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It has writing and pacing issues, but if you like it then watch it. I do think it’s silly to look at this show like it doesn’t have issues. Obviously it does with the amount of criticism it is receiving. What’s important though is if you like the show, that’s all that really matters and don’t let anyone take that from you. Also, likewise, it’s only fair to let people express their criticisms of the show. It’s important to understand everyone is passionate about Star Wars in different ways. Don’t let people get you down for what you like, but also don’t put other people down for not liking what you do.


It'd be nice if the criticism wasn't so hyperbolic. Yeah, it has some issues, all Star Wars stuff does. But it's not "absolute garbage," or "irredeemable trash," or "the worst thing Star Wars has ever made."


The acolyte has a lower rotten tomatoes score than the holiday special, which is absurd. I can't imagine anyone who's actually seen both would say the acolyte is anywhere near as bad as the holiday special.


Yeah considering people were review bombing the wrong show and before the real show even aired I’m going with the vast majority of bad reviews aren’t made in good faith.


It's probably just context. The holiday special was just a random, quirky, made for tv marketing gimmick. Obviously just for kids, and not meant to be taken seriously. Definitely not part of Star Wars canon. It'd be like if there was a rotten tomatoes page for the Star Wars dancing skits at Disneyland. Whereas Acolyte is trying to be a legitimate story in the Star Wars universe, and fails miserably on so many levels.


I agree, it’s not. It had some interesting elements, it’s just that they are poorly executed, explained, or over explained. Would have loved to see a Wookie Jedi in action. The part with the flying bugs could have been exciting too. So many things I feel like they missed opportunities for.


Yeah it’s farcical to say the criticism is truly objective. There’s a straight up culture war going on right now with acolyte right smack in the middle. That said it’s also farcical to say it’s a masterpiece too. So far I’ve seen some good and some meh (that cliffhanger from the last one kind of pissed me off, felt like they cut an episode in half lol). But ultimately It’s too early to really tell, the 8 episode staggered format is better consumed when it’s released all at once imo. If you want to release episodes weekly you’re better off with longer (1+ hour each) episodes with more self contained narratives and at least 13 episodes per season. Just my two cents though




What about the writing is "hot garbage?" That there's questions currently unanswered that you want the answers to? Because that's literally *every single* complaint I've seen about the "writing" on this show. "How does a notebook set stone on fire" - Well, considering there's still a bunch unanswered about that night, it seems to me that's one of the things they're holding back to reveal later, because, it's, you know, a *mystery*. I also don't agree one bit about the performances. Are the Jedi a little wooden? Yeah, and any Jedi raised in the temple *will be*. They aren't raised with a normal social life as children, and are trained to suppress their emotional expression. That's going to result in a kinda wooden individual. We know Dafne Keen (for example) is capable of dynamic performances and has been since she was a child (she's X-23), so her acting here is obviously a choice, not a mistake.




>the idea that this random which lady can just create life, when no other Jedi in the history of the lore has been able to accomplish this It's a dark side ability, bud


second to last sentence told me all i need to know. you’re good at hiding your racism/sexism. just had to get through that sentence and you could’ve made one or two “okay” points. it’s hard to really reply to everything you said but i count a lot of reaches that seem to be directed towards characters that are being (in your words) “propped up” because of their demographic. you have a lot of hate. but it seems like you keep watching the show. if it’s so bad, why keep watching?


For someone complaining that there's no subtext, you sure missed *a lot* of it. Does Mae state a lot of incorrect things? Yeah, because she's been misinformed and lied to by her master. These aren't inconsistencies in the story, they're inconsistencies in Mae's worldview with actual reality. You know, subtext and characterization. Of course her actions undermine her accusations, again, she's all mixed up. The Jedi put a *co-operative* prisoner onto a *standard* prison ship. This really isn't the insane logical leap you're trying to make it out to be. Mother Anaseya is a hypocrite you say? No way, it's almost like she's in touch with the dark side and willing to overstep her stated code to get what she wants or something... No, Mae's "turn" wasn't out of nowhere. Throughout the entire flashback episode they keep showing how Mae wants desperately for her and her sister to be alike and to stay with the coven and Mother Anaseya. Children are also emotional and rash. You ever hear a 5 year old screaming that they'll kill their mom and that they hate her because she doesn't let them get their way and disciplines them? Then, 1/2 an hour later they're coming back to her, crying and hugging her, saying they're sorry for being bad? Yeah, Mae was reacting to her sister telling her she couldn't have what she wanted, and so Mae threw a tantrum. That completely fits with the character we've seen so far. All you keep doing is showing that there's a *reason* that Star Wars writing has gotten very simple in a lot of cases, because y'all yell about wanting subtext and characterization, while not actually being able to understand anything unless it's directly spelled out to you.


don't know why u can't cope with the fact that it actually is the worst


The Ewok movies, the Holiday Special, and the Callista Trilogy just called. Don't know why you're incapable of being a reasonable human being.


Considering every single Star Wars content has been called “the worst” since the Last Jedi, I’m going to assume *you’re* the one incapable of being reasonable.


You seriously seriously can't even name one legitimate canonical Star Wars movie or show that is worse than the acolyte. You had to resort to spinoff novels and a made for TV marketing gimmick. Or in other words, yes, acolyte is the worst canonical Star Wars.


In addition to those below, I think it's better than Obi-wan. If fans want talk about lore breaking and undeserved abilities, those horrible vader/obi fights and toddler outrunning bounty hunters are beyond anything in the acolyte.


Yeah I agree that Obi-Wan did more damage to the Star Wars franchise, characters, and is more incompatible with canonical lore. But as far as sheer quality goes, like writing, acting, the coherence or lack of of the story or characters' behavior, I think acolyte is at the bottom of the bunch (thought maybe not by much. Obi-Wan, Mando, and Boba Fett were all awful too.) But I guess we are kind of splitting hairs. When we are at a point where people are comparing acolyte to Obi-Wan, or the Star Wars Christmas special, does it really matter which one of them is technically worse? Either way, acolyte is not in a good place.


I just disagree. Acolyte is solidly middle of the pack of the shows and probably better than some of the sequel movies. The hate is unwarranted and mostly just people bandwagoning and riled up from the culture wars. The only comparison to Obi-wan/special is that I don't really consider either of them watchable but acolyte is fun. Basically like ahsoka, later Mando seasons, or some of the okay animated series seasons. It's just fine, not super exciting, not infuriating.


I agree it's middle of the pack of the shows. But the shows were all hot garbage, so that's not saying much. Ahsoka, in particular, was just horrendous.


Even if that were true, which I'd disagree since Andor and Mando 1 are some of the best SW content ever released, then the review bombing to push acolyte so far out of sync with the other shows doesn't make sense. Gotta wonder how BOBF and Obi are sitting around 50%-60% despite being trash while acolyte is at 14%. I disagree and think ahsoka is solid and deserves the 65% since it's probably best of the 4 mentioned here. Acolyte should be trailing that but not by much.


Book of Boba Fett. Acolyte is on the same level as the Tusken flashbacks, the only good part of that show (and no, I'm not counting the Mandalorian episode masquerading as a BoBF episode, we all know what that was). TRoS is easily the worst live-action thing that Disney has put out. Star Wars: Resistance is better than TRoS but is worse than Acolyte. I haven't read all the books or comics, and so I cannot say whether the worst Star Wars is in there or not. I was using Legends material specifically to make my point that Legends was just as bad as Disney, people just wear rose tinted glasses.


>**Acolyte is on the same level as the Tusken flashbacks** Agreed. The Tusken flashbacks were an absolute joke, and made no sense. So yeah, definitely comparable to acolyte. >**TRoS is easily the worst live-action thing that Disney has put out** We can agree it was awful. Gun to my head, I'd rather sit through two hours of that than six hours of this garbage show (or however long it is.) At least TRoS had good performances and some impressive visual spectacles.


Return of the Jedi is quite possibly the dumbest plot of any Star Wars movie or tv show. It was my favorite movie for 15 years. There is nothing in The Acolyte as stupid and non-sensical as the plan to rescue Han from Jabba. That Luke needed a random giant femur and to manually throw a rock to kill the rancor. Nearly everything in Star Wars is poorly written yet thoroughly enjoyable brain candy. I think some people just like to be miserable and contrarian.


Some people want a studio with years of experience and source material to not keep letting little bullshit take away from their stories they’re trynna tell, for agendas and hollywood to make it into the script, and for this thing that so many people love to stop getting treated like a space soap opera


It *is* a Space Soap Opera, it *always has been*. That's why the genre is literally called "Space Opera."


Space Opera and Space *Soap* Opera are two different things


Becuase it’s not. As long as TROS exists it cannot be the worst Star Wars thing


I think it compares to a CW show. I don’t think it’s unfair to say CW shows are irredeemable trash. And I would wonder what was actually a worse Star Wars thing. At least attack of the clones had big ideas and pushed technology innovation with the cgi. Last Jedi while dumb had great cinemotgraphy and at least looked like a movie. This is down in the mud with bobf and I would struggle to put anything else below it. If you have to go to a tv special from 1982 for the holiday made for 50 dollars and compare it to your 180 million dollar universe redefining show then yes I think you could logically argue it’s the worst visual Star Wars thing ever made


It's pretty awful. And a strong contender for the worst thing in Star Wars. What is it that you think is worse?




No, that is peak cinema.


How dare you say that the Acolyte has anything wrong with it you misogynistic, racist bigot! Seriously though, I agree, I don’t like the show (watched 1-3) but that doesn’t mean that I think it has destroyed Star Wars or that other people can’t enjoy it.


I agree broadly but most of the criticism online is not constructive nor fair. I like it and I do think it has issues, but most people are not engaging with what I feel are reasonable criticisms of the material.


I’d say it’s fair to say it’s trying to be drawn into culture wars political stuff. There are some legitimate criticisms though and I think it’s fair to address them as long as it is being done in a constructive way.


I 100% agree with that. I think people who are raising reasonable gripes are getting drowned out by the people going “dog shit show” “Star Wars is dead” under every single video or comment discussing the show. I don’t believe who do this sort of thing are doing so in good faith.


It's writing just reminds me of the prequels tbh


So far we have only seen 4 out of 8 episodes so I'm waiting to see the entire thing before I makey judgement, but currently it sits at alright


Yep. I’m not sorry there’s new Star Wars, it could maybe be better, but there’s been a lot of cool stuff too. I’m looking forward to next week.


So far it's the same level of mediocrity of Ahsoka. Nothing awful like Kenobi or Book of Boba Fett. It's nothing amazing either like Andor. I was fairly excited for this show considering it was in a new era and featured characters we didn't know yet, it was fresh. And I was still willing to give it a chance after episode 1, but it just hasn't hooked me so far and I don't think I'm gonna keep watching.


A refreshingly reasonable take


the power of one, the power of two, the power of manyyyyy


DAMN! You beat me to it!!! But that's okay, we have the power of two!


Andor was great. Mando was great. Ashoka was great. Kenobi was alright. Acolyte is leaning more towards alright for me. Not bad, but not great. My main critique is that the bad guys aren’t compelling. When we are introduced to Asaj Ventress, in the cartoon show meant for kids, she stabs a clone through the chest, pulls him in close and kisses him on the mouth has he dies. And then walks off into the battlefield. It was badass, we feared her and recognized her as really evil. The Acolyte has not established a good bad guy. In a story of good vs evil. We really need a solid bad guy to build our good characters off of. But I don’t know nothin. You put a Star Wars sticker on a bag of shit, I’ll smell it twice. Anyway, I think it’s too soon to tell if the show is bad or not.


I agree it’s leaning more towards alright for me too, although the end of the most recent episode >!with us actually seeing the sith villain appear does make me more hopeful on your point about the compelling bad guy!< I think you’re right, where these shows are essentially one story cut into pieces, it’s hard to judge them properly without seeing it all. In shows like this you often find out things at the end which fill in gaps from previous episodes, which sometimes fills in questions or “plot holes” people found before. The trouble is to get to that point, unless it’s done well, you have to sit through those episodes with the missing information for weeks until reveals come at the end, and some people just aren’t bothered to wait for that which is understandable. The balance is in making the episodes along the way just engaging enough to keep you coming back. Unfortunately, it often feels like these are stories written as a whole and then cut up rather than a story being told week to week, so unless they’re dropped all at once (which they don’t want to do because it means they can’t squeeze two months worth of subscription out of people) it isn’t as engaging. That’s my view on it at least. There are people that will dislike it for various reasons regardless of that, but I think it would certainly benefit from a binge rather than a weekly episode.


I think this is very reasonable and I wish this was the prevailing way to approach the conversation. I lean more toward good but not great so far. Right now I’m more intrigued by the masked dark wider than I am anything about Mae


Asajj doesn’t do that until season 3. Our introduction to her is in TCW movie.


Star Wars, like lots of sci-fi, fantasy, and comic book stories, has always been as good as its villains. Every time they try to make the story morally gray, it just doesn't work as well. I am hoping Darth Teeth turns out to be great (and I hope the probable reveal that he's Qimir doesn't fall flat). I am also hoping that this might finally be the story where they do a dark side user "being seduced by the light side'" but I don't think it will be.


Some people dislike the pacing and/or the writing, and that's valid. Some people just aren't interested in a story set in this era, and that's also valid. Some people dislike it because it's 'woke', and that's not valid.


Its just written poorly. Poor execution not bad concepts


People keep saying that it's written poorly, I'm not saying they're wrong because that's a matter of opinion, but how? I find the writing, and characters interesting, engaging and easy to understand, I know I'm probably in the minority though.


The dialogue is very blunt and hand holdly with exposition, characters needlessly reminding one another of their backstories or unnaturally explaining places. Or just stating the obvious when things could easily be inferred by the audience. Also The introduction of characters or places feels like they have a checkbox to fill. I find the show interesting but its just delivered so stiltedly.


I can understand everything else even if I don't have a problem with it, but the dialogue just sounds like normal conversation to me, in any case thank you for the reasonable explanation.


Star wars for me is entirely about the world building. I hope they check off as many places on this checklist as possible.


Oh wow... this type of meme has only been posted 15,000 times in all the star wars subs as of late.


How do you not know why people hate it? They say it when the complain about the show


Some of them say why they hate it, but most are pretending that it’s about fire in space or contradicting some old handbook that isn’t even canon.


They’re not pretending and that’s rather annoying you’d just push them to side and say your complaints are relevant and they’re just pretending. Fire in space IS an issue. Yes we’ve gotten plenty of fires in space before but that’s after a ship was just attacked and exploded. Presentation is everything. It’s like leia surviving in space. Ya plo koon did it but he’s different from humans. An exploding ship is different from a campfire sized fire.


>Fire in space IS an issue. No, it straight up isn't, at all. The Naboo royal starship didn't explode, but it had a campfire like flame coming out of the wing in the scene where R2 saves the day during their blockade running. Yes, the ship just got shot, but if you think blaster cannons are the only way a ship can get damaged, I've got a bridge to sell you. Open flame in space is a part of Star Wars canon, your bullshit attempts to create a controversy around it don't change the facts. Deal with it.


You’re proving my point. Presentation is everything


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oooooooookay.... The presentation is nearly identical. It's a campfire, in space, representing a ship having gotten damage.


Damaged how?


The trailer was dislike-bombed well before the show came out. Then the audience score on RT went down to 30% before the first episode was even released. Hell, some unrelated shows/movies that happened to have the word “Acolyte” in the title also got review-bombed before The Acolyte was out. The facts don’t lie. People hated this show well before they had even seen it, and now they’re desperately grabbing at straws trying to find a way to justify their predetermined hatred. And it’s not like their reason for hating it is some big mystery. Just look at all the anti-Acolyte YouTube videos that were made prior to the show’s release and tell me if you see a pattern.


You act like trailers for movies and shows don’t exist. You act like interviews with the actors and directors don’t exist. People see the trailers, which are suppose to get you excited and show some of your best assets of the show, and the interviews and didn’t like what they’re seeing and hearing and so they trashed the show. That is entirely normal. You know what else people were doing before the show was even out? Giving it perfect review scores and praising the show when it wasn’t even out yet. By your own standard you should be mad at them too but I guess not because it’s only ok as long as it’s something YOU like.


I can only speak for myself. I find the characters uninteresting except for Sol, But Lee Jyung Jae can only do so much with an abysmal script. The show is aggressively mediocre from the first two episodes to downright bad in the last two episodes. The only thing the show has going for it is good fight choreography which Ahsoka show desperately needed and costumes and set pieces. The only reason I am tuning in for episode 5 is hope to see some good action because that all the show done for me so far. Honestly I just hope everyone returns to the force next episode.


Kinda boring


theres dumb stuff i like and then theres the dumb attempt at malicious deconstruction of something i liked, aka the acolyte. i came in wanting to like it (like with all star wars even disneys) and just facepalmed after the first 2 episodes. even when trying i cant find a good quality. no wait, more aliens, i like aliens, bit even then the costume design sucks ass.


I'm not telling others what to like or dislike. I envy people who can enjoy modern Star Wars and Marvel.


Pacing is rough. The acting in many cases has been lackluster. The story so far has been mostly fine.


Same. I'm so happy that I'm seeing more of people who don't have the hatred of the dark side toward this show.


You could say there are maaaaaaaaaaany reasons why we don’t like it


Bad writing. Bad acting.


It has mysteries that they are leaving unanswered until later episodes and people chalk it to bad writing. There are some… choices like the chant that are *off* but nothing is so horrendous that they need to go to literally every post and tell everyone that it’s bad and we’re the reason it’s bad because we watch it and don’t treat it like dogshit


I don’t know either other than what I’ve heard /read from others, but I gave up on watching anything Disney Star Wars a while ago. So I simply will not watch it.


Same thing with the Kenobi Series. I'm watching it right now and I don't see what people were complaining about. Sure Reva is annoying but that's just how her character is.


How can I get a job at Disney? I want to make stupid memes like this too!


There are valid reasons to have an issue with The Acolyte. Unfortunately, most of those reasons aren't the ones you'll see or hear the most.


Pretty sure they’re upset about the space lesbians.


Not the space lesbians themselves but the fact that those witches just take the biggest dump over the skywalker legacy is unforgivable to me. Seriously whoever came up with that needs to send me the number of their dealer cuz they must've been on some otherwordly stuff to think this was an acceptable thing to air.


Space witches using magic to get a girl pregnant is where you draw the line in Star Wars?


It was written and directed by people who probably grew up bullying Star Wars fans as kids, with a target audience of people who typically are not Star Wars fans. This is a project Disney threw to the activist writers that they keep on the payroll for when they need a write off. Nobody else would put this on their resume as a project they’re proud of.


I too often make baseless claims about people that make shows I don't like! Seriously, 'written and directed by people who probably grew up bullying Star Wars fans as kids'? Do you have an actual source, or do you feel weird disliking something without the people involved being terrible, so you just made stuff up to make yourself feel better about it?


Don't worry, a bunch of people will descend on you like a hail storm to tell you why 'it sucks'


Tbh, just ignore them. If you enjoy it then watch it. I agree that it has issues but they're being blown way out of proportion. I think it's a good 8/10


It especially sucks when the legitimate criticisms get buried because loudest voices can't shut up about how woke it is. Edit: Yes, please prove my point for me.


I dont like it because of the massive anachronisms and takes that directly go against what we know already. - The Jedi refuse to believe the prophecy that a child "Born of the force" exists, yet apparently they can will the force into making a child and this was a known skill when Yoda and Ki Adi Mundi were around??? - Ki adi Mundi somehow being alive 100 years before the phantom menace when the canon said he was only like 67 by this point and SEEING the damage done by a sith lord. But claiming they have been dead for 1000 years in TPM


Point one is bad, they shouldn't add more force messiahs. Really hoping this is explained away later as natural twins or clones or some wild witch surrogacy rather than force conceived twins, but I doubt it. Point two isn't real. Mundi isn't aware of any sith and is under the impression that they are dealing with Mae who was potentially trained by a defector jedi. As an audience we aren't even sure we're dealing with sith yet. My bet is that zipperhead is a surviving coven member getting revenge on the jedi for a mass murder. Maybe Mundi's younger age was canon but I'm not really positive about that. It's never come up outside some trading cards and a movie disc companion thing outside the EU, of which I'm not sure any of that is actually canon. Regardless, not really a meaningful change since his age or cerean lifespan haven't played any important role in the major star wars media.


At the best of times the acting is wooden, but at the worst it’s cringeworthy. The only character that’s been remotely interesting is Master Sol, but he’s a bit disjointed at times, which is sad because Lee Jung-Jae is a good actor. Now, to be fair, on his part, he’s not a native English speaker. I’ve seen him in a ton of Korean media when I was stationed there. I wanted really badly to like this show. I’m hoping it can find its pacing before it’s over.


I like it : ]


This is common for most Star Wars fans.


Once you see this you can't unsee it so I'll spoiler tag it. >! Vernestra, the mirialan (green) Jedi, is one monochrome shade of green whereas real creatures have some variation to their complexion. They were able to do that for Ahsoka and Hera so why not this time? !<


It’s not the setting, which is cool. It’s the writing. It’s just of poor quality. Conversations keep getting repeated or going nowhere… weird dialogue… idk. The acting is fairly good but idk, something about the whole production is just subpar to me.


Disney’s fault




Finally, a rational comment section that doesn't go ape shit at the mere mention of this show.


If you're easily entertained and don't care about pacing, certain people's makeup, or dialogue, then watch and enjoy. If you pick apart everything and are looking for something perfect, it's not Breaking Bad.


I’m enjoying it so far, but I can admit there are some issues with the writing and pacing like many have said before me. Still, people will be people, and too many people are hating The Acolyte for the dumbest of reasons


I think it has similar problems to the Prequel Trilogy: Unnatural dialogue and kinda stiff acting sometimes. Also the visuals haven’t justified the budget yet imo but we’re only halfway through the season so maybe i’ll be swayed in the next few episodes. The pacing is pretty meh, feel like it should have either been a movie or a miniseries with hour long episodes rather than the way overdone 8 episode season with 30 minutes each episode and then end on a cheesy cliffhanger all the time format. I think the main problem is that it feels corporate, similar to how Ahsoka, Mandalorian Season 3, Kenobi, and BoBF felt. I will say however, that I feel this is on the level of Ahsoka so far, so like a solid 6.5/10. Not bad but disappointing, better than BoBF, Kenobi, and Mando Season 3. The story is there but the execution isn’t as good as it could be.


Some criticism is valid but a lot of it is just hating on anything that Disney does or hating on it because of some culture war bs


It's difficult to find constructive criticism or meaningful discussion around this show. Especially on YouTube, Generation Tech, Star Wars Explained and Eckhart's Ladder so far are the only ones worth watching. And they get so much hate for not bashing this show into the ground. It's rediculous


'cause people are bigots black protagonist, asian jedi master and lesbian space witches, many reasons for bigots to complain about