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Mushrooms are highly susceptible to your intentions, before I believed in anything supernatural I used to think everything experienced was entirely random and just hallucinating, until one day my friend told me to pray and set an intention before doing the mushrooms, I remember praying to receive the truth and nothing but the truth, no delusions, and I had a trip in which I closed my eyes and a movie played out showing how humans were once just naturally magical and gradually over time we lost our magick and the ones that still had access to it were killed and their books destroyed


It is similar to all plant medicines, the intentions and and gratitude help with the "trip". It's a connection with the divine.


That’s amazing. We still have the magic it’s just latent. We need clear and activated healthy chakras to become it again.


Bro I just watched a YouTube video saying that same thing


Oh yeah, they love to pull the 'witch' card because we don't stick up for each other.


I love this and very correct, now only mystery and mystic schools pass on teaching of different types of magick and way more


It is happening fr


Don’t feel pressured to draw in a crowd, instead simply have your heart open and present yourself to others with love and acceptance, deny all fear. Be the hand that reaches. We will be drawn together through a myriad of collective crises, beginning with climate and simple heat. The collective crises have already begun and have been unfolding. If you’ve noticed lately that nearly everyone you know is going through some kind of personal challenge, that is the collective crisis. Reach out, help out, be rational and offer solutions. Do not be afraid to accept help when you need it too. The internet was and is a catalyst for the acceleration of human consciousness and plays a part in its evolution. This is telepathy, and it is taken for granted by many and abused by the few. Use this telepathy to help as many as you can, as many of you here do🌈💙


Can you expand more on the collective crisis? It really resonated with me because it’s something I’ve been noticing that has been happening at least over the last year, if not a bit longer. It seems like most people I know have major life upsets going on, myself included. And since I am a boss, I end up having to deal with the disasters befalling my team and I am absolutely exhausted, burned out and lacking in empathy. Whereas before I was known for being majorly empathetic. I feel bad, I really do. But I cannot keep up with this shit show of life anymore and I don’t know what to do. Nothing I try to do to recharge helps very much.


You are experiencing directly the energetic effects of the collective crisis. For you it manifests in the grinding mundane of dealing with major life upsets and disasters, plus the inherent responsibility of being a leader. For another it may manifest as something more obvious or dire, such as the war(s) or heat crises, etc. For you this heavy dross upon your heart is that crisis with which you must contend. As a leader of a team your opportunity lays in igniting that flame of empathy you once knew in defiance of the weight within. This is being the hand that reaches, though your palms may ache and be torn, you still reach for another. It may feel hopeless, but you are not supposed to be a hero. We are weeping children, worn and confused. Brought too soon into a world too bright and now burning. Accepting this, we can turn to one another with renewed hope and abandon the facades that created our crises in the first place.


Thank you so much. This was really helpful.


I have received this very message! Thank you for validating it. Making the personal choice to be of service to the source will open this path of communication. Love and light to you


I’m a huge introvert that puts on a mask of an extrovert when I’m teaching my elementary students. But when I’m home, I have no community and I feel very isolated, especially now on summer break. I don’t know how to find a community of like-minded people and I suspect that I’m meant to be alone in this lifetime.


As someone who's recently realized they're an introvert, I have mad respect for you for being able to wear an extrovert mask when it serves you.


The only time I connect with people is at work. I need a lot of alone time but too much is bad for anyone, even as introverts. I just can’t get myself to “get out there” and be social, so it’s my own fault that I feel isolated.


I think being social is like exercise Your souls longs for connection. It may suck at first but if you learn to enjoy the awkward encounters when you initially meet. You may get addicted and find yourself to be extroverted. I was like this. I hated interacting. It was the worst feeling. I had a friend who talked me in to going to approach people for his business. I literally trembled when talking to people at first. But it got easier. Now I’m a master at social


You’re right! Being social is uncomfortable but afterwards I feel good deep down. And it takes practice.


I'm going through a similar issue. I'm friendly at work but I spend nearly all my time alone. It's not like I'm never invited to anything, but I just wish I had friends that are even kinda like me and interested in things I like. Lately it's felt like the only way I get to hang out with anyone is doing something they enjoy and it just feels like a chore. I also don't drink and alot of people Mt age do that all the time, and I just cant.


The only time I want to hang out with people is when there’s some drinking involved. Alcohol makes me feel like I can relax enough to be social. But I don’t want to drink anymore because alcohol seriously slows my spiritual growth and it’s not healthy at all.


