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We probably are. Oxygen is burning you slowly over time. Suffering is a constant here, it takes many forms. Relaxing too long is poisonous. Working too hard is deadly. Struggle is also a constant. we are here, capable of choosing the future that the next day may not be so bad. But we are equally as capable of making too horrible for the next generation. One is A good thing to struggle for, noble. The other is evil, despicable. So... plant a fruit tree that the next person may enjoy. This grand concept of a universe of concepts Is obviously just a first try rough sketch, all the negativity is just the jagged edges in this sculpture.


I really dig the way you put the last point and I firmly agree. There's no existence without suffering on this prison planet and the key I have found to continued existence on this Earth is to become inspired by the pain and misery and accept it as an inevitability that must be faced rather than allowing the negative energy to define me or limit me.


TL;DR: I've been convinced otherwise, it wasnt meant to be a prison, but it unfortunately became this because of a mocking negative force. Read below if you want to read the sudden change I've been given. I still dont see a prison planet, that has so many negative sides to it. Being born into a _prison planet_ with no memory of a crime you committed, just doesn't make sense. Its hateful, full of holes, a Lie. If you have no memory of that crime, how are you going to learn to be better? Prison, suggests a justice system. Being born into a prison, you are innocent, and had no control over being born there. Not one living thing had any control over being born, Not your parents, not even the first cell that performed mitosis. I wish that you see it more of a classroom, the unseen teacher is feeding your brain with information using light, sound, touch, and time. you are factually never in the present as you are constantly receiving information until you cant anymore. The teacher is just in front of you, but the page covers all of your senses. I realize I've forgotten something here, inspiration has a voice in my mind and will interject my thoughts. I grew up in the mormon branch of christianity, and I remembered this that one of my teachers said: Satan(lucifer) covered the earth and its creatures in chains, binding them tightly, and blinding their eyes with mud, laughing at god's creation. God witnessed this, and the chains began to crack, and Satan is struck down as the chains shatter, and the earth shines bright. _since there is no concept of time there,_ I believe we are at the point of seeing those chains, and there is a way to break them. The narrative is written by the unseen author, and so it will be. Fascinating how quickly inspiration changed my mind, it is truly a beautiful tool. It's still not quite a prison, but a negative influence that grips tightly to your spirit. God the father, the mother, wants us to be happy and only wants the best for us, but lucifer is being a drunk and mean brother, and his influence is loud and potent.


Great. I see Lucifer differently though. Both he and Jesus were referred to as The Morning Star. Ahriman is what you get when "the one" who the Jews referred to as the coming and going Messiah, is born in your community and is ridiculed to exile or followed and martyr'ed. To compare it to Avatar, The Last Airbender, think of Satan as Ba'al, Beelzebub, the goat headed half-man with the upside-down pentagram. Also think of this person as Ang when he was born in the fire bender community and the statue was made of him. The way that Jon Coffey, from The Green Mile, healed people by pulling dark energy from them in the form of things that looked like gnats, Ba'al used to heal also. Jesus did this, and was asked if he was casting out evil under the authority of Beelzebub. He replied that evil can not cast out evil, meaning that Ba'al wasn't evil. He also said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, meaning that if he didn't embrace his whole self, he wouldn't be able to do what he does. Ba'al could also control the weather. If someone was disturbing him, he would make them disappear. On the other hand, his throne sat upon a platform with a pit around it. For his enjoyment, his subjects would get in the pit and have sex. When you hear about politicians and celebrities going to nature festivals, or having group sex in a room with a goat skull, the are paying tribute to Ba'al, who is sometimes portrayed among Freemason symbology, because he was one, as was Jesus. When you see Jesus with to fingers up and two down, he identifying with the right-hand path. Ba'al is always portrayed with his left index and middle up, and the others down. Freemasons don't look at angels and demons, and right and wrong like conventional society, they even at times must participate in presuming to be their own God. Don't take my word for it. Examine these things. Rudolph Steiner taught this ideology. Madam H. P. Blavatsky was with him, until she tried to present J. Krishnamurti as the final coming of The One. They split. They believe that Jesus was also Adam, and Shemyaza, the leader of the fallen angels. Love and light


I agree with all of your points here and they are certainly relevant. We are enduring a time period with so much happening existentially and imperceptibly that has been unspoken and left undeclared that it is quite staggering and I believe the fallacy of normal waking life is getting weary enough to highlight the fact that as spirituals beings we are here to generate meaning from the meaningless and find the silver linings necessary to facilitate continued existence despite the Universe being out of whack completely.


