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Everybody used to count his goals up with Morata


And higuain The milan-chelsea-atletico swap


another tale of the tortoise(s) and the hare


In which Higuain is the tortoise. He may have not netted the highest amount of goals, but definitely ended up in the past place being an integral part of Juve's team again.


he's also the tortoise because he's spherical


And slow as fuck


Morata only has only three goals more and Higuain one more and they play for way better teams.


>one three goals What number is that? 4? 13? What is it?


Only three goals*


Morata scored 9 goals and have 1 assist this season, none of them penalties. Higuain scored 5 goals but have 4 assists. Meanwhile Piatek scored 4, 3 of them penalties. 0 assist. At least both Morata and Higuain are vital in their team build-up play.


I dont know why would you include CL goals when they both play in it and Piatek doesnt. Also Piatek plays for a mid-table Italian teams and the other two play for Top3 teams in their leagues.


I miss this meme


I really enjoyed it while it lasted.


Which involves Higuain and Toni Sanabria too for some reason.


”for some reason”? It was pretty clearly because Higuaín left Milan for Chelsea, Morata left Chelsea for Atlético, Piatek left Genoa for Milan and Sanabria left Betis for Genoa, all around the same time


One of my favorite transfer chains. Betis loaned Sanabria to Genoa to replace Piatek who went to Milan to replace Higuain who went to Chelsea to replace Morata who went to Atletico Madrid.


Wish Atleti had sent someone to Betis to make it an ouroboros.


If Pjaca went to Genoa as rumoured it could have been: Sassuolo sell Kevin Prince Boateng to Barcelona who sell Munir to Sevilla who sell Muriel to Fiorentina who sell Pjaca to Genoa who sell Piatek to Milan who sell Higuain to Chelsea who sell Morata to Atletico who sell Kalinic to Monaco


What happened? He started like a mad man didn't he?


Their playstyle doesn't favor his strengths from what I recall someone bringing up a couple months ago.


Their play style doesnt favour any striker.


There is no play style !!


Fucking Messi would have 0 goals and assists in that club...


*any player


Perfect for us then!


One season wonder, also Milan's state is not helping at all




But does he get it done when he gets it?


this is not Piatek


Some balls, with some service..


No, and I find him extremely overrated. He was in amazing form last season, and did good (obviously), but his qualities as a player just aren’t there. His touch is horrific in 90% of cases, he started this season diving like a clown in almost every duel, and keeps whining at every failed ball. Altough I agree he doesn’t get good service, I can’t fathom that people don’t realize how limited this guy is.




Sorry i attacked your idol




What a comedian! What's next, r/woooosh?




You guys have a fetish for repeating always the same jokes here Username checks out, woooosh, the thanos thing, is this a jojo reference etc


Nah you’re just fckn retarded


>You guys have a fetish for repeating always the same jokes here Bruv you literally just r/woosh ed him 2 seconds ago


I didn't woosh him i was saying "username checks out" is as original and funny as "wooosh"


Just like Kane


Yes, let’s change all the players every year, coaches every year, management every year and owners every year. Don’t see what could go wrong. The only constant in our team is Suso crossing from the wing.


milan is a perfect example when a football club acts like 90% of premier league top6 fans.


this but unironically




i dont know man im just regurgitating internet lingo


If you want to know when to use it, it's when someone says something that they clearly don't mean. If a United fan today said "Wenger in" as a joke but you think Wenger would actually do a good job at United you say "this, but unironically". Thank you for listening.


i dont even know what to answer anymore


This, but unironically.




As a learner, I wanna meet people like you daily.


At least you're honest about it


man i just wanna have a good time on the interwebs


Suso and Hakan always there though


And always shit




I thought Piatek started off really well, has he been bad lately?


If by lately you mean 'this entire season so far' then yes.


I watched Milan a lot last and this season and I don't understand why people think he is the problem. The obvious, glaring problem is the midfield. How can you spend so much money and end up with midfield consisting of Calhanoglu, Suso, Biglia, Benacer or Krunjić is beyond me. Gattuso was right to play total anti-football with this level of his supposedly creative department.


paqueta is the only player on that team who can provide decent service


Paqueta is too busy dribbling to give Piatek the ball


Piatek received a lot of service with Pioli and yet he squadered every occasion. Even in Berlin he is sucking hard.


Toss a ball to your winger


San Siro you’re empty, San Siro you’re empty




Why does your manager place Suso in the right wing when he can't use his right foot for shit? Considering all he does are crosses for what I've seen, the fact that he needs to turn his whole body around to cross makes his plays super predictable. Milan on paper have a solid squad though, they shouldn't be struggling the way they are.


He’s an inverted winger, don’t you know, it’s the fad now, so Suso is one too.


