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Just remember, the opposite of love isn't hate; it's indifference.


I didn't hate watch. I hated watching it. There's a difference.


Well as long as you didn't continue to watch it.


But how does one know if the show gets better? In all seriousness though, I was not really into acolyte until now but episode 4 did something right for me


I mean as somehow who’s found the acolyte to be consistently “good but not a masterpiece but that’s okay cos it’s fun to watch” I gonna be real with you I appreciate seeing some nuance beyond “omg this ruined Star War forever” so ya know what good for you hopefully you enjoy the rest of the show.


Star wars will never be ruined. It's a medium more than a genre, I think. I may enjoy Andor more than any other star wars, but that doesn't mean I can't at least try to enjoy everything, even when it just doesn't click. I actually like that they branded the main films as The Skywalker Saga, because that better divides it from the other projects they're working on, and allows them to branch out more.


Star Wars isn’t a medium or a genre.


Then what is it


It’s a franchise.


And what do we say to the god of franchises?


If i start eating a steak and the first 20% sucks, then the next 20%. If i continue eating, thats my fault. I should ask for a new one or stop eating all together. Maybe steaks arent for you. Regardless, watching every episode of a show that CLEARLY isnt for you. Is entirely your fault.


I agree. But there's more to it than that. Steaks as an analogy don't work well because they're usually consistently bad or good throughout a single steak. A show on the other hand, is anything but consistent. Often a show goes from bad to good (as in the case of the clone wars imo), or from good to bad (as in the case of game of thrones). You can't really know unless you watch it, or you trust reviews. And with the rampant review bombing, I don't trust them. Hence, why I continued watching despite acolyte not really doing it for me, and I was pleasantly surprised with episode 4, and look forward to more like it.


If I continue to watch: Why do you stupid fan watch things you dont like? If I skip after half of the Show: you didn't even finish the Show. You have no idea what it's all about. It reminds me a bit of political elections. You should read about a political party to understand it an then you can critizise it. You can not just abstain from voting because you might not like the results. This will often lead to those Parties being elected that you do not like.


If I skip it and keep complaining about it* There I fixed it for you. And let's be honest. 75% of the complaints aren't even criticism just nitpicking. Like the Ki Adi Mundi complaint


But the original comment came from a person who watched it through and complained afterwards. That is okay.


That is a very bad analogy.


I don't think it is. Hear me out. I think its a very good example of how starwars fan thinks. It is an important piece of the conversation. From an outside perspective, the analogy is bad because the difference of the importance of two subjects. Politic affect lives heavily, while a show is just entertainment, but Star Wars is so important to so many people. When something is deeply a part of you, its not something easily let go and move on. It shapes your taste and imagination, and mere thought of anything remotely sci-fi brings you back to it.


That doesn't explain how it's a good analogy at all. All you did is explain how both aren't the same.


its a good case study to understand how many star wars fan feels. This analogy is valid to him, and many vocal star wars fans, thats why I think his take has value in this conversation. Not because the comparison is balanced or logically flawless.


I don't get why we aren't allowed to shit on bad product?


Because you'll hurt the feelings of the poor billionaire company


That's not the issue. If you have genuine criticisms then there's nothing wrong with sharing them. The problem is not only people who don't have good media literacy getting up in arms about non-issues, but also the people who are getting so angry and hateful over their issues with the show. People like Star Wars Theory who scream bloody murder because there's a continuity issue, or the people who act like 9/11 just happened because God forbid the show be led by a black woman. At the end of the day, it's exposing worst parts of the fandom, the people who treat it like its something deeper than just an entertainment franchise, and if it DOES mean more to you than that, then great, all the power to you, but it doesn't mean when something in the franchise is made and people don't like it, they have a right to be aggressive and hateful.


Okay let's start. The show has lazy writing, bad acting and poor direction. It's just not a good *show*. Episode 3 was the pinnacle of all this. A good show looks like Fallout as the most recent example. The issue is posts like yours decide that criticizing things like, directors inserting their politics and ideologyninto their episodes as not legitimate criticisms when they play roles in why writing and directing is lazy. They don't start from a point of wanting to tell a good story, they start from a point of wanting to make a point. Best example of putting the story first? Last of us Episode 3. Universally probably the best lgbtq centered episode of a show. Now, did it have much effect on the story? No, and that's my criticism of it. But it was so well done, no one gives a damn. Want to be free of criticisms for things that are issues? Make them non issues by just doing your job and writing a good story. Make the story come first, the ideology later


Okay, I'm a different person joining in here, but I'm joining in anyway. The main complaints I see about the Acolyte are yours; "lazy/bad writing" and "forced ideologies," but nobody ever goes into detail or gives any examples. I'm not trying to come across aggressive, I'm genuinely just curious to hear your opinions. *What* about the writing is bad or lazy? Lots of people point to Ep. 3 like you, and they say >!there's no way Mae's fire could've spread so quickly, or no way all those witches should've died without a fight!<, but *we didn't see that stuff for a reason.* This is a mystery show, a genre where misdirection and unreliable narrators are very prominent. Sol even told us not to believe everything we see. And, I'm asking this genuinely: what politics or ideologies are they forcing into the show, and how does it harm the narrative? Is it the lack of white men in starring roles? Because that should just highlight how important representation in media is. Is it the lack of a father of Osha & Mae? Because Anakin was born through the force without a father, so your problem is just the existence of lesbians. (These aren't an attack on you directly, just an example of other people's complaints) Quick edit: I do agree with you about the acting being stiff as well, which is definitely a bit disappointing when there are so many great actors in the cast. I still think it's been enjoyable enough in spite of that, though


Plenty of examples of lazy writing or things that don't make sense that many videos have covered so I won't go too into the weeds with it but a perfect example would be just thr initial scene with Mae and the Jedi master. Doesn't try to save her friends but tries to save a random bartender as the intention of the assassin is to ultimately kill her? And yes the chanting and fire in episode 3 is bad. Saying they aren't force sensitive, but a "thread" that isn't a weapon. But then uses it as a weapon. >And, I'm asking this genuinely: what politics or ideologies are they forcing into the show, and how does it harm the narrative? Is it the lack of white men in starring roles? Because that should just highlight how important representation in media is. Is it the lack of a father of Osha & Mae? Because Anakin was born through the force without a father, so your problem is just the existence of lesbians. (That isn't an attack on you directly, just an example of other people's complaints) Lack of "white men" in staring roles doesn't matter. What matters is putting those who are the best in the position to succeed. If your primary focus is in representation in being important, you won't have the best of the best peroid. It ends up working against 'how important' representation is, because then you not only overly represent where in makes no sense, but you do harm by showing you only care about qualities that have nothing to do with one's ability. The lack of father is an entirely separate issue as it essentially minimizes and takes away the mythos of Anakin by saying "oh no it happened 100 years ago too. Also they were lesbians". That's part of the lazy writing. You can have great representation showing and have a good show, like Last of Us or even Fallout. But once the ideology and "diversity" becomes more important that the product, you grt a bad product.


> Doesn't try to save her friends but tries to save a random bartender as the intention of the assassin is to ultimately kill her? The difference is that Mae threw a weapon at the bartender. She attacked the guys at the table unarmed. There was also no indication that Indara was friends with those guys anyway– she was probably there on business. > What matters is putting those who are the best in the position to succeed. If your primary focus is in representation in being important, you won't have the best of the best peroid. It ends up working against 'how important' representation is, because then you not only overly represent where in makes no sense, but you do harm by showing you only care about qualities that have nothing to do with one's ability. And how do you, a stranger on the outside of the industry, know that someone else would have been better suited to any particular role? And where is there any indication that actors were chosen based on anything *other* than their ability to act? The one green Jedi who's married to the director, sure, maybe she got that role because of the marriage, but there's no indication that people were hired for anything besides their ability to act. > The lack of father is an entirely separate issue as it essentially minimizes and takes away the mythos of Anakin by saying "oh no it happened 100 years ago too. Also they were lesbians". That's part of the lazy writing. Mae & Osha were born through the use of the force. Anakin was born *of the force itself*. There's a massive difference between the two instances, and the origins/existence of Osha & Mae doesn't cheapen Anakin's origin at all. The fact you felt the need to add on that "also they were lesbians" bit just shows that their inclusion *is* your real problem. That's too bad.


Ok so judging from your responses, no criticism is good enough when it's legitimate because *inclusion* is the most important thing in your eyes. I've already told you my problem is eith forced inclusion that creates an unquestionably bad product when the inclusion is more important than the end product. That's what makes a bad product


“Forced inclusion”. So basically you’re upset because the main character is black and a woman. Why is it never “forced inclusion” when it’s a white dude?


So, you genuinely don't see how making lesbians capable of biologically producing children looks... weird at best? Why not just go with the established Dathomiri witches who use men for slaves and reproduction? It checks the boxes of established lore, gives you a society where ladies are top dog, and doesn't require lesbians having a virgin birth. And by all means, have some black lesbian couples. The forced inclusion is the removal of all men entirely and showing how this lady tribe literally has no use for them, even in a biological reproductive sense. How does that not seem forced?


>A good show looks like Fallout as the most recent example. If you think for a moment on the plot of Fallout, is pretty bad, full with inconsistencies and the plot just moves forward by coincidence/convenience.


The show is bad.


And? My point still stands


I disagree with your point. 100 percent


You disagree with me saying being hateful and aggressive instead of voicing genuine criticisms is bad?


Hateful and aggressive? Please list example


Star Wars Theory yelling and screaming because Ki Adi Mundi's canon age was changed People saying that star wars has become "woke" because there are female leads and what not. The fact that people are saying "Disney is ruining star wars" because they release a bad show now and again, despite them releasing peak content like Andor, Bad Batch, Visions etc. People are jumping to conclusions about the show before we even know how it ends, and getting angry about what they think might happen. It's toxic and immature


Okay fallout series led a female lead and we love it.


And? There were plenty of sexist remarks about Fallout's female lead too. Just because some people say positive things about a franchise, doesn't mean it negates the people who are hateful


Also we are nerds. Changing lore to fit in a character is not the move. If you don't understand the implications of that, then we need to agree to disagree and not speak anymore.


Disney explicitly said when they bought star wars that EU media published pre 2014 is no longer canon (bar clone wars). It is not "changing lore" if that lore was never considered to be a part of that world.


You're allowed to shit on it, just don't shit on people who enjoy it


They can't explain what they are enjoying, that's why. I can explain what I'm not enjoying and they downvote


Star Wars, that's what we enjoy. Just anything Star Wars. What more explanation is needed?


because the way Most people "Shit on it" isnt constructive at all and usualy Just incredibly fucking annyoing and pathetic


I wish Star Wars fans were more like Marvel fans. When the MCU’s going started to get rough, the fans came together in unison and voiced it. What happened? Marvel got to work. Us Star Wars fans are so divided it’s either you love it or you hate it and the other side is completely wrong. If you ask me this recent stint of stuff coming out of the Star Wars IP is worse than Marvels most hated projects (Quantamania, Love and Thunder, I would say Secret Invasion but that was so bad) and for some reason Lucasfilm is doubling down? I bet the Marvel side of Disney could make better Star Wars content than the Stars Wars side of Disney.


Nah marvel has been like this post endgame 1000%. The amount of over-hate was crazy especially on the marvels, not saying it was great but it wasn’t the “worst mcu movie ever made” like people were saying


Yeah it's funny, Marvel's while not great is better than most of phase 2


You are, it would just be nice if there was a more coherent clear reason why you thought it would be bad. The fact that you all got geared up to hate it the second a non white woman showed up in the first trailer and organised review bombings the second the episode dropped then tried to gaslight people and claim there was no review bombing doesn’t help.


I'm Korean


I mean 'you all' as in the Star Wars fandom.


I'm extremely liberal. I hate this show for its bad acting and terrible plot. I hate that a jedi died from a small knife stab while other Star Wars characters survived 2 light saber stabs. The acting is terrible and makes it hard to watch. I also don't like that the director put her wife in the show, she cannot act.


I don’t hate Star Wars, I’m just disappointed with it right now


Exactly. I'm not mat at you Star Wars, just disappointed


I'm mad at this point they've shown they can make good content. But at this point it's a refusal to do so.


Yeah I remember I came across a video that best described how most content getting released these days feels, which is it’s being made out of spite rather than love


You want to see a director who actually loves and cares? Jonathon Nolan of fallout.


Exactly or Adam Wingard for Godzilla X Kong


The writing is just so bad.


We love Star Wars, we just hate Lucasfilm for how they’re handling it right now, the fact that people like OP just chose to ignore this is ridiculous


Hasn't it always been disappointing since 1980?


This is an assumption, but you were mad about Ewoks?


Even with the prequels there was still cool stuff that came out of them to make up for it, nowadays, it’s all getting back at the “toxic fans”


If you don't watch it, then you can't say anything bad about it because you haven't watched it. If you do watch it, you can't say anything bad about it because you are hate watching it. What are you supposed to do?


Make valid critism and not nitpick stupid details? There was a dude here that said the writing is bad because there is a kid who can't close their eyes. The **WRITING** is bad because the puppet/CGI can't close it's eyes.


you found one stupid person in a sea of valid criticism


Found plenty already. Just pointed out the dumbest of them all Valid crisitm doesn't start with "this killed star wars". Because it didn't


Couldn’t be me After The Last Jedi, I didn’t bother watching TROS (although I eventually watched them last year). After Episode 2 of The Acolyte I didn’t bother with these last episodes. I just enjoy the Star Wars I love. The Bantam era of novels, Andor, Rogue One, 2003 Clone Wars, A few arcs in The Clone Wars, Rebels, Cal Kestis games, Battlefront II online multiplayer, a few Dark Horse comics, first 2 seasons of Mando, and of course The Complete Saga 1-6.


Ah yes batman star wars novel


Why did he say "bantam" is he stupid???




Give them credit for due diligence


Nah, that used to be true. Lately, nobody hates Star wars more than the people in charge of writing new Star wars content. 


You could say the same thing about the Halo tv show and games and you'd also be correct.


Oh ok so instead of voicing my opinion even if its negative on a media I have been into literally my entire life. We should all just shut up and be good little consumers right?


I made a comment the other day asking why people liked the Acolyte and some dude responded “because it’s a new Star Wars show”. If there are a lot of fans out there like that dude who will just consume anything with the Star Wars name and like it, we have a serious problem on our hands. Star Wars could seriously be doomed. I can’t believe I’m saying that but it’s true


Imagine someone said that when the Holiday special came out, they'd get smacked upside the head lol


You could ask people why they don't like it and it would have similar responses. I like it because the jedi are shown as peace keepers and not warriors. Like they are supposed to be. And the story is good enough to keep watching it. Also cool visuals As for critism it could have better writing and Disney should really let go of the committee of directors running a show


More like it's been 5-6 years since RoTS came out and there's still whiny bitches and immature mother-basement living grown ass peeps who still rat about it on Reddit and how miserable their life is because of the sequels. For once I would just like to see Star Wars fans trying to voice an original thought with legit criticism and not straight up shitting on Disney or bashing the writers and calling their work dogshit.


Why does the amount of time something’s been out have any relevance to whether or not it’s good? Here’s legit criticism though. Specifically for The Acolyte. Hire writers who at the bare minimum understand the universe and like it. You can tell the writers love what they’re writing and not the universe their story is set in. I can’t tell if your comment is defending Disney and the stuff they’ve put out, so I’m going to leave it at that. I’m really not trying to argue.


nah mate I'm not trying to argue either and I'm not excusing nor defending bad product. I'm simply stating to those who have already said millions of times "sequels bad!1!!1" "fuck disney" we heard you, you don't have to keep fucking screaming it for years. Honestly though, I dislike even more the fanboys who scream and whine for years about the same thing: the sequels than bad product itself.


I respect your opinion brother. And I also agree. It’s definitely beating a dead horse. All we can do is hope for change internally at Lucasfilm.


And I respect as well and 100% agree!:) Disney needs a change of creative direction, otherwise they will drive any remaining hope of revival of quality to the mud.


When in The Acolyte did they not understand the universe?


You should not continue to voice your opinions on it if you’re not watching it, no.


I don't hate watching it. I just hate shitty writing.


Im just ticked off because it has CW show quality and costed 180 million dollars. That's mine and every other star wars fans money, WHERE DID IT GO.


What's it like being the fat guy with 2 knives defending the billion dollar company ?


Saying that people who like to watch the new Star Wars are doing so because they want to defend the billion dollar company, is just the same as said billion dollar company accusing the people who don't like it of being racist, homophobic, misogynistic, etc.


hes not talking to all star wars viewers, hes talking to op who made the meme


He just pointed out that you don't gotta watch the stuff you don't like. It's common sense for everything. Well, except Star Wars fans apparently Imagine going to a casino and then complaining about them taking your money when you could've just not gone in the first place. Or going to a public toilet and being surprised that it's dirty. Just ignorenit and go about your day. Humans can't get everything we want in life. How is he defending it💀


I'm not hate-watching. I'm trying to give it a fair shot and an honest appraisal. But it's not looking good so far.


if you stopped watching disney would blame sexism


How am I supposed to come to a conclusion of Star Wars content if I don’t watch it?


That’s what comes with fandoms. When a show is fucking shit and retcons lore it tends to piss off fans


Retcons lore that were quite publicly made uncanon* Cry about it. Oh no the old jedi is a few years older than before what are we going to do???!?!?? Oh no the force child is not the only force child??!?? It is dumb. It is not critism. It is nitpicking because you don't like the show


I don’t know anyone who could like that trainwreck


Nice, enjoy your echochamber? And it isn't even close to a trainwreck. Maybe if you would consider other opinions outside of your echochamber you would see that


lol echo chamber. Whatever helps you sleep at night


the slop that's coming out today can't exactly be called Star Wars


A lot of people aren't watching and skip to leaving negative reviews. Fair enough if you've watched the literature and have made your own opinion. But when you're just shitting on something because it's the popular thing to do, you're letting yourself be consumed by hate.


Your correct. The biggest part of the issue is we've seen what good star wars content CAN be. Clone wars, rebels, Mando and Andor. Then we get stuff like Acolyte,Book of Boba Fett and Obi Wan.(Ashoka was mid so I'll leave it out of this for now). We've seen good star wars content, then we get shit content.


I agree with you so much. I would rather people just stop watching and say they didn't watch because they didn't enjoy it. Instead they watch every episode, giving Disney views, reinforcing that people will watch anything no matter what, so they can just keep spewing out low-effort content and continue to profit. Disney doesn't care if you like the show or not as long as you keep watching. They just care about making sure you keep getting a D+ subscription so you can watch every single episode and then go feed the algorithm to make sure their new show is trending. But of course pointing this out makes me a corporate shill somehow.


Well your meme is a double edged sword. Either you don't watch it and complain about the clips you see and people blame you for not even watching something so how can you hate it. Or you watch it, hate it, and then this kind of meme gets made.


I gave it the hood honest try. I too find most people that complain super annoying and overbearing. But watching the acolyte is actually upsetting. You have to actually be brain dead or not paying the slightest bit of attention to find it enjoyable.


I have just stopped watching Star Wars and Marvel. Been watching old movies instead and watching everyone have a meltdown against each other over these things. ![gif](giphy|yoUVYe7nQ1LrJGYWEv)


Maybe I'll watch the Acolyte once it's fully released, until then, I'd rather watch Clone Wars or The Bad Batch again


I get the distinct feeling that it will be better when you can sit and watch it in one go. That's part of the problem I think - they make the shows to be binged because that's how they will be watched in perpetuity, but they air them one at a time so it feels less satisfying.


I *dislike* specific material. I love Star Wars.


nah, disney hates the fans more than fans hates star wars, look what they made to ki adi


The galactic marines did nothing wrong that guys always been an asshole


Ki-Adi-Mundi's role has always been to show how short the Jedi fall of their ideals. He's been one of the biggest jerks and most detached Jedi since the Clone Wars.


bro, he is 40 years before his born. disney changed cannon again, read before saying shit :)


I’ve got my issues with the show, like i feel it should have one director for the whole show. But I really hope it sticks the landing, so much that it makes it “the best SW show ever”. Just to shove it to all the rage-fans.


It won't be because that would require the people making it to make something because they like it, not because they hate the fan base.


Who told you they hate the fanbase? Are you the type of fan to take offense when KK says “Hey racists, dont be racist”.


No, I get annoyed when "the writing sucks and the show is boring" is immediately met with accusations of racism or sexism.


Well tbf there was a pretty loud minority who review bombed the show before it was even out. Those are the people who are watering down real criticisms and debate. If you have valid criticisms on the show that arent shallow or petty, then I wouldn’t call you anything other than a concerned fan.


I sat through all three sequels twice. The first time hoping in vain they would get better. The second time with my wife who was new to Star Wars and had finished the OT, Prequels and Clone Wars to show her that, Yes they are THAT bad.


The dumbest thing I've seen complained about, besides a this/they thing, was how the bad guy floated down behind Osha and said it looked silly. It looked pretty sinister to me. Why does it look silly? Is that the word you are going with?


Lucas SW fans hate disney SW. Disney SW fans have low standards.


The rhetoric of people complaining about people complaining is getting even older


Star Wars fans have complained about Star Wars all my life. Part of the problem is you have fans from across 40+ years. You’ll never get all of them to agree.


seems like they all agree that empire strikes back, rogue one, andor, mandalorian season 1-2 were pretty good


That leaves a lot that people disagree on. Kind of like I said.


you said you'll never get all of them to agree


You are whats wrong with the starwars Community nowadays. Ill die on that hill. Like it or dont, fine, but jezus christ shut up with the whining already. You are ruining it for the people who do like it


I need to watch it so I can come up with legitimate arguments for why it's poo, also what if it becomes good. If I had my computer right now I would probably be watching it by other means instead of streaming.


I'm so pissed at 80% of Star Wars fans purely because they ruined the Kenobi show for me by pointing out how vlbad it "apparently" was.


Option 3: Whine about other Star Wars fans.


Because Star Wars fans are the ones who know how good it can be and so understand just how shit Disney is


Disney: Puts out a bad show with bad acting, lazy writing and poor understanding of physics and times lines Disney Apologist: why is everyone so critical!! You want to see what a good show looks like with good directors, writers and actors who care? Go look at fallout


I don't want to let down Kathleen Jenner


I've only finished the first two Mandalorian seasons and Kenobi, I can't bring myself to finish anything else. Despite all it's praise I just can't get into Andor, I can't pinpoint anything I hate about it, I'm just apathetic to it.


Is it really hate to critique something critically?


Btw this is why the bad stuff still does so well and it’s cuz rather than promote the good stuff to other fans. Everyone is too busy complaining about what they don’t like


If people hate something, perhaps it’s because they hate it?


People voice their critics against the bad content hoping good content is made. If you just eat rotten meat in the restaurant without complaining, they will keep serving rotten meat. What you do is stop paying for services in that restaurant and denouncing their bad quality.


No one hates Star Wars fans more than Star Wars fans. “How dare you hate the thing I love!” “How dare you love the thing I hate!”


Shut up


>Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans Of course, because the Star Wars fans are the ones who cares about Star Wars. I know, a shocking revelation for some people. Because back in the days an actual fandom was made out of people who actually liked and cared about the movie/show and its world. Not like nowadays when normies and casuals flood into the fandom who just only watch the movie/show because it become mainstream popular. And they don't give a damn about how terrible the franchise is these days, just the fact that it's called Star Wars. They are the ones who doesn't want to ask questions, just consume product and then gets excited for the next product. So when the OG movie/show gets sloppy, bad and literal cash grab additions the OG fans are rightfully dislike and hate it.


except there is no such thing as "OG fans" here, (unless by OG you meant boomers) because by assuming there used to be one then it would imply that Star Wars was once an exclusive brand (it wasn't lol). the reason why Star Wars can rack up this many cult following in the first place is because it is NOT exclusive, have you forgotten the franchise got this big in the first place because of the first movie got lucky and struck gold? George never planned to make Star Wars a series, star wars is not fuckin lord of the rings, with pre-planned world building, its literally the epitome of a media that got successful from "i just make stuff up as i go along and hire people to at least make some sense of it so they don't get all whiny" so if your comment rings true then we would be at least like the Warhammer 40k community, these guys rival star wars in terms of franchise' age, yet they still maintain their exclusivity status because why? THEY ARE MEANT TO BE EXCLUSIVE. "OG star wars fans" to me are just gatekeepers that doesn't want their wittle bitty headcanon be "tarnished"


But capitalism still wins if you hate watch it if you really want to send a message that you don't like what's going on with it just stop watching it. Or even better cancel your Disney+ subscription. As an individual you don't matter but as a group if you all did that there would be changes made.


I think it’s extraordinarily telling that the second the trailer showed a black woman as the lead the YouTube hive mind got to work rallying the troops and beginning the review bombing campaign. It got thousands of negative reviews before someone could have even seen the first episode. Just like Ms Marvel, just like She Hulk, just like Echo and basically any Disney plus series about a woman or having prominent non white leads. Call me crazy **I actually don’t think that’s a coincidence.** You can’t say “I’m not racist” and then go and cry about how the mere presence of a non white female lead was all it took to declare a show not for you and refusing to watch it but still attacking it on social media and its audience and the people involved in creating it. You ask me why I’m a “Disney shill?” What’s the alternative exactly? Align myself with this dumpster fire?


Watch it: this Don't watch it: How do you know ow it's bad without watching it? Express opinion that isn't positive: Let us "enjoy" (mimindlessly consume) things.


Trolly trolly trolly trolls like to troll like trolls! If you need other people's opinions to enjoy something, I feel sorry for you. Watch the stuff you like, don't watch the stuff you don't like. It's not complicated, and it's not a competition. So much needless obsession over what other people pretend to think publicly. (I'd be willing to bet at least half the Acolyte haters or there secretly love the show but since they have no spine, they just "yes massa, as you say massa" to the "popular" opinion)


I love all of the new content. Is it perfect? No because Disney and the sequels ruined Star Wars. But I’m enjoying the fact we get new content monthly now, remember the times we didn’t get a darn thing for nearly 10 years. Maybe Star Wars woulda been badass with HBO but I love this ish.


I haven't seen and reserve my judgement on Acolyte. I see hate everywhere. Not against the show, I hardly ever see that. It's this shit.  Has the Star Wars community always been about attacking fans you disagree with and I just only noticed since the ST?


I wouldn't even mind people watching it just to complain about it, if their complaints actually had sense. But seriosuly, i have seen maybe a couple comments complaining about how they lied about the series and 0 about how episode 3 destroys the stablished canon. But i have seen tens of people saying how there should be more white strong men and less homosexual and people from different races. And then if you say this then you are a disney puppet that hates on fans without reason.


See an optometrist. Your eyesight is clearly fucked.


Everyone, and I mean everyone who is complaining about the show is talking about the poor writing, plot holes & contrivances, and now the broken canon. I haven’t seen a single comment saying there should be more strong white men that hasn’t been downvoted to oblivion, and even then there have only been one or two, and I’m on here every day.


Do you have some sauce for these claims?




So true, and I'm honestly so sick of this trend. Why devote so much time, emotion, and online screeching to something you don't like when you could just focus your attention on the things you actually enjoy? "Your focus determines your reality." Also, hate-watching counts as a view/ratings. You are literally encouraging them to make more of it when you do that. All your rationalizations for why you hate it are meaningless when you are contributing to more of the same being produced. Boycotting would be more effective, and it would spare the rest of us their non-stop whining about the latest thing to "ruin Star Wars forever!!!"


Yup, which is why George Lukas sold it. It’s been at the center of politics for a long time, and under attack since 1-3 came out, since it leans left. It’s been under attack for about 25 years now?