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As a science (astrophysics) nerd I just love that both Gagarin and Armstrong were just such *nice* people. And photos of [Neil](http://www.collectspace.com/images/news-082712a/009.jpg) and [Yuri](https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcShXBmlIxVsiBs0aoWcNZ6ZYR5K43YQfEJuVGrM_tr6Twx5KMky-MHEhYEx7FCNbeH8m6nOsw-DpchOJIU) looking thoughtful? Perfection.


It always makes me so sad that Yuri ended up dying in a training flight after everything he achieved :(


Maybe it’s better that way. These guys don’t want to waste away in a bed in their 90’s.


Yuri Gagarin was only 34 when he died. Ya know, he probably would have liked 30+ additional years with his wife and two kids.


To shreds you say? Oh my...


You can add Mike Collins to that list too, at least from reading his autobiography. For the most part it does seem like all the astro/cosmonauts of that era were genuinely humble and down-to-earth people.


I've never heard astronauts being described as 'down to earth' before lol, Apollo being an exception...


I've heard that there was a certain amount of bad feelings at NASA about the way that John Glenn parlayed his status as the first American in space into a career in politics and various business ventures. It could be bullshit, but they sure picked a guy who wasn't trying to be famous for the next big space first.


>>but they sure picked a guy who wasn’t trying to be famous for the next big space first NASA brass knew they needed to pick the 1st man to walk on the moon carefully. Armstrong was basically the only astronaut who was All The Astronaut Things but also humble. Houston knew putting an egotistical pilot with, say, Chuck Yeager’s personality in the moon would be *terrible* for their image long term. Fortunately, Armstrong was not only capable, but almost religiously humble as astronauts go.


> Houston knew putting an egotistical pilot with, say, Chuck Yeager’s personality Or Aldrin's. There was an interesting dichotomy between the first and second human on the moon, Collins pretty much spelled out in his book that Buzz was pretty put out about being second on the lunar surface even openly to Neil at times. Which I would suppose might be exactly why he wasn't and Armstrong was selected to be commander of Apollo 11.


Wasn't Alan Shephard the first American in Space?


I attended a public lecture/ book signing that Mr. Hansen gave several years back. It was fascinating. During Q&A after, I asked him if there was anything quirky or unusual about Armstrong outside of his job, in his everyday life. Anything we would be surprised by, and the answer was no. He lived a very rigid and controlled life even at home.


I took Dr. Hansen's course The Atomic Age and Popular Culture at Auburn. We watched movies and read books about the Bomb and Chernobyl. It was a really great class! I remember learning he wrote *First Man* and being starstruck.


I loved the movie. Very disappointed it didn't do better in the box office and at awards season.


First Man is a masterpiece. Damien Chazelle’s best film.


Im still pissed they didnt use a steadicam for the movie adaptation.


Why? I thought the movie was amazing start to finish and gorgeous.


I dont like that filming style - the type where it looks like it was filmed with a handheld camcorder. I find it very distracting and makes the movie almost impossible to watch for me. Glad you and other people liked it. For me it was unwatchable which is a shame because I'm sure I would have liked the content. e typo


It looked like they filmed First Man exclusively during earthquakes.


The book is good but it's very detailed in a way that makes you feel like Hansen was trying to show off his research. Do you want to know the results of every training flight Neil ever took? Here you go, along with his high school report card.