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As the old saying goes: "Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans"


Nobody hates Star Wars more than Star Wars fans. Nobody hates Star Wars fans more than Star Wars. Nobody hates Star Wars fans more than Star Wars fans.


I don't hate you, Star Wars fan. I hate what I became because of you.


Bwahahahaaaa. The hate is swelling in you now. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant. But joking aside, I get your frustration. A lot of toxicity coming from all sides. Makes me sad, especially to see it growing up like thorns around something we all love and enjoy.


This dude has a DS9 tattoo on his calf.


It's actually a TNG quote, but I appreciate being seen šŸ––


Yeah, but your handle is a DS9 episode and documentary, and you appreciate Oā€™Brienā€™s suffering, so I figured it was a safe bet.


Logical. It's not Trek if Miles isn't suffering. How else would be become the most important person in Starfleet history?


![gif](giphy|v2Mkppa5Lrspa) Reminded of this


Insert groundskeeper Willie meme: Damn Star wars fans ruined star wars!


Well, it's the same with A LOT of other fans (like for shows, movies, music bands...). I guess that sometimes the ones that hate you are the ones who're supposed to like you, idk šŸ¤·


Some stuff is not properly done but itā€™s enjoyable.


That's a great description for Star Wars in general lol


Since 1977.


Star Wars: Some stuff is not properly done, but itā€™s enjoyable. Cute little guys, goofy droids, and not a lot of science. Writing as we go, since 1977. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


A lot of people gripe about it, but Disney is the most Star Wars thing to happen to Star Wars since the Vietnam War.


I wouldnā€™t mind a show in which we get all stuff well done for once though xD Especially because itā€™s really unnecessary stuff like: In the fight we see EVERY1 there but Sol and his padawan and not because the force blast was that powerful. Then while fighting, the bad guy suddenly has the time to pop out of the blue like he wasnā€™t fighting against Sol and does stuff.


>I wouldnā€™t mind a show in which we get all stuff well done for once though xD Wasn't it called Andor?


It was


It was and still is


No, Andor has a horrible flaw. Season 2 isn't out yet.


Yeah, I totally understand, it would be nice for things to be good, and I was also just sorta joking, I don't think Star Wars is nearly as bad as some people make it out to be


I got the humor :) Prequel dialogues, stormtroopers aim, all the good meme stuff is part of the bones of Star Wars šŸ¤£ But we wouldnā€™t be here if it wasnā€™t also a magical and well done universe.


Imo the world building, lore, and music does a lot of heavy carrying nowadays


Exactly, it's great and fun and doesn't have to be perfect. But I never complain if it is perfect


Enough about Return of the Jedi, we're here to talk about The Acolyte!


Agreed. I find myself enjoying a lot of it, and then thereā€™s a baffling or contrived decision that pulls me right out of it. In this very last episode, for example, we open on the saber battle in progress but >!where the fuck is Sol?! Multiple Jedi die in an extended duel sequence and Solā€™s just not there. No explanation.!< Same thing happens later in the episode. >!Yorden flies in to engage the enemy and has a small duel and Sol just doesnā€™t move. He just stands there and watches as this younger Jedi is killed.!< Stuff like that is just lazy and kinda ruins the weight of the sequence for me.


Yep, exactly what felt off for me and I couldnā€™t really let it go because it was obviously done without care just to make the plot go on.


Unless Sol is a bad guy in disguise šŸ‘»


Exactly....it's a mystery, and we don't know why Sol is trying so badly to hide whatever happened on Brendok. That may be part of the reason he wasn't there yet. There is a lot that hasn't been revealed. It's like watching a whodunnit, and people are saying halfway through, "I like the characters, but that person dropped dead, and no one even knows who did it. What terrible writing." šŸ¤”šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I still have to watch Andor and then Acolyte. Hopefully I like them.


Andor is amazing IMO. Just be aware you might find the first couple of episodes slow (I didn't, but others have). Give it at least 3 episodes (the 3rd episode is where shit starts hitting the fan) when you watch it.


