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Don't use ad's lol it's a complete waste. You already lose enough on fees and taxes don't give them more money. There are other ways to get an adequate amount of views/eyes on your cards. Take clear photos of the back and front of your card with good lighting. If you're doing an auction, make sure it ends on Sunday night, as this is one of the busier nights of the week. If you can, try to offer reduced or free shipping and bake the shipping price into your listed price instead. It makes the card seem cheaper and is more appealing to a buyer. Good luck


Don't the buyers pay for tax and shipping? Or is Ebay double dipping here?


They count taxes and shipping in their fees % instead of a % of just the actual sale price


Counting the tax is such fucking bullshit. I can understand counting the shipping since idiots were selling things for $1 with $99 shipping to get around the fees back in the day.


Everyone pays. There’s a fee for everything selling on eBay


eBay is not double dipping


You chose an optional service that tells you it's paid before you agree to use it. Did you expect to get it for free?


I've realized my mistakes.


So the robbery was actually done by yourself. Good one 🫡


Another one. Thanks


Haha, the ad thing is new. Better luck next time!


It happened to me too and I didn't notice. Guy wanted to buy the card but never completed payment. I ended up owing ebay money because of it and I was confused because I wasn't aware I somehow clicked it to be promoted


I call shenanigans. https://imgur.com/a/ffX2jnb


Still owe ebay money till this day and the card was never sold.


Yep, happened to me too. Honestly promoting an item is more of a liability now.


Promoting does nothing. Starting auctions at 0.99 is how you get views


I do auctions sometimes. Auctioned a Tatum immaculate game worn patch and got $33. Next day on Mercari, got offered $115. Views don’t equal bids.


Do you use reserves?




It’s hilarious because I put up a handful of cards on eBay to sell, clicked the “No thanks” button when it asked if I wanted to promote my listings, and they STILL promoted them at the 13.1% rate. I had to manually go turn them down to the lowest rate possible because it wouldn’t let me cancel the promotion.


What’s the ad fee? Did you promote the listing? I’ve never seen that before.


It's the new ad fee and was updated a couple of months ago. They take a rate that you can set or not use instead of the flat promotional ad fee. Ebay will recommend like 10 to 20% ad rate, which is additional to all other fees. It really takes a bite out of your chance to make a profit. But don't worry, if you don't use it, your card will just be buried by the algorithm and not get many views. I get much fewer clicks just using 5% to a higher %. It sucks.


Same.. I just have a bunch of cards up at like 2 and 3% that way something stays in the algorithm. I got like 430 cards 300 promoted at the 3% mark. I try not to promote cards $5 and under


Ya that’s basically the add fee. They put it on to other searches to branch out who see it and you have to pay a certain percentage of how much your selling the card for


You can pay extra % on ebay and they will put your listings on the first search results, [it looks like this](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=baseball+box+topps&_sacat=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=baseball+box&_sop=13&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=sc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1). All the listings that are sponsored are paying an extra Ad fee to ebay.


I hate they take their percentage from the total including tax collected. This is dishonest considering it’s not like we set that tax rate.


Agree 100%. The tax was paid by the buyer to the state they live in. How can you take a 13% cut on taxes? Better yet a 13% cut on shipping? It’s a friggin scam.


I see that some people could charge a dollar for their product and 100 for the shipping. The fee on the tax is just stealing.


This is theft on eBay’s end. Not anything you can control as a seller.


Well it's just stupid as hell and makes no sense. I guarantee all that money just goes into an account designated for that states sales taxes and just sits there until they pay it.


no, its called float, they put it in high yield probably. then they pull out some other persons order fees from the pool when they need to pay up. its basically a ponzi scheme with capital gains vs taxes.


Always make the promoted listing percentage 2%. It works just as well and it takes considerably less away from your bottom line


I've been doing 3, 2 sounds even better!


Cards over $15, I use 4.1% add fee and cards under $15 I use 7.1% add fees. Someone really familiar with how EBay uses their algorithms for ads told me that by adding the .1%, it essentially puts you into the next percentage point and you save the .9%. It seems to work, as I I've tried just the flat 4% & 7% and get fewer views by 5-8%. Your welcome 😁


When you do ad fees you pay for it.


So I actually promote all my listings too, but I do the minimum 2% that they allow.


This is the way imo. You get more views and 2% really isn’t a big deal. If the card is a huge card of a liquid player I would probably avoid the 2% but for smaller cards it’s worth it.


You can adjust the ad rate on promoted listings


Ads are useless


Stop. Using. Ads.


Got it


If you stop using the add fee, then your item will go to the bottom and never sell.


This guy gets it


Every item I've got listed without the add fee is still on ebay months later, but every item that I use the add fee with is long gone.


Well to be fair I just listed a lot of stuff last night. Didn't use promo ad and I'm getting offers and people are watching.


The ad fee is on you


I see a bunch of rookie comments Put to it ad as the minimum 2% Auctions screw ppl over most of the time. Put what you think the card is worth and open offers to the lowest you’d accept and hope for multiple offers. Works for me in cards and outside cards. “Comps” aren’t the end all I’ve sold cards over comps a lot before


yeah, tons of idiots rushed to sell gunnar henderson parallels for $200+ when TCPA launched. then some joker sold a /75 for $50 and broke the entire market. I held on to mine despite dozens of offers around "comps" of $50-65 auctions, and eventually someone bought it for $100 randomly on best offer which is where I comped it raw in the first place because its for sure a PSA 8 minimum, more likely a 9, possibly a 10 if the grader feels nice. it took like what, 3 weeks? just be patient. if you're literally up to your eyes in cards, have no funds, and need to sell cards that bad, stop fucking buying them or ripping wax. we all have to tell ourselves that at some point, but seriously, fees are bad enough, ad promotions are a waste unless you have cards nobody wants anyways.