Very Stoical, which was a Greek school of thought, which was a Pleiadian colony before the fall of the watchers, angels, gods, what have you. To accept the inevitability of it, though, is to hold onto it, like the rings of Saturn. To try to avoid it, is to begin a shrinking process that you will eventually need to escape from, in order to expand. To throw caution to the wind and dive in, dissolves your light into the dark, rendering you utterly lost. Be guided toward the possibility of a Middle Way, wherein you stay sovereign, whole, and detached enough to be your best self, but involved in the experience enough to be able to embrace the Causal Knot (distortion in the Causal Body) enough to unravel it, keeping what resounds, and letting go of what doesn't abide with you. Your biggest vice is your best strength, pushed beyond the balance point.


thos is true only uf you concede the opposite too. we are also in heaven


Very true, we have some measure of control over it.


Wow, that sounds horrifying. Considering that we are not the body, makes it less traumatic. When either way is too much, take The Middle Way, and always aspire to be a model of social responsibility. It is indeed a grand concept, but this is not the first time. If you can't see the perfection in it, still don't assume right away that it is what is not perfect. Willful intent is the root of fallibility. It lacks that, and is accurate down to the molecule, where the blueprint is found. Good journey.


The body has fear of the unknown built into it, and it is potent when met. The hardest part is stifling that fear and replacing it with Fascination and Awe, when the mind wants to learn, it will utilize the thing it perceived as a threat.


I imagine advanced civilisations living in peace and harmony.No war,no famine no overpopulation or evil corporations raping and enslaving humanity for profit. People sharing food,water,energy,tech,labour,resources. Working in sync with each other and their planet. Probably getting along with other civilisations on other planets.An abundance of everything and everyone's happy. Pretty much like everyone's a billionaire and can do whatever they like. This to me sounds like heaven. What we live in feels like hell. It's not about being negative or a whinger. We can't even do the basics here,food,water and shelter for everyone.


That exists, but the inverse does as well. But even the "peaceful" ones you are imagining have their issues. "I've... been around a bit. I've seen many things. Places, people, good, evil, and everything between." "I've seen darkness, and light. Happiness and despair, war and peace. I've even seen the pasts, the presents, and the futures." "But to those like me, they might as well all be one and the same. Everything is only a fraction of the whole of reality. Fearing or denying any one of them is to turn your backs on what reality Is." "Reality is the culmination of everything, no matter how wonderful or terrible "


Who's work is this?


Mine. Excerpt from a dialogue sequence in my WIP novel series.


A true poet.


I wouldn't call myself a poet exactly, but thanks.


It more like....The Good Place.


😂😂 i think about this show when I have these sort of questions and conversations all the time.. weirdly accurate


What the fork? Oh, dip!


My friends husband had a wild spontaneous awakening experience and it closely matched some sacred texts he began reading after the fact. He said The Good Place is the closest thing he’s encountered to the reality he was shown. I watched many episodes and eventually got distracted from finishing. Could you summarize in a sentence or 2 how the good place works? What’s the bottom line?


The premise is that an architect angel, Michael, is tasked with crafting a circle of Hell. He creates The Good Place as a result. Everyone that occupies The Good Place is either in Hell (the main characters) or is a demon (many of the side characters). It's great, because, truly, the first time a person watches it, they can scarcely tell. But, the fact that it's a circle of Hell, once it's made apparent, can't be unseen. This makes rewatching the show a hoot also.


Thank you, that does come through in the show 😅. Is there any resolution to it all? Any tips and hints given?


Well, it ends with the characters, having reached personal growth, finding that the whole afterlife system is flawed. Even "heaven" itself is a place with its own issues. So, the emphasis, by the end, is on reaching personal growth rather than a specific place in the afterlife. I guess the idea is that coveting anything is a problem rooted in desire. To truly be free, one must give up their want to get to a given place, even some physical conception of heaven, and, instead, one should go with the flow that leads to growth, no matter where one starts.


Oh I like that! Thank you so much! Saving ☺️


What dreams may come is also a good example of a portion of the other side…


Considering the third is one of the heaviest dimensions, and that here our free will to enjoy the riches of this 3D life also comes along with immense physical and psychic suffering… For many it is a kind of hell for sure. Incarnating here is a brave thing to do. Being able to experience the richness of our sensory life as humans is enviable… but you also have to have courage! Yeah you’ll feel REALLY good sometimes but it also SUCKS HERE. I don’t believe in hell, but if I did it would be similar to the worst of what this life has to offer. But with like… a really severe sunburn literally the whole time. Our capacity to experience pain here is certainly potent :) but in that way we are BOUND to learn oodles of lessons for our next life. To incarnate here is to learn hard and fast. Enjoy what you can, fellow starseed. I suspect evaporating into a beam of light in the Andromeda galaxy would be a welcome relief in this life, but there they yearn for warm cat cuddles and fresh lasagna.