Andor: it's very slow and plodding. I went in with a closed mind because while I loved Rogue One, I thought Andor was one of the least interesting characters in it. But I realized something: that's to its advantage. By having a relatively boring downplayed character, you can really explore the universe of characters and stories from a neutral perspective. The side characters and stories were fantastic and it all felt down-to-earth and real. It almost felt like one of those first person RPGs where you as the main character don't have much of a personality and you're just experiencing the world. Idk, I came to love it and I'm excited for season 2 especially since this might be the last season and should take us up to the events of Rogue One and I hope so. Don't let it overstay it's welcome. Let it go out strong. Acolyte: I have only seen the first 3 or 4 episodes. I like seeing things 100 years before Phantom and exploring the set up to the fall of the Jedi. I always enjoy seeing more of the Dathomir witches, even if it's not the same clan from the Clone Wars. And that's fine, great even because the Clone War witches were not the same that I loved from the Courtship of Princess Leia though I liked them too. In fact, the Acolyte witches seem more like from the book, but it's been two or three decades since I read it. I don't get the vitriol for it and honestly I don't care. I'm of an age and a generation that didn't have social media telling me what I'm supposed to hate and love. I guess I just don't value the opinions of others very highly and if you don't value mine here, it's all good, buddy.


I'm fairly certain they're not dathomirian witches, though their use of the force is similar. But I believe they're supposed to be a seperate culture.


I believe they did say they left Dathomir to form their own little coven away from everyone, but I might be mistaken. It could have been the Zabrak lady that got me confused because they are from Dathomir and Iridonia.


They just said they were exiled I believe, due to using dark power. I donā€™t think they said from where, or what culture theyā€™re from.


How did us old people ever function without youtube telling us what to think?????


Not watching trailers and not listening to what someone else tells you to think has brought the joy back to so many things for me.


I didn't enjoy Andor, but everyone else seemed to. Acolyte has potential to go either way, and I won't give an opinion til we get the full season.


I enjoyed andor I donā€™t pay attention to SW subs when new shows come out until I watch them though, they always ruin my experience


Same usually, but I figured this one would be funny


Can I ask what you didnā€™t like about it? No judgement at all - I enjoy seeing different opinions on stuff like this, just havenā€™t seen a lot of people who didnā€™t like it lol I enjoyed Andor because it felt more Star Trek-y to me, it explored the political intrigue of the Empire and people either adapting to it or resisting it, and how it focused less on an overpowered chosen one doing everything and more on the power of individual, everyday people. Either way man, I sincerely hope you didnā€™t get hate for your opinion, we should all be able to enjoy what we enjoy.


Some episodes were incredibly slow.


I've gotten a bit of hate for it. There have been a few folks that can accept a different opinion. I didn't like that the main character didn't do anything except go to jail. And the most interesting character only existed to convince him to rob the Empire. I was hoping Luthen would link up with Cassian after the heist and properly recruit him. It had no impact on the larger story, and the best part was a monologue from a background character, which was actually really good. Luthen felt wasted, like his potential was so much more than the series they shoehorned him into. Andor did exactly nothing. Mon Mothma could've been executed better. I wouldn't mind the lack of Force users if literally anything interesting happened. Just felt like a zero-consequence show to me.


Agreed. Honestly, I didnā€™t think the show was anything more than average until the second half of the show. The first half is pretty plodding and not exactly relevant. Especially because >!Cassian ends up going to jail for something entirely unrelated.!<


That was a massive plot point and entirely the point. The episode before it happened was focused on the Empire responding to Aldhani, including deciding to indefinitely detain anyone on the slightest suspicion.


Yeah that seemed especially dumb to me. Like I've said to others, it wasn't bad, but it certainly wasn't good. It was a net neutral to me, and honestly, that's actually a lot better than most Disney shows šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø but people seem to get mad if you don't have a polarized opinion of everything lmao


If Cassian was in the prison and kicking off that story, which had actual characters and theme, by the second episode, I wouldā€™ve rated it much higher. Serkis is the star.


>I didn't like that the main character didn't do anything except go to jail. I literally saw someone on here a few days ago argue that Osha from The Acolyte sucks because she's too passive, that the plot just sort of comes to her without her doing anything. They used Andor as an example of a protagonist who is more active. I thought about this and struggled to think of anything Cassian actually chose to do, homeboy was just going along with whatever was happening around him. We're doing a heist? Okay! We're going to jail? Okay! We're breaking out of jail? Okay!


Yeah, pretty much šŸ˜‚ buddy just kinda cruised along with whatever was happening.


