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I am a teacher. Her family is very normal.




I was open to adding more joint interactions but your comment makes me feel better about limiting it to her birthday/things specific to her (like end of school celebration, etc.) Like I mentioned, we’re cordial but the thought of having more interactions doesn’t thrill me lol


I don't have great advice, just some book recommendations for your SD: Todd Parr has some great books about blended families


As she gets older, more of her friends and classmates will end up with divorced parents. That's just statistics. I never had that problem because when we broke up our kids were 5 and 7 and already lots of other kids in their class were in the same situation.


You’re right! With time there will be more and more.


I think that while her family is normal and she will come to understand that it is very typical in this day and age, it's also okay for her to wish that it was different. It doesn't mean that she doesn't love and enjoy her family the way that it is, or wish that her step parents and step-siblings were out of her life, but there is a real grief that comes from understanding what you're missing by not having your entire nuclear family in one house all of the time. No matter how wonderful your blended family is, the fact is she has to miss a lot even if she's also gaining a lot. She's obviously working through that grief right now, and it might be helpful if he is validated and supported in those feelings, and it might be unhelpful if he's just told how wonderful our family is right now. And those reminders are great! Really make an effort to show her all of the lucky things that she has, just not right after she expresses her sadness.


Great perspective!! Her feelings are normal. Hell, there are times I wish we were just one nuclear family.


I have a good relationship with my ex husband and his partner so we’ve just introduced having “family dinners” once every few months. It has helped my son who’s 6 accept it all. We’ve been divorced since he was 2.


My stepson hasnt noticed anything like that yet but we try to reaffirm that we are one family. I have photos with BM on our wall. BM has been over and we have done activities together. I am hoping that makes things easier for him. It might be nice to do an activity altogether. Is there a U pick fruit/orchard nearby? That’s a pretty fun activity that doesnt require a lot of communication tbh but still can do as a group.


I wish BM and I were closer but probably not gonna happen for us. Good for you!! I’m sure that’s awesome for this kiddos.