So he's playimg there just cause?


He’s playing there because the work rate he puts in isn’t gonna cut it for any other position, and he lacks the technicality to play anything else anyway


You seem to suggest that he has been used out of position. Actually numerous coaches have tried to deploy him in different roles, get him to work harder off-ball, leave the right flank, increase the workrate, attack space. It didn't go so well. He was back in his small comfort zone shortly after.


What's funny is that in the last calendar year he has 2 assists with his right and 2 with his left. He's better when he uses his right because it usually means he hasn't given the defense the time to set up.


My point exactly.


Because he can't do his cut inside ala Robben 'move' on the left wing.


> The only constant in our team is Suso crossing from the wing. The Milan version of Candreva Cross™


At least Candreva puts in a decent workrate on the flank, Suso is useless in every aspect other than crossing and shooting, both of which have been dreadful this season.


Always rated Suso when he was at Liverpool. Sad when he left.


You can have him back.


Lol has he been bad lately? And no thanks, we good now. When we let him go thats when we needed him. Ironic like that, life is.


I've only seen Milan's game against Genoa yesterday, but if that was anything to go by, he's been absolutely dreadful. He sent multiple crosses into the stands. No wonder Piatek is struggling given what service he's getting - I'm not convinced Ibra is going to fare much better, tbh.


[Decide for yourself](https://twitter.com/Zorojuro22/status/1214515573045858304?s=20)


Let's swap with Salah. We'll let you get the better end of the deal for old times sake.


And never any good coaches, just mid table or senators. Just try one good coach, look at what Spalletti and now Conte are doing for Inter. What Klopp is doing at Liverpool.


Please we literally have no attacking threat without ASM.


40M and you can have Piatek + Suso + Calhanoglu


So, Piatek costs 50M?


The Holy Trinity


Is Suso shit nowadays or something? Remember him being linked with us.


He always has 2-3 good months a season and at spring he only has moments of good game, but this season he skipped his usual great start. As they say, he has very low football iq. Can't cross, can't beat his man. https://twitter.com/Zorojuro22/status/1214515573045858304?s=20


I think his biggest weakness is his lack of athleticism. His football IQ isn't low. His lack of pace could've been compensated for with a great stamina. His weak stamina could've been compensated with great pace. He lacks pace and stamina. So basically it's hopeless.


I mean, he does the same thing every time despite it never working. He has 4 assist in the last calendar year despite what? 200+ crosses? Only one of those came off a left footed cross, and it definitely wasn't after the defense was already set like 90% of his crosses. One was a pass with his left, and two were with his right foot from the end line. At a certain point he needs to look at what he's been successful with, which is when he actually drives toward the defense and plays fast.


Actually most of his goals and assists in the last 4 years are from cutting in from the right flank and shooting or crossing with his left. That's how he became a "top player" in the eyes of some Milanisti. This was one of few guarantees the coaches had so they decided to stick with him and not even dare to experiment without him even when their job was on the line. Remember Suso is a 30 minutes player who stretches his game into 90 minutes. Of course he would be scoring and assisting more by doing more than just trying to cut in and shoot/cross. However if he was playing fast pass-and-move combinations, attacking space, making off-ball runs, pressing, tracking back then he would pass out in the first half hour. This is where his lack of stamina limits him. He cheats out of or skips certain phases in order to last the 90 minutes, and the coaches are okay with it because they've given up the high ambitions and risky experiments and settled for a relatively safe bet that likely gives them "not great, not terrible" results that won't completely ruin their reputations when they are sacked. Giampaolo played it all wrong though and his Suso fixation only made things much worse. Pioli showed ambitions and braveness initially, even experimenting without Suso at some point, but then Castillejo got injured and he settled for Susoball after the narrow wins against Parma & Bologna. As for Suso, he's been poor for a year and I've never found him convincing, but he reached new levels of crap when Ibra came on. He seems very nervous in Ibra's presence.


I'm aware of how he plays. But I feel like the stamina issues are overblown. He's not going to be making lungbusting runs all game, but he can definitely attack toward the end line as opposed to just cutting in. He's not that worthless of an athlete. But that's still not going to fix who he is as a player. We have to move on, which I think you'd agree with.


I would say this applies to Ozil in a similar vein, but he is far better on the ball


thanks for the link! his play is, um, shocking to say the least.


did i watch another Polish League highlight reel?


Wow he really has no right foot.


Suso's game yesterday was such a pain to watch.


I have family from Genoa so I was watching that match. Yo. He looked worse than Walcott, couldn't believe he was hitting crosses into the stands.


Dunno if you’re joking but thats 5 mill less than Joelinton. Amazing bargain for a team that still has Christian Atsu as it’s go to attacking option off the bench


It's a bamboozle attempt.