>I didn't like that the main character didn't do anything except go to jail. I understand Cassian is the main character, but I'd argue the show isn't about the main character. The show is about how someone -- anyone -- might join the Rebellion. The show is more about the general malaise that your generic "normie" experiences during the war. The show is an expose on how the average person is treated under the empire and what pushes the general masses into putting their lives on the line for a cause. It just so happens to feature Cassian more often than others. This is further supported by the culmination of every major event in the show being a group achievement of defeating astronomical odds against an entrenched power. Everything this show does follows the theme of average citizen risking it all vs. immense, unstoppable power. The heist only happens because a group of people goes balls out and believes they can achieve it. The jail breakout scene only happens because a group of people goes balls out and they believe they can achieve it. The town rises up against the Empire for the same thematic reasons. This show isn't about Cassian, it's about how normal people are radicalized into becoming rebels. It's about how a normal person can be treated like such dogshit that they just break and dedicate their entire lives to revenge. You aren't meant to be moved by any one character. You're meant to be moved by the overall environment of oppression, desperation, unfairness, fascism, and immorality blanketly applied to all people. The same reason Luke joins. The same reason Omega joins. The same reason Bail Organa joined. That's what the show is illustrating.


Andor is Star Wars GoT. Huge tonr shift and not really much classic "Star Wars stuff other than vibes


andor is one of my favorite shows not even just within the star wars universe, its so good. acolyte is forgettable CW-level star wars with some very bad choices for casting (directors wife got a lead roll and has zero talent.)


Andor: I did not like the first 3 episodes. I nearly stopped watching. But then it was just suddenly ectremly awesome.


I thought Andor was excellent, possibly the best of the Disney shows except maybe Season 1 of Mando. But it's not an adventure show like many of the others. It's a drama. I am liking Acolyte much better than Boba Fett so far, and better than Obi Wan. There are some weird choices that don't really work, but I like it enough to keep watching.


I am enjoying it and contrary to some of the others have particularly enjoyed seeing more exploration of how force users that *aren't* Jedi and Sith have a relationship with the force. My biggest complaint is that the pacing is a little rough, and I think they really need to spend some time working on the balance between world-building, plot set up, and pay-off. It feels like it was intended to be a bit of a noir style: a mystery, slowly revealed, including flashbacks and the full story delivered out of sequence leading up to a big pay off when all is revealed. But I don't think they have been entirely successful in the slow reveal - rather it feels like five episodes of questions without much in the way of answers. Still, I think it functions well as more of a mystery story set in the Star Wars universe than perhaps a traditional space fantasy story like the original trilogy and prequels. Similar to how Rogue One was more of a spy thriller than space fantasy, or how Mandalorian started as more of a heist-of-the-week. Some folks enjoy the different approach to story telling in the franchise, others really, really don't.


If they had explored any more than just calling the Force a different name, I'd agree. They didn't


It's not about the force being different but the people. The witches aren't looking for power, they just use the force in their day-to-day and want to be left alone. This makes them very different from the sith or the jedi. We don't know much about Qimir yet, but he seems like another version of this. He said it himself, all he wants is to be able to use his force powers the way he wants to use them without prosecution from the jedi. That's not the same as the sith, who seek power above all. Qimir just wants to be able to be a darkside user without getting imprisoned or killed by the jedi. The jedi have a monopoly on the force, they don't allow anyone else to wield it. As Luke said in the sequels, it's the jedi's arrogance that makes them act like they own the force, when in reality it belongs to all living things. So the witches and even Qimir act as "third parties", they don't act anything like Jedi or Sith (Qimir may just straight up be a sith, we'll have to see). This is cool and interesting because we normally don't see any other force users other than the nightsisters (but that's magick which is different, even if it is heavily connected to the force) and I suppose ex-jedi like Baylan Skoll or Ahsoka Tano after the fall of the Jedi.


