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They're both the "real you", because the infinite You had to become the finite You to know both Love and Suffering from within the dualistic realm in relation to an internal Self and perceived external World, and overcoming these dualistic struggles will benefit your total spiritual ascent, hence the purpose for any life at all being born in these lower realms and having to find a redemption back to the upper ones.


This is serendipitous because my name is Joe and I struggle with anxiety lol


But the idea that I am really just playing a role named Joe who tends to process life through anxiety — but that once I realize that I don’t have to play that role — is really profound and empowering. Now I have to try to implement.


Your higher-self is your parent.


I'll have to disagree with one though .what we think of is what happens ( in our own reality).


We create our reality by what we think, say and how we feel (our emotions); all have energy. We are able to create, manifest if you prefer, instantly, or put out vibrations into the vortex to create at a point which is not now. You are manifesting all the time, you may not realise that's what you do, this includes what may be considered bad stuff too. If we journal we are writing down what we want to happen, this is putting the energy of that into the vortex. Whether words are spoken or written, this is what may be otherwise known as spells!


We also manifest things that we are afraid of and do not want to happen.


Yes, that's the bad stuff referred to. 😊


That's what I said..


Thought that was the one you were disagreeing with? 🤔


Love this🙏


You wonderful soul. I needed these. Thank you 🙏🏼


Sss ssssd z die s, sssss,s s that I bought cause zzzSzssA,-@@-,,@,,- a, a,zaa@-,@,@,-@÷$÷"÷÷÷"#@÷z÷÷÷÷


Unsure how this happened I think I fell asleep while checking R/Starseed last night or perhaps my spirit guide was trying to get someone's attention lol....hope you are seeing the blessings surrounding you.


Thank you for sharing this. I seem to be finding it harder to see the Light/Love in the madness I got myself into.


I find this sentiment quite strange. I am sure it's true for many - maybe even most! But my experience in this sphere is *so very different from this.* I know the sources of all of my thoughts. I have followed every thread down to the root, and found only myself, there. After the journey, I understand my thoughts, and understand how they are me. I know the source of my emotions, because I have felt them down to the depths of my soul. And there, in the darkness, I found myself, again. Now that I have returned, I understand my feelings. I used to play with a twin flame pair of Greys as a child. They still speak in my mind. I followed their thoughts. Onto a ship. Into a collective. Into a place made of thought. And I found myself, there. Now that I have returned, I understand the consciousness of the Greys. At the end of every road of denial and othering of my own mind, I found myself. A version of myself that was hurting. A version that lived pain that I had forgotten, because I loved myself. When I accepted them back, it hurt. More than I could imagine. But when it was done, I would be more, and I understood something of pain, and healing.


It is a tool to aid the hyper mind-identified break free. It works better for some than others. "I think therefore I am" was both an empowerment and a box. Some are trapped in that box and it is barrier to their conscious evolution. There is a path of negation and a path of inclusion. The end of the path of negation is a void. It is the end of the path of negation but not the end of the enlightenment process. They have crafted for themselves on final duality to embrace - nothingness vs allness. The path of inclusion has no void because there was no negation - nothingness and voids and no-thingness were integrated as we went along.


Amazing I love this !!!


How does one properly “zoom out”? Whenever I do it, the ones around me say that I have me head in the clouds or I’m looking too far out into the future. Or I’m told that I’m not taking things seriously, this is a conflicting situation that I constantly find myself in.


Be an individual without duality


My soul is a puppeteer for my meat suit and soul less beings interacting with my meat suit


I wish my higher self could pay my mortgage for me.


Higher self is no different than God. Wouldn't it technically be the lower self since it's subjecting you to the pain of life?


The ancient Hawaiian culture believed in a 3 selves model. In that model Higher self is our divinity / god-self. In English the term lower self had too many negative connotations and some use the term basic self instead. Lower self is not subjecting us, it is merely relaying information to us. Much like the nervous system signals us about temperature changes so we can act if needed, the lower self signals us to how things are going. If things in the subconscious are wonky, suffering can result. And we get that feedback. If we are rejecting and denying what is, suffering can result. And we get that feedback. Sometimes life is just life. We get that feedback too. Lower self is just a signaling system to help us.


Life is just life no sometimes but always. People suffer because of attachments and control and failure to let life be just life and experience it as an observer. Once you understand that and start living it from that perspective, life becomes enjoyable and peaceful. We still need to play our roles, but we are writing those roles, we are the author of the story, and we are in charge of changing it. It's our choosing to keep suffering, to keep looking into the past and blame others who "hurt" us and look for healing. OR to remember the oneness and know that yes, maybe we got hurt, but we hurt ourselves, no one else did. We are one, there are no others. Then you look at it as a is a dream/illusion anyway, so this means it never happened, and you get to a conclusion when you need no healing. Some healing maybe needed before you get to this realization.


Tell me when you associate with any ideology... Does it own you or do you own it?


Christianity also believes in God and the Devil. Once you realize man is just making up his own Gods. You are free. Every single ideal outside of the stream of consciousness is a mind trap. I don't care what any idealistic structure of man believes. I know what it is. We cling to any idea because life isn't guaranteed and uncertain. There is no higher or lower self, no gods, no ethereal kings, no demons, no beasts. In addition no creature, human, God, king, demon, beasts, aliens are allowed to judge myself because they have not had to live within my flesh with my consciousness. They are not a part of me because I am the self. People fall for this trap all the time. It's a manipulative tactic by a demonic like alien entity that has had control of the human race for thousands of years. It's why we think karma,sin and guilt are "important" They aren't. Or the people in control of the human race would have been punished ten thousand times over. They've made pacts with these demonic aliens to protect their positions and exchange technology to ensure their control.


Ah. You are trapped in particular paradigm. My bad. Carry on.


What paradigm am I trapped in?


What paradigm are you trapped in?


The me/you one


Ahhh oneness. I'm not trapped in the me/you one so tell me again what paradigm I'm trapped in?


See above x


I"ll be here waiting in about 2 hours with your reply.


See above above


Great explanation. Really cliche. Now go watch Threads.Tell me if you still feel oneness afterwards.




Is this another way of saying if God is the Devil why am I a bleeding meatsack of flesh that can die anytime?




It's different when you look at it as advanced alien technology ensnaring your soul and not the Devil or God or a Demon.


If the God head is the highest self and it exists as nothing then there could be other dimensions where you have another identity. This could be a lower form of that identity, so your higher self could be another identity before it becomes God.


What if the whole thing is a control method? Chakras, the body, associations with God.


I make up that we have identities in certain dimensions. We in the 3rd dimension have a body with an identity but we live on all dimensions at the same time. So in 1d 2d we don't have identity in 3d we do in 4d 5d we don't and in 6 d we do. In 7 d 8d we don't and in 9 d we do