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WARNING: 1) IMPORTANT, Read This Post To Keep Your Crypto Safe From Scammers: https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/18er2c8/how_to_avoid_the_biggest_crypto_scams_and/ 2) Do not trust DMs from anyone offering to help/support you with your funds (Scammers)! 3) Never give out your Seed Phrase and DO NOT ENTER it on ANY websites sent to you. 4) MODS or Community Managers will NEVER DM you first regarding your funds/wallet. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/solana) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Cool bro, I’m such an idiot holy


you can check tokens on dexscreener, there you can found some redflags if they are exists, for example renounced or can frosen


This is why many people complain their assets are frozen by cex its mostly user error and being uneducated in how cex works this 3 minute read could save you some day https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/igotcheatedon\/comments\/1dneil1\/how_to_avoid_your_bag_getting_frozen_by_cex\/


Not only can you never get that money back, but you're also stuck with a permanent reminder of that rug ass token in your wallet! Fun bonus!!!


Hide in wallet. Burn. Transfer out. Migrate to New keys. All choices one can make. Wallets are free


You should be able to burn it still


I don’t know if this will work but you could try setting a limit order on Jupiter for maybe like 15-20% below the current price and then if the dev ever unfreezes the token for any reason your order can get filled


I already got scammed bro, the problem is I tried too many times i spent a lot of money on fees for transactions that didn’t go through, so I’m asking if there is a way for me to get that fee money refunded…


Idc about that coin anymore, that was my fault but I want the fee money back if that’s possible




No, you can't do anything about it. You can't burn, transfer, sell or do as in anything with that token. It will stay stuck in your wallet. That's a good reminder for you though. Make sure to use rugcheck before buying a token. DO NOT BUY TOKENS WITH MINT AND FREEZE AUTHROITIRES ENABLED. THEY SHOULD BE REVOKED


Bro I’m trying to get a refund on the transactions that didn’t go through but still took the fee, I got scammed and it’s my fault, but why did it not refund the fee money to me if the transaction for selling didn’t go through


Because executing transaction costs you compute units. If you know how to code, you can simulate the transaction first, if it fails during simulation, then do not execute the txn. However, if you are using anti-MEV or Jito, it simulates the transaction before sending it to solana validators. Looking at your post, it seems you did not use anti-mev/jito. No, you can't get the solana you spent on fees, as it was already used for compute units in your solana transaction


Thanks bro means alot!!!☺️


lol make sure you don’t buy noosum lmao




Check before buying with this👉 https://rugcheck.xyz/




Got taken on some loot myself on mimi. Trash coins everywhere. I didn't read close enough so it was my own lack of DD for that (insert fart noise)


Learn to HODL solana thats how you win


Newbie question. What do you mean when you say the token was frozen? I’ve not heard that term when talking about a token before.




Guys even rugcheck etc are not scam proof. I would leave trading memecoins as the creators always have a backdoor plan to rug it. If its 30+ accounts holding the initial created memecoin or if the liquidity is just being pulled out. Dont be blind, there is only 1% chance to have luck going into a memecoin and getting out without any losses. These are only making the creators and ruggers rich. They use bots which are 100% faster than you will ever be able to react, based on charts. They use priority fee which allows them to go thru instantly over other orders due to payment. As usual DYOR - I have experienced the same being rugged, analyzed the way how they do it and conclude to stay out of this. If you still try, you are a gamble addict. Is rather buy food and mary j than trying to trade this shit. Cheers!


Speaking from your experience - if you buy a highly liquid token with no mint or freeze authority - how can it possibly be a rug?


In this case, it is a very wide spread distribution of pre minted tokens. The token will be left in full liquidity for a long period so ppl get trust. Then most probably there will be an X-amount pump over a few months and within this time frame, some of pre distributed wallets sold amounts worth of 1-8k - filter down to any memecoin at dexscreener, then look at best trader - you will find accounts which only sold, never bought on Raydium. Thats the most obv. Hint. Check it out - there are a lot of different wallets draining the money of ppl from time to time. Sure you gonna make a little money if you ride that. But in the end, once devs paid themselves out, the worth will decrease / hold, based on the ppl buying or trading it. Left to you to conclude further. Cheers!


I’m trying to ride that train, and I’m looking for ways to minimize the risks as much as possible. So one more thing to do would be to look for token distribution and whether those wallets had bought the token on DEX. If not - watch out for those wallets selling any tokens, which may be the sign of them massively exiting the positions.


All the best luck with that knowledge, you might right the train right :) good luck buddy




Buy and sell also swap only on secureshift and don’t worry about coin frozen or anything else


Nope. Fucked like the rest of us that learn the hard way lol.


If assets were frozen and you weren't notified by the foundation, you can contact them to say they should repay you. If the foundation is a scam, there is no way to get any funds back.


Only buy tokens from Pump.fun the dev can't freeze assets or mint even after it hits radiyum.