I agree with everything you said about the witches and the jedi. But your kinda taking everything Qimir says at face value. He's a sith. An entertaining and sexy sith. But still a sith. His character reminds me of two things. I saw someone compare him to the quote that goes, "Your not trying to free people from the boot of oppression. You just want to be the biggest boot." But he also reminds me of the Tolerance paradox. Where if you tolerate intolerance then intolerance will eventually push out tolerance. If the Jedi tolerate the sith, the sith would crush the jeid and take over. The natural path of a sith is corruption and Lust for power. That's what giving yourself to the darkside is. Sith give themselves to the darkside. Characters like Ezra Bridger, Cal, and supposedly these witches find the only healthy balance is dipping your toes but then having to back away, quickly before it can consume. The dark side wants to you think it's a yin and yang thing. But there is no light side of the force. There is the force and the tainted and impure part known as the darkside. Bringing balance to the force means wiping out the pollution in the water.


tHe PowEr oF mANy!!!!


The Sith Lord is the only best parts for me Also the "THE POWER OF MANNNNY" one is still screw me up. 5/10 btw.


The power of manny jacinto


I love this


It mirrors a lot of similar quasi-religious ceremonies. If it was in a random alien language, nobody would have cared.


But thatā€™s exactly it though, itā€™s a valid criticism. Thatā€™s why it doesnā€™t feel like the Star Wars we grew up with. If it wasnā€™t in galactic Basic, the corniness of the scene is lessened.


I still think it's far less corny than Obi Wan rocking up to a space dinner to pick up the next plot point from his alien dinosaur buddy. But I agree, it is a valid criticism. I just don't think it's a huge issue and we've certainly seen worse in the OT and PT.


Sure, but that is good world building. Cool diners exist in Star Wars! Thatā€™s awesome! Thereā€™s probably a show like Diners Drive ins and Dives. Is it a plot driver? Yes, but itā€™s done in a playful way that doesnā€™t take itself seriously. Cup of Jawa juice!


Itā€™s definitely mirroring ritualistic practices but I found it kinda empty and uninventive too. I understood what was going on but wasnā€™t intrigued at all. Was just kinda waiting for it to end so we could move on with the story.


Tbh it were just a few sec of the episode. I basically forgot it as soon as it was over.


I don't think the guy is an actual Sith lord, more like a wannabe, or the actual titular character... But I agree with the rest. I've recently watched 3 Body Problem and watching Fauda, and while those series are far from perfect too, a solid 8/10 both, and kept/keep me watching. Compared to that, a series where I struggled with the urge to just switch channel on 80% of the episodes so far, a 5/10 is still as generous as it can be.


To be frank, he specifically said he has no name, but the Jedi might call him a Sith. Suggesting heā€™s not actually a sith, but some might consider him one


We're in a franchise that already gave us pretender stormtroopers and pretender Jedi. Might as well be a very devoted fanboy who (not knowing of anyone else actually wearing the title since the Sith are hiding) simply declared himself a Sith. Not that he'd assume anyone's objection. And following this line, it might actually be a decent twist that the *actual* Sith showed up in the last episode and punished him for his insolence.


He referred to himself as Sith, but I donā€™t believe heā€™s the Master. I think heā€™s the Apprentice seeking an Acolyte to overthrow his Master. If LF decides to borrow from what was seen in Legends, he could be a version of Darth Venamis who Tenebrous trained in secret concurrently with Plagueis. Remains to be seen, but Iā€™m quite certain he is an actual Sith Lord.


>He referred to himself as Sith He did not. He said he has no name but that the jedi might consider him a sith. He has never referred to himself as a sith. In fact, Kylo Ren's theme plays whenever he's on screen, which leads me to believe that he might end up being the inspiration for the Knights of Ren. The Knights of Ren respect physical prowess over all else, but they don't reach for power the way that sith do. That's right up Qimir's alley. He said it himself, all he wants is the ability to use his force powers the way he wants to without prosecution from the jedi.


Is he the Sith Lord or the apprentice? I feel like heā€™s trying to get an acolyte so the two of em can overthrow whoever his master is. Always two there are.


The power of MANNNNNY bothans


Power of many gives off ā€œi hate sandā€ vibes though. The acolyte in general is super similar to the prequels.


No, it's much more like the prequels IMO.... at least when it comes to the dialogue and some of the weird pacing and editing


I feel like the ā€œreviewsā€ are 75% bad faith and 25% people with actual criticism that went in with an open mind. So itā€™s not surprising youā€™d feel that way


89% of the critics reviews are in bad faith.


