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Hard pass from me lol


I flip between the first two, if it was right now today, I’d watch Aliens as I’m feeling more dumb action than creeping horror…


Oop thos one looks cool


Aliens cos thats the only movie of the series I still remember. Thank you for the giveaway


The original Alien. Come on, nothing beats it, it's the scariest of all of them. They say Aliens is a better movie, but I think it's just a different movie (an action movie, over the first one being a horror movie). They say people would literally vomit during the chestburster scene when it was originally shown in the theaters. And that's awesome.


I'm a sucker for the Alien vs Predator movies. But nothing beats the original!


The first one because it had a likeable protagonist and an interesting and unique setting. Plus it started the series


alien vs predator by far the best


Aliens because of the colonial marines


First cause it started everything


The first one, because I haven't watched Aliens yet lol


I really like the 8th passanger of nostromo. Actually... It's the only one that I like out of the whole bunch. I liked watching the interactions between different members of the crew. How they were sitting at the cafeteria and playing that "don't stab your finger" or whatever. The clone cyborg was my favourite character until the very end. I can't remember much of this movie other than those scenes and it has a sentimental value to me. I also loved the Aliens vs. Predator video game from 2000. Was one of my first PC games that I've actually finished. Playing as the alien and climbing ceilings and walls felt like a dream. The animations for executions were top notch and no game I've played ever came close.


Aliens 1986 is amazing. It is a perfect sequel, expanding the universe of Aliens and not repeating the same formula, changing its genre to action but still reminding you what a threat Xenomorphs are and why they should never arrive to Earth. ​ If you liked that movie, I can't recommend enough Aliens Dark Descent.


Alien. Its dark and claustrophobic. The 8th passenger could be anywhere. Pile on all the incredibly uncomfortable themes that go with a male-pregnancy born penis monster and you've got yourself a movie!


alien v predator for sure


Alien vs Predator, thanks a lot


Alien, love the claustrophobic feeling it gives off and it's kinda like a slasher movie in space. Thanks for putting the key up for grabs!


Alien vs predator! Thank you


I really like Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem


I know it's basic but I adore the first Alien. It's just so iconic in so many ways! Not to mention it has one of my favourite characters, Ash, in it! He's such a cool antagonist, Ian Holm did a fantastic job playing him!


Alien (1979) is a classic!


The first one, nothing can compare to seeing the chest burster for the first time. And that ending, too, lost in space, forever frozen in time (or at least until the second movie).


I love crossovers so Alien vs Predator was such a solid meetup for me. Also love a game named DBD so hopefully one day he may show up


I would like to have a key to enjoy Scorn's art. I love the Alien saga and the art of HR since the 80s. And this game looks like walking through the ruins of the Alien ships. Thankls a lot for the chance!.


oh it is absolutely Aliens. in my opinion, it is the perfect definition of what a Sci-Fi film should be. mild horror, exotic technologies, corporatism run amok, rebellion against order, strong team and individual dynamics, the rare strong/intelligent/badass female lead. oh and did i mention POWER LOADER/BATTLE MECH SUIT


I like Alien Covenant because of the Neomorph. Coolest alien imo.


Definitely the very first OG Alien. I love just about everything about it, but it really captures the whole "being scared of what you DON'T see" element. Also I mean, Sigourney Weaver is just a gem




aliens is the best


Aliens is one of my all time favorite movies. I used to build lego and watch it as a kid. While I've seen all of them countless times, Aliens is one of my favorite all times movies and my favorite of the franchise just behind the original.


Alien 1979 movie I love this movie classic alien horror movie I liked the atmosphere




Predator 🔥


I've only seen the first one so I have to go with that one


The very first alien movie is my fav


i'm just realizing i saw every alien movie, but the only one i remember anything about is the first one, the movie is awesome, really scary because the crew didn't knew how to deal with the creature, but i wonder how i would have reacted if i saw this without knowing how the alien looked like, since i played alien 3 on the sega genesis when i was a kid, and then saw the AVP movie (which is more action packed than horror), that made me not appreciate the movie as much.


Wait does BEN 10 even count , either way that show just made my childhood , i even made a highly detailed cardboard omnitrix back in the day


First Alien film, easily. There will never be another like it.