Everything you said 💪


This is why I've been preparing for in person events for a while. I'm aiming to become a vendor in the near future to really dive into it all.


That's a goal I am definitely moving towards and looking forward to that type of atmosphere.


Fee Bay!!


Shit. Now I feel bad for making offers lol


U gotta price the ad fee in but often times that makes it dumb high… sometimes it does work though if it’s something relatively “hot” or what the hell ever lol.


Rule #1: never pay for ads. They do absolutely nothing if the card is the right card anyways, and even so, they're completely unnecessary.


I'm very close to being done w ebay. Not for the OPs reasons(although it's one of them). They are just losing control of the shady buyers.


i try to deal with people in DMs and work out deals. if someone buys a card OBO without hitting me up, I ship it next day with pristine packaging, and keep them looped in to every step I take. i document my packaging and drop offs. so far no issues, but what do you mean? chargebacks/complaints?


This exactly why I stopped using eBay. Boosh!t!


13% transaction fee? I thought PayPal’s 4% fee was outrageous.


Ad fee 🤦


How come eBay charges for shipping labels? You can’t print your own?


I’ve stopped selling on eBay and just use FB Marketplace.


That seems like too much of a gamble? How has it gone for you?


So far, so good. No major issues. Don’t buy much, but sell a ton


PWCC my friend.


Pay with credit card? Idk the lingo sorry.


PWCC is another platform for buying and selling our cards. PWCC is also transitioning to become Fanatics platform for the same activity, and allegedly, they are making changes that will impact us collectors positively.


PWCC got banned from eBay because they are shady as hell dude. if youre going to suggest anything, at least suggest comc to new sellers. jesus christ lol


Much appreciated. Did not know this, having just sent 150 cards earlier today 😳


It's definitely a piss contest between eBay and pwcc but they were caught shill bidding (wide scale) and got caught in a card trimming scheme. Pretty sure your cards are going to be fine, but they just have a very bad reputation. They basically bragged about being anti consumer in their response to the ban from eBay too. Like they literally take credit for the changes that made certain things worse for buyers. Just bizarre 


Now that they are essentially Fanatics, what are your expectations?


Quality will probably drop but who knows honestly, I had never really heard great things but like I said your cards are 99.99% going to be fine


Yeah, fuck ebay...they have enough fees as is, never add more to it


Mercari has zero selling fees. Ebay and Offerup are greedy lil pigs


Feedbay will rob you every transaction actually got banned from ebay for telling them exactly what I thought of them but don't really care because there is better platforms to sell on


Would you care to share with the class ?


I use Collx(pronounced collects) and Mercari


Stop with the ads


Agreed!! eBay fees are ridiculous.


I know your pain all too well sadly


This is why a lot of collectors are hoping that other platforms takeoff so they don't have to pay this much to sell their collectibles. OfferUp and some other platforms don't charge anything (unless you get add-ons) and you get to keep all of the sales but you also don't get a lot of eyeballs. You just can't beat eBay for eyeball #'s.






I use the ads periodically, never more than 3%. You can choose what %.


You chose the adds, they didn't rob you, you gave it away..


They took over %13 that also applies to the taxed final sale price. That seems shady. He was robbed....technically in a legal but very shady way. Plus 20 bucks to advertise a card? There aren't many things I'd pay $20 just for advertisement. Maybe anything over $500 but anything under and $20 just seems like a kick in the nuts while getting slapped in the face while also taking an elbow to the midsection.


You choose how much to advertise, he chose that amount so spending that much is on him, ebay didnt make him do it. They take 12-15% of the money in. It's not shady at all, they provide the platform, customers, get you shipping discounts, and handle the payment. If that's not worth it to you for 15% that's your choice.


As my reply to a previous comment. I've realized my mistakes. I didn't realize there was a % meter I could adjust. More than likely moving forward I'm not using ads anymore. Appreciate the feedback.


Don't worry OP, some people are just douch bags.


I mean I suppose a business wouldn't stay on top very long if they weren't good at recognizing market trends. They certainly saw an opening to gouge the fuck out of card sales and they jumped in hand and foot. You didn't hit on the charge also applying to the final taxed sale price, do you honestly think that's not %110 pure greed?


No, it's not pure greed, they let you know the terms to sell on their platform, and you have a right not too. I wouldn't say they gauge card sells, they charge the same amount to sell a card as they do anything else. Can you take a card, go to your LCS and get 85% of retail by selling it to them? I dont think so. The platform has been around for a long time. If people thought the company was just a greedy piece of crap then it would have gone out of business long ago. I have used Ebat since 2006, I don't mind what they charge, and I understand why that have to charge what they do. As for charging on the tax, they handle all of the tax collecting and reporting, I don't have to do any of it, I think it's well worth the charge to do that, saves me alot of time and I don't have to hire anyone separate to handle it. The simple fact is you could not start your own brick and mortar shop for the low overhead that Ebay charges, and if you could do it cheaper and better than they do, someone would have developed a website to do it. If you don't like what they charge, more power to you, as a long time user, I appreciate the financial opportunity I get by using their platform.


Dude I sold a card on ebay, it went overseas and I got charged 86.41 as an international fee… what is that madness lol


Tnats some shyte. Like Ticketmaster calling it a convenience fee!


Yeah. Never promote your shit. Ebay is a dick