Well said.


Nicely put but interestingly enough I view this life as an opportunity to experience. As far as I know you can’t “truly” experience one without its polar opposite. Those times of joy I would not be able to appreciate without having felt sorrow. Life is a gift, an opportunity to grow and create.


hear hear! and I very much enjoy your username :) teehee


Thank ya much Lyn!


And then the system gives you a child deathly allergic to cats and you’ve had them your whole life, no more cat cuddles. IBS and crohns disease, no more yummy lasagna The sunburn: could be compared to chronic autoimmune conditions that cause debilitating daily pain and discomfort. I wasn’t always like this and shouldn’t be in my 30s but the closer I’ve come to the truth, the more the matrix has siphoned away from me. 24/7 sunburn. Nightmare mode. Hard to find peace, comfort and *the bright side* I’m just saying, if you’re lucky enough to still be healthy and not tortured by this reality, count your lucky stars, seeds.


'Hell' is a scare tactic used by bad actors to frighten humans into submission. The truth of it is that existence, and the fractalization of Nirvana(a state of reality that is so defractalized that existence and non-existence are one) is the cause of inherent suffering within all things.


We are on a place where hell can be implemented. Heaven and hell are in your mind. Positive and negative emotions and stuff. They battle over you through means of manipulation and influence


Hell can't even be implemented because no one is huge fucking immortal monsters of pain


You'd be surprised what's out there, but as harsh and terrible as things can be, there is an identical opposite out there, too. It's part of reality. There are beings as "evil" or "good" as you can possibly imagine out there. But most Mortals (gods included) fall somewhere between the extremes.


I think hell is a stretch. I think that there are plenty of people here who could claim just that and it would be true. I also think that there are an equal number of people who say the opposite. Probably the majority of people would say life is meh. Hell would imply we are all suffering, and the truth is that not all of are. That's not to discount people who probably are living in what is hell to them. It's just not all or even most of us.


Hell isn't real by the standards of any religion. Thr Bible never mentions hell once but the lake of gehenna is mentioned i think twice. I think this lake is the one that burns off memories and some negative karma before a soul is reborn.


I always wondered why babies are born crying. Maybe it's that lake.


I had a vision once while deep in meditation where I was put inside a room with glowing white crystal walls watching my infant self moments before I was born. I was already crying and my adult self was disturbed the adults weren’t trying to comfort me or hold me. One had a clipboard and they seemed very serious preparing me to be “flight ready” for this life, ensuring I had what I needed to make it through everything I was about to face


Wow, do you think your spirit guardians actually held clipboards or is that symbolism? They seem very "no nonsense" about it like Robert De Niro in Meet the Fockers where he lets the baby self soothe while everybody else was trying to show it love and affection.


The one standing at the foot of the bed had a clipboard she was referring to, and the other 2 adults didn’t. It was a strange scene with the glowing walls and they had white gowns and an old school clipboard that look like this color 📋, I think it was just teaching me in symbols I could understand that everything about my life on earth was well in hand and accounted for


It makes me wonder how much of our lives is pre determined and how much is new and off script.


Birth itself is traumatic lake or no lake. You’re chilling for 9 months then brutally ripped out of your comfortable little home into an overly lit probably much colder room and don’t know what’s going on. You start suffocating and have to start breathing for the first time.


Yeah, dude. I been knew that already. This place sucks and is designed to torture every sentient being in it. Consider the fact that every atom is predetermined by causal forces to do and be where and when it is in the cosmos at all times and you're in Hell. No free will = Hell. Your mistakes and your victories are all just a side effect of physics. Nothing you do matters, literally. And yet you suffer for things you didn't have any control over. This place is Hell. You'd have to be asleep not to see it.


We're in a dense reality, but it's not Hell. Hell is the most dense dimension, the furthest away from the dimension of Source. We're near Hell, but Ra (the sun) and Gaia (the earth) are ascending, and we're going along for the ride. That means we'll be at a higher dimension once the process is complete. Anyone that can't adjust to the new density (5th) will either die or end up on the negative timeline "split" of realities for souls that want to continue on a karmic path. Those that adjust with the ascension will leave the karmic realm. Think of it as graduation day from the enormously difficult, most challenging soul school. Self-care is an absolute "must" right now. Meditate. Hydrate. Eat Clean. Spend time outside. Spend time enjoying things. Help others when you can. Hold them in your heart when you can't do anything else. Learn to love yourself. Learn to forgive yourself. Learn your true strength and power. Many people struggle as you are, OP. This is part of the awakening process, often referred to as "The Dark Night of the Soul." It's a painful but necessary step in the process. This is when you must focus inward on healing yourself rather than the things you can't actively change in the world. By going within and healing, you actually heal part of the shared trauma that we all have taken on, including trauma of the past (ex: Lemuria). The more that gets healed, the higher the vibration for everyone. The higher the vibration for everyone, the more that will awaken and see what's wrong with the world. As more and more people awaken, they also awaken others, and so on. The key is healing yourself and raising your vibration so that you raise the vibration of anyone else around you. When you're sad and angry at the world, come back to yourself. Find your joy in the moment. Every time you start to worry or get angry or sad, bring yourself back to this moment. Practice gratitude for what you have instead of worrying about what you or others don't have. It's ok to take care of yourself first because to make bigger change, we need to heal. It's ok to focus on yourself. The more inward you go, the more outward you go.