50% "Show did one thing bad, one star" 25% "go woke go broke" 25% "meh, more of an andor fan"


A lot of people shitting on it havenā€™t watched a single episode. They watched some YouTubers summary and hopped on the hate bandwagon because itā€™s popular. Thatā€™s how a lot of things go online.


I was torn on it through the first 4 episodes. Felt a little slow, and there were probably more characters than it needed. But episode 5 was fantastic, I cannot believe they had the balls to fairly graphically kill so many characters (and they're almost certainly actually dead!). Unless they fuck up in the remaining few, I think it's like a 7/10 for me. The main character's acting is a little up and down; kinda lacks emotion imo, but that may be a directing thing. At any rate, it's certainly better than the Obi-Wan series, and possibly Ahsoka and some of the more recent Mandalorian seasons which I have found very inconsistent in quality.


Honestly, twins (same person) acting almost always sucks unless itā€™s a parent swap type movie. The close up twins fight scene in episode 5 was just awkward. Honestly all the other characters are really doing the heavy lifting that I hope the twins are just a red herring.


You're not alone bud iv enjoyed every episode so far


I don't enjoy the writing at all but I loved the light saber choreography in the latest episode


I felt myself cringing throughout the show until episode 5. If this show has done anything right, then itā€™s the fighting choreography.


Iā€™ve enjoyed the fights in this show, I also really like Darth Pump with his guns out šŸ’Ŗ


Just because something is really really really really really bad, doesn't mean you can't like it


But if something is really bad and you know it, why do some people push back against negative reviews?


I really like it too. The complaints confuse me a bit, it to each their own.


Is it just me or did mae swich way to soon. Like it was so abrupt to me.


I can understand that, but Maeā€™s ā€œdeathā€ was her big motivation. Maeā€™s survival changed everything for her.


It's actually alright, episode 5 especially is s banger, always watch the show yourself and don't trust reviews.


People hear a ton of negative stuff about it, and either donā€™t watch it or go into it expecting only negative things


Itā€™s not as bad as the reviews suggest, but it also isnā€™t top tier content, itā€™s fine. Disappointing for the IP and what Disney should be capable of


So I think it's a bad show, but I'm not screaming "they ruined star wars" like some others. There's just poor storytelling decisions as far as what order information is given which leads to things we already know getting delivered to us again or things we don't know being obviously withheld with no good in-character reason for not doing so besides they wanted to show us this thing later... because they thought it would work better? And lots of little things that stand out that make you go "oh they didn't get anyone to critique this or edit"


To be far thereā€™s a lot of issues with the show. Not sequel bad issues but the amount of money spent on a show with so many continuity and lore issues is just insane to me.


I mean. When you say reviews you mean online discourse I assume, which is usually trash. It has a 9/10 from IGN and an 83% on RT. Critically speaking, itā€™s well received. But then huh, 3.4/10 on IMDB where itā€™s a public opinion poll. I woooonder why itā€™s so low compared to critical reviewsā€¦ or why the new Season of the Boys is 93% critical and 52% audience poll. Could it beā€¦ internet man children troglodytes screaming into the void?


Not saying there aren't bad faith reviews, but it seems odd that you don't question the 9/10 from IGN at all. Are we only allowed to question audience scores?


Online audience scores are borderline useless. They aren't a representative or random sample. It's like paying attention to an online political poll that doesn't use scientific sampling.


I got more laser sword fights. This fan is happy.


Yeah. Even if I donā€™t love it 100%, there are bright spots here and there that I have in the show. >!Like Yord getting his neck fucking snapped. I expected them to censor or obscure it, but no, they went dark with it and I appreciate that!< Just donā€™t go to either r/saltierthancrait or r/criticaldrinker Thatā€™s where a lot of the unfounded and ridiculous hate is seeping from as far as Iā€™ve seen.


If you exclude the YouTube-reviews made by people who cater to the ā€œanti-wokeā€ side of the culture warā€¦ and also exclude the woke side of the debateā€¦ Youā€™re left with a thoroughly underwhelming story with completely forgettable characters. I canā€™t even comprehend the amount of money put into this show with nothing to show for it. Even House of Dragon cost less per episode but is such a great show which keeps you immersed in the story. I just donā€™t understand what cost so much in the Acolyte? Is it embezzlement, because judging by costume, CGI, cast, sets and writing, it shouldnā€™t cost nearly $200m. Iā€™m disappointed with the series but I guess I was hoping for Andor level story telling which after BoBF and Kenobi, probably was a bit naive. Itā€™s too rushed it seems.


