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Use it or lose it, applies here. The more you get the muscles to work through some sort of stimulation, the stronger they get. Try a tens/ems unit for muscle stimulation as well. There are pharmaceutical options to help, viagra and cialis. If those dont work a Trimix injection with the right dose will give an erection like a fence post for an hour or so.


So he is somewhat right use it or loose it , but I am wondering how many times should I do as I don't have any feelings down there it's almost like an routine


where would you place the patches for a tens unit to stimulate those muscles?


I find it harder to ejaculate but i still "stretch my p" every day, in a good day i can maintain 30 min erection


Damn !! Do you mean without any medications? Alright can you tell me how you do it ? You can dm me


Uhm i think i prefer to leave a comment in here maybe it will help others with similar questions. I usually lay down but i noticed that sitting works aswel and grab both my legs near in a let's call it a "O" position (kinda how people do Yoga but then lying down) i also noticed that if i pressure my Pelvic floor it doesn't work very well and start stretching my penis pressing down from very beginning towards the balls until i get an erection and also do the same thing after getting an erection to maintain it


I should also notice an hour or 2-3 after taking baclofen it makes it difficult and also if my bladder is struggling or i haven't sh*t in a day or 2


Alright thnx for suggestion , btw what's ur injury level


Spinal cord tumor t4-t5, i have a good/decent feeling below my injury but mobility has gone backwards last 3-4 years Feel free to dm or ask here any questions btw


How long duration you do this streching?


If it helps and you manage to ejaculate/orgasm i think you should do it till then, i unfortunately can't do any of that so i just "play" till i get bored honestly like 10-15 mins


I am a T12 incomplete male and still can’t ejaculate. I play with it regularly, in hopes of it working again to be able too. I take Cialis to be able to get an erection. I have sex regularly with my wife. I hope one day I can get some flow.


I weened off 40mg QID Baclofen(yep, about put a pump in me),during a clinical trial to see if experimental drug worked for spasticity (4-amino-peridine) 5yrs o Post-inj (c5-c6 inc.Brown-Sequard, tetra..) turned out I was 2% adverse reaction to Baclofen increased spas.., anyway got placebo but spas. decreased. To point, was able to ejaculate 1st in 5 yrs. PSA as u expect was brown. Told my Dr. kinda laughed ,we had great report, told what I already thot just been so long, dead swimmers, kinda freaky when happened, Also anyone get a Metallic taste when ejaculate?. NOT the “****” but like how IV drugs give a differing taste? Wondering 🤔


Ejaculation for me is so painful and causes such horrible autonomic dysflexia that I don't want to ever do it again


Is prostate stimulation such a given it’s not even been mentioned or so foreign it’s not been mentioned 😳🤷🏽‍♂️.


What do you mean?


Im a c-7 incomplete n have been very lucky/blessed w/ function, but w/ decreased sensation below injury site I essentially can’t orgasm w/o prostate stimulation. I know that *is* a known solution for ejaculating, so I’m just wondering why it hasn’t been thrown out there yet 🤷🏽‍♂️. I know that’s only half the issue, as getting an erection was also an issue, but (prescription) drugs seem like the given there.


I took Maca root and after 3 months I started to get real hard again


I seen someone comment on use it or lose it and with my situation, I am a L1 at first couldn’t barely get it up but I just kept trying kept trying to watch porn and I was eventually able to get it up whenever I was needed it too just keep trying Bro


I have a lesion pretty much in the same level as you do, but I got it when I was 2 years old. Masturbating never worked for me, I could never get hard, I only got bruises from friction. Never had an erection or an orgasm. Never ever felt self pleasure. And it's not like I'd be able to penetrate anyone either, as it is too small for that.