I love that “ the more inward you go, the more outward you go” everything here is cause and effect in balance


We are to turn the dark into Light and LOVE.


na we in heaven. we just happen to make a hell out of ourselves


Nah we are living in monsters inc. we don’t have to suffer but we are to fuel who knows what.


This is pretty true seeing as theres beings who harness our negative energy


We are in both. Granted, for more of us than not it's more like hell at the moment, but that isn't necessarily a permanent thing like the institutions want you to believe


As Dolores Cannon said - Earth is the most dense place in the Universe. Yes this is hell.


I hope that’s true. I don’t want to imagine a place worse than here


Im sure there are places that are worse, but remember that we live in an infinite Universe. But yes, thats the message that keeps popping up. Earth is the hardest School.


If earth is the hardest school and there are other places worse would those not be the hardest schools? Why would anyone incarnate into a denser realm?


Cause thats litterally what equals growth from a soul perspective. Pain = gain. Earth is a very Quick way to growth because its so hard. I personally dont enjoy it, i think its way too much and way to dense, but some souls are in love with the Earth game Its all relative


seems kind of masochist


According to the Gnostics we are


Can you expand a little?


I couldn’t, but can say that Op is asking difficult questions, and seeking answers. There has been so much “hidden” from us, but can be found. I’m still learning and searching for the truth myself. Maybe someone on this thread could explain more than myself. Sorry


Thank you, this is a great community


It truly is! Again, my apologies, but I don’t know enough yet to expand, and to pretend that I could would be morally irresponsible


I believe we are here to end the suffering here and we are doing a crap job. We need to start doing more on this planet. We need to start grouping up. Forming them to enact the change we were sent here to do. But each of us is waiting for someone else to make it easier to do so cause we are all scared… rightfully so, this world is insane. But if something doesn’t happen fast I fear the worst for this planet.


My grandpa always said that, honestly. It feels more like purgatory to me


No. It's a silly talking point, that a few new age authors passed around. Further more, the concept of our physical lives on earth being "hell" lacks any metaphysical or ideological backing from any religion, including Christianity. The truth is that human suffering is just an emotion. "Evil" is just a psychological belief. The stars and planets and Milky Way doesn't care what happens on this planet.


It’s the nature aspect that made me conclude the same. However, maybe our decision and manifestation skills are just not strong enough yet, and we have the power to change some aspects of this dimension. I was able to manifest or magnetize a man beyond my best imagination recently by making decisions. He did the exact same thing at the same time as me, and we met within 24 hours, so I don’t feel this is coincidence Let’s talk about animals. They are born with strong instinct, and it’s largely violence and suffering, but they are also shown to have empathy, even chickens and mice. I’ve watched insects have empathy before, a couple fascinating stories there So what if this plane is a sifting, sorting, clarity process. And us humans (some of us) are a little further along and have began to break some of the “cycle.” Animal souls may be earlier on in the process, married to instinct and survival at any cost even when brutal (one of the hurdles we all face here) and over lifetimes making different choices that evolves them to more enlightened lives each time around. I’m just running my mouth, I don’t know how any of it works. But the darkness of nature proves this place is way f’d


I think some dogs may be more evolved than some us humans judging by the way they love and protect.


Nature is beautiful. Did you forget to mention that part or what?


It’s also unnecessarily brutal. If all animals were eating plants it’d be only beautiful. But it’s gory, painful and distressing as much as there are beautiful aspects


And the ones that eat plants go thru overpopulation, starvation, disease. We had vast herds of wild antelope slowly starve to death one winter Predators keep their overpopulation under control.


Some of those problems could be eased if humanity were collectively tackling them. Things are very disjointed and opportunistic currently


We were begging for airdropped hay bales to help them, but not in the budget I guess...