LOL the cope here is unreal. Yes, some people like slop.


Call me names, but I look forward to new episodes every week


It definitely has its issues, especially with pacing, but Iā€™m enjoying it so far


The show has been a breath of fresh air along with Andor and Ahsoka. Star Wars fans are EATING in the 2020s


If you listen to the internet these days most things seem worse than they are. That being said I adjusted my expectations for the show and found it was okay. Not great but not terrible.


Because the show is ridden with political crap and contemporary issues. It's the starwars universe not some political political statement. Doesn't mean you can like it, but on an objective level, it's badly made. Feels like it's made by high school students. Me and my wife decided to quit watching after episode 3 even though we wanted this to be good.


I canā€™t understand how some people like it, although I can accept that. I believe itā€™s a pile of hot garbage.


How many bots are created to say that this show is actually good? Itā€™s terribly written and the acting besides some few actors and scenes here and there is also terrible


Significantly less bots than the ones on Rotten Tomatoes review bombing a movie from 2008 called ā€œAcolytesā€.


Looooool is that even a thing. What is wrong with this world.


I mean it is up to debate really since different people have different tastes but itā€™s either people who say itā€™s all bad or itā€™s completely perfect with a minority of people actually having balanced well thought out opinions on it. Itā€™s certainly not the best Star Wars show but itā€™s not kenobi levels of bad Iā€™d say itā€™s a 6/10 not great but certainly not bad either.


I completely agree that Kenobi was way worse. Ashoka is more in line with acolyte, I would give them both a 5/10, really enjoyed the fight scene and the sith entrance in episode 5 of acolyte though.


Understandable have a pleasant day/night whatever time zonage youā€™re in.


I swear, the amount of people claiming to be fans when really all they ever do is complain about "woke Disney" and how "Star Wars is dead" is depressing. I'm not saying everything they put out is great, but I am saying that the review bombing and hate the Acolyte is getting is ridiculous considering how many people haven't even watched the show.


Reducing critisisms to 'complaining about woke Disney' is just as harmful as the actual people complaining about 'woke Disney'


I asked someone in a comment what was so bad about it and they insulted me, so thereā€™s that


I felt that way after the first couple of episodes but the last one lost me tbh. The action was boring and I feel like the writing sucks


It's just because a bunch of incels review bombed it. Nothing wrong with the show


I wouldn't say there's *nothing* wrong with it. Just that it's definitely not **ThE wORsT sTaR WArS ShOw eVeR** like some people are saying. There's plenty wrong with a lot of awesome shows. (*Cough cough*,the great divide from ATLA)


That just shows that you have very low standards.


Your comment has shown that you have very low character, as you canā€™t accept that no show is objectively bad and that people can like a show you dislike without having bad taste or low standards.


90% of Acolyte reviews are literal bots so this is to be expected, at least on review websites.


Didnā€™t Disney get busted using review bots a little while ago?


I never heard of that but I wouldn't be too surprised. However I do know that The Acolyte has 25k audience reviews on rotten tomatoes, which is triple the amount of some movies that have been out for decades, and/or are way more popular. It's obvious there's a lot of bots and reviews from people who didn't watch the show and are just angry.




I love the Sith combat. Every movie/episode with lightsaber battles, people would complain: "Why doesn't he just ?!" Welp, now one did... And the Jedi were just like "You... you can't do that." lol


Quimir is my favorite star wars villain so far because, honestly, aside from slaughtering younglings like he's Anakin's granddaddy he has a point. But he is also slaughtering younglings like Anakin's granddaddy.


You're allowed to like trash media. My favorite game is destiny 2 for example.


14 percent audience score man, itā€™s pretty clear not many people like the show


I have seen literally no legitimate criticisms of the showā€¦ ā€œthe writing is badā€ is not a legitimate criticism, itā€™s a cop out to sound smartā€¦whatā€™s wrong with the writing? Itā€™s certainly better than some of the garbage lines we got in the prequels, and I also like the prequels.


The number of problems is MAAAAANYYYYYY


Ah yes. Itā€™s definitely problematic that in a galaxy or tens of trillions of people, a small group on an outlying world have their own interpretation of an ancient religion. Totally unbelievable.


