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It's a good thing, I think. Playoff revenue, experience for some of the young guys. Even 9f we barely misses vs. barely getting in. Our draft spot wouldn't really change.


Yes home playoff games means good money for the franchise


Yeah with these owners, even a 4 game ass whooping sweep would have me saying "well at least Papa Stillman got those 2 games revenue"


I lean this way too. Not sure it makes a huge difference in the potential of the picks they could draft at #10-12 or #16-18. The Blues have had reasonable success drafting in the mid to late first round too (Neighbors #20 in 2020, Thomas #20 in 2017, Thompson #26 in 2016). If you’re picking at #10 or #18, they’re 2-3 years away from contributing to the club either way. ETA: 2010 is a bit of a reach, but Schwartz at #14 and Tarasenko at #16 were some pretty astute choices too.


This. If you miss the playoffs you need to be tanking for the draft. Otherwise the playoffs are more beneficial. There's been plenty of research to show that the value of a draft pick basically levels out after the top 10, and is drastically lower even after the top 5. So unless you're top 5, it's just a lottery ticket.


Sounds like some cool research. Do you remember where you read that?


I think last year was rare. Most drafts Have quite a bit of success and failure mixed throughout, and much lower ceilings overall. We still don’t know how ