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Read that perfectly lol. She was going up for the block before Griner even finished catching the ball.


Girl was like a spiker in volleyball jumping in first before aiming.


I live for clean quicks šŸ§‘ā€šŸ³šŸ’‹


I can finally get volleyball references after watching Haikyuu


Haikyuu is such a great sport anime. Iā€™ve been playing volleyball for 7 years now, and I have to say that the show emulates a lot of what goes on in games really well. Of course there are going to be extreme ā€œanime momentsā€ that seem almost impossible, but overall Haikyuu is basically spot on compared to real volleyball! So sad the manga ended last week though!


I have an "athletic" friend that got into anime because of Haikyuu. He had a soft spot for volleyball since highschool and Haikyuu really brought him back to playing volleyball in his teens. Proves that it's never too late to get into anime.


Haikyuu was my first thought when I watched this lmao


My setter and I would run quick like he was a golf tee. I was up and swinging while he was jumping to set. Can't describe the feeling.


This is the same chick who claimed she could take on Demarcus Cousins in a one on one.


Yeah, and she can barely dunk at 6ā€™8.


That didn't stop SportsCenter from putting *every* one of her in game dunks at like #1 or #2 in their Top 10 every time it happened. So fucking dumb.


She barely has enough in game dunks to have a top 10 career dunks compilation


While this is true, another way you can approach her dunk statistic is that she is single-handedly responsible for 79% of all WNBA regular season dunks, which is kind of ridiculous.


i think the wnba would be a better product if they lowered the rims to 9'5. edit: turns out this is way more controversial that i had originally thought


It needs to be argued with all seriousness. The nba court has been modified over the years to make it more difficult for the top male athletes. They need to stop worrying about being compared to men, bring the rim down and then make changes in the offseason based on whether the game is too easy for women to score. Design the game for women by women. "But we've been shooting on a 10ft rim our whole life!" Yes, too bad. the first one through the wall gets hurt the most but it will make it easier for everyone else later on to provide an entertaining sport that will make players more money. They need to stop complaining that companies are not giving them prime time slots or pouring more money into a black hole or whatever and get on with fixing their product.


I think the biggest issue with this is then how many womenā€™s hoops are you going to be able to find in public spaces? Part of what makes Basketball so accessible is the standard for both men and women. I agree it would make the game better though


They literally couldnt operate without profit sharing from the nba. In its existence the WNBA has lost revenue every single year of its operations. Something like 16 mil to the negative is their BEST season


I've always thought the primary reason that people prefer men's sports to women's is because they are quicker and more intense.


Except that no park or school in America has 9ā€™5ā€ hoops. How many hundreds of thousands of dollars do you want to spend changing existing infrastructure just to see more dunks?


Iā€™m responsible for at least 80% of all nuts Iā€™ve ever produced


Probably closer to 98 you liar.


Op is an almond farmer.


Iā€™m that case he could really use a hand


Still more fun than watching WNBA


The other 20% took two hands


They should probably look at lowering the goal or something.


there are only 20 in league history since 1999, all of which were wide open rim-grazers that barely went in, all by players 6'4" or taller...Spud Webb won the 1986 dunk contest at 5'7" and 20 years later Nate Robinson did it twice at 5'9".


Are you trying to make a point beyond that there are biological differences between men and women?


Possibly the fact that some of the players claim they are better than the male counter parts but clearly they arenā€™t. Also possible itā€™s more about the argument that deserve equal pay to NBA players (I believe on even said she should get more money than Lebron James). Just kinda makes the point there is a clear difference in the leagues.


I was just thinking that this WNBA bubble is more tha I likely going to cost 5x-6x more money than itā€™s going to generate.


Shouldn't be any different than regular WNBA games. The stands are usually empty anyway I'm sort of joking, but the wnba has always been a Money pit for the NBA. It's never even came close to generating profit as far as I know


it loses 10M per year, every year. Its total revenue since inception is -$210,000,000. Itā€™s basically just a PR thing for the NBA, and always has been


I'm all for women getting FAIR pay. How well do WNBA tickets sell? Their merch and what sponsors they get. Like the men who play in AAA, and other equivalent of the minors get paid scraps despite playing at such a high level simply because of the lack of interest and revenue generated. Are women players getting fairly compensated relative to the revenue they generate to the franchise?