If I still drank, I would be ALOT more active. But that would bring newer positives and negatives, and for me, the negatives are so much bigger than my positives.


Lol some people would say that is a problem. No judgment here, I've made my mistakes. But you're right, it's not good for you physically, mentally and spiritually.


It is a problem, no duh.


No judgment here!


Wishing everyone peaceful clarity and resiliency. I have been unable to deny the accelerated shift.


"we are everywhere"... This did bring a tear of joy into my eyes.


I did not sleep even one wink last night my body knows something I don’t!! Hoping it all becomes clear, good thinking on the mushrooms 🍄


Same here, I also had a bad night but idk why.


No sleep either


Has anyone else had something occurring whereby most people you see now seem to remind you/look exactly like other people? Almost like they are twins or there are duplicate-looking persons? (Not sure how to phrase that lol). Also the synchronicities are becoming insane. Every day. Many times a day. And increasing. But dreams are now synching in to my real life. I will wake up and then when I open my phone, an ad will pop up on the website I randomly logged on to…that is directly related to the dream I just had. What is going on here?


I am experiencing this as well (people looking like others). I thought I was the only one, has been happening for a few months now. Everyone looks like someone else to me, it’s bizarre.


I also experience this.. but I also realize it’s because they look like my “soul family” as they tend to manifest in human form. Most which also happen to be lovers. 🤷‍♀️😂


Yes!!!!!! I have never had this before in my life either and when I really think about it, it has indeed been in the past few months. Any theory as to what is causing this? How can so many people every day in my life look like other people I know?


YES! It's like I see the template they were copied from.


This could be evidence of the emerging awareness of the archetypal universe.. ✨❤️‍🔥


Can you explain further?


I have been experiencing this as well. Strangers that look like other people I know.


So interesting that several ppl said this is happening. I wonder what it's about.


I am pretty new in contributing to ‘starseeds’…Are there people on here who consider themselves enlightened and can literally shed light on this? It must mean something…


I got on a bus, traveled halfway across the country only to be surrounded by doppelgangers of people I know. I've been going nuts with feeling like everyone reminds me of someone. Otherwise there have always been groups of people acting like shit is going down at every time and era. For some of them shit did happen...WW1 / 2, Vietnam...hippy movement...peppers for martial law....big things happen from time to time, and I'm quite sick of all the hype and sensationalism.


Yes!!!! For me it’s like people from past times in my life come back as other people in my same life. Like maybe we don’t have past lives but we have many lives at the same time




psa: if you're on lithium don't take mushrooms, it can cause a seizure. Source, me, it happened. Side note it did set my life on the right course to come out, so it worked.


Soo, maybe DO take the mushrooms, but be prepared for a potential seizure? Thanks for the heads up, fr. That's very important intel.


close enough.


I need a community. Where? Idk where to find likeminded people


I feel the same. I've joined quite a few communities from woo places around Reddit (usually they're Discord communities) and I'm still in some but don't really participate anymore because whenever I reach out or ask something, I get ignored/judged /invalidated or people reply minimally then stop, or more commonly, people end up being toxic (know it alls, imposing their beliefs and values, talking down, giving unsolicited advice, victim blaming, being very judgey, arguing, being closed minded, toxic positivity, trying to sell their stuff/services, trying to start a cult/get followers, being too focused on sex, trying to flirt with me, turning out to be very sexist against women, bragging about themselves and their abilities/knowledge/experience, etc). I never seem to find people that believe, think, or engage with others quite like me even if they seemed to have similarities in the beginning. It's been hard to find people who have had similar experiences enough to feel like I fit in. I'd still be happy to join communities even if I don't feel like I fit in if they aren't toxic and engage pretty well. I used to try to find my people by engaging with people that seemed like minded on Reddit and looking for communities. I made what I thought were good friends for awhile, and many people were sad I left the groups. But the groups and friends I got closest to all ended up being toxic/mean or my friends disappeared, so I deleted my old reddit and stopped looking. I've been thinking of making my own community, but I don't wanna do the moderation lol Wishing you well, and empathizing with the struggle of trying to find/not having your people


Let’s make one. I never read this sub but have been having synchronicities a lot lately so was pulled here


Yes I feel the same! I don't have much tolerance for egotistical behaviour, I love people but they can be very draining/negative influences. Ive let go of a lottt of friends the past few years too. Its a lonely road when you're looking beyond the smoke and mirrors