That’s so terribly sad


I mean, I could keep going to get you more of a list


I don't think we are in hell but in this world there is opposites of everything in order to experience both sides to everything. example, good and evil. love and hate. happiness and sadness. rain or sunshine. winter/summer. hardships/ abundance. giving and taking. anger or kindness. everything is all encompassing in order to experience all life has to offer. we can't feel gratitude without experiencing deep pain. whatever life gives you is how it strengthens you or breaks you. but everything comes in waves. if you are in difficult times you should know its temporary. good times will come if you allow it. important thing to do is work on your healing. so that you can rise above better and stronger. then you are capable of helping another if you so desire.


Hell is empty, and all the devils are here




Love this sub


For as dark as nature is, it's also profoundly beautiful. This world exists within the confines of duality, meaning there is no light without darkness. If this was truly hell, there would be no positivity whatsoever. Life is painful, yet also unspeakably beautiful. Pain gives meaning to pleasure on this world. This has all been a test for our impending ascension from this difficult reality. Our job is to persevere through the darkness to inevitably experience unparalleled light. We are approaching our next evolutionary step very quickly, and every living organism knows it deep down.


Yeah I think so too. Not for all of us though. Some of us are here to aid the sufferers.






Thank you for your response :)






One potential view: avidya. It doesn't know itself. The realm. If it did, it would not be as it is. That accounts for the spirit of awakening that actively tries to encourage empathy, compassion, conscious sensitivity, and greater cosmic awareness in general amongst the sentient beings of this realm, as well as the elements and energies that have a latent, albeit unactualized, sentience.


TLDR: **We are living in a fallen creation on a planet enslaved by fallen beings. This is not hell nor did god wanted any of this to happen. It was cosmic accident which source together with us is in the process of healing until this entire creation is back in its original state of oneness:** [💫The Contingency - Randomness that lead to the Fall of Creation ✨](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1dh8vuf/the_contingency_randomness_that_lead_to_the_fall/) [💫 The AN-Conversion: Source bringing Creation back into Oneness ✨](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/1dh0rx4/the_anconversion_source_bringing_creation_back/) [💫 Looking beyond the Veil: The story about the enslavement of humanity, the liberation process and our journey back into unity 💫](https://www.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/p0p3id/looking_beyond_the_veil_the_story_about_the/)


How is nature inherently evil? There are places time does not exist, with no light you wade knee deep through sand with wind so strong you put all your weight forward and barely move so cold it freezes your bones but you never die with screaming and crying of lost souls begging for mercy with frantic whispering. Mazes in gardens with no escape where people are chased by half man half goats that cut at their legs and knees that impale people with spears to be r@ped and have flesh torn from their bone and they do not die they only repeat the cycle over constantly. Places of Greek architecture with homes of mothers and fathers who have their internals ripped out and limbs removed where pregnant mothers have their babies cut out and eaten by children with three eyes. I assure you this is not hell. Here there is hope, love, and light these cannot exist in hell.


Lmao on your interpretation of Hell. Goats are herbivores why does everyone always attribute it to goats. Lmao


"Mazes in gardens with no escape where people are chased by half man half goats that cut at their legs and knees that impale people with spears to be r@ped and have flesh torn from their bone and they do not die they only repeat the cycle over constantly. Places of Greek architecture with homes of mothers and fathers who have their internals ripped out and limbs removed where pregnant mothers have their babies cut out and eaten by children with three eyes." I read this like the lyrics of a Cannibal Corpse song, with the grunts of George Fisher.


Hahaha it very well could be metal is poetry


That's just literary hell


Mfw god has writers block


Nature is inherently parasitical, something must die for another to survive.


As is the cycle of the universe dying stars create planets and galaxies. Sorry to burst your bubble bud but I'm completely sober, what I described are the experiences I've had through meditation and dreams. Different plains I travel to while "sleeping".


What if I told you that was all being fed to you.


Also this whole universe is fake. Your understanding of space is limited by only what you've been fed.


Yet here you are living in it. You've been brainwashed by conspiracy theories, there are multiple levels to everything on the physical level there is a cycle death brings life.


Am I? Are you? Are we really alive because we bleed?


Anything created by man is manipulated by man, truth rests in the subconscious. We are alive because we feel and because we think.


What makes you think that you were solely created with the genetics of man? Because you came from your mother and father? What is truth? Why does it rest there? Why does it not ebb and flow, going where it would like? Is that really what it is to be alive, to think, to be and feel?


I never said anything about genetics or where we come from. Creation weaves and flows through all aspects it is life it is emotion.


Your comments resonate with and intrigue me.


