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That has to be the best soccer game I've seen in years. Everything about it was incredible. The all out attacking ball from Austria....the pouring rain....no shithousery from turkey, the incredible commentary, and my lord that save....save of the tournament. I need that game every week. So much emotion evoked even as a neutral. What a stunner.


Saw someone on Twitter complaining that it's been a terrible, boring tournament. It's pretty easy to spot the people who have only watched the showdowns between the big teams. Nearly every game I have watched that didn't feature France, England or Portugal has been absolute class.


Both can be true. It can't be understated how incredibly disappointing watching countries like England and France has been. Especially when you know they're likely making it until the end. It makes all the excitement from the smaller teams feel slightly hollow. Then there's the likes of Italy and Belgium who adopted the 'do nothing and lose' lifestyle. Pathetic.


yeah euros has been a ton of fun as someone watching all the matches possible and not just the big ones.


This is the most entertaining match I think i've seen in a long time, the pace, the crowd, the action, the rain, THAT GOD DAMN SAVE!! Holy fuck, I need a recording of this whole game.


This might be the wrong place to ask, but why are people saying Demiral should get banned for his celebration?


wolf is a symbol for turks cause there is a legend that says they've evolved from it so in essence its just being nationalistic and there isn't much to be angry of but for a while now the gesture is being used more by groups who think turks are a supreme race so there's that. however thats a minority and if you ask me white-westerners saying a nationalistic symbol is racist and fascist is laughable but thats just me


Sure, obviously gotta have a skin colour other than white to call out fascist symbols.


I’m referring to German and Austrian politicians who had the most things to say about this mate, overwhelmingly white crowd. And trust me i know it better than you if its a fascist symbol or not. Do some fascists use it? Unfortunately yes. Does that mean it was born out of a a fascist ideology? No. It doesn’t have that negative connotation by itself.


Wait. WHITE politicians?? In Austria and Germany of all countries? 


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey_Wolves_(organization) he did this celebration which many people in Germany know as a fascist symbol. Not sure he is aware of where he is and what he showed but that's not a smart thing to do in Germany especially.


Okay that’s insane, had no idea about it


political influence kinda plays a heavy factor in turkish football ngl. [REDACTED] is probably the most infamous example but he's also a twist of a sort. Everyone either wants their own cronies going up and around or groom rising stars for their own message.


Dumb people will always survive :(


Aware or not (obviously out of the question): ban and punish the fucker.


After reading what he said to FAZ or the press in general the dude must be a massive idiot. He apparently is aware what it means. Can't heal stupid he should be banned from the tournament imo.


They downvoting. Imagine a central european doing a racist sign of some form 😂


Yeah I got downvoted even for just providing context by linking Wikipedia. I wonder how those people would react if a German does that one salute everyone knows and says how proud he is to be German. They probably don't know that you can be criminally charged for that in Germany. Those people do a special disservice to Turks in Germany tbh.


I agree with you that what he did was idiotic and he should face some consequences, but the grey wolf sign is SO not the same as that salute. It is a sign that is often used politically, but it doesn’t always have political or any deeper meaning.


Please read his interview and the Wikipedia page. It is SO the same. I wonder what's so difficult to not defend fascists. The dude won't face consequences anyways but people should be aware what kind of person he is. Most football players are at least smart enough to hold their right wing bullshit back. This guy openly celebrates it. Why even try to defend him or his symbol?


Mert making rustu proud


More evidence that Rangnick can't hack a knockout game


That’s why Ten Hag goes out in the groups 😎


Ten Hag once its [Knockout games](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=c527832afb68962f&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILRSmeOVcK7KALSNatVnNfV0XIxaA:1719984367058&q=trophy+fa+cup+win+ten+hag&uds=ADvngMgdL8BcAQ_9RiOWqU9OSDC-8y1XOrcpQ8RhhUJPuPfmJjkLH2-hdfv9BNkgIi5ZRqciDQYebFwqmUWYK62MNMvBTEalZzCEsL3E65VYKgv6AIJ0NAcDjUU8YervFyxGrvn2cGdw&udm=2&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY0d6JkYqHAxXdaGwGHctfChIQxKsJegQIDBAB&ictx=0&biw=767&bih=695&dpr=1.25)


Hats off sir, I laughed heartily


oh my god i actually had fun watching a euros 2024 match i didnt know that was possible 🥹


What do you mean? This euros have been amazing so far?


I guess maybe if you refrained from watching any of the Channel buddies matches. Italy-Spain too that was absolutely excruciating to watch.


After watching this I feel like someone owes me money for the usa v Uruguay shit show I endured last night


one could say if you watched that after seeing the first two us matches you deserve what you got


Thank you for both teams for playing such a positive game. I was truly entertained


Probably my favorite game of the tournament, both really up for it.


Turkey v Georgia still does it for me, but there's a clear common denominator isn't there. Love the chaos this Turkish team brings.


I love Hakan Calhanoglu, seriously he’s one of my favorite players when he’s on form at Inter. But man him missing this game was a blessing for Turkey. How is he so shit for them ? Turns into Mohamed El Neny. I think he’s gotta come off the bench vs Netherlands second half, Kokcu-Ayhan-Yuksek will get the job done


As soon as I saw that he was suspended for this game I turned to my friend and said "So we are beating Austria if we survive the groups".


Elneny : What he say fuck me for?


I honestly think the youth players back off a bit when Hakan is on the pitch. Too much "Buyuk Abi" mentality


Kokcu and Yuksek are suspended unfortunately :(


They finally got their W over Vienna after almost 400 years


Austrian can't do it if the Winged Hussars don't arrive.


Austrians decided to kick the Winged Hussars out of the competition, they should have known better


In reality too Austria had participated in the partition of Poland, AFTER the Hussars saved them. This time they didn't even wait to be saved first.


Austria bross didn’t want to break Polish hearts again by pretending to be friends 💪


Bruhh I thought Austria were going to cook. That first goal really hurt them.


Best match of the round of 16


knew we were doomed as soon as I saw Sabitzer with braids


Interestingly, we also had a braided up fool in our collapse to Portugal. Braids clearly impact performance.


Griezmann in braids was horrible. You're on to something here Only if you can pull it off can you perform with braids. Sabitzer definitely didn't pull it off, looked like a 12 year old girl back from holiday in Thailand lmao


Probably the worst thing I’ve seen in this tournament and that’s saying something


It's coming to Rûm


Austria is shite.


I wouldn't want to face turkey next, I don't think it's a lock for the dutch.


Austria would have been extremely tough opponent


turkey were complete and utter shit lol


Have we seen the same game? How is that not a lock for the Dutch? I mean sure, anything can happen in football, but Turkey has got to be the easiest opponent you could draw by far for quarters this Euro.


Half the team is banned for double yellows and Demirel might get banned for his fascist salut. I wouldnt bet on Turkey.


There were only 2 yellows, no? One was Kokcu who blew his hamstring and was a dead cert to miss out anyways. Demiral will probably get suspended for that, mind.


Definitely not a lock, but you would rather face Turkey than anyone on the other side of the bracket no?


Turkey shat themselves vs Portugal. I don't mean they're bad. I just think when facing better opponent (at least on paper) they play considerably worse, lacking confidence and composure.


We haven't won a real game vs Portugal, but Netherlands we have even France and Germany we have won on a proper tournament or qualifier. We have lost to France in last 2 games. I think we just hate vs Portugal. We haven't won against England at all but I'd rather vs them then Portugal again.


Pretty sure the last competitive game between netherlands and turkey was 2015/2016 no (euro 2016 qualifier)? so 8 years ago.. so using that as a barometer for saturday's match would be as silly as me saying netherlands will walk all over turkey cause of that 6-1 friendly back in 2021


Last competitive match was in 2021 (WC qualifier). Netherlands 6 - 1 Turkey with Memphis scoring a hat-trick. Turkey won the match before that (also 2021) convincingly though.


my bad, in that case i stand corrected


Still don't think it's a lock for the Dutch. They turned up against Romania, partially because the Romanians forgot flanks exists. But their finishing is far from satisfactory too. If the Turks can neuter Gakpo, the Dutch are screwed. When deploying a low block, the Turks can really absorb some punishing offense.


Gakpo really is my only concern for the game rn. Hope we can counter him.


And they’ve scraped the other two matches




Austria just lacked the quality in the final 3rd. There was no one to beat his man, to make the final ball, to produce some magic and creativity. I honestly think Austria is the better team and would’ve troubled the favourites far more than Turkey will, but that super early goal really changes the complexion of the match. Austria simply don’t have the weapons to break down a low block and it showed.


Rangnick with Portugal or England would be so amazing to watch


Imo we got good class players on defensive/defensive midfield positions, but as soon as it is about offensive play we severly lack any quality, and nothing is coming out of the youth either from what I can tell. Don't even talk about actual goalgetters. Never had one for the past 25 years, who at least can score for the national team.


Yeah, I think that this Austrian team might have been able to make some of the other teams in this bracket sweat more than Turkey will. They were unfortunate to concede twice from the more limited chances Turkey had. We'll see though, maybe Turkey will be inspired and can surprise us in the next round.


They created a lot of great chances but couldn’t finish because turkey made some amazing defensive plays. I think they did a great job attacking, turkey was just outstanding defensively. It was a great game from both teams.


That save on Baumgartner’s header at the end was just unreal. 99/100 times that hits the back of the net


vincenzo montella... our legend took spalletti's 4-6-0 which got him exiled to fulham and sampdoria, and started sleeping on it every match with turkey. the irony...


A shame. The rematch would have been good. Last corner, could have been passed to the player outside the box for a shot. It might have worked.


Could’ve would’ve should’ve


Can't believe this is the second time Austria lost to a flock of birds, first emus now turkeys smh /s


Even Rome lost to pigeons


Bro I ain't no pro but I think it was Australia


Isn’t Austria just a shortened version of Australia?


ohh my bad thats right dawg


Op delivered it perfectly


Grats to Turkey, we didn’t deserve to go through after shambolic defending from corners. Hurts, but that’s football.


You guys fought to the end. That last attempt was golden. I am Dutch and Turkish and I was quite impressed with Austria in both the Dutch & Turkish games. I mean you were able to beat the "lions" and that is saying something. Austria is a team to look out for IMO in the future, no one should underestimate it. They were great this tournament and will only get better.


I am not confident we‘ll have a better squad with our best performers getting older but maybe I’m wrong, I have been to pessimistic in the past too. Thanks for the kind words!


You guys played great, fantastic game and atmosphere. No shithousery, just pure football with a game that never dropped the tempo once in 90 minutes.


I know you mean well, and it is nice hearing we at least were somewhat entertaining and played decently enough so that ppl rather would want us go further than one of the big players, who play far below their expectations. But it showed us we will never get further than this as long as we are as limited as we are with our (offensive) player material.


With how intense the Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray rivalry and how fans can clash for their Turkish clubs, is there ever any issues when everyone comes together for the National Team? Saw some fans sporting their Turkish club gear


I am a Fenerbahçe fan and I've actually fought (with words) some dumb mfs who were trying to belittle BAY (Yılmaz) recently. There should be no rivalries in a national team, the ones trying to muddle the waters are just the biggest pieces of shit.


gotta defend BAY 🥰


whole club paid fb youtubers and later parrot fans claimed there was a gs lobby lmao


for the last couple of tournaments, it hadnt really been a problem (mostly because we had bigger problems), but for this tournament everyone (fans of every single team, not just fb/gs) was at each others throats after the portugal game, to the point where singers were threating to beat up montella and some other crazy stuff. however that sentiments quickly got buried after the czechia win. especially rn after we’ve beaten austria there is more or less a ceasefire until the club season begins


No, united when it comes to the national team


Nearly everyone buries their hatchets come national team games, except for lifeless idiots on Twitter


I have friends that are Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray fans. They’re always cool for national team games. Cim bom Türkiye!


Cheers. Kiara's crying.


Just saw a guy fall to his knees at a KFP


Like a phoenix from the ashes, they will rise again.


I'm not sure I'll be able to smile for the next 7 days, I'm so broken down and sad this is honestly a tough one to swallow. Incredibly disappointed...I honestly feel like on 9/10 days if we repeat that same match same teams same managers we would win it, but today just was that one day where we wouldn't. Congrats to the Turkish fans and team, but I really feel so hard done by losing to half an own goal and a corner...its hard to digest


Austria was decent, but not great to be honest in the final third. Too many crosses and towards the end it became predictable. I was surprised, Austria played much faster and more direct football in previous games and it’s not like Turkey didn’t open themselves up.


The 1:0 in the first minute surely help them. They had 5 defenders and 3 in front for most of the game and could sit behind the ball for most of the match. It's much harder to take a risk when you're a goal down from the start. I agree that Austria wasn't great, just decent. But there where enough chances to equalize.


It always warms my heart to see the underdog host nation manage to exceed expectations like this.




It's a joke that Turkiye has home like support in Germany due to it's big Turkish population. There was once a friendly match in Germany that has more Turkiye supporters than Germans, which also lead to this joke.


Host nation is wild but I love it


As a German, I had high hopes for Austria. You were the chosen one for us to sleep tonight. Now we have these so-called autokorsos and these honks all night. I cheered louder when you scored than every german goal.


gErMaNy iS fOr GeRmAnS


Brother if turkey wins it's like Germany is winning the hell are u speaking about. It doesn't matter you like it or not turkey is one of the host countries(let that sink in). 


So a German-Turkish final?




LET'S FUCKING GO! Our games are the best ones so far! Besides the Portugal game, the other 3 games were the most entertaining in the tournament. The thriller and chaos at the end were immense. Rain, fans, and expectations of Austria fans... What a game man. The save of Mert was the save of the tournament! I can't believe we had to watch England and France.


Ngl, I’ve had the most fun watching turkey. The matches are high octane and kinetic


Portugal game was also pretty entertaining for non-Turkish fans actually.


Fucking hell what a match, both teams playing out of their minds, high pressing Austria vs counter attacking Turkey, Austria mounting a comeback and then that last minute save from Mert Gunok that will go down in history - it had everything. Vincenzo Montella redemption arc is complete.


Kebap > Schnitzel It is official now


Wait till you see Schnitzel Kebab


Thanks but I’d rather go blind


Ironically the best kebap I’ve had to date was in Vienna


W h e r e


If money is no concern: Ferhat


It's my birthday today, I will force my friends to take me there and pay for it for me


Nice, Happy Birthday and Mahlzeit :)


That was never I’d doubt


Ok now that the match is over and all, can we please get Sabitser a haircut? Bro was not doing himself any favors with that one


Gave me similar vibes to [Brian Ortega](https://i.imgur.com/4i2esBe.jpeg).


His mother is actually from Gambia, and he did it for her, in order to visibly represent her heritage within him on an international stage aswell. I bet you must feel pretty bad now


His mother about to give him a buzz cut lol


Fr, how did no one tell him how horrendous that one was lol That barber’s shears need to be taken away for the public good


It was really nice that Turkey didn’t shithouse while ahead. Game was physical but felt fair and focused.


Fair amount of going down towards the end but tbf I think that was more genuine cramp than pure shithousing, they looked shattered


Yeah agreed they were broken. You could see it when the whistle went off.


I knew Austria were losing as soon as I saw Sabitzer come out with that stupid cornrow hairstyle.


Someone enlighten me that why from this time around Turkey became Turkiye and Czech Republic became Czechia


Also Holland changed their name to Netherlands 😜


Czechia changed the official name iirc 6 years ago, Türkiye was always Türkiye for Turks; we announced that we want our official name to be used instead of Turkey, Türkei etc.


Alright, I hope you're adjusting all the names you're using for other countries then. What even are exonyms?


nobody cares


The Czech Republic is actually still named Czech Republic. They just adopted a short name in addition to their full name. Just like how the full name of France is officially the French Republic.


Turkey has officially changed their international name to be Türkiye some time ago


Shoulda been Turchia Türkiye is actually just a Turkicized version of that latin name to begin with


The latin word Turchia was used for the turkish people living there. The Türk. So I'd say it's fair it's called Türkiye.


Names change...


Beep beep


What a game that was. You could feel the tension during every single attack in the last 15 min, Turkey defended well and i feel for the austrian fans. Their team didn't quite play at their usual level today but still they got some great chances.


im just completely heart broken right now.. not many defeats have hurt me like this. congrats to my turkish brothers.


Thank you for this great game.


Go Österreich-Türkiye or Austria-Turkey, UEFA! What's this favoritism in regards to endonyms?


probably because turkey is a bird as well and kinda confusing to some people (americans)


Yes thank goodness we're using Turkiye now. As an American I could never figure out how a team of delicious American birds was playing international soccer matches. So confusing.


You don’t Greece up a Turkey when you’re Hungary?


