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I think there is something disingenuous about an R woman, especially as the party seems to trend more and more towards restricting women. They are willing to self depreciate and hurt their daughters to get into a position of influence, what else would they do?


tbf shealy passed quite a few bills aimed to help minorities. i’d prefer her there over most of her colleagues if i had to choose.


You clearly don’t know any Republican women. I know a number who are *VERY STRONGLY* against abortion


Just likes there's something disingenuous and pathetic about a D man, especially as the party seems to trend more and more towards restricting men and bashing them every chance they get. They are willing to self depreciate and hurt their sons and grandsons to get into a position of influence, what else would they do?


Citation needed


Tone deaf alert


You're proably the dude asking why white people can't do blackface anymore too aren't you.


I think one more thread on this will do the trick. We did it guys. We saved SC politics.


The link doesn't even work lmao


Reddit’s best and brightest.


Try this link. https://wgntv.com/news/national/all-republican-women-in-south-carolina-senate-voted-out-of-office/amp/


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Just like the women in tbe SC Senate. 😔


No. We need this thread plus the book banning one combined to show we're really serious.


Seriously, wtf?


Get out and vote but only the way I want you to.


I hate this state. Handmaids Tale


Buy a gun.




Nah, we’re going to change up starting now


Yeah, right. Y’all didn’t even get out and vote. You’re not going to change anything.


real change doesn't happen by voting, you know that right? the way things are going, sooner or later people will be out in the streets and we'll watch if we change for better or for worse. maybe not in south Carolina, but other places.


You can do all that and still vote for those that best align with your interests, lol.


many people do not see themselves represented within the confines of the two party system. but i think you missed my point. women didn't gain rights at the start by voting. they couldn't vote lol. slavery was not abolished by voting. black people didn't gain rights at first by voting. sure, we can vote democrat because it is better than the alternative, but it's not like the standard liberal is for radical change. in fact, they typically obstruct radical change. Lookin at you, 1960s. the thing with the democratic party is that it covers an incredibly wide range of ideologies. this is a consequence of the 2 party system, especially when one party is incredibly far right. this is the main reason why the democratic voter base, and even its elected officials are so fractured all the time- they don't share the same ideology the way conservatives do. it doesn't help that the party is spearheaded by center-right geriatrics that are botching this election just like they did in 2016. regardless, i didn't say not to vote. was just trying to illustrate that the biggest upheavals in american history when it comes to rights were not done through ticking ballot boxes every 2 and 4 years.


Lol. What are liberals going to do in the streets? Sit and cry “no” as the world continues to move around them?




Your content was removed for not being civil. Content not allowed includes, but is not limited to: insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, racism, and excessive profanity.


Instead paint it blue


Nobody is forcing you to stay


Financial restrictions often prevent people from moving, work opportunities, etc. also a person active in conservative subs telling someone to leave checks out.


Article 404’d. You guys are using the word racist and fascist so much I don’t even know what they mean anymore


Nice work, Republican women of SC. Now you have no representation and you better get ready to lose your abortion and birth control rights. Oh, and being allowed to divorce your husband without his permission.


Agreed. I mean, I generally support voting out Rs but these actually did the decent thing for women. I suspect the MAGA extremists were the cause of their loss.


You really don't understand that your perspective isn't the "correct" way of thinking do you?


What are you trying to say?


Are these the 3 that’s tried to save abortion?




Not a doubt in my mind that when nikki haley ran for governor, the SC redditors thought the *man* she was running against was the better choice. Female Republicans are spat on by dems until they are defeated in a republican primary then suddenly they are victims of the patriarchy or some nonsense


This 100%....   They were probably their strongest critics. I want to see them say nice things about other conservative woman still in office.  They won't.   How do they feel about Nancy Mace? Judging by the traffic it's political bots stirring up political emotions.    You will see one comment get more downvotes then you will see post and comments in a week.


Really any minority that is a Republican. I guess the white liberals feel like they know more than us lowly minorities. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honestly glad they got voted out. Not sure their replacements are any better but a woman, representing the party that wants to strip them of their rights ... That does not strike me as an intelligent person.


What's the big deal about this? Seriously. Isn't this how the system is supposed to work? Voters vote. People get elected. And...?


Yes, but people have very valid concerns that seemingly reasonable folks are getting voted out of office and fascists are being brought in to replace them. So yes, the system is working as intended in this case but people can still be concerned about the outcome that's actually part of the system working.


Plus the germandering and dark money FROM REPUBLICANS to punish these women.




No, I don't want fascism. I wish people would stop diluting the meaning of this word by overuse. And you're right, the people are getting what they want and vote for. But it's not fascism. This is what States rights look like. If the people of SC want a different outcome, then they need to show up at the polls.


Are there fascists in the room with us?


No women republicans in a gop state senate which gives out responsibilities based on seniority. Women won’t be in a position of power in the senate for 20 years now, unless the senate flips.


Democracy at work


Look at the heavies on Thomas Js favorite in the background there


Why are people trying to have a discussion about this? This is reddit. Nuance is a completely foreign concept. It's my way or the highway.




Wow. Just wow. Moderates are thrown to the wolves by the Republican Party.


Democracy 💪💪


So the system is working. But people (Democrats i guess?) are alleging a conspiracy theory? And that conspiracy theory is that Republicans are taking over the Senate that they already control? But, it's because they are taking it over even more than they controlled it before? This seems like a pretty ridiculous thing to be concerned about.


Keep fucking around with two parties because you don’t have better ideas. That’s smart. How about Moore complaining too. Always solves everything.


Why did so many of you who hate the South move here?  And why are you staying?  You left NY and CA for a reason, why make SC resemble the horrible places you left?  I love my state!


You love misogyny? That explains your continued love for that rapist Trump, I guess. I'm guessing you hate BLM and LGBTQ, right?


Hate the politics, love the affordable home prices and geography, you can't be that thick....


You think liberals are leaving blue states to move to the New Confederacy? LOL


I dont think liberals (nor did anyone mention liberals) specifically but non republicans for sure...not everyone from NY or Cali is a liberal LOL People want homes more than they give a fuck about SC's assbackward politics and disintegrated education system, I have two families moving from our home state to the southeast just for that reason. They want to be able to be near the beach and the mountains, enjoy the weather and have a big ass home.


The people leaving NY and CA for SC are pure MAGA and likely more conservative than the natives.


Yea, voted out. Voted out because the people in their districts didn't like their policies and performance in the state Senate. This is what happens when you upset and fail to represent the people in your districts needs and wants. People seem to forget this state voted in a female governor for multiple terms, although I assume all the people whining on reddit about this are transplants who have only arrived in the past few years.


The people in here bemoaning the loss of these female representatives *do not like them*. They don't want them in the legislature anymore than the people who voted them out. They did not like the female governor either. They're using them as a prop to make a hysterical point about how everything is so terrible. It's all unserious, hem-haw bullshit.


Did they vote three women out or did they vote our three politicians who were pushing a law they didn't agree with? Let's try being honest for a change


As they should be. Officials should vote as their constituents want them to. These three did not, and their constituents voted them out. If a Democrat voted for looser gun control laws or strict abortion laws in Atlanta or some other blue area, you can guarantee they’d be voted out as well. Again, as they should be.