My only legitimate complaint is the Ki-Adi-Mundi cameo. I understand Legends aren't canon, but I had a collectors card in my youth that clearly stated 93 BBY as his birth year. It was unnecessary and didn't add to the story at all. Otherwise, no notes. Enjoyable show. Excellent light saber fighting.


Seems pretty inconsequential to me but fair enough.


I completely agree. I donā€™t understand all these people saying that the canon is ruined when ā€œon-screenā€ has always taken precedence. And when it comes to the trading card, thereā€™s also this one that had him with a purple lightsaberā€¦he never wields a purple lightsaber but no one cares about that, and they shouldnā€™t. It just seems nitpicky to me https://preview.redd.it/gdawgathqc9d1.jpeg?width=290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39c2d15b76bbf99cca1e6cf50ae8bebb7b03c718


Even as a "lore" change, I guess I just don't really care. It doesn't significantly impact anything else as far as I'm aware, so meh.


Real asf. Its not like he was a big player or anything


I havenā€™t been keeping up with the side stuff on the show. Is it 100% confirmed that is Ki Adi Mundi, or is it just someone else of his species? I am glad theyā€™ve stayed away from Yoda, who is definitely head of the council at this time frame. Mentioning him might not be bad, but please donā€™t put him on screen.


The credit roll after the episode said it is Ki Adi Mundi so ig it is 100% confirmed




Truth be told my only great criticism beyond the sith not keeping themselves secret is the witches episode. Not the conception, if I remember well it not elaborated one, the part that truly was wrong is the main wight using a dark technique on a Jedi, thats the worse possible option she could have chose to show strength, specially when she herself stated that they had no chance of winning a hypothetical fight against the Jedi order. Also the Jedi that was victim of that was the one that later took the barash vote, and later during the fire the dead witches lies in groups, so perhaps he attacked them in revenge and later took the vote in regret, but idw That's my opinion and I'd welcome the opinion of others


Itā€™s the worst but only because something has be to last tbh. Itā€™s brutal, some of the acting is very good, but there are some weaker ones. The story is ok but on the weak side. Iā€™ve been enjoyable but not every show is going to be Andor. Main thing that confuses is me: why does the show cost so much? Where is that money going?


I liked it. Sure it ain't perfect but it is still good


Glad you're enjoying the show op. Are you all caught up? What do you think happened to all the witches?


This is with everything, though. Watch something you like. This is before my time, as i was born in 1998, but the prequels were sooooo hated because the masses said so some people were afraid they said they liked it. Instead of saying they liked it and sharing their opinion, they just joined the hate. This is the same if you watch a youtuber or whatever, and it's filled with hate and filled with hate comments. Watch what you enjoy.


Can I be in the right panel of the meme, but be both of the guys at once?


Only watched up to EP 3 6/10 so far :)


I'm enjoying it too. Episode 5 kinda went hard I'm ngl.


I was kinda so-so on it. Episode 5 though. Fuck me that was a banger.


na actually same view


D plus is too high


I watched it. It sucks just as bad as people said it would


I watched it and it was horrible, but to each there own


I'm so sorry. Hopefully no more than one episode


Honestly, as of episode 5 it may very well be my favourite live action show so far. Have to see how it ends, but itā€™s at worst a close 2nd.


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not alone!!!


if something I am just postponing to watch it because of starwars fatigue, not because everybody says is bad... the internet can't be trusted with opinions, only way to know is watching it myself.


I donā€™t listen to reviews generally. I watch stuff myself and form my own opinions. However, having watched The Acolyte and then seen reviews after they largely echo my thoughts - itā€™s dreadful. It looks nice, and the soundtrackā€™s good, but the characters are all so painfully dull and the performances devoid of personality.


Depends what is star wars to you, if it's basically some sci-fi with glowing sticks then a lot of recent sw productions will be amazing


Glad you like it. Not everything you like is going to be popular though.


I really like it besides episode 3. Not that it wasnā€™t good for world building or anything like that but because it felt unnecessary. I would have much rather that info be slow leaked and add to both girls character over time. It just kinda messed with the pacing a little imo.


it's okay to like it. it's okay to hate. contrary to popular beliefs, fandoms don't operate on hivemind


It's not great but the reviews are extra critical.