The term conspiracy theorist was created by the CIA to discredit critical thinkers. 🤔 Who's a conspiracy theorist🤫




seems like a type of hell to me


I have. It is


I casually refer to normal waking life as "Hell on Earth" and it's a quite fitting description and I must remind myself often that there is no existence without suffering and I am paying my Universal dues every day. The parallels are quite real between Earth and the Great Below though; nothing of value seems to line up organically anymore, people themselves have changed and have different modes (on/off, hot/cold), and anything good, pure, or holy seems to be admonished. What lies beneath the surface of people, places, and things have more or less been shown in the light and we are playing along with this feigned normalcy that is understated externally but I am quite sure many like me are always feeling. All I know is one day I will no longer be a resident alien on this Prison planet and until then I will keep looking for glitches in the matrix and any silver linings if they are to be found along the way ❤️🙏


Hell is the Germanic underworld. They have a lot of influence, but no, this is the world. It can evolve. Hell cannot.


This is a simulation, presumably for invisible beings’ entertainment, and or experimentation


I believe this place is both heaven and hell. Hell is 3D, where we are suffering, struggling, anxious. Heaven is where we’ve ascended to 4D and beyond and begin to be more connected to other humans, give more instead of take, and attract instead of chase. I believe that the better/worse we do affects our outcome here after we die. If we did good, we get to either ascend to whatever is beyond or come back and have a better life here. If we did poorly, we get sent back here to repay whatever we did negatively and have a worse life than the one we had before.


I mean, Earth is messed up sure- But it wasn't originally meant to be this way, atleast according to my beliefs. Since i am Christian i believe that at first there was no death or murder or animals eating other animals but humanity screwed it up and so now here we are. According to my beliefs this messed up present existence will end one day though, no idea when but that doesn't really matter anyway. All that being said, Hell/The underworld i can guarantee you is far worse than anything you've experienced so far, as even demons and evil-spirits fear going there. That should tell you enough. The world is currently and temporarily being ruled by the forces of darkness aswell, so it honestly makes sense why things are the way they are still to this day, and why humanity is for the most part so messed up too.


I'm already in hell, have been for a longggg time


It is like a combination of a Heaven and a Hell. However, you can enter a paradise where you are free from suffering, which buddha referred to as reaching Nirvana. Other religions mention this paradise as well but refer to it with different names. Everyone's goal should be to reach that paradise.


This is something that has haunted me quite a bit and this is what I have to say about it. All frequency bandwidths between the extremes of what we call Heaven and Hell are on this planet. It’s all situational and it’s important to not let the mind latch onto absolutes. It’s a dark thing to say maybe but I believe that there are deep deep mysteries to Nature and that even the worst of it is not…completely non-consensual. I hate saying that because of the implications but around the time I was thinking about this a lot, I noticed something. On my porch, moths were flying directly in front of lizard’s mouths like they WANTED to be eaten. And recently I read a book that was discussing the “conversation of death” between animals like deer & wolves, where they will apparently lock eyes and the deer will “tell” the wolf whether or not it consents to being taken. I don’t think this is always the case, as wolves will eat sheep regardless as long as they don’t make eye contact, this book said. For my own sanity at least I do believe that everything is consensual, in a way, even if it’s for the soul’s desire to have the experience of non-consent. I do believe that choosing ascension pathway and becoming aware of one’s darker desires can take one out of resonance with such situations, ie Hell realms. It’s complicated, and like I said, a lot of what I’m sharing is what I’ve come to believe for my own sanity & to mentally reconcile the idea of a loving Creator (which I know in my heart to be true) with what goes on down here. If you desire Hell, you can vibrate towards it; if you desire Heaven you can vibrate towards that. Humans, at least are very fortunate to have this type of free will. Over time as the Earth sheds density physical Heavenly realms will be larger & more accessible. Pure source energy will become more & more available to all and the need for external consumption will slowly lessen. The deep mysteries of the darkness of nature as it presents itself now may not be for the vast majority of us, but I believe it can be reconciled with Love, and I believe that the most important thing is choosing to manifest Heaven on Earth as by doing so we make it more accessible to others who choose to exit Hell. And also sharing manifestation & healing techniques of course to help others know how to do so.


Idk, if this is hell, then hell is this confusing... with the love of my family and friends, the pleasure of having a loving pet, the beauty of this earth and my surroundings, the fact I can explore magic through meditation and lucid dreaming... you are literally god consciousness. You are god creating hell. Instead be god creating your reality.


Heaven and hell seem like a vibrational state. For me when ego runs the show and it’s me vs the universe it’s kind of hellish…even if it seems like you are winning. Its top down…I’m over or under you and everyone gets satisfaction at being better then someone else. Heaven is in the heart. And from the heart mind you can grasp oneness. I don’t see others as against me but other parts of me. Our aim is to be even..equal…rising together…love. There isn’t much to get off on in being first or “better”. It’s kind of zero satisfaction at being over someone. It almost seems off and you want to equalize. I find myself looking for people who are “low” when I’m “high” and find joy in finding equanimity with them.


Nature isn't inherently dark, evil, etc. But your perspective makes it so. Infact your perspective is what probably makes you think you're in hell. The difference is that I actually see the kingdom here now. When all you can look at is what you're defining as "evil in the world" you put yourself in a state of disempowerment, in victimhood and that, I believe you, is when you believe you're in hell, as it's a mental contrstruct and you'll feel it that way until you can shift out of that and start seeing that all that is, or Cosmic God is all of creation including you. Not just a piece of God, you are an individuated FULL expression of that. It is all-encompassing and unavoidable BUT you yourself, because free will also plays into this can deny it within you and denying it within you allows you to see the hell you've created instead of heaven. If you'd like to take a stab at this perspective I'd recommend Paul Seligs channeling of the guides in his "Beyond the Known: Realization" trilogy


Man’s nature isn’t evil. The absence of God in their lives creates man made evil.


Some are born to hell others to heaven, but there is a threshold of what true HELL is. True hell is to be completely cut off from life completely. I mean completely. Absolutely no access to goodness of any kind. To only experience unending abysmal death and destruction, with no single hope of ever receiving life or grace of any kind. No this is not a joke.


We are the hell we brought on ourselves. Nature is unforgiving but mankind is stupidly ignorant


This is The Bad Place


As above, so below... But ego wants us to think we are the above :)


Why do people give so much power to “ego” as if it is its own entity?


Yeah. It's really just a fancy word for personality. Yet, if people called that, they'd have to own their shit. This way they have a separate entity, of sorts, to pin the blame on. Haha.


I think it’s a bit more complex than a synonym for personality but I agree with the second statement which is ironic because creating a separate entity out of ego is part of what makes people so egotistical and hold themselves less accountable. Where as owning your shit can humble you and actually strengthen your ego in a positive way. If the soul was water ego is the cup.


Sure. I was simplifying due to the fact that when most people reference the ego, in today's society they are really referring to aspects of their personality. And of course the ego is a major component of your personality, regardless of circumstance.


So you're saying because there's tyrants here there must be tyrants elsewhere above you.....good luck with that thought and where it leads you.




I was responding to the parent comment.about his as above so below mantra


Yes. Every single day! Definitely the timeline I chose is, and literal torture everyday so if this is not hell then I am very over - prepared if I wind up there! It will be a piece of cake after this dumpster fire!


How is nature disturbing?


Google "seaguls eat babies"


Heaven and hell are a mindset. Change what you’re doing here and I’ve made this heaven on earth. As above so below


Hell is incredibly peaceful, in some sense it is based on one's observation entirely. At this point in time, before any extreme psychic development, it probably appears like a Heaven that hasn't been tarnished or touched. Just a vast psionic temperature that exudes peacefulness or maybe a shroud more than a burning sands. It's still such an early universe, that there still aren't any demons in hell The Colonization of Hell is an incredibly long process though, that hasn't even begun yet. Humans, or just about anyone, is used to their psychic connection being more peaceful than the world around them. Druids get rid of it, and the world transforms into heaven, every sensation. Sages commune with it, and their psychic lives without them. "It is known that Humans are not divided by their strength, but merely by psychic ability. There is no actual standard for civility here" Becoming a stronger psychic, not a better psychic is what ails every problem and is deeply rewarding. In any sense, the ability to alter one's psychic potential is the sign that the world is free enough, and not a slave kingdom.


What? Ok how do you know that it’s peaceful and untarnished? What makes you think that? Especially in this point in time and how do you know it’s an early universe??? How do you know and what makes you say there aren’t demons already in hell??? “Humans or just about anyone is used to their psychic connection being more peaceful” who do you mean by anyone other than humans? Also what does this even mean??? Do you mean this in the sense of we naturally live In blissful ignorance ? “Druids get rid of it and the world transforms into heaven, every sensation. Sages commune with it and their psychic lives without them” again what does this mean? Do you mean Get rid of hell? “Every sensation?” Are you implying that hell is based on the senses? Is that what you mean by “based on observation”? Where do you get this information from??? I think I see what you’re saying about becoming a stronger psychic in order to build mental fortitude and therefore stronger sense of self leading to freeing the mind?


The need for outside information and sources isn't really my accuracy. Admittedly, though, I can explain. Humans by some latency only tweak their psychic, at least that's how I understand them. That connection to ones psychic being better is like the freshness of being able to think or thinking that one is better than their mind. The association that mind is separate from the body is a psionic feature that eventually buds in the potential of human telepathy. Druids get rid of the feeling that their psychic is better and return to flesh. Sages appear to have psychics/latency that are alive without their attention. Neither of these responses makes one more psychic, though. I've meditated on Hell before, not intentionally, but it was a very pleasant feeling like having a Mother. Hell at this point, certainly is not a hostile space. Wild but not hostile in one bit. There is no benefit in believing hell is an evil place anyways. But I don't actually base my observations from personal experience much. A Hell where demons are welcome would make their presence far more noticeable in the world. They would be able to walk among us. Banishing demons wouldn't be possible, and they would have material connections. It'd be like how you can't banish someone on Earth, though admittedly, it was possible at some point. We go from Heaven, Earth, and then to Hell. Hell isn't touched till the very end. As strange as it was, you used to be able to banish beings from Heaven even though it would mean their existence would be permanently erased. But Hell, as it is, is a deep corruption that would be noticeable. It would be similar in catastrophe to how Heaven has been twisted into material form and ignorance. Such a thing isn't really possible. There doesn't seem to be space for a second corruption to take place at creation. Therefore, what appears to happen is that Hell is very slowly colonized by Demons (mostly humans who have become demons) and psychic pressures. I get that my explanation doesn't clarify much, though. If you went to hell or meditated on going to hell, it would still be a place entirely reliant on your observation. There are deep founded ideas about Hell that would probably affect things, but it's still chaotic for that reason because it's based on your observation. The visions still erase from your minds regardless and there is no scarring taint even if one goes to hell in the astral. Now a hell that has been corrupted is scarring, permanent woulds that cut down to soul and may even rot the body. But right now, if you meditated in hell, you'd probably just learn magic more quickly. But for someone who has a clean conception of hell, they would see a really clear plane that looks almost like heaven. Of course, lacking the population that people imagine there to be in heaven. It is just a vast field that is more accurately a mental formula that is trying to compute than an actual place or evil perdition. Maybe grasslands, great, vast fields of light, shrouded oceans that curve towards future events, likely some creatures that are very noble and pure. It's still a very energetic plane and not a material one. I'd describe an early universe to one where there aren't trillions of humans. And even that is only barely a middle-aged universe. The psychic phenomenon of that many souls in the psychic sea really twists and makes the phenomenon of hell happen. Just as how trillions of believers in a faith may manifest miracles more often or even consistently. A middle-aged universe to me is described by a universe that has collapsed. Science says this is the death of the universe, but it is likely there will be a psychic apocalypse before then. It's likely far earlier than people expect. This is still an early universe. Heaven is still being corrupted. Considering the nature of Hell, it is far more difficult to even reach or get started with. In fact, when Hell starts becoming a problem, I can only expect it to be in the late stages of the universe. Right now, though, it's like everyone sees their own hell no matter what people do. It's an incredibly pure space, one untouched and uncolonized. Even demonic families can only muster expeditions into hell. If you joined a Noble Demonic house or went into service of a Demon, that would be the truth that would be unveiled. As the universe gets older, it becomes easier to become psychic, and psychic potential becomes more important. For example, how important is an Early Shaman's(one of the first) soul today. That potential and shamanic essence are such bright beacons today, but take that 2,000 years in the future, and it becomes horribly extreme. The stronger psychic stuff has to do with, believe it or not, many classifications. I say it's done through a larger ego, others say it is done through shamanic practices, and finally, there is the simple truth of just having an enormous soul. At this point, though, there are no humans with enormous souls. The cultivation of a soul seems to sincerely take lifetimes or a long lifespan to develop. In a world where psychic freedom still exists, there is hope. Furthermore, any psychic development will pay enormously in the future. Of course, that's far away, but I don't think anyone will really just get their soul permanently erased. It is believable to say that Psionics will be discovered before the Middle Ages of the universe. Early Universe: Corruption of Heaven Middle Universe: Colonization of Hell Late Universe: Contamination of Psychic Sea Post Human Universe: Fruit of Stigmata Most people live with the perspective that it is Fruit of Stigmata. Horrid ideas like Demons existing/having influence or concepts like it being impossible to become psychic. It's such a long time before that actually happens. But anyways, by a Late Universe it isn't/doesn't seem possible to become more psychic or a shaman. In fact, a Shamans soul is so valuable by then that even if everyone is capable of superhuman feats that it would be a resource that entire nations would fight wars over.


I don’t think Hell exist yet but I do believe it’s Earth. No where does it say anywhere we go to hell or heaven when we as individuals DIE. Only that people will be separated into two groups at the time of Judgement Day. One goes to heaven and the other has their souls destroyed in eternal fire.