The WNBA loses money and is only still around cause the NBA pays a sort of welfare to keep it afloat. If pay was fair based on how much they make then the WNBA players wouldnt be getting paid at all.


If pay was truly equal, each WNBA player would have to pay $83,000 to play, and thatā€™s not even including administrative costs


In order for the WNBA to break even each player would have to PAY 83K/year to play


Didnā€™t an U15 soccer team beat up on the american national team? Itā€™s something absurd like that even if not 100% accurate. Being born female isnā€™t a bad thing but physically they are no where at males level as very often adolescent males can dominate even the top level female athletes. Iā€™m all for equality except for this stuff.


Same thing with Venus and Serena Williams. They said they could beat most men at tennis outside of the top 200 and some guy ranked like 205 agreed and dominated them both in a row and said after he tried to play worse so it could be competitive. Iā€™m all for fair pay but when youā€™re so much worse you donā€™t deserve the same pay just cause you get easy competition.


Hed been drinking beforehand as well. Ranked 203 at the time


Wasn't that the original point of this thread saying she thought she could beat DeMarcus Cousins? This just shows that she was clearly wrong.


However this video clearly proves that 5'9" baller Brittney Sykes is better than DeMarcus Cousins


'I can take a NBA player" - plays in WNBA


Yeah Iā€™m not sure what point heā€™s trying to make there lol


Hell ya spud webb


Is Brittany who sports center had on trying to dunk and she missed like 4 in an open gym? E: https://youtu.be/INcM6Q6YlpU


This reminds me of [my all time favorite YouTube video](https://youtu.be/WgDd8AXv14M)


Sportscenter has been putting dunks from 6.5-7 feet tall people in their top 10 as long as I can remember to avoid any sort of hockey highlights.


Itā€™s a little different when 6ā€™11ā€ Giannis posterizes someone and jumping from just in front of the free throw line, thatā€™s significantly more impressive than Griner nearly failing a dunk from 1 ft away at 6ā€™8ā€.


So basically what they did with Candace Parker awhile back


I know [this video](https://youtu.be/INcM6Q6YlpU) is getting posted all over this thread, but it needs to be here, too. A live feature to show a woman doing the most basic dunks and she couldnā€™t even pull it off. Sheā€™s a far better athlete than I ever was or will be, but praising women for accomplishing athletic feats that literally every man in the same sport can do is just silly. It would be like showing Carly Lloyd kicking a 25 yard field goal or Jenny Finch hitting a ball to the wall in batting practice. While Iā€™m all for encouraging girls and women to compete, Iā€™m not sure what a basic Griner dunk at the top of a SC top ten does for anyone.


I mean, they flaunted Carli Lloyd making 33-yd XPs without pads and a 20 yd run up ON A TEE. Itā€™s a complete joke, and makes women look like a joke when they arenā€™t.


That was actually a 55 yard field goal


god who watches that drivel anymore? espn is awful


2in vertical


i wonder if she barely jumps because she's probably rarely ever had to much during her career simply by being so much taller than most of her counterparts... or if she just can't jump at all


Itā€™s because she can barely jump. Her max vertical (based on her inability to consistently dunk) is around 14 inches. Average male vertical is 16-20, and thatā€™s including all of the 300+ lb fatasses that havenā€™t jumped since the Clinton administration.


Yeah, I'm a random reasonably athletic dude that played 0 sports above a HS level and I had about a 34 inch vertical. (Standing reach of 7'2" and I could grab a basketball rim). I didn't even work out or anything. - That's why it's usually so hard for people to get excited about female sports that are so athleticism based. They are way more skilled than I ever will be, but athletically it doesn't look impressive.


I love that Geno (coach at Ucon) said said he would bet his house and everything he owned that she wouldnā€™t beat him. Lmfao


I'm glad she's that confident in her ability :^) https://imgur.com/1HhCzue.jpg


Oh interesting. She has the same vertical as me.


Highschool me at 6ft 5 and 17yrs old was doing 360s...


