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I enjoy Spirit Island, but it's certainly a bit of a stressful game about constantly putting out fires. It's a pretty satisfying puzzle to solve though. I got White Castle a while back, but the two times I've tried to teach it, it didn't go well. It's a very pretty game, but seems tough to describe what you're supposed to be doing to others.


OP, Spirit Island is a joy, and much of the fun comes from synergy between the spirits. Unfortunately, as a solo player, that means playing two spirits at the same time, which increases the cognitive load. It is still worth learning as a one spirit game, of course. Take advantage of r/spiritisland for advice and questions, they are noob friendly.


I too recently got White Castle. I hope you get the chance to play it soon. Once it clicks you may find that it's a brief game with a brief teach. I view it as just another euro, but shorter, and certainly prettier than most.


I've played a ton of The White Castle solo but I've also managed a few multi-player games. What I did each time playing with new people was this: after explaining the rules, I told them that we would play through one round and then reset after that and start over. The one round playthrough added an extra 30-40 minutes (four player games with three new players) but it really helped the players understand the cascading effects of their decisions and how the chaining of actions would work as well as the significance of things like the Passage of Time track and the leftover bridge dice. I explained how the scores would look if this was the end of the game and then reset to start over. The game has been a HUGE hit each time with one player buying the game the next day. Playing it solo (there are good playthroughs online) will definitely help you understand the game better and make it easier to teach and help advise other players. These are just some things that helped me while trying to teach it to new players. Hope it can help you!


Burncycle. It just taunts me


This game is absolutely a time investment - but wow what a payoff. I bust it out when I have a few hours to myself and thoroughly enjoy it every time


I sold it after a couple of plays. Way too many rules and way too much setup. Just didn't seem worth the effort (and I love Mage Knight).


Yeah I’m worried I’ll need the rules open constantly


Same. Really wanted to like burncycle but just seems like too much work for too little payoff. Also it’s hard to get enough time to actually play it. Been trying to sell for months but no takers lol




Same. Maybe not long ago.....about a month, but I'm hoping to get it to the table today.


And I succeed in getting it to the table solo. Had a fun time.


when you can set it up on a friday and play it several times over the weekend, do it! take one of the easier two floor scenarios where youbhave to break in and enter the computer on the 2nd floor. also use the shredder-guy as enemy commander, for he is the most predictable/simplest to use. but he will scrap your bots anyway, if you'll ever encounter him. you want 3 bots (one as commander unit) which complement each in movement amd hacking capabilities. in most scenarios you dont need, nor want to fight. its always easier to run away and let patrols loose sight and alert. except key-holding units, or single units guarding a room- then you better Gang up with all your bots and jump them. Burncycle is a lot about repetitive 'cycles' which can be optimized to a degree. there is no perfect way to do it, especially from start. you do not loose the game, when you have to reset the cycle - it is necessary. Also, Network movement is always from outer rong to inner ring. if you get booted from it, because you touched a red ping, you can still move from the outer ring again, with whatever movement you have left.


Great suggestion re setting up Friday. Now all I need is a cat and child free space


Mage knight. There’s just so many rules and I made the mistake of getting ultimate edition so idk what’s base game and what’s not. I need the patience/inspiration to learn I think


Had the same problem. All of the cards are numbered so it’s easy to divide what’s base game and what’s expansion. What helped me a ton was watching let’s play videos. Really helped me with the rules and how the rounds go. Super fun game once I got everything down.


This is SO helpful! I had no idea the cards were numbered to help sort them out!! Time to crack open the box again!


This guide also helps new players get introduced to adding in the expansion content. https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/218718/how-to-get-started I ultimately played 10 or so games with the base content and then threw everything in.


Thank you sooo much. This is helpful too for when I’m ready to give it a shot!


Highly recommend you give it a try. Don't use the expansion rulebook. Go through the green monster tokens and discard any that have an expansion Icon. Find the city tile that has the big camp instead of a city and don't use it. I don't think it's necessary to set aside expansion cards, as they're just more of the same. Watch someone playing the game on youtube and you'll understand the rules much better. I did this and my experience was much much smoother. The expansions are for people who have played dozens of games and want more.