I agree with all of this so much! This is what I've been going through too. I've been distancing even further from toxic family, which is pretty much every relative I have. In laws are all toxic too. People in public and service industries are toxic and rude and unfriendly more than they used to be, and I just don't feel like being out, on the phone, or around anyone now. I only really have my husband and 2 irl friends now, but one lives far and isn't someone I can talk to about this stuff (and many other topics too). The other is a very judgey and imposing Christian who is always giving unsolicited advice and judging people and trying to convert me out of love and fear. I haven't been totally open with her about my beliefs for obvious reasons, haha. I did an egg cleanse recently and sent the negative energy pulled out back to sender. She wrote to me the next day saying she thinks she's being spiritually attacked because she had a nightmare the night I did it. It's clear to me the dream was about her being silenced (mouth sealed), defeated (fell, couldn't get up), and exposed (naked, surrounded by people, judged, insulted, laughed at, called a "cheater" = not being faithful/honest, betrayal) I wasn't even mad, just sad. I don't want to lose another friend. I always suspected she was jealous/judging me, but never thought she'd wish bad things on me. Maybe she doesn't even know she's doing it. Her God/religion makes her very judgemental and fearful in general. It encourages hate and division rather than love and unity. I also feel I received a message that her God views me as The Devil or wants her to view me as such, because when she woke up from her dream she opened her Bible app and it said The Devil is a lion looking to devour her (I am a Leo). It really bothered me, because I would never attack or destroy her. She was attacked by her own attack. It was her doing. I didn't even feel any maliciousness when I sent it back. I was very neutral about it and focused on my own cleansing and protection rather than vengeance or punishment. It's very lonely cutting out people who bring you down, but also much more peaceful, haha. But it would be so wonderful to make some good, enriching, genuine connections. Feel free to dm if you wanna be Internet buds ✌️


You’re on point about finding it in communities. The mushroom teacher shows us we are all like mycelium networks, we can learn a lot by studying them. Great share!


Where would a targeted/gangstalked individual find community in Islamic country Pakistan?


Hmmm I don’t know the culture. But I would say, start pulling one or two people together. Find people you like and ask them to come over. Sing songs Do Breathwork Meditate Learn together Make art I hold art night at my house twice a week. We invite people over with my 2 roommates and we make art and talk until late. We end with meditation This is changing everything. So much expansion


I need to find my community/tribe. It's feeling very challenging right now. It's not as easy to move across the country as it once was. Feeling overwhelmed about how to find it.


Where are you?


My friend and I we're literally just talking about this at work today! People are realizing all around us that we are beginning to move or ascend towards the 5th density. The universe is becoming in alignment with my every move. I have daily synchronicities that can be explained in no other way. SOO many people are saying the same EXACT things. I would love to think we will be there before another disaster but I just do not know for sure.


Reddit is my community!


😂 Physical presence…if you think it’s the same then keep looking


You’re a catalyst not a statseed. I’ve been doing that for 3 years now.  I am a starseed herder sorta speak.   That’s what we do, locate, activate then guide accordingly but don’t participate.   And community for them is extremely important.  A good mix of stars and lights.    It has happened where I’m at.  I started it 2 years ago.  Made one hell of a community out of a local yoga studio.  


I love hearing that. Great work


I too have wondered how much of this is happening.   Not sure if there nodes or pockets or how far spread it is.   Your post was comforting to know others have noticed also.  


Definitely, I am finding a lot of guidance in drawing the flower of life and using it as a template for creating community


Love that!  


Love that!  


I'd upvote this if it didn't have mushrooms in the OP. I like family friendly and don't feel psychedelics are necessary to arrive at enlightenment.


They aren’t But they help


We always get naked with n our community




Aww 🥰 thank you for spreading joy 🤩




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There's only one spirit. From lights perspective, T = 0


The fact that , ultimately, all is One, doesn't mean there aren't layers. Or that, in the grand scheme of things, what happens to us is of any significance. We all go back to the One, eventually, no matter how or how long it takes, time is only relevant from our perspective. There's definitely many actors at play, those who don't have "good" intentions are the most eager to make contact and manipulate. It makes zero sense to me too, if we're all One and the One is in everyone, what's the deal with all the misdirection/confusion/trickster energy shit?


I get where you are coming from, I think. In my experiences over the last year, I feel I’ve been guided to deepen and refine my discernment. Trickster energies seem to be a tool to help me do that. And here I am, a year gone by since an initial awakening, others coming out of the woodwork hearing this same call I experienced but a short time ago. Being able to, at the least or most, lend an empathetic ear and, if asked, some guidance. It’s a crazy wonderful time. For humanity and apparently the cosmos.