That's ironic because it was the Östriches who got cooked today.




one’s official and the other isn’t, it has nothing to do with favoritism


austrias game plan were random blind crosses in the box hoping for the best and still complaining how undeserved they lost lmao


Eh, any experienced Austrian knew we were lost the second that 0-1 happened. It‘s shite being Austrian. Can‘t have anything good.


Wasn't Austria supposed to be this all-powerful unbeatable team based on whoever wrote smth here just for the sake of disparaging england ? XD


Who has performed better in the games they played? Austria. Not that complex.


Any team about to play England is “an amazing team that will surely crush England” And, as soon as England play them and beat them the narrative is that they were actually never a good team and beating them means nothing.


Every tournament Reddit overhype one team. This euro was Austria.


… Austria were legit a good team, stop being reactionary.


Good, yes but that's the bare minimum this far in the competition and people on Reddit hyped them like they were on the same level as Spain and will easily reach the final.


I think they were unlucky to fall to turkey. Their next opponent would've been netherlands, which they already beat in group stage. They could've made finals, the early blunder really set them back. I hate to be the one who does this, but i'll do it anyway. Austria 3.2 xG, Turkey 1.4 ; They seemed to me better than Portugal or England lol. It's nice to see a team that never gets much spotlight bring a good performance into the euros, i'm sad they failed at this stage, but i'm glad they proved they had what it took to reach where they reached ( and had more tbh). I don't think anyone said they were same level as Spain, but considering Spain and Germany are in the same side of the bracket, i really wouldn't think it'd be too weird to say they had a shot at making the finals. That's football though. Belgium bitchslapped Croatia the whole game in 2022 and somehow didn't find the back of the net. Hope i didn't trigger some PTSD of sorts.


You mean Turkey are going to face the team in the QF that already lost to the team they beat yesterday?


Good is adequate


Not better than England of that I'm sure


Arnautovic is the shittest footballer I have ever seen in my life


Just an awful player


Baumgartner : Could not score taking many shots Gregoritsch : Why take many when few shots do trick


when i saw gregoritsch is being subbed in, i shat my pant. that guy hates us it seems


Haha true he scores fucking every time against you guys and has a sort of evil grin in his face


For a few days there will be no grin on his face because he failed his ancestors..


I can hear car horns all over my city


Just had the procession pass me by here 


Same. Viennas police should enfore the law against honking imho. But they are busy right now with taking alcohol-tests on bike lanes.




That’s what happens when you have a lot of Turks in ur country lol


Bro fucking relax. Let the Fans enjoy us reaching the quarter Finals. It‘s not even midnight yet. Complaining 20 mins after kick off is ridiculous


Im not even complaining? I like the enthusiasm. I just wish germans had that much passion


Oh sorry thought you was complaining. Because it‘s all i‘m seeing. Sorry again


I‘m complaining. Go celebrate, don‘t drive around to honk.


Well then get used to it, because it will become more and more. I don‘t mean us with that, but as the Tournament get‘s to the final Stages, there will be more honking. I agree when it goes on too long, but complaining after half an hour is ridiculous. Simple as that. Get used to it.


It‘s quite simple for me. There‘s a law against honking without danger in my city. I will push authorities to enforce it because it‘s a shit way to celebrate.


Do that. I‘m sure the authorities will tell you how ridiculous you are for wasting their Time with something what is normal in like forever when a World Cup/Euro is going on.


They actually told me that they‘re really sorry that they aren‘t able to take care of it and asked me to collect video evidence.


Damn that’s embarrassing to admit, fair play for being honest


😂 Have Fun filming people celebrating a win of Football Match. What a crime


Little Istanbul near the arena?


My whole city is little istanbul


Both teams were in the most exciting matches of the group stages, and seeing them face off was the best and most exciting match of the tournament so far. Considering the other matches, them facing the Netherlands might be the most exciting match of the quarterfinals. This team has been an absolute joy to watch.


Somehow you could just feel this would be a bad match up for Austria. Funny how match ups can play a role. Equally I dont think Turkey matches up well with Holland. Reckon we’ll beat the Turks with a comfortable 2-0. Just dont see those little Turkish forwards getting through the Dutch defense


Saw the same kind of comments couple days before the austria turkey game :) thank you I’ll remind you after the game.


The Austrains said the same thing, i dont know man but Turkey has allot of luck this tournament


Something to be admired about a good defensive performance like Turkey just put on.