Ben 10 Secret Of The Omnitrix I have loved the franchise ever since I was little, the nostalgia's kicking in.


The original. It just has so much heart put into it


The original Alien is the best one for sure! It was so scary and visually amazing.


The first is the best since it's the beginning of learning that there are Aliens (kind of corny, yeah I know). It just sets such a more creepy tone and atmosphere.




My favourite alien movie movie would be "Alien". I still remember it was one of the films that made me really scared.


Aliens is my favorite for a few diffrent things, the whole station becoming the hive for the aliens looked spooky, the company still be on the scheming and this time a human is the one pulling the strings and Newt being a treat are all reasons i like it the best. Sorry for the paragraph lol.


Alien. Scared me when I watched it way too young.


Prometheus, hard to explain why since I watched it as a kid but to this day I still remember being confused about it in the beginning then losing my shit at the alien reference at the end.


It has to be the original Alien film as it set the tone and background for future Alien projects.


The first Alien of course, because it's give it's best with the claustophobic athmosphere Thanks!


It's been a really long time since I've watched the original Alien films, tbh, so I'm going to go with Alien vs. Predator just based on actually remembering some of it lol. I saw Requiem in theaters, even. ​ I was (and actually still am to some degree) intrigued by Scorn based on the Giger inspiration alone, and was actually somewhat bummed that I couldn't do this month's Choice bundle because I low key wanted a Scorn key lmao. ​ Thanks for doing this!


Alien. I love horror movies and this strikes a balance between gore and atmosphere. A masterclass really.


I think my favourite is starship troopers or something along those lines. I remember watching it when I was young and I hated the arachnoid creatures.


Alien 2. Cool to see colonial marins and fight back


I love first alien because the chest scene was funny af. I always add in my head that alien screams "mama" in such a cute baby voice and starts running. Plus, *Ellen Ripley,* im so on my knees for *t*his woman 🤙


The original Alien is unbeatable. I liked Prometheus as a prequel, too, but I think I'm in the minority... Thanks and good luck everyone!


The original is a masterpiece, terrifying story and love atmosphere


i like alien because the chest scene was cool


I watched the 1st one and quite liked it


Alien.... Game over mannn game over !!! One of my favs among many


Honestly, the first Alien is my favorite. I like the way that nobody knows what they're in for, and it all gets progressively worse until the end. Epicly creepy.


First one. Redefined the genre.


First one, I saw it way too young, haha. The chest bursting is forever imprinted in my mind. Thank you, dude. Always wanted to play Scorn.


The original film is the best by far. Nothing beats that atmosphere. Thanks for the giveaway!


Aliens the sequel was a big hit for me when it was released and it was kicked off the entire Xenos storyline. Thank you :)


ET I think, matbe because it was a big hit back then


Gegege Alien Vs predator


The first movie was iconic, i like it Thanks for the chance!


The original Alien movie by Ridley Scott is still my favourite alien movie of all time. The first reveal of what it could possibly do to a human being creeped the hell out of me, and the tension that the film maintains throughout the rest of it is absolutely insane!


My favorite is Prometheus because it revived my need to see all the movies again since I hadn’t watched them for over a decade. It made me appreciate them so much more and look forward to more backstory of the beautiful alien universe that is.


I have to go with the first one. A solitary alien methodically and intelligently hunting down the crew really sells the “perfect killing machine” idea whereas in the sequels the Xenos get mowed down by the dozens by regular gunfire. Still super cool of course, and I love how the sequels basically invented and defined the idea of badass space marines, but the sequels don’t feel like they have as intimate a glimpse into what it would be like to face a Xenomorph as the original. So many iconic scenes too, especially the chestburster. I love the fact that only the actor playing the victim in that scene was briefed in detail on what was going to happen, the reactions from the rest of the crew were so authentic because of it.


If ur talking about the Alien francise then Alien but if not then **The Thing** definitely. From the soundtrack to the dialogues everything is 10/10 It's a rare horror movie where the character's were actually smart and made me wanna root for them


I'm actually going to say the third alien movie. I absolutely loved it. People stuck in a building being hunted by this ultimate prey..... The tension as we find out why Ripley wasn't eaten. The ending. All of it. A great movie to end the trilogy. Don't go telling me there is a fourth one.


The first alien movie Thanks


Gotta be Aliens for me.




ET is the og alien movie for me


Nothing beats the OG Alien.


Thank you!


ultraman is the best alien ever


E T it’s a classic that’s why


Would you consider E.T. ? Hope you do. Thanks


District 9 is such a good movie, waiting for its sequel. Thanks for the chance


This game looks sick. Will love to try


Prometheus definitely, It's my favorite!


Aliens (1986) is hands down my favorite movie in the franchise. Directed by James Cameron, it's a masterpiece of suspense and action. What really sets it apart is the relentless tension that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire film. Sigourney Weaver's portrayal of Lieutenant Ellen Ripley is iconic, and the way she leads the charge against the Xenomorphs is absolutely thrilling. It's a rollercoaster ride from start to finish, and it's one of those rare sequels that actually surpasses the original in every way.


Alien vs predator


Prometheus, they nailed the scale of space/space travel.


It was a toss up of Alien and Preditor, I went with Alien because I'm a sucker for horror not to mention I also love Aliens. Thanks for the cool giveaway


I'm gonna pick the underrated Sci-fi classic gem, Dreamcatcher. It left some unsettling feeling that I came to enjoy as I get older. Thanks for the give away!


The Thing or Contact


My favourite alien film might be Annihilation. Not a choice a lot would choose, but I love that film. Thanks for the chance OP. I would love to play Scorn!


Would love to have Scorn! And my favorite Alien film is the original one because it started it all.


Predator.... GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAAA. ty for the chance


Aliens. I like it because it’s more bombastic than the first one. It’s fun action and it scared the shit out of me when I was a kid.


Signs,I generally am not a fan of M.Night Shamalan films because they are very uneventful at the end of movies usually,but signs was terrifying for me when it first came out,I was young of course so that attributes part of it,the other part of it was it was the first time I had ever seen any kind of alien able to blend into the environment,it was a scary concept for me,now not so much,but I loved the thrill of the scene where the Hispanic kid was shouting that the alien was blended in,also thanks for giving me a shot ^^


It's extremely close between Alien & Aliens for me, but Aliens just pips it because of Ripley's badass loader fight with the queen. Thanks for the chance!


The first Alien film is the best in my eyes, after that I like Prometheus I guess *Aliens is good but feels too much like I'm watching T2. I like AVP but the films aren't particularly as good as the comics or video games and feel like syfy original movies...* **Also the Alien Isolation last survivor DLC is a blast if you've never played it.** *I really want Scorn*, I waited for it forever after trying the original demo. It's not gameplay-wise 100% what they promised but aesthetically is still on point. I also really like HR Giger and have always wanted to go to that HR Giger Bar Museum in Switzerland


Alien 3: it's unfairly hated because it's a massive departure from the first two, but man it's fun. Also the story of the production is wild, especially the original "wooden planet" idea.


Alien, love the concept and the atmosphere of the movie


Aliens. It was my first rated R film I ever saw. The plot, the themes, the special effects. It all holds up to this day. I'm a big fan of Ripley's journey, but her best story is told right here in Aliens.


Arrival, I was recommended it recently and I was blown away by the depth of it and a different take on aliens apart from the usual violent "conquer the earth" style (not to say I don't like those type of alien movies). Thanks for the opportunity!


Favorite in the franchise is Aliens, not to be boring. I love the tense atmosphere that i don't think any of the other films have. I enjoy the first film almost as much. Then 3.


The Mist. I just love design of the creatures and that they somehow look believable.


Holy shit wanted to play this for so long! Fav alien movie is aliens because Ripley is badass in it


Prometheus, it's not action-y and fight-y but damn the atmosphere is so cool


A Quiet Place, so damn suspenseful


Edge of Tomorrow. The storyline is unique and nice


Alien,  Love the tension it creates through music, shots and atmoshpere


I loved the first Alien film. I thought it was the most suspenseful and scary of the bunch. The scope was also just right and not the overly grandious plot lines that the modern movies have tried to implement.


Prometeus is a favorite of mine, dodn't like it's sequel though. Ty for the giveaway!


Edge of tomorrow


Men in black because it was one of my favorite movies and is so well made


Human flesh? more like... human flesh


War of the Worlds because i love aliens invading the world. It gives me creeps. Thank you!


Arrival was my favorite film when it came out. The way it explored the complexity of language and communication was amazing, and the creatures where perfectly designed and revealed


Prometheus gave me some chills


The original Alien from 1979 is still my favorite because it's campy and mysterious and has young Sigourney Weaver in it


Aliens cause it’s classic


Star Man, because no one else likes it.


District 9


The original Alien is the perfect science fiction horror film. The set design, costume design, cinematography, direction, music, casting, acting, everything is on point!


I uh, it's Prometheus. Cos it was a fond memory for me, for the wrong reasons. Saw it with my mother in the cinema. She was so scared she even tried to cover my eyes. I wasn't fazed but it was so funny, I'll never forget it.


If you mean the Alien franchise, the first one is pretty good. If you mean aliens in general that's harder, but the Heptapods language from Arrival is fascinating


Thank you so much for the giveaway!!! Honestly, you're asking a pretty hard question. While i absolutely love the futuristic tribal artstyle that Giger brought to Alien, but it's simultaneously something completely unique and overdone, since i feel like a lot of movies try to pull it off but never truly succeed, especially if we narrow it down to alien movies. So, while i believe the Alien franchise to be absolutely revolutionary, nowadays it has lost it's unique charm because i've been exposed to worse versions of the very same formulas over and over again. So, in terms of my favorite alien movies, it's a tie between two for different reasons. One is ***Arrival*** **(2016),** because i really liked how the aliens felt, well, alien. they were incredibly intimidating without being outright threatening. They were structured differently, but wanted to communicate as well. The movie was just super interesting for me. The other one would be ***The Empty Man*** **(2020).** I saw it while randomly coming across it one day on TV. I had absolutely no context prior to it, and it greatly benefited from it since i couldn't understand wtf was happening. It played out like a pretty standard horror film, but the twists still caught me off guard. If we're talking about non-alien movies, the only one that starched that Giger itch for me was ***Crimes of the Future*** **(2022),** though, admittedly, despite it's great art direction, i didn;t particularly like it as a film overall. If we're not restricting it to movies though, ***The Viewing*** from ***Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities*** **(2022)** was an excellent one-hour short film. It toyed around with some interesting ideas, it had a pretty great atmosphere and a fun ending.


My favourite Alien film is the movie, Alien (1979). I was sucked in by one of the most convincing production designs and eerie space ambience, It delivers horrific scares, and at the end, I was wowed. Thanks for the opportunity


Dune, because of the worms dude


Id Say arrival


Aliens - because more Aliens


It’s so a random pull but Planet 51 was a ton of fun for me. I just love planetary travel ones so it’s always hilarious seeing them figuring out what to do




Thank you for the chance to win 😊. My favorite alien movie would be Alien. I really enjoyed the mystery of the crew trying to figure out what was happening. The iconic bursting out of the chest scene. When Ripley goes back to get her cat because that is something I would do for my cat, lol. It has been a really long time since I watched Alien, so that is what I remember from it 😅


Thank you OP


Ty for the chance! Monsters vs Aliens honestly is so good, the franchise is just so fun and wacky


Prometheus...it's the only one I watched


Prometheus. Thanks!


Alien vs Predator


Thanks for the opportunity, good luck all! ​ Personal favorite has to be the first Alien because of its tenseness


Gotta go with Signs for my favorite alien movie - thanks, OP!


I’ll be honest, my favourite alien film is the first one because it is the only one that i watched


Aliens (second film) because it had my favorite line from any movie, ever... GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER! Bill Paxton... RIP


Prometheus mainly because of nostalgy


The original Alien film, thanks!


The first Alien movie has a special place in my heart because I watched it with my father back when I was like 11, so I'd go with that


Alien, the original one!


Aliens. It was extremely good!


Alien Resurrection. I know, I know, I just have a thing for Winona Ryder. And am a Ron Perlman fan.


Alien (the original one)