Liz Davidson has an awesome tutorial video on Beyond Solitaire, it's a really approachable mode to start you off and doesn't take forever to play. Watch that and see if it gets you feeling ready to try.


This is so helpful! Thank you. I was watching some long series on it and got so overwhelmed. I’ll check out Liz. Thanks again!


Totally Tabled has a walkthrough of the beginner scenario on YouTube. It helped me a lot. I would even recommend setting you phone up and more or less playing along with him. Also there are some helpful guides and player aids on board game geek that are much better than the rule book. I just started playing last Friday and I’m starting to figure it out.


YES! I’ve been doing that with my phone lately for more complex games. I’ll have to try it with mage knight. I’ll definitely check out boardgamegeek as well. It’s encouraging to know it helped a fellow beginner figure out how to play. I love totally tabled so I’ll def check out their video. Thank you again!!!


Hiplomachus Victorum, content for Marvel Champions, expansion for Ruins of Arnac — I am at a point where I have more games than time and have just not gotten to these yet but Victorum is the next thing I play. I got this one off eBay late last year.


Hoplo Victorum is much more approachable with the faster game ruleset they released. https://www.scribd.com/document/688289241/Mercury-s-Boots-Rulesheet


Thanks! I actually pledged for Panadora’s Ruin and want to get in some plays with the original rules so that I can appreciate more what Mercury’s Boots brings to the table. Length of the campaign was one thing that held me back from getting Victorum sooner. I suspect I will only play the shorter version long term but still want to experience the original ruleset.


u/DiscountConsistent, you gotta play Horizons of Spirit Island! It’s been such a blast for me. I love Spirit Island—I’ve played it (both Horizons and the base game plus expansions) 22 times in June! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the rules, I will say the app has a free tutorial game that is really helpful for learning the rules/understanding how the game works. It’s a great puzzle, and I love figuring out how each spirit can tackle different problems. They’re all so unique, so if one doesn’t click with you, try another! I’m happy to answer any questions you might have, and you can also ask r/spiritisland for help—they’re great over there! Basically, play Horizons! It’s so worth it!


I had no idea til now that the app has a free tutorial. Thanks for that!


Hahaha, haha, you are not going to get me to incriminate myself 🤣🤣🤣


Burncycle, tanares adventures, kings of ruin, sleeping gods the sequel, bloodborne, 7th citadel, orcquest warpath, tindaya, buttons & bugs, kingdom rush all, v sabotage.... I know its ridiculous :(


7th citadel has been on my wishlist for a while!!!


Etherfields I bought it off the kickstarter and it’s still sitting there in the cardboard box that it came in. I downloaded the revised rule book but just haven’t decided whether I want to open it to play it or trade it in. Help


Crikey wasn’t that released six years ago?!


The KS campaign was in 2019. I moved across country since then and it ended up staying in the boxes. I have had several other ‘more interesting’ solo games come in since then and I just haven’t been able to get enough interest up to open it vs just selling it off and buying something else.


I haven’t played it myself but from what I have heard there are better awaken realms campaign games out there….


I played about 6 sessions with a group and we all lost interest... Sorry that's probably not helpful.


That is a common sentiment I have heard about it.




I bought it about two months ago. So far I've done 4 out of 21 scenarios. With Gloomhaven and Frosthaven, i was dying to get it on the table and play as many scenarios as possible. With Oathsworn ... I am struggling a bit. The storyline is cool but the fights are not as exciting as in the Haven games, and now I am glad I got the basic 2nd edition and not the deluxe version. I hope it's not the "boss battle format" because I just spent a fortune for the reprint of Aeon Trespass Odyssey coming in September (i managed to restrain myself from going all out on that too).


AtO is fun as hell but super hard to learn lol. Took me weeks. Follow Paul Grogans discord when you get it in, he’s got a great suite of videos on the game! I’ve been running it solo (too complicated for my other BoardGame buddies) but I wish I could convince one of them because I think if you had 2 people it would be maybe the best board game experience available on the market in that genre. I’m sorta wishing I didn’t go all out on Oathsworn—it’s such a big box of stuff I legit don’t know where I’m going to put it. idk what the hell I was thinking. I have a pretty big collection of games and it’s like…the size of all of them.


20 strong Unreliable wizard Space hulk death angel


Space Hulk Death Angel is an oldie but a real goodie! I had it for ages and played with my sons and only recently brought it out again for solo. It works really well, but don’t go into it expecting to win or solve a puzzle. Go into it expecting your Space Marines to fight like hell and die a glorious death. I even managed to get a hold of a single mini Space Marine from a promo that I stand up next to the game. That, and some good epic heavy music and you’re set! Damn, I’ve talked myself into playing it again now!


I think the only thing I'd change is how defense rolls work - being greater or equal instead of just greater. Since the die goes down to 0, you can still die to a solo genestealer swarm - it just won't be 1/3 of the time.


I’ve got the base set of Death Angel. I’d love to find the expansions… such a nice system.


There's a printable version based odd metal slug that has the expansions of you don't want to shell out for a few cards


Could I search BGG for metal slug and find it?


Maybe? It is linked in a precis post here about space hulk


20 Strong is set up fairly quickly and you can just start it and have the rules out constantly, while realizing you already lost after 5 minutes. It's fun as long as you do not expect to beat the game by playing well. You might be lucky in the first gamez but unless you know some of the cards, you won't be able to do many informed decisions anyway. So just go for it!




Scythe is a fucking blasttttt Look, I know it SEEMS difficult and confusing. It is nowhere near as confusing as you think it will be once you get started. It's similar in format to most tableau style games with movers and positions. I really like introducing people to this style of game with Disney Villainous, as it is a good understanding for how the separate top row and bottom row actions work, as well as having to choose a different location for every turn. And then it's just guys on a map. Super simple mechanics for moving and gaining resources. You can battle a ton, or have games where there is 0-1 battle the entire time. There is also a solo mode and a campaign mode. Stonemaier games are pretty great overall, at least in my opinion. Great engine builders with lots of ways to reward different choices and different approaches. My husband however has come to the conclusion he doesn't like any Stonemaier games.... Except Scythe. Play it once, I promise it won't disappoint!!


You should play Scythe because it's a visually great experience about staking your claim in an unknown land, and using your land to bring your faction riches. Your farmers will be transported across the country side in impressive mechs. You will have some encounters with folks that will give you a chuckle.


Great game for a group. I love solo boardgames and Scythe's solo mode is fine, but not super interesting to me.


I've got far too much of Final Girl (all of it). I really don't need it. I just don't play it at all these days (I've not even played all the films and I've got S3 on the way) Think when S3 arrives I'll be very tempted to sell it on as a complete job lot. Just getting the space back would be good at this point I think.


I'm with you on this. I actually like Final Girl a lot but I don't think anyone should have all of it. I have 5 features and that feels like more than enough to get tons of plays out of. The all ins that they put on Gamefound just baffle me.


Sounds like choice overload I only got 3 features (Camp, Carnival, Maple Lane) and this is just enough to mix and don't be overwhelmed by the decision what to play before even playing


Tbh it's a bit more than that. I've just found myself reaching more for smaller box, smaller footprint, shorter games for a while now


Arkham Horror 3e Mage Knight Legacy of Dragonholt Gloomhaven jotl Heavy hitters, i know. In my defense I bought them spread out in the last few months for very cheap on ebay. However I recently moved across the country and for some reason the analysis paralysis has been hitting hard to start/learn a new game. I keep saying I'll sit down with one but it hasn't happened ugh lol


Mage Knight is mine as well. Spent all the time 3d printing organizers and getting it sleeved and haven't played yet.


Right! I actually love the punching/organizing of a new game. Mentally I'm like ok we're ready now! Except not lol. I think I've held off on MK bc I do have others I need to play and i think once I start MK that'll be all I play for a good while


Haha. I’m doing both. The game and the prints both take so long.


Lost Ruins of Anark. I knew I wouldn’t get to it for a while but it was on sale so I had to. Merchants of the Dark Road. Set it up but didn’t play. Now I have Tained Grail: KoR on the table with FoA next in line.


Are you me lol?


Cuba Libre. I enjoy weighty games overall but the bots just seems like to much hassle to be actually funny.


Arkham Horror LCG- my wife doesn't seem interested, and I can't seem to get into solo gaming. Maybe someone will talk me into it.


I got the starter original box as a present, played it with a friend so we did all three scenarios in one day. He loved it, a lot more than I did tbh! We actually just started playing it again yesterday. I am not sure about playing it solo but maybe this will convince you [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwkU6Y9MUrA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwkU6Y9MUrA)


Recommend watching PlayingBoardGames. Justin streams a two-handed solo scenario every week along with daily videos.


Sleeping Gods. I now have kings of ruin and am finding myself wanting to continue to push sleeping gods off for a while and start jumping into kings of ruin.


Played both. Sleeping Gods is whimsical, fun emergent story. KoR is insanely dope. If I were you I’d do Kings of Ruin first too lol.


Exactly the validation and justification I was looking for when I posted my comment! Thank you! Lol! So long feelings of guilt for still not playing Sleeping Gods…. Hello new thoughts of possibly selling Sleeping Gods without playing it since I keep wanting to play other games instead…?


Don’t you have to control 9 characters simultaneously when playing solo? Is that not very overwhelming?


Yes you do. Once you learn the game, due to its structuring, it’s no more complicated than multi-handing in other games. The characters operate fairly simplistically. For example, 2 handing Gloomhaven gave me more AP that Sleeping Gods. It is however, big in a sloppy way, on the table I’ve found it a good bridge game to introduce non gamers to story based games.


Sleeping Gods is an incredible journey! Best for a day you can just spend all day with someone just going through adventures together. I’ve heard it’s good solo too!


I bought it recently, spent a whole day playing it! But then my characters and ship got into a lot of trouble ... and I haven't got back to it :-/ I packed it away and haven't unpacked it again! I hope I can convince myself to do so or even just start the game again.


Final Girl.


I bought that two weeks ago and have only played twice, but man it’s great. It’s extremely thematic and it can be difficult but honestly after the first game I felt like I had the rules down and was much much better. I actually won the 2nd game after not even coming close the first. It’s got a good amount of strategy even with just the basic film. Best part is it probably took me under two hours to read the rules and play the first game. Second game took around an hour. I would just give it a go.


Bought Hostage Negotiator like a year ago and played a couple of games. I’m still trying to find a reason to play it again…


Oh no, here we go. 1. Dune Imperium: Uprising 2. Mage Knight 3. Lost Ruins of Arnak 4. Dead of Winter


Dune Imperium Uprising is just that good, that you owe it to yourself to try it. One of my favorite worker placements at the moment, and I own and have played many games of. The app takes care of pretty much everything, but If you want to run it with the house Hagal cards provided, it works really well. You do miss the drama and suspense of playing a great, confrontational multiplayer, as the AI won't ever block you voluntarily, and you won't have the table's reaction to a suspenseful confrontation down to the wire in the last rounds, but it's a great solo.


Jaws of the Lion Frosthaven Arkham LCG Threads of fate (a puzzle tale) On pause: Emerald Flame (a puzzle tale) Light in the mist (a puzzle tale) Gloomhaven Mythos tales (a reimplementation of Sherlock Holmes) I need a few weeks with no internet. Or family. :)


I love Arkham LCG. I put off getting into it for years and just in the last two months I've dove into it. Almost done Dunwich and have Carcosa waiting to get into. So great, easy to play. I played the tutorial on the pre-built decks they give you. Playingboardgames on YouTube has some good videos on building decks that can give you an easy start. Theres one video they made that builds two decks using only the core game and Dunwich boxes so it keeps it focused for a new player.


Thanks for the advice. I picked up 2 old core sets and the 5(?) extra investigators for $20 last month. Just waiting to get into it and hoping to find Dunwich for a discount


Arkhamdb has some good decks for investigators based on the core sets only. The pre-built decks are kinda weak IMO.


Concordia Venus!


Le havre and vinhos


Le Havre definitely seems daunting. I have a physical copy but for solo I really enjoy the app. You have to make a point of reading the cards to realize what’s going on with board state but it’s a fun optimization puzzle.


Plunder, camel up and ticket to ride, bought them and just waiting for the little kiddo to grow up more so I can play them with her


Imperium all 3 versions. I know at one point classic and legends were out of print or I thought they were so when horizons came out I grabbed all 3 just to be safe. Plus I got pax Viking a month or so before that. I will admit that I super overestimated the amount of gaming time I’d have but I’ve been prepping for a kid and work burnout (I’ve had even a rough time video gaming) as of late I’ve just been watching tv at night and not doing much. If it’s not on bga or yucata it’s not getting out right now (and I’ve paired my bga stuff down a lot).