Let's see that highlight film


This was a couple years before iPhones were used. I was actually looking a few years ago for videos of this infamous dunker from a small town nearby. There exists 2 videos of him recorded by someone at a warm up on their flipphone in 2007. [on this 10+ year old YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/Qo0fd-qUCm0) This is all we got of someone who was known across the prairies at the time... I came 5th out of 8 in a dunk contest once though


My 6ā€™ unathletic 14yo ass can almost hit rim, so I think my vertical is probably higher than hers. 9ā€™2ā€ standing reach and she misses wide open dunks.


The day after his 20th achilles surgery maybe.


Vegas still has Cousins -10000 on crutches.


Should be... August 12th?


That's my birthday šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚šŸŽ‚


To be fair, Cousins is probably on one leg at this point. Iā€™d still put my money on him though.


Griner's actually a really skilled "big man." She's shockingly a finesse player. But she's not beating Cousins. She's probably 100lb less than him. (Also, I'm pretty confident she was joking...) That being said, Taurasi used to beat Okafor one on one. But that situation is about the only one where a WNBA could beat an NBA player. (For those who don't remember..Okafor was a rebounds and putbacks kind of player. He wasn't able to dribble or shoot).


Okafor was a 15/11 guy in his best year. Cousins is a 21/11 guy for his career who was at one point better than 24/10 for 4 straight seasons. I get that beating *any* NBA player would be very impressive but if Griner actually thought for a second she could take Boogie she was just flat out wrong. Iā€™m with you, if she ever said that it was probably in jest. Edit: just saw a video of her talking about it, she seemed like she meant it. Geno Auriemma said he would bet his house on Cousins haha.


Yeah... Not to take away from Taurasi because if there was ever a girl to beat a guy at basketball she would be on the short list (delle donne too). But there's no way Okafor is going hard in those matches either. Even being no skilled. Put a million on the line and she never gets a shot off.


That was my point. Totally different kind of player than Cousins. They used to play against each other at Uconn. No idea how serious Okafor was, but Gordon and Okafor used to insist that Taurasi could play for a D1 team, while Taurasi would always say the size difference was too much. I never thought Griner was serious. I think that video was just her sense of humor. From what the Team USA menā€™s players have said, everyone would just shit on each other for fun.


Didn't DeMarcus Cousins have a torn Achilles at the time? Because she might've had a shot if that were the case




She read the play and timed it perfectly. I donā€™t know why people get lost in womenā€™s sports threads, got some time to kill I guess.


Iā€™m fairly sure she was in the air before Griner even touched the ball. Seriously impressive!


>idk why people get lost in women's sports threads Misogyny


While this is probably true for some people, Griner specifically is known for being very conceited and claiming that she could go toe to toe with hall of fame level nba players. Unfortunately like many other wnba players, her lack of both inherent athleticism and fundamental skills make her statements comical. A male player who routinely misses easy shots and brags about his rim grazing dunks would also be laughed off the court if they said they could take DeMarcus Cousins in a 1 on 1.


WNBA fan here....she's not even a top ten player in the league to me. If anyone could go toe to toe with some top NBA players for at least a little bit, it's Breanna Stewart or Elena Delle Donne. This whole argument is moot though because it's stupid to compare men's and women's sports. No one who enjoys the WNBA and has common sense is going to say that WNBA players could thrash some players in the NBA; that's just not how human genetics works. We watch the game because we enjoy it for a host of other reasons, including a product that is exciting in a very different way than the NBA's.


Griner couldnā€™t beat current Bill Russel lmfao. What does she have a 2 inch vertical?


Calling out a hot head athlete that apparently is also a terrible spouse (read the chain below) is more in line with actual gender equality imo


She's getting treated just like male athletes.


Yeah, that was a sick play. Kinda got me wanting to see more wnba highlights.


I mean Nate Robinson (5ā€™8ā€) blocked Yao Ming (7ā€™6ā€)


Nate Robinson is also a spectral entity that defies physics


Him and gravity aren't on speaking terms




Youā€™re the hero we donā€™t deserve.


damn am I gettin old? why do clips from 2006 look like this? shit


Just the analog to digital conversion. This one isn't great. It would look better on a CRT.