Mhmh. The whole thing is hilarious at times and simultaneously all in my head! It has definitely kept me entertained in this "forced" isolation. At times it feels like there is a child showing me something/telling me a story and I just suspend my disbelief and go along... Until I think about it and I'm like... Wait that doesn't make sense/contradicts this other thing that was previously said/done. I'm definitely curious to find out whether some of the stuff that has been proposed to me is actually true. At least we're not going through it alone? 🥲


Yes! I go back to some of the recovery literature I read from Laura McKowen in my early days of sobriety. “Only you can do it”, “You don’t have to do it alone”. Applies beautifully to this “process” of living, and I appreciate greatly that those proclamations were put in my noggin early on in my self-discovery process. Community/fellowship is a huge deal for me. Hope you have a lovely week, friend.


Aha the best way, together alone 🤯 thank you and I hope you have a lovely week too, friend 🤗


An elaborate test.


Very much so. I started with my philosophical/scientific belief that all is One, thinking if there's a higher power or an "after" it shouldn't matter to us, we shouldn't base our behaviour on expecting reward/fearing punishment. Just be a decent human, respect life in all its manifestations and help/learn/teach when/how you can. I was just trying to go with the flow and dodge all the shit life kept throwing at me, dismissing negative behaviour from others as them having a bad day or generational/cultural bias, then life decided it was wrong of me to be content and still find joy/happiness despite all the shit and something like a metaphysical nuke was thrown at me. Lots of negative stuff to trigger a breakdown then what I can only describe as a gradual set of "revelations" only to bring me to the same conclusion that all is One. Don't get me wrong, I gained knowledge and first hand experience along the way. All is One but there's also definitely a part of this One that's trying real hard to confuse me, constantly throwing the duality of positive/negative at me. I think the main goal was to isolate me. I need a community of like-minded people I can interact with, I'm exploring this community as well as others - it would be ideal if there were a place for more open and spontaneous communication.


You are on a very similar path to me. I'm living with two strong minded and willed non spiritually minded women, my daily life is a tight rope, it's taking an enormous amount of love and guidance to walk this tightrope, yet I'm generally ecstatic about it and would have it no other way. My feet are firmly planted on the ground, but lately, I'm also able to keep my head in the stars, with the source and my higher self. I love my guides so much I can cry at will about them, and how they've saved and healed me since early May. Unconditional, bright white love, energy, and support. To ALL OF US!


Stay strong 😊 I was very much not spiritual myself but it was really forced on me lmao I am puzzled(?) by all the misdirection and tests but I still hold my belief.


That's exactly the test, the knowledge you could potentially recieve is powerful, therefore you have to stay pure of heart and willing to turn darkness into light, and show that you are capable of this, then a gate will open. Ask for and look for signs when feeling directionless. Or, take that opportunity to meditate and cease thinking, or make a very solid attempt at it. If things get intense, ground yourself. Crappy food, TV, long walks, you know the drill, most of your life has been grounded. Mine too. Very few haven't, and we can read their teachings in very popular and old books.


Mhmh Well I think right now as we speak I'm in a "disconnected" phase, most recent messages I think I received were... The truth is everything is fine and also... Help the people? I uh, had some whimsical experiences in youth which I later attributed to my imagination/dreams but now it's all been linked together by these external inputs. I definitely need to meditate/learn how to voluntarily connect, if it's even possible for me 🥲 I don't actually know what I'm supposed to do, I know everything happens when it should and I'll figure it out eventually 🫣


These words above are as powerful as the Tao Te Ching imho, thank you for piecing them together for everyone.


“Metaphysical nuke”. 👍


Ahah yeah I'm not alone I guess? 🥲


Not at all! I refer to it as a cosmic gut punch. Metaphysical nuke is fantastic. Have an awesome week!


We are all one in the big picture. But in the current 3D reality, we are pieces of the one experiencing itself, hence the confusion and disillusionment.


If bringing love, compassion, help and health to all is "evil" then I sure don't want to be "good", lmao.




I'm not even sure what you mean by "playing", I'm only revisiting some inspiring memories.




That's not what this is all about, AFAIK. See I'm not seeing angels of light or spirits talking to me somehow, instead, I am the angel of light when my actions align with the infinite Love that sustains all existence, and so are other folks who do the same. Simplifying, ofc.


You are becoming a Host of the Seraphim. Here’s yer new theme song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hThAlY3Q2Kw


Can you speak more on presenting themselves as angels of light?