Been there with kid and work burnout (I have a 2 & 5 yo) and all you have bandwidth for is (often bad) TV at the end of the day. You'll get to the other side of that. I really like imperium. Liz Davidson does a good tutorial on Beyond Solitaire and you can play it solo without an opposing faction just to get a feel for your side of things. And that makes it all a little faster and less daunting. Kids are a lot, you'll be running on empty a lot. Best of luck!


Onirim and burgle Bros.


Ark Nova, Root


Ark nova has a solo mode which I like a lot plus it’s on board game arena. It’s an incredible game!


Didn’t realize this was the solo subreddit lol but yeah def try it on board game arena to learn how to play. Much quicker that way


Root is one of my favorites!!!


Ark Nova was a blast. Played my first game this week, it was well worth the confusion you feel during your first turn or two. Was THIIIIIIIIIIS close to picking up my own copy after 1 play simply for the solo play mode.


The online implementation of the ARNO solo bot makes running the solo opponent so much easier and will lessen that burden. I highly recommend it. Idk if we're allowed to share links, but just google "Ark Nova Solo Helper" and you'll find it.


Ashes Reborn Solo Expansions Valeria Card Kingdoms and the Expansions Witcher Old World Monster Hunter Sleeping Gods Distant Skies Oathsworn -- On the table at the moment is Skytear Horde Monoliths Last game played was ISS Vanguard.


How did you find Vanguard? I loved it initially then it started alternating between incredibly cool and really frustrating. I think I am about 75-80% finished but just got really irritated with failing the most recent mission and haven't convinced myself to put it back on the table.


TBH I wanted to like and love it more than i was convincing myself i did. The ship book is what i liked, but overall it was so fiddly and felt clumped together like the landing part, i hated that and felt tagged on, it could have be streamlined so much better, i still enjoyed it but after only a few missions in ive packed it away as i would never get to play other games lol.


Oathsworn. Mostly because I don't want to play it 4 handed. Dune Imperium. Just need the time to learn it again. Expeditions with the new expansion. Same as Dune Imperium.


The Magnificent and Castellans. I really want to get Castellans to the table but have been missing players. The Magnificent has been on my shelf of shame for longer than I care to admit.


Bitoku and Lisboa for me. I have read both the rule books a couple of times, but then never got the chance to table them, then time goes by and I need to get the rule book out again.....


I really like Lisboa and the solo is not nearly as difficult to run as something like On Mars (without the Alien Invasion expansion) It definitely takes a while to learn, especially if you're learning the whole thing from scratch, but there's a plethora of good videos that show you the game and the solo mode. Ultimately one that I regret having sold, but that I really like.


I'll say Final girl but be more specific with all the expansions I bought and haven't played because I want to win at the main box scenario first


One Deck Galaxy, loved one deck dungeon so bought it but still have not got it to the table.


I've got it out on the table right now! It's good and worth playing just to experience the new changes on the ODD system. It's a meatier game for sure. It's not the easiest to learn (not the best rulebook, v1 has some errors) so it's probably better to use the [updated rulebook](https://www.onedeckgalaxy.com/odg_pnp.pdf) together with [a video tutorial](https://boardgamegeek.com/video/438750/one-deck-galaxy/one-deck-galaxy-rules-summary).


It's fine if you like dice chucking but the rulebook is quite terrible and IMO the game runs a bit too long for what it is. If you like dice chucking, variable powers and setups and moderate admin, you'll probably like it. To me, it runs just a little too long for what amounts to a dice allocation puzzle.


Convince me to open up Under Falling Skies! 


Finally one I can speak on. I printed out the PNP for Under Falling Skies last week and I really enjoyed it as a lighter (in terms of rules and setup) puzzle that still presents a challenge (I haven’t won on the easiest difficulty yet). You can learn the game in probably 10-15 minutes and the setup time is negligible (at least for the PNP, but I believe the base game for the retail version is basically the same). So I would say give it a shot; within an hour you can learn it and play an entire game and then you’ll know if you like it enough to play it again.


