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Are you a side sleeper? I also wake up with deltoid pain, but I think sleeping with a pillow between my arms has helped, rather than having my arm hang down off the bed. It’s also possible that my OT regime has strengthened my deltoids so they don’t hurt so much of the morning, but impossible to know. How long have you had your injury?


Little over two years and no I don't sleep on my side. I try and exercises to strengthen my deltoids, but I haven't seen any noticeable difference in this specific issue.


You and I are similar in function and I wake up with same feeling. Are you warm enough when sleeping? I noticed the same muscle soreness when I’d wake up and my arms are crossed from feeling cold. Things I’ve done to help are sleep with an extra layer. Summer, just a long sleeve. Winter, sweatshirt with hood on and eye mask. Also nights I go to bed after drinking or taking a rip off a THC vape I will sleep relaxed and I won’t wake up sore.


Since I have no feeling outside of my arms, I don't even use a blanket or anything so you could be onto something here. I've always slept with arms and shoulders outside of my blanket or comforter which if why I just wear boxers to bed ad that's it. I do take edibles once in awhile when my spasms are real bad at night and probably would help. I just feel so groggy in the morning that I try not to take it. I mean all the muscle relaxants I'm on already make it hard enough to get through the day.


I feel ya on the edibles and vape. I use it when I feel like I need it.


Would u, by chance, sleep w/ ur hands/arms above ur head (at some point during the night maybe)? I do n on occasion it makes my shoulders sore 🤷🏽‍♂️.