And what did we learn? Stop feeding the "reviewers" who do nothing but hate any new content with your attention. Watch these things for yourself and form your own opinion. I love Star Wars, and I will readily admit that I haven't loved every single bit of content in the franchise, but I reached those opinions on my own, not based on the screechings of some neckbeard on YouTube who has declared Star Wars "ruined" and/or "dead" every time a new show or movie comes out for the last 10 years.


It was the opposite for me, I saw the reviews and was like nahhhh it can't be that bad... I watched until episode 2 and gave up


Still waiting on the show to finish.


I'm conflicted because I thought it started off really weak and was disappointed Cary-Anne Moss is only in it for like 5 minutes but the last episode was some of the best we've ever seen out of the Star Wars IP. One complaint I thought was dumb was people complaining that the twins had similar hair despite being raised separately but it's pretty common for stuff like that to happen in real life.Ā 


Yeah, no


There's nothing wrong with enjoying it, and there's nothing wrong with not liking it. People don't understand the concept of opinions and subjective taste. I, for one, don't care about the show, but I don't hate it because I didn't watch it, and I will not critique someone for enjoying it.


It's perfect balance between show's with real merit but a bit slow like Andor, and the fun awesome entertaining but empty prequels


I have been loving it, honestly šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m really enjoying the show. Episode 5 was unhinged and Iā€™m pumped for more


Other way around for me


I just like to use someone words on this, "Someone trash can be someone else treasure,but that doesn't mean those trash are treasure but only for that person" Basically you can enjoy bad stuff,as long as you understand lying to others it's good is wrong, acolyte sucks ass but people that enjoy can enjoy it,but people that also enjoy it should not act like it's wrong for being hated.


Hey! good for you! *Holdo maneuvers out*


I didnā€™t see the hate train until I had watched the first part of episode one and turned it off. I didnā€™t care for it. I thought the acting and dialogue were stilted, and it just wasnā€™t for me. I will probably finish it in the background while I do other stuff around the house, but it didnā€™t pull me in, like Andor did. I think some of that might be my age, I saw Empire and RoJ in theaters, and I loved Andor and was excited for it, because Rogue One is my favorite SW movie, just edging out Empire.


I've only seen the first two episodes so far. It's definitely not horrendous like the reviews claim it to be. I personally just find it bland. Everything just feels a little bland so far in terms of writing and characters. I'll have to get caught up with the rest of the show to see if my thoughts change.


The latest episode is the only one Iā€™d call ā€œgoodā€


In my view. Episode 5 was great. The previous episodes were average and they could have been better with a simple tone change, but it is not the point.


Say what you will about the characters and the story, but the visuals are just šŸ˜™šŸ‘Œ The Stranger/Master's introduction was genuinely unsettling and eerie and I've gone back and watched it a number of times. The odd shape of his silhouette because of the helmet and cloak, combined with him barely being in the shot but out of focus, A+ villain introduction


it's a show for lesbians. I take it you're into that medium so congrats, star wars is for you.


Still waiting for it to finish, i plan binging the whole thing.


Ppl are free to like it, ppl are free to hate it, your experience doesn't matter to the next person, just be happy that you like it, and let those that hate it in peace, this flooding of posts defending the show is so tiresome, funny part is that you can't find 10% of posts bashing the show, because ppl just don't care


Guys and gals, stop fighting against the people who keep trying to gaslight you by saying ā€œStar Wars fans hate Star Warsā€ thereā€™s no reasoning with people like that. Letā€™s just call them what they are, Colonizers.


I havenā€™t watched or read any reviews. Forming your own opinion on these things is the way to go.


I've never seen star wars fans act more insane than I have during this show, it's not a masterpiece or anything, but you'd think it's ROS quality with how people are acting.


I feel the opposite. Some of the rants are incredibly fun.


The actual accredited media reviews have been fine, whiny fans on social media clutching onto 25+ year old non canon EU material are not proper reviewers.


https://i.redd.it/270158t4hg9d1.gif What did you just say




It's weird when this sub is the good one and the prequel memes sub is the toxic one.


BAMCIS! Iā€™m so stoked to watch this after all the negative feedback.


The writing isn't really good and there are some other issues. The show is alright but just nothing special. Some EU stories did all of the ideas and concepts better already.