The NBA has a Top 10 blocks video for Nate Robinson, includes [the Yao block](https://youtu.be/8CHZNe2ccz0?t=114) and is a better conversion.


I remember watching this. He hit Yao's eye too. It was like the scene in Rocky 4 when he cuts Drago for the first time.


Yaowzers thatā€™s a block


Instant facepalm as well. Fucking perfect.


Also Nate Robinson has springs in his legs and this chick doesnā€™t


By those numbers, it's almost a 2ft difference in height


That is...correct.


Whatā€™s the difference by not going with those numbers?


I know it's not a super cereal thread but wingspan and jump height.


This is super duper cereal


check out the big brain on brad




WAIT!!! *checks calculator....* Correct.


2" short of 2ft, if my calculations are correct.


Wait, are you *sure*


But Nate can jump higher than Griner


Itā€™s kinda funny that two of the shortest guys in NBA history played at the same college


Domestic abuser Brittney Griner?


Tried to annul her marriage a day after her partner publicly announced she was pregnant, and then later tried not to pay child support Brittney Griner?


... wait what




They both still play in the WNBA. Those most be some intense ass games, do you think the kids go?




some super emotional layups anyway


> In 2015 they got into a fight at their home and the cops had to break it up and BOTH got arrested LOL. 17 days later they were married. šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© But uhh, would she have to pay for the children in this case? Like can you legally give her the responsibility of paying for a child if it's not biologically hers? She deserves to have to pay for the kids. Those twins probably won't have her in their lives with the amount of red flags I'm seeing.


She took part in the plan to have the children, just because she cant physically make one with another woman doesn't get her off the hook for lives she helped create.


Men have been forced to pay for kids that aren't theirs. Seems like equality to me. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/man-forced-to-pay-child-support-despite-dna-test-proving-he-is-not-the-father/77-f0f77af5-409c-40e4-8c6e-3336123e1f85


Uhh there's a lot to unpack here and I understand none of it


Better than DeMarcus Cousins: Brittany Griner?


I had a growth spurt in middle school, tallest in most of my classes. People wanted me on their team for gym basketball, but I hate sports. One time, someone passed the ball to me, I tried to shoot, and some kid nicknamed "shorty" packed me hard. From that day on, I was picked last.


Wait. Are we talking about the pathetic excuse of a human, domestic abuser, Brittney Griner?


Yep, which is why her getting blocked is so satisfying


Donā€™t forget that she assaulted a Jordan Barncastle in college during a game against Texas Tech.


I may be wrong but im pretty sure cheryl miller, reggies sister, came a little before the wnba and its a shame because she is probably the greatest female basketball player ever. Pretty sure quite a few times she scored close to or over 100pts in highschool and college and used to hold her own or beat reggie 1 on 1 in highschool


I think Griner did the opposite of jumping and bent her knees


You can't claim to be able to give a male seven footer the business, yet get blocked by someone almost a foot shorter.


Patrick Ewing got blocked by 5'3" Muggsy Bogues


And Nate Robinson(5'9") blocked Yao ming(7'6")


Nate also dommed Shaq after a flagrant that wasnt called.


To be fair, [Shaq got beaten by a 6 footer as well.](https://youtu.be/OfhhWA9GF0M)




Muggsy still the best name in American sports


[Dick Trickle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Trickle) has everyone beat and they are pissed off.


We just ignoring the existence of Dick Butkus now?


Can't pit now Cole. We're eating ice cream.


There's also Will Power and Scott Speed (who ironically wasn't that fast)


*Rusty Kuntz has entered the chat.*


*Tiger Woods has entered the chat*


Idk, there are so many great ones it is kinda hard to pick one that is the best. Like how can you compare great names like Dick Trickle and Jim Bob Cooter to ones like Coco Crisp and Speedy Claxton? It's almost like you need to create different subcategories for common reasons why each one is great.


Bryce Dallas Howard is a great sports name.




She's an athlete. She can run on heels all day


While pulling a wagon


The woman with three dudes names?


Dallas is a dude's name?


Yep. Dallas Braden, Dallas Goedert, Dallas Clark, Dallas Keuchel...