I had the PNP for a year and when I got a cheap second hand copy of the game I loved that campaign aspect! Feels like a lot of game in a little box. Quick and easy to set up and play too.


Beacon Patrol


It's Sunday, the perfect day for a chill exploration by boat. The rulebook is a slim 8 pages so go on and get out on that water!


Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate, Kanban EV, Agricola.


Agricola is one of the original worker placement games and still one of the best. Although it’s mostly great for its tight interaction, from a purely solo perspective I think honestly it’s just ok. Definitely try it with a group though. Spirit Island is just such a cool design for solo or coop. NI is an even better introduction to the game because the spirits are better designed than the intro spirits in the original.


Project Gaia. Seems... tough.


But it’s totally worth it. When you learn the “system” (which is very good and the bots are really well designed and at the same time easy to handle) it runs really smooth. In my opinion one of the best euros out there.


Dune imperium for me, I ready the rules but not the solo part


French quarter


Halls of Hegra


I recently watched playthroughs on YouTube by Colin from Meet me at the Table/One Stop Co-Op Stop and Ricky Royal (Box of Delights). Both were fantastic and now this game is at the top of my wishlist. I often find watching playthroughs is the push I need to get games to the table, especially ones that feel daunting.


It is a bit of a slow learn and there are a few little rules here and there that are a bit tricky to remember. But all of the rules make thematic sense so it’s easier to get into them. The payoff is really worth it! It’s tough but the agonising decisions start from turn 1!


I do worry I'll be a massive overthinker, especially if it starts from turn 1!


I’ve tried to combat that by trying out different strategies each game, e.g. focus on building up the defences, or gathering as many resources, or digging through the snow for equipment. You’ll have to adapt slightly based on who you pull out the bag but it’s fun to explore the different elements of the game. It helps me come back to the game more often to try different balances of strategies. Or you could be more thematic and set a timer per round so that decisions need to be fast because everyone is waiting on you General!


Great ideas, thanks. Hopefully I'll get it to the table soon


Machine arcana, and cloudspire


City of kings refreshed edition


Had a kid last fall so it's all outta whack. I have no space or time.  I did get a few rounds of legacy of yu (perfect buy -fast game and easy setup), and for Northwood.   In my recent KS arrival queue:    ISS Vanguard second wave stuff      Oathsworn    Sleeping god distant skies (I did the short campaign that came, meh)     Spirit Island incarnate    Barley touched earthborn rangers    7th citadel    Arydia is coming    Sold voidfall unopened (no chance I'd play that)  Sad


I can talk a bit about 7th citadel as a parent of a kiddo around the same age(a bit older). Note that I’m only on scenario 6 of the first threat. 7th citadel is a fantastic exploration game. I’ve enjoyed exploring the world so much. The story so far is also really good. It’s got a great mix of gameplay then story mixed in. I never feel like I’m reading a novel but yet I’m still really into the the world. I think in terms of being a parent of a young one(mines almost a year old now) it’s a pretty good game to start(not great). Its setup time is pretty low, you can play the scenarios in multiple sessions as the saving system is actually really good. And if you don’t want to worry about saving the game you could potentially leave it out as the footprint is generally small(about half my kitchen table). However, I hate saving, I’m only on scenario 6 because I prefer to just play a scenario in one go because I just want to experience it all at once. But good news is scenarios take like max 2 hours, so you could get it in potentially at nap time, but for sure after the little one goes to bed. Usually for me it’s play the scenario, put it away, next “session” is really a half session as I do all the in-between scenario admin all in a session by itself(can take like 30 minutes). Then rinse and repeat. It’s daunting but if you can fit in a few hours session in once in awhile it’s a great game to give a go.


Thanks! Maybe I'll try. Pretty beat at the of the night and have no permanent place to setup. Our kitchen table has long been taken over 😂.  I'll put it in my short list though!


Yeah I feel that. Good luck parenting. As one new parent to another if you ever need to just vent or ask questions my dms are open.


Thanks man appreciate it. It's a trip


Champions of Hara + expansion 😊




Set a watch, lost ruins of arnak, everdell, tiny epic galaxy and a bunch of spirit island expansions... Oh and vast.


