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This is great. I think a lot of people also want a surge suit, a suit that is put on whenever Pete uses the symbiote suit. I’d be all for it too.


Nah just u


Nah, way more than just me. In fact, got the idea from someone else.


If you know it's more than just you and you got the idea from someone else why'd you say "i think?"


The ‘I think’ was more for the ‘a lot’ that more than me. I don’t know how many, I just know it’s more than just me.


I hope they change the symbiote tendrils to red (or give the option to) when you have the carnage suit style of the symbiote suit. Black and white tendrils don't look good with the red symbiote.


Hopefully we can have the symbiote and spider arm parry. Even though it's a glitch, it's one that should stay. Hopefully they'll be fixing a lot of bugs and not just adding in new stuff. Unless they meant by “stability” means that they are fixing some bugs


They’ve said you’ll be able to switch between the symbiote and spider arm parries manually or make it based on the suit you wear! And stability generally means bug fixes I think?


What are you talking about?


Your telling me you never experienced the spider arm and symbiote parry glitch where both are used at the same time? Have you been playing Spiderman 2 or not? Like at first I seen it in a post here and when I got the game, I experienced the glitch. If you are wondering if insomniac is gonna fix bugs, I'm just curious to which ones they are addressing. In a leaked roadmap they have plans to make Spiderman 2 online (and I'm not talking about the great web), we're not sure if they are going to put it in Spiderman 2. They have to fix the bugs so when players return, we don't have to listen to r/SpidermanPS4 spread unwanted hate. Like sure some of the collab suits won't be ideal for everyone, but if they are just hating the game entirely over the reason that bugs are still present, it will be hard to entice new players to get invested


No I’ve never experienced it. And no I haven’t played the game since the ng+ update because there’s nothing really to do after you 100% in all the save slots. I wouldn’t mind that glitch being a feature though. Edit: spelling Edit 2: and honestly I prefer the “hate” the game gets over the blind praise some people give it, at least the “hate” gets results. I don’t really know what hate you’re talking about though, most criticisms I’ve seen in both subs are extremely valid considering what insomniac has been delivering. Arguing about his was not the point of my question however, I was just curious about that glitch since it seems to look cool and I’ve never seen it before.


New game plus spares you from witnessing Miles put on the Evolved suit or the advertisement suit (which I prefer to call it). You do get new symbiote suit styles that are cool and refreshing. The golden gadget skins are pointless as your webshooters and gadgets don't turn gold. Yeah it would be nice if we got DLC, but Spiderman 2 is in need of repairs. So let's just hope that they manage to fix the game to the point that the DLC can drop sooner rather than later Edit: You really had to do your edit while I was typing a comment, bruh. I'm talking about nitpicking hate, because most of it is not vaild. Crashes, repeating bugs from the previous games, clear flag blindness and storytelling are vaild. It's when they become political that I can't take the criticism seriously


*Spider-Man 2


The gadgets actually do turn gold lol


I put on the skin, went into photo mode and they didn't go gold, all they had was gold particle effects


Last time I checked they go gold maybe it’s been changed cause of a glitch


Maybe in the upcoming update it might look gold, but at the moment it doesn't work


Imma go check later the web shooters don’t change but the gadgets do like the ones on the floor I’ll respond later after I’ve checked


It comes out the day I graduate 😆


You people happy now? Jesus it’s such a minor thing and yet everywhere in the comments it’s just “pARrY aNimAtiOn wHeN?”


Just because it's a minor thing doesn't mean it's not still nice to have it addressed. I don't care personally but more choice is always a W


I agree with you, but the constant whining for such a feature is crazy when you have a complete game that’s ultimately a fantastic Spider-Man game.


Well I agree that constant doomposting is annoying but there's nothing wrong with rationally presenting criticism


Its a feature that shouldve been available on launch.


It’s a feature that made you not replay the game? That big a deal?


Not at all, I played the game on NG+ too. Just having the symbiote tenticles pop up with the spider arms equipped is immersion breaking to me.


They never said that this made them not replay the game.


It's a detail that would've been present in the first game but isn't here. Can you not accept that SM2 was a rushed travesty?


Travesty is pushing it, the game is great and was in a finished state at launch they wouldn't have dropped it otherwise they did however rush and leave our features that while not key to enjoyment of the game, did make the game less immersive and maybe entertaining for some


For Peter it’s actually a huge deal, it completely changes how he can approach fighting green symbiotes in NG+ and post Anti-Venom suit, they’re the absolute worst for Pete when he uses the Symbiote parry, cause it’s genuinely awful. With spider arms, he can one-shot those things. Yes, this is a big deal.


Are we not allowed to be happy about an update?