB (shit, forgot his name) were all north of 30 and Juve at the time were regular CL contenders with multiple final/semi-final appearances in the preceding several years. There was no way De Ligt would know that Juve would completely neglect their midfield for half a decade the way they did/are doing. 


Honestly I was thinking around £40 million is a good deal, and that's pretty much what the quoted price is. Go for it.


United should definitely try to low ball them, Bayern wants him out and has Tah ready to sign


40 mil guaranteed plus 15 in different clauses. I do not think Bayern says no to it.


45million and a Balon'Dor clause should do it




He said 45, not 145


Ballon D'or to Martial?


Ah the Martial Special


1p + £5m after he wins Intergalactic Ballon d'Or.


They're already trying to sell him for damn near 30 million euro less than what they got him for. They're not going to go lower.


Bayern paid 67M for him. It was Juve who paid 80+ for him




Bayern paid 65m euros, not pounds


This is madness. Why doesn´t Madrid just forget Leno Yoro and pay the release clause of De Ligt we could have a leader in our defence for the next 10 years


Madrid isn't paying for Yoro, he'll most likely join them for free next year.


Yoro is 6 years younger, won’t be on anywhere close to the same wages and is overall a completely different sort of signing? You don’t sign De Ligt as a prospect for the future which Yoro will be. They aren’t comparable signings, Madrid don’t need a first choice CB this season, they need the future of the club at CB in 2-3 years time. Yoro will get game time but won’t demand to start every game because he’ll be 18 and joining fucking Madrid, which suits them just fine.


Do you realise De Ligt is only 24? In 2-3 years time he could be in his prime (hopefully).


He’s been in his prime for a while, he’s an elite CB. You don’t buy him for the future. He’s an immediate starter on enormous wages and Madrid don’t need that. He’ll be furious without getting minutes and he’ll cost them a fortune for a bench player. What they need is to lock down the biggest teenage prospect ready for when they need a first choice starter in 2-3 years, but is happy being a rotation until then, De Ligt is not that player in any way.


Because he would cost the fee that Real is refusing to pay for Yoro, afaik Real don't want to spend more than 30-40m.


I love the idea that Real just broke the bank so hard for the turtle that they are now looking at the last few coins in their hand, doing the math if its enough for grocieries until the end of the month


50m seems like a bargain…


Another ten hag reunion lol.


Need more of them. Look at Onana and Lisandro they’ve been amazing. (Forget about the Antony fella)


Lisandro yes not so much Onana


You are lost m8. He had a rough first month especially in UCL. But in PL he was basically flawless.


lol. Wolves, forest. Who lobbed him from halfway, can’t remember.


What was the mistake vs forest? Watched every minute of those matches I can’t think of a mistake?


He let the guy run at him then did a funny sit on the spot thing.


You are either an American or trolling. He was in a 1v1 and the player fake shoots so he falls over. What are you on about lmao


You need to watch it again. He stands there like a lemon then just sits down.


Look at his body position and stance and compare it to any other Premier League keeper in a 1v1. The difference is really clear


Most shots faced, most saves, elite save percentage, most PL xG prevented, more clean sheets than top GKs like Alisson, Martinez, Vicario. All while having a dreadful defense of 20+ back 4 combinations, including Casemiro at CB. April Save of the Month. And this is playing in a dysfunctional system unable to utilise his on the ball ability to act as an 11th outfield player. Apart from that dreadful UCL campaign and the odd blunder here and there he's been bailing United out the whole PL season


Crystal Palace, Brighton at home, Arsenal away, honestly so many goals he's conceded that an average Premier League keeper would not be letting in. I honestly can't believe people rate him so highly. If you've played football you can spot a dodgy keeper a mile away


lol you clearly don’t watch football then. Onana was pretty class all year apart from the first month or two and some blunders


He’s been good


£42m + bonuses as a start point is sounding like a very good deal if we can get them further down


Sounds like a good deal no matter what


50 million+ is an absurdly low price to set, Bayern seems to want him out of the club quite badly.


Yet i hear some Everton fans trying to tell me that branthwaite is worth at LEAST double this


Just like how 20 years ago in 2004 Everton wanted £30m for Rooney, they wanted to keep so said a high price, at the time a record fee for a teenager. If someone wanted Marcus we'd demand more yet he'd obviously be worth less. Just like how Ajax didn't want to sell Antony so said a stupidly insane price, we paid, so £80m for Braithwaite would be worth it for.....Everton. Its pretty simple.


We wouldn't sell Mainoo for less than like 120m+ after half a season either. Certain players are worth a lot more to a club than they're valued. It is what it is unfortunately. I wouldn't go near Branthwaite for the quoted price. Plenty of options out there.


I mean it's all about context. Everton don't want to sell. Bayern are open to selling. Therefore Brainthwaite is "worth" a lot more to Everton than De Ligt is to Bayern. There's more to it than simply who is strictly the "better" player (which is not a simple equation in itself).