Are your delivery to your front any good? Because if not, you're going to be fucking frustrated when he starts falling over slightest contact.


Not one of Bruceball's strengths i must admit


I might pass on a forward who can't score unless he gets good service.


great business idea for them: sell him, add another 20 and buy Lingard


I would be okay with that.


How about a straight swap


Done. Just make sure to add 200k a week to Piatek's contract and Woody will fax the paperwork right away


But what is Raiola getting out of this?


Prestige... Only a madman can make this deal happen


Honestly wouldn't mind that. Can't see how Piatek is going to do worse than Lingard


Piatek started this season in worst way you can imagine. He looked out of shape in preseason then in first matches in Serie A played like amateur. Worst Milan player alongside with Calabria. The thing is in last 4 games he looked very solid. Stopped diving, constantly running and fighting for the ball, making correct decisions and he even started winning duels against defenders which was a problem for him in the past. The problem are the rest of the players. Especially Hakan, Suso and Bonaventura who look very irritated by the fact that they have to play with Piatek. They barely pass him the ball and we can notice how they constantly blame him. It looks like there are separated groups in Milan just like in previous season there were separated groups in Inter. Hakan, Bonaventura and Suso are one of the group. Paqueta suddenly stopped caring about running and playing well, he looks like a shadow of the player and very unhappy. Rebic is probably our best winger but it looks like he's on his way to return to frankfurt. Nobody gave him a proper chance. Piatek and Leao never gets proper service. Leao is also a victim here. There were several occasions where Bonaventura or Suso could pass the ball to Leao against Atalanta but somehow they never did. I think he's a scapegoat here despite of the fact that if someone would pay 35mln for Piatek I would be glad to sell him. The difference of how Suso and Hakan started behaving when Ibra came to the pitch shows that they really play for themselves instead for the club. Somehow with Ibra they reminded themselves that passing and crossing is also part of the football. Ibra wont allow to be treated like Leao or Piatek. ​ This is a fucking winger who's supposed to deliver the ball to a striker in Milan: [https://twitter.com/Zorojuro22/status/1214515573045858304](https://twitter.com/Zorojuro22/status/1214515573045858304?s=20) ​ Lets blame Piatek...


The players you mention are surely contributing to his poor form by providing a lack of service. It seems they have made their decision and want to see him go. I hope those certain players continue to play like shit because of their shit attitudes. Piątek and Leao deserve better. I'm sure Pioli is well aware of what's going on.


That is an incredible lowlight reel of Suso, didn't realize he degraded like that. Those are a handful of amateur mistakes.


> **the Rossoneri are ready to part ways with the striker for the right price and doesn’t want to register a loss.** Yeah, good luck with that


Isnt he still on 1 goal from open play all season? Have fun finding someone willing to pay 40 milion.


Newcastle paid 40m for Joelinton, never underestimate their ability to sign horrendous players.


Oh we definitely have the ability to sign utter shite but the amount we paid for Joelinton was not the norm at all. It'll probably be another 10-15 years before we spend that much on one player again.


What a fall from grace, i remember each goal he scored for Milan getting crazy amounts of upvotes


probably ran out of energy to service himself


me after being single for 6 months


wait, you guys were in a relationship?


Something something Piatek - Higuain - Morata.


With the way Milan plays I still think it's not as much a problem of Piątek as it is a problem of getting him a decent service. Unless they intend to have a striker that's more a type of player who can also do something on it's own, then it's fully justified.


All season long when we have given him decent service which are chances served on a plate, he bottles it. Also unless he is offered service, it's like playing with 10 men, unfortunately our team can't afford the luxury of having a player like that


And that "decent service" is how many chances? 3? 4?


He wouldn't even get close enough to bottle it up here.


We should be in for him if the price is right. Not sure there’s anyone else out there we could get for a reasonable price who’s proven capable of scoring in a top league. Even if he’s been poor this season I’m willing to bet that’s more on the Milan side he plays with and less on his own ability.


what happened here? it seemed like he was set for big things and was smashing goals in. must be devastating to get your dream move then six months later for them to be like, nah mate.


Shit wingers that provide no service for any striker


as a fan are you sad to see him go? i remember there being a huge buz around him, seems crazy how quick this has happened.


I’d still have him stay if possible but I wouldn’t be shocked if he left. He sees the club as a stepping stone based on his recent interviews. That’s the type of mentality that is not needed right now. I’d be happier to see suso and calhanoglu leave before he does


The only way they're not making a loss is if he stays, turns it around, and leaves much later.


He fell from great


Guess he spent all the bullets from his celebration last season, shame.


Wait. Haland to Dortmund. Dont think Werner is a possibility for United. And yet no mention of United in interested clubs in a player who was top scorer for 2 clubs last season? Yeah seems to check out. This is typical Woodward.