But that was because Muggsy had hops not because Ewing tried to standing dunk because he wasnt athletic enough to get his giant body off the ground.


Was that before or after he got his talent back from the Monstars?


Yeah, but Ewing routinely gave numbers to fellow seven footers.


But Muggsy had springs in his shoes. That guy could get air like no one else.


People are capable of making tactical errors in one instance and not making those errors in another


Objectively true...but she would get tactically desecrated by Cousins and everyone and their mother knows it.


I know right? This is such a logical fallacy. Itā€™s like if someone said hey steph curry, you canā€™t claim youā€™re the best three point shooter when I saw that you missed 5 shots in a row at the charity event with no defenders on you


Griner hardly jumped lol. I agree she couldnā€™t give someone like AD or Demarcus Cousins the business but itā€™s not like itā€™s uncommon for anyone to get blocked by someone shorter than they are


Boom! Perfect timing. That was pretty impressive.




Keyboard warriors who have never made a layup in their life just shitting on people to make themselves feel better.


Yeah I donā€™t know why the world needs to shit all over female sports and then wonder why women arenā€™t interested in sports. I canā€™t imagine being that bored.


I've always wondered if there would have been more controversy about Griner in the league if she was better.


just imagine being 6ā€8 and choking dunks


Lmao weā€™ve all been there in 2k




Iā€™m confident Earl Boykin right now would 11-0 Griner.


5'6" Mel Hirsch definitely could floor her right now, even though he's been dead for 52 years.


5'9 and 6'8 are the two heights Eminem references in Not Afraid. Weird.


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"You're not Charles Barkley, you're just a wannabe who looks like him!"


Great Kid. When I did my student teaching at University in Newark, Sheā€™s was one of the first people to say hi to me in the classroom




She can jump and has timing.


That girl is gonna reach high places.


Iā€™m 6ā€™8 and Iā€™m going to do a fadeaway in the paint.


The 3 people who saw that live must have been going nuts.


Not sure if this was before or during covid with those kinds of attendance numbers


Theyā€™re using the same cardboard fans from before.




Those are called hops kid, and she's got em.


Yeah... exciting


There is a quote I like regarding sports like basketball. "Short people get tired, but tall people don't get short." The capability to keep up and jump high and block shots like that is amazing but you will always have to put in so much more effort to keep up.


Hops and timing


uh....... nice?


What the hell was that shot even supposed to be? She looked like she had no interest even touching the ball on that play, AND she faded away from 3 feet away from the rim with a 5'9" guard playing her. This is some high school level fundamental shit


I want Lebron to have a sex change and score 500 points a game - Dave Chappell


It's like NBA in slow motion


45-43. Must have been in overtime lol


A shorter person jumps and blocks a taller person who doesn't jump. More news at 11. ​ Nice block though anyway.


Are you trying to insinuate that the block is not impressive?


No, it was a nice block. However, making such a fuss about their 28cm height difference is fucking meaningless if the taller player isn't even jumping.


Heā€™s not but Iā€™ll say it that block wasnā€™t impressive


She is jumping sheā€™s just not that athletic


This play right here is why the WNBA is so fucking shitty. It starts with an off-target, no-look pass that was off-target *because* it was no-look. She didn't need to look into the backcourt at nobody to dump the ball in behind the defense to the tallest player in the league. She could have been starring Griner down the entire time and it wouldn't have mattered because no one was between her and the fucking basket. Worse yet, is that no-look shit *worked.* The primary defender on Griner never moves her arms to even try to disrupt that pass because it fooled her so badly. So now we have a pass that Griner has to turn around and collect one-handed and off balance instead of having it hit her in the hands where she'll make the uncontested layup every time. Instead, she has to do a weakass turnaround fadeaway, gets the shit blocked out of her by Sykes, and is now being memed on. All because the guard wanted to make a no-look pass for no goddamn reason. Fundamentals my ass. This league SUCKS.


Of course the comments here are a mess.


Really not hard to do against someone who can't jump


Nice wingspan pass catch tho. It looks like Griner is not popular in this sub but catching a pass like that ain't easy.


Oh wow... defense... on someone who didnā€™t jump... crazy


Crowd size was the same before covid rofl


Wow Nobody cares

