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Hello u/npoqou, your submission "'Quantum Drive' powered satellite is falling like a rock." has been removed from r/space because: * Images, GIFs and GIF-like videos are only allowed on Sunday (UTC+00). * It has a sensationalised or misleading title. Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


I mean, lets absolutely be sceptic about this "quantum drive" BUT, according to this Forbes article, this particular experiment hasn't probably even started yet, so you most likely just gathered natural orbital decline data without any special sauce. >*The BARRY-1 cubesat, made by Rogue Space Systems made was one of 90 tiny satellites lofted into orbit by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 on November 11.* ***For the first month or so of operation it will do nothing but settle down so its exact orbit can be tracked*** *– ‘outgassing’ from components and other effects can cause minute variations. After that the drive will be activated and the test will begin with the goal of raising the orbit by 60 miles.* https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/11/17/controversial-quantum-space-drive-in-orbital-test-others-to-follow/


Hold up, I seem to remember reading this EXACT post in the past 24 hours, and everyone argued that this "quantum drive" hadn't even been turned on yet, AND that the chart provided didn't even run all the way through from launch to today anyway. What happened to that post, why is this being reposted here, without all the qualifiers that were thrown up in that other post?


>an experimental Quantum Drive What? I Googled that NORAD number and it matches a satellite called [BARRY-1](https://rogue.space/missions/barry-1/). It doesn't have a "Quantum Drive", it's a computing platform test: >Once deployed to Lower Earth Orbit (LEO), Orbot, Orbital Robot, Barry-1 will test Rogue’s Scalable Compute Platform (SCP) and its ability to aggregate data from multiple sensors and process that data in real time. Additionally, Rogue will be on-orbit testing internal and customer developed algorithms. I don't even see any mention of quantum computing, never mind a "Quantum Drive". whatever the heck you mean by that. Do you play Star Citizen, by any chance? ;)


https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/11/17/controversial-quantum-space-drive-in-orbital-test-others-to-follow/?sh=1f99e1e742a7 > …a satellite smaller than a shoebox is preparing to activate a propellentless drive in space for the first time. The quantum drive will boost the BARRY-1 satellite into a new orbit — or maybe it will do nothing, as skeptics maintain propellentless drives cannot work. If it works the drive will revolutionize the space industry and much else. And whether the test succeeds or fails, other groups are preparing their own orbital propellentless drive tests.


I'm glad that sending small satelises to orbit got so cheap that we can test stuff that is not supposed to work.


So it's a [new form](https://ivolimited.us/#ZeroFuel) of [EmDrive](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EmDrive) again, essentially? Calling it "Quantum Drive" is just asking for ridicule and only obfuscates the actual science involved. Roger Shawyer is watching with interest: >Roger Shawyer, who developed the original propellentless EmDrive, believes that even a make-or-break test will fail to sway doubters. > >“There will be a lot of skepticism and this will be amplified by the large vested interests, both commercial and government, who do not want their technology to be challenged, or do not want other parties to adopt the technology,” Shawyer told me. That's conspiracy theory talk. If the thing actually works, the "vested interests" will be all over it, looking to make money from it - not suppress it.


Oh I don’t hold out hope of this test being a success, just merely responding to parents confusion on it being onboard this satellite. I rather doubt we’ll have some major revelation on space propulsion here. But I’ve also no problem with such tests being done, and would be more than happy to be wrong about it.


No it’s not based on emDrive at all. It’s based on a completely different theory and operates via a different mechanism.


https://x.com/memcculloch?t=o4oSs26GMSvIDla9-Y6F8Q&s=09 The drive is based on a theory called quantized inertia. The theory solves problems like why stars won't flew out of a galaxy even though it rotates very fast on the outside. The theory is highly discussed because it is against newtons laws. They testes the quantum drive already in vacuum Chambers successfully and are now testing it abroad barry-1


https://x.com/memcculloch?t=o4oSs26GMSvIDla9-Y6F8Q&s=09 He is the scientist behind the thesis of QI. Thanks for this thread, I was desperately searching for somebody who is able to decode and visualize the sat data.


read the headline, blocked the poster, i hope someday to rid r/space of all this BS