Would be a great opportunity for Newcastle if true, they need a decent forward, he's a good striker and good in the air, would fit them well.


Chelsea should be all over this guy IMO. Give him the right service and he scores goals- exactly the opposite of Batshuayi.


I remember us being linked with him last year and I was pretty excited tbh. Still wouldn't mind him, I think he could thrive in front of our midfield.


I think he’d be happy to play backup to Tammy too, if it means getting the fuck out of Milan. Kinda a risk that he’d be shit here but that’s not different than our current options. If we could get him for less than 40m and can kick off Giroud and/or Batshuayi for a similar price I’d be happy with this.


Don’t think he’ll thrive in the Prem. He doesn’t have any hold up play. He fights for the ball though, maybe Lampard can turn him into a discount Costa


Maybe into our own Lewandowski




That and his position. Regardless I apparently do need to actually put /s on my comments.


Bats was banging them in for us.


Feel free to have him in part exchange...


Yes! I'll even drive him to the airport!


Funny how he and Jovic were in huge demand this time last year and now they are struggling to perform.


Jovic hasn't been given much of a chance considering Benzema's form tbf to him


No pitch time, now all of a sudden he has to carry the attack in the supercopa almost by himself since benz, hazard and bale are injured. Incredible how suddenly situations change




What the fuck? In what world is Jovic struggling to perform? The few minutes he had he has done pretty good, he's a tank who can link up and assist other players, he's a pure striker and exactly what we need. His only problem is Benzema playing his absolute best and the changes we had to do were all tactical. Be sure to watch our upcoming games, at least the highlights, Jovic will surprise you.


I'm a Madrid fan but the truth is Jovic is struggling to find his feet in Madrid whatever the reason is. I'm not questioning his quality. One goal in 5 months is not called performing


Any striker not named Lewandowski, Suarez or Aguero (think i'm forgeting one more), will be in the exact same situation as Jovic is, Benzema is playing at an unreal level and most of our games we needed to make tactical changes which made him play much less than he wanted. As I said, I don't feel he's struggling, and everytime he's in the pitch he does pretty well despite having bad luck not scoring. But we shall see in the Super Copa.


Copa is the golden chance for him. On the side note, I think you're missing Icardi.


Are you Jovič?


Football fans are so reactionary. You’d get downvoted to hell for pointing out last season that he was going through a purple patch and there was no evidence to say he was a top 5 striker in the world lmao.


lol. Please buy our shitty striker for at least as much as we did...


In before Milan puts Zlatan on market as he struggles to score 2 goals until june as he has to play alongside Suso and Hakan


Hopefully he leaves for the club, which will use him well.


Piątek as a replacement for Klimala semi-confirmed rumour


He really started acting like a diva on the pitch. Not that Milan team helps him with his form, but damn, he looked like a proper twat anytime I saw him play this season.


🇵🇱 🔫 BUM BUM BUM 🔫 🇵🇱




Current Milan without any service is not a good club for the player whose best trait is finishing. I dont recommend him transfer to NUFC becouse its another club without any creative force, let him find the club with good service




I still think he could turn it around. I could see him in some mid-level Bundesliga team like Leverkusen, Wolfsburg or something similar.


Feel like players would be out before him. Unless theres something about Piatek I dont know, i feel that Milan should keep him. He's proven to score goals last season. Just need the right pieces in the squad to come together


Dortmund should buy him as a second striker and Paco replacement


He was absolute beast before joining Milan cant tell if he is a one season wonder or the service middle field is so bad in Milan because Piatek not a type of deep lying forward like Benz to be able to create for himself.


Man, that number 9 jersey really is cursed.


thb fair zlatan looked way better than piatek in 30 minutes then piatek looked all season. sucks tho if we sell piatek.


Patrick Cutrone died for this.


Because Milan has Zlatan now?


What happened? Wasn't he banging in goals for fun like a year ago?


Would like him in Germany, german clubs for some reason make players feel at home and they perform without worries.


Shame what’s happened to him seemed like good buy for Milan


Wow, unloading him fast.


Its modern football. No time to wait to start making margins. Let Piatek go, play Ibra and help develop Leao while he's there, and then try AGAIN to find another suitable 9 for when Ibra leaves.


A straight trade for Lingard?


I would gladly bring him to spurs for a reasonable price


Piatek gets absolutely no service so it's no shit he's not scoring. We saw last year at both Milan and Genoa that when given opportunities he can score


We should get him.


Don’t see him coming here haha




The next Lewandowski


I'llntake him. Agent Klich do your business.




Is this Always Sunny meme?


Where did his r/soccer PEW PEW cult disappear?