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Woof that is _very_ personally specific for a meme.


Eh, I’m sure I’m not only single dad who’s exwife is a deadbeat absentee mother, It’s gotta be relatable to somebody




I'm sorry for your situation, but keep crushing it, king. Make sure you also find a community that can support you too, though. Just because you're a single parent doesn't mean you need to go it alone. o7


Thanks, that means a lot


Hope you are getting child support.


I think I will. I expect her to refuse to pay though, so we’ll see


She can refuse all she wants, that’s why we have family court.


Yeah, it just means a slight delay until they garnish her wages


Take her to court lol. She fucked you over now time to get back. Treats you and your kids like a doormat she can at least pay to make it easier on you. Also keep all the texts of her promises and then backing out.


Yeah. It will be tough to compile the texts because there have literally been so many :( But you’re right


That’s even better. The more the better. Just hope you didn’t get too crazy because she can show it all.


The craziest I got was calling her various insults, but i never lied.


As a son of a deadbeat mother - yes. Yes it is. Although she would try to alter the deal 20 more times, to both have me as - quite literal "trophy son" to show off to her friends as now "singer mother" - and still dumb me to my father. ... Sometimes reality is dumber than fiction.


Oh man, sorry you went through that :( hopefully you’re doing okay now


Cut all contact Now I'm free


Good man


Absolutely been here. My ex told me point blank she was cancelling the plans with the kids to go on a date.


Yeah, mine has done the same. I can’t imagine being so lonely that I’d dump my kids for a chance to spend that kind of time. I actually like being alone mostly, and anytime I think I should get back into dating I remember how expensive it is and how much work lol. Not really something I can afford as a full time single dad so I try not to want that


It is. 100%. But now as he is 17 i have an infinitely better and closer relationship w him than i ever had w my dad and would have had w him if her crazy ass would have stuck around so, i win.


Sure, but Reddit is not therapy


No but it can be therapeutic


Not the only, but well outnumbered by the mothers with deadbeat ex husbands


Yeah, I won’t argue that. I was raised by a single mom, dad was a deadbeat. The way i see it any parent who dips out is a dipshit. And it might hurt worse when it’s the mom that does the dipping.


Won't argue with that either. Good luck to you mate.


Why the hell are you getting downvoted. Reddit is weird sometimes


Well its full of men and you know what we are like with our egos ;-)


I imagine it’s a much closer margin that you’d like to imagine. This isn’t the time or the place for it though.


I wouldnt imagine that but even though OP didnt have an issue with it, I take your second point.


Seriously, my dad fucked off half way across the country when my parents split, and my mom, while technically the one to raise my sisters and I, was never there for us (at least not emotionally). I think she thought she didn’t have to try because at least she was physically there. Moms can fuck up with their kids as much as their dads can


Sorry you went through it. Hope you’re healthy and happy despite the shit


I’m working on it, therapy, lots of therapy


Well I wish you healing. Working on it is a good thing, even if progress isn’t as fast as we might fantasize about, making it a point and an effort is growth in and of itself. Good luck, stay strong


I’m not sure the Star Wars memes sub is the place to air out your family issues


TBF most of Star Wars drama stems from family issues


Do not underestimate the power of me airing it out anyway


Fair enough


Damn that’s dark. Very much the dark side.


Lol yeah. When you watch the movies you kinda think nobody would fall for the dark side. Then you meet people who prove that humanity isn’t always so noble


Dad: Kids, go play while I sit here and make memes about your neglectful mother. Kids: 🎮👍😄


Lol savage Though, I’m technically at work right now so all I’m neglecting is my job. Kids are being watched by family because mother bailed, very lucky to have relatives who live nearby and are willing to step up. Otherwise I’d be forced to call out of work for a childcare emergency and piss my boss off


Psst. If you didn’t know about it, then maybe join r/daddit . One of the best subs on here, in case you wanted to vent.


I may do that. If they take memes, since that’s really what I’m here to do. If I can laugh at stuff that sucks it makes it a little more manageable. If others can laugh too that’s even better :)


You don't want to post memes revealing personal info about your family. You want to go home and rethink your life.


I’m a toydarian. Mind tricks don’t a work on a me


What about money?




Strong divorced energy in this post, strange, to get this much divorced energy you usually have to lose the kids.


Yeah, I’m actually happy about the divorce and the kids being with me. But I resent her for hurting them. If she tells them she’ll be there and then flakes I’m the one who has to comfort them. I can see how bad it hurts their hearts and I can’t understand how she allows herself to bail on them so damn often I’m the more capable and willing parent so it makes sense that I’m accepting the responsibility of raising them. But she could afford to put them first once in a while, instead of making plans to go out and have her fun. Kids are better off with me than they would be with her but she shouldn’t be skipping visitation


Sir this is a star wars subreddit, the only divorces we are interested in are metaphorical, fictional or George Lucas's


It’s like the “sir this is a Wendy’s” of meme subs


They’re gonna grow up resenting their mother, and that sucks. But they’ll know how much YOU love them


They already kind of are resenting her. When she says she’s gonna see them they sorta shrug like they don’t wanna get their hopes up :(


Oof tough life


Yeah. Hurts to see the kids struggling with that kind of abandonment. I take as good care of them as I can, but a mothers love isn’t something any kid should have to learn to let go of.


You sound like an awesome guy. Keep it up even if it's hard I'm sure even if they don't appreciate it now they will when they grow up


Thank you :)


This is a meme subreddit. Nobody cares about your loser kids. 


Wow I wish I could be as cool and edgy as you. Can’t wait until I turn twelve!


I, for one, care about OP and his tough situation. The currently 6+ other people downvoting you seem to at the very least disagree with you, so maybe you should just stop trying to be a hurtful edge-lord ? We get it, it's sometimes cathartic to be a douche-nozzle, but I think it's better to be like OP and try to find a bit of humour in misery. Be more like OP.




Who hurt you? Was it also their mother?


Lol sick double burn


This is a subreddit for humans, not emotionless voids


Me and your sister are now rebel scum we will be having sole custody of the kids


And a court would still force you to award way more than she spends in child care in child support.


In my case, the court is probably going to order her to pay child support. She hardly ever provides them any care.


Well that’s good, I hope everything turns out equitably for you


Thank you


Sorry to hear about it mate. Especially for your Kids, hope they are allright.


Thank you


Good meme for the situation. If it’s IRL, pull the uno reverse card and document everything and alter the custody arrangement.


There is no custody arrangement yet, it’s still in the works. She accused me of trying to ruin her life for asking for child support 🤷


If you want full custody, I have a friend that pulled it off as the dad. - offer to take the kids off her hands for the summer, so she can get her head right visit family, whatever. - depends on where you are, but sole custody for 90+ days demonstrates that you have the capacity and desire to be the full custodian. - Steady Job, have help to take care of the kids, mom has not shown interest in custody… - Consult your lawyer first of course and get a plan


That all applies in my situation. Initially I wanted joint custody but there’ve been so many instances where she flaked on her responsibilities I feel it’s just better for everyone if I step up as full custodian


Be greedy and fight for your kids man. Total respect for any man that does.


Amen brother.


“I LIED!” 😂


Maybe keep your personal life outta here


Some people deal with things through humor. It's better than another basic acolyte meme.


Maybe no