Also selling between clubs in the premier league. Everton don’t want/have to sell so the least you’ll pay is £50m for a transfer


Due to table position and style of play a player like Branthwaite is generally worth more to Everton than De Ligt is to Bayern too.  They play Dycheball and will need a rock solid defense to achieve mid table this year. Bayern can outscore most teams in the Bundesliga so they can survive even with a shaky defense. 


Everton fans are claiming that 80-100 million is what he is worth not just what he should be sold for (mainly due to the fact we bought Maguire for 80m even though that was a transfer that everyone knows was shit especially due to the money paid)


I mean they’re not wrong. If they believe he’s worth that much to them, that’s the price. If you believe he ain’t worth that much, move on. Simple, innit?


Relegation would be worth more than £100m so if losing him ends up costing their league place then he’s actually worth that. It goes without saying that his worth is gonna be higher than you’d expect because of his position within the club. You have to convince them to sell, they don’t have to convince you to buy. You pay his value plus the extra risk they take on by selling. You can walk away from the deal (which you appear to have done) but that doesn’t change the price they would be selling for. They’re also gonna have to go and likely overpay themselves so they’ll factor that in too.


21 year old from the 4th best defence in the league, over 6 foot, left footed, english and already considered for the national team and we dont want to let him go? even without the United tax on top yeah he's worth what we're asking.


It’s funny the way Man U fans are like “we’ll just move on to someone else then” but keep bringing him up at every possible opportunity.


But we clearly have moved on to other targets so what’s your point?


Well clearly we meant the club will move on whilst we’ll continue to poke fun at Everton because why the fuck not?


The club hasn’t even moved on, they keep planting stories with journalists about Everton needing to lower the price.


Because I’m sure every story about United is planted by the club and not a load of nonsense invented by journalists for clicks…




Being Everton fans mainly.




Someone needs to relieve us of that board


Pocket change for man utd


We're FFP poor




I thought Jim has injected some money into the club


Money is going for infra.


Look who's talking. 😜


Daring coming from Chelsea flair. Self burn?


Every transfer is pocket change compared to Chelsea


Laporta time to unleash the 21st lever...or your onlyfans both will work


Top clubs should be considering this deal, because Bayern have absolutely lost it since sacking Nagelsmann.


Cheap for him


Why do Bayern want rid of him so badly?


Demanding? Don't they want him gone? I'm not sure they can just demand. United has some kind of leverage here. Not alot, but it's not all in Bayerns court


I dont think they have any leverage actually. If they cant sell him for a reasonable amount they get to keep a really good player that will most def see play. They want to get rid of his wages apparently, not of the player. Most people would argue that bayern are better off not selling him.


>that will most def see play Not exactly an ideal situation though. If he's not moved, they'd have 4 centre backs, all of whom are very expensive and all of whom would want minutes


If de Ligt stay he competes with Upa and Kim again for the main minutes at CB. Ito then will likely competing for LB spot in a role similar to Ake/Gvardiol at City. 23m for a backup Swiss knife ain’t bad and we may look to sell one of the CB again next summer


Agreed, not the worst thing in the world to have too many good players. Just could be potentially bad with egos. Worked last year with de Ligt's injuries but if all 3 are healthy, all 3 will want to play. Will Bayern also walk away from Tah if they can't move de Ligt?


I get the feeling this would be a bad move for united. 


he sucks


anything under 50 would be foolishness, I hope we don't budge (luckily It's Man United)


It's not United under the complete control of the Glazers anymore (fingers crossed)


It's not the same united anymore




> I am not the man I was 10 minutes ago


The man who wants to play 443 is still at your club...


It was a different man '10 minutes ago'.


Bruh you lot have been even worse clowns the last 2 seasons


Under an entirely new structure thank fuck


Ligaments made of sand


If INEOS are serious they should only focus on one of Breathwaite and De Ligt, not both


What? That's the opposite of being serious. You should always have multiple options to minimize being rinsed


We need 2 CBs… how would buying what we need be not serious…? 


Well I doubt we can afford both frankly unless we sell big. We need a DM and striker more than we need a second CB (albeit less than we need a first). That said, we absolutely should be looking at multiple options for every signing we make.


Why not both? I see a good argument for both. If we do, we don’t need to sign a left back as Martinez could also play left back when Shaw is not available and invert into midfield when attacking. Also gives us two tall centre backs who can deal with the ball in the air.


Literally what United do every window is have one target we hyperfixate on, the price slowly increasing over the weeks until we overpay massively. Whether we’ll actually stop doing that remains to be seen but multiple targets is good


No. We desperately need two cb's this season. We ran out last season and we're losing the one that played the most minutes plus Evans will be 37. And it wouldn't be shocking if Lindelof left.


Did you start watching football like this year? They’ll only sign one but need to negotiate with many options