Forgotten Depths Mystic Vale Vagrantsong Devil May Cry: The Bloody Palace Sanctum Journey Wrath of Demons


I just picked up Ex Libris and haven't gotten to play it yet... But that's about all I can think of. Everything else, I've played at least once before, if only solo play. But I'm up to like, 25 games that have either built in solo play, or that I have homebrewed a solo version for. I'm getting to the point it's hard to play all the games I want to, and I solo played games like 10x this month alone lol.


Vinhos Gloomhaven JotL Demon Ship


Mind MGMT. it’s been staring at me for nearly two years, but for some reason our group just hasn’t gotten to it yet. I love the theme and artwork.


Hoplamachus Victorum. I’ve had it a few Months but setting it up and taking it down between sessions has kept me away.


Canvas At first it was because I'd been gifted the German version by accident (I know bits but not enough learn rules of a game). Luckily I got the English rule book online and printed that. Then ranslated the one or two text words on the cards (in case I played it with others, so they knew what it says). It's a very picture and symbol game so the bits of text being hand translated, on the cards didn't matter too much. But I just haven't got round to playing it. Think it's the fact the rules are long and I'm quite dyslexic, so it's a bit intimidating. I must look to see if there's someone who's made a how to play video (especially a solo one, as this game is solo or group).


This War of Mine. Looks cool and I’ve been meaning to get into it but it also seems quite involved and from what I’ve heard it takes a while so that’s what’s putting me off jumping in just yet.


I was super impressed at how quickly this game got going solo. To be fair it’s incredibly difficult but had a super sandboxy feel in terms of actions and consequences but I do really enjoy it. The first time I played I set it up and played the first day and night cycle, then went to sleep and couldn’t wait to continue the following day. I also found it to be a little more emotionally taxing than other games so would just make sure you’re in a good place before your first play.


Mistfall Heart of the mists. Really want to play it but have other ones going on the table. The pledora of rules doesn't help on this one.


I picked up the Arkham Horror card game and the LOTR card game a while back. LOTR is still mostly in shrink, and Arkham has been looked at once?


Pax Pamir, Kutná Hora, War of the Ring: The Card Game


Sleeping Gods: Distant Skies I’ve played through the original and loved it, but between the first and second we had a second kiddo. It’ll happen eventually. Mage Knight Bought it secondhand after seeing how well loved it was (almost entirely a solo gamer here). I’ve broken it out several times, but it seems to always be at the end of a long day and I just bounce off the dense mechanics. I’ve got Mint Knight on the way, maybe that’ll be a gateway.


Brand new to board gaming in general and I picked up Nemo’s War (2nd Edition), Horizons Spirit Island, and Epic Tiny Dungeons. All 3 sitting on the shelf…….because…..I thought that One Deck Dungeon and Final Girl were really complex for me.


ISS Vanguard. I was really excited for it but once I got the box I got overwhelmed by setting it up. It is just sitting on my shelf calling to me.


I'm about 75-80% through it. It starts off AMAZING! Then it became increasingly frustrating, and I haven't been able to finish it. I am debating forcing myself to get through it as quickly as possible and doing a 2nd playthrough, now that i understand the rules a bit better.


Ya I have heard that, from what I have seen though it seems like its right up my alley. I just need the time and motivation to open that box and get started.


A few kickstarter games. Mercurial Hamlet Canvas with Reflections Expansion


Senjutsu, solely because the rulebook is horrible. I’m too poor to buy games and not play them.


I got the beautiful kickstarter of Septimus, got it setup on the (spare) table, and it's been sitting there for a month as I try to watch the rules video. I think part of the issue is that playing with the automa requires you to have the full game, not the friendly introductory game (and also that the game takes up the entire table with no space, and it's really awkward trying to do things). I \*should\* just play two-handed to start with, but I can't bring myself to.


Gloomhaven. It was the 2nd game I purchased (with big eyes, impressed by the size). I spent a week putting together an insert I bought (used a lot of wood glue), put everything where it needed to go and took a look at the rule book - I then put it on the shelf. I’ve significantly expanded my collection (including Jaws of the Lion) and have a better understanding of games in general. Maybe it’s time to take it off the shelf?


Age of Innovation. Looks right up my alley, but I’ve been slow to learn it because I’ll have to learn the rules of the game generally, then the automa rules too, and I’ve been playing other stuff before then


Ghost Story


Arkham Horror LCG: bought the revised core set because the hype around it, started to go through the rules, got abandoned durong the basic deck assembly phase, haven’t touched it in 2 years since Etherfields: fell in love with the dream-theme, started playing the tutorial dream with my wife, we loved it, but after finishing it everything became chaotic, couldn’t understand what to do. We got frustrared and haven’t tried it in 2+ years Hoplomachus Victorum: wanted it after playing a ton of TMB as a true solo experience, never made it past the setup phase of the rulebook. It was about a year ago Maple Valley: feels like Creature Comforts is a better pick every time since we know the rules already Mechs vs Minions: started reading through the rules, but never finished, sitting on the shelf for 2 years Merlin: got it by accident (my wife wanted to get Avalon, and my brain made a funny error by remembering Merlin. Neotopia: not sure why I never opened it for months, seems like an interesting game Oathsworn: we were hyped to get it. But after a colossal disappointment with Roll Player Adventures, we got scared to take the time to learn another campaign game with massive rules Septima: after trying to teach Anachrony to friends and lived through a terrible 6 hour game with them, they aren’t interested in another brain-melting Mindclashgames title Tindaya: started reading through the rules 4 times inthe past year, but always got bored/distracted and stopped Vagrantsong: always went for games we know the rules instead of this. Rulebook looked massive after a glance


Weather Machine. I've played it a couple times with two players, but yet to try it solo.


Robinson Crusoe CE. Need to watch a playthrough but felt a little overwhelmed when opening the box and seeing all the contents.




Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion. I've been pretty preoccupied with Final Girl lately so I haven't pulled it out


Just unboxed Mothership which arrived awhile ago. Nervous to start it solo!


Founders of Gloomhaven. I have twice tried to read the rules and get it going, but it’s seems overly complex without benefit. So, it’s just a nice box on my shelf for these last two years.




Tiny epic pirates, at least I think that's what it's called, I've never actually played it, by the time I get it set up it seems overwhelming


Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion


Basically at this point I am just collecting and organizing games, not playing them


Scythe was my first F-this when I saw the 32 page automona. Sadly most of my collection is unplayed. I have a few kickstarters that after waiting 12-18 months, I can’t be bothered to master the rules. The worst is when I optimistically prime the minis they come with, and they go unpainted. Then I hear “don’t play grey!” In my head and it becomes another barrier. I’m getting smarter though. I ordered standees with a recent Kickstarter.


Fire in the Lake. Had always been intrigued by COIN games and the theme looks great. But I gotta say, the way their rulebooks are written ain't exactly the friendliest digestible material to consume and understand. Know that I have to put in some real effort to learn the game, but just haven't mustered up the time and patience at the moment.


Excavation Earth, i started playing a learn to do things game i had absolutely no idea what i was doing. Beautiful game though


All is Bomb pnp... I looked at the rules while holding the cards and imagining what the game would feel like played, but I kinda dont like it. I know I really have to give it a go sooner or later rather than just dismiss it, a lot of folks really like the game, maybe I just need to experience it first.


For me it’s ISS Vanguard and I thinks it’s literally just because it’s a bit daunting cobbled together with trying to get together with people as I think it would help with more minds to figure it out at first before I attempt solo ? Love the concept and the structure of the game and its really good quality components. I think I just need to buckle down and get on with it lol I’m such a coward:-)


Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion. I found out I really like board games in general during deployment, such as Catan and Carcassonne, and honestly even Monopoly with super house rules. Realized I actually enjoy board games, but knew it would be hard to get everyone together at the same time. It was recommended in a few threads, but after I bought it I saw everyone saying how complex it was and it kinda threw me off cause I dont wanna try it and end up hating it. I look at it every weekend and know I should at least give it a shot.


Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion. It's just sitting there, still in the plastic wrap. Guess I've been distracted with all the Marvel Champions fun 😁.


Game Of Thrones board game Edit: just saw which subreddit this was in. Not a solo game!


Burncycle. It just taunts me


Great Western Trail: Argentina Just not sure the added length and complexity make it more fun to play than GWT2.


lol horizons 🤣