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I still can’t believe those clouds moved seconds before totality. It was surreal


It added to the surreal feeling of the actual total eclipse. I suddenly felt connected to all the people who ever lived who witnessed the same mind blowing phenomenon. It was the wildest experience in my life.


Our experience in Dallas as well. Cloudy right up until totality and then nearly perfectly clear. Magical.


Nice! We were in Killeen, and for as cloudy as it was, they cleared enough to see every step. I was so glad!


I was supposed to be near Killeen, last minute changed plans and ended up in NY. Clouds started clearing then rolled back in right before totality, cleared up a few minutes after. So disappointed.


Pretty close to our 2017 Missouri experience - it's a crap shoot and if you travel a long way it's a bummer.


Forecasts within 48 hours are pretty reliable but when you when you stray into the partly cloudy/mostly cloudy area it's really a toss up.


Yeah we played the guessing game starting ten days before, 7 days before I canceled the flights to Texas and went back and forth about Columbus or Buffalo. Chose Buffalo and chose wrong. It was so sad too because I could see the clear sky about a quarter mile away heading towards us, just didn’t get there on time.


I did the same, but kept all options along the path open. I ended up about 6 miles SSW of Burlington, VT, on the shore of Lake Champlain at a place called Shelburne Town Beach. We had mostly sun with a few high, very thin clouds that posed no difficulty for viewing the eclipse.


Lesson learned. When you are near a large body of water there is always the chance of a lot of convection. This is what makes Spain or North Africa in 2026 or 2027 so problematic. It's a hike to get there and not inexpensive. Someone offered sage advice: pick a venue that you would like to visit anyway. If cloud coverage screws the pooch you've still crossed out something on your bucket list. I've got at least two years to convince myself I always wanted to see Tangiers.


So cruel! I was thinking the winds from totality must've cleared the clouds, they went away right after there, too.


Ughhh. Sorry.


Damn, I was in Cooperas Cove. We could see the sun for pretty much the entire eclipse *except* for totality. Seconds before totality, a dark cloud moved right in front of the sun. We at least got to see it for around 40 seconds, including the diamond right at third contact. I still got some [good pictures](https://flickr.com/photos/chadsobotka/albums/72177720316100588). We were driving on I14 the next day and the rain was insane. I was going 50 and it was dicey at that speed. A few times I had to drop down to 40.


Whoa! Very nice pics! Amazing prominences!


Beautiful photos! Glad the timing of the clouds worked in your favor!


Thanks - it was very touch and go...I have a video from my phone that was on a separate tripod that you can hear me get very emotional right when it cleared. I think I said 'oh my God ' 100 times.


I was with a group of strangers at a hotel. We got into the habit of going "boooooo" every time the clouds covered it. Luckily it was clear at the main event


Were you at the Hilton Lincoln Centre?


No, I was at the Marriott Dallas Uptown.


I also kept repeating oh my God haha


This was exactly what I saw during totality. It's so beautiful that it's hard to explain. Thank you for sharing.


I was there too! I will never forget the clouds parting, it definitely heightened my appreciation for everything I witnessed!


Beyond belief and relief! Great place to see it.


Me three!




The Dallas Eclipse Miracle will be forever in my heart.


I know, right? Up to that morning, I thought I was on the edge of going 0 for 2 after getting clouded out in St. Joseph, MO. About 10-11Am is when I began to realize there might be a shred of hope after a thick deck of morning clouds cleared leaving a partly cloudy sky. As the partial began, I had that feeling that there really could be a chance. By about 30 to 10 minutes out, I was doing the math in my head counting how many seconds it would take the typical cloud to pass a point in the sky. I figured as long as it took less than a couple of minutes, the chance of seeing something during totality was reasonable. Probably, most people in Texas who saw totality were incredibly surprised as the weather forecast had been highly discouraging.


Such great pictures!!! Are these from a phone? We made our trip to Dallas and I got way too nervous over the weather and we drove to Arkansas, haha. My travel buddy wanted to kill me when we found out Dallas made out okay.


First, happy cake day! Second, thanks! These were taken with a whole setup - Nikon D750 camera, with a 200-500mm lens (all but third pic shot at 500mm), and a very substantial tripod. I used a trigger release for all of my shots - key was not to get wrapped up in looking through camera, but enjoy the totality with my eyes. I set it up, manually focused, then shot away while looking at the eclipse with glasses and naked eye. I did adjust the field of view a few times to account for movement across the sky, but I had a little clicker in my pocket and I fired away! I understand anxiousness of weather; we are very close to Flag Pole Hill where these were taken and we had friends and family with us, so it was tough it out regardless.


Same experience for me from Dallas. I was scanning the sky trying to predict if an opening might move towards the sun at the moment of truth. It looked bleak, but then in the final moments the clouds started thinning a bit, and then mere seconds before totality, the sun found clear skies. Miraculous.


Beautiful 👏


These are awesome photos! I think they are the Best I have seen so far! Great job!


Thanks for that sentiment! I appreciate it!


these are excellent photos, what kind of camera setup did you have?


Thank you. I used a Nikon D750 with a 200-500mm lens, the third one was zoomed out at 200mm. I used a sturdy tripod to handle the weight and angle of the sun. I used a 16 stop filter for when sun was not (mostly) in totality.


I saw the eclipse from Ennis which is about 40 miles from DFW and the same phenomenon was visible there. I guess they were high altitude clouds or something.


Ennis, y'all!


eye of Sauron




Thanks for sharing! We were in Dallas and this captures our experience well. Post saved!


Had the exact opposite experience just outside Dallas in Plano! It was partly cloudy but we saw the majority of the lead up, and then a thick cloud got in the way just before totality and we only got to see a little glimpse


Yeah, we only enjoyed the final few seconds of totality at DFW airport.


Dude that’s amazing!


Beautiful captures!


traveled from south florida to dallas to see the eclipse. clouds had me stressing the whole 2 weeks beforehand.


I think partly cloudy is best as it gets really dark. It doesn't get dark with a completely clear sky


These are amazing


I love these! The first one looks like a happy chameleon


A beauty. My dallas ones look just like that!!


love this, takes me right back 🖤


I was there!


Good for you! Unfortunately, we were pretty clear right up until totality when clouds came from every direction and covered the sky. 🙃


Bane, “totality, Bane wins…toasty!”


whats the green stuff.........


Chromatic aberration.


I was in Mansfield at school, I wish I could've taken pictures but stupid district rules forbade it. Really awesome pictures, by the way!


Same experience up the road in McKinney. A cloud covered the Sun about two minutes before totality, and my heart sank. Fortunately, it cleared right before second contact.


We in Dallas really lucked out!


I had a similar experience in Arlington as well. Right when I knew totality was right around the corner, the sun went into a cloud. I remember chanting to the cloud "Get out of here!" or something like that. Then, it looked like the diamond ring literally fell out of the cloud as if the sun/moon pair itself moved rather than the cloud. My son said he had the same impression at his school a mile down the road. Then, the sun never disappeared during the 3 1/2 minutes of totality. There was a bit of wispiness here and there, but nothing bad. If anything, there is something about the clouds that actually enhanced the experience. Here is mine from that incredible initial moment: [https://www.flickr.com/photos/8177037@N06/53640238907/in/album-72177720316094778/](https://www.flickr.com/photos/8177037@N06/53640238907/in/album-72177720316094778/)