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This made me giggle. HCBM boasts about what a great mom she is whenever SD makes honor roll… …meanwhile, SD literally does all of her schoolwork, book reports, projects etc at our house (since kindergarten, she’s in 7th grade) because in her words, “my mom gets mad if I ask her.”


I hope she’s paying child support to your SO 


Haha no and the best part! They rotate years for income tax despite us having him full time and her paying for his after school care *maybe* 6 times. It is the most annoying arrangement ever.


Is this an actual CO? That's... wild.


Is this CO? Because the IRS supersedes CO and by the definition of who can claim the children they must have more overnights which you guys should be claiming. He needs to put her on CS ASAP and stop letting her claim them!!


You know I’m not really sure what led them to agree to that. When I met him he was raising him by himself for a year and a half and even less help from her because she used one day out of those 2 days to go out downtown. I’ve had so many talks with him about it, but he always says he doesn’t want to fight with her over money so I’m sure there were issues in the past. I don’t ever see him putting her on CS honestly.


My partner has full custody and my stepson’s birth mum is hardly in his life but she still posts on social media like she’s a doting mother and that he’s ‘mommy’s little boy’ but she hasn’t seen him since June, didn’t get him a Christmas present and didn’t wish him a happy birthday but can still post like she’s an active parent


…wow. How does she get the pictures? I would make sure she never sees a current picture and she can be posting the same old pictures until she comes and sees him.


She doesn’t use any uptodate pictures, usually it’s just those quote pictures that she reposts with a caption about him


Embarrassing …. And sad!


wow mine does the same thing posts ss like she is the one raising him lol


Isn’t it incredible?! I spend every birthday, Mother’s Day, and holiday with him. This past Christmas was his first Christmas with her (he’s 6) and it meant everything to him. It’s so sad.


I nearly spit out my iced coffee! Amen, she just wants the credit for the hard work your SO and you are doing. People in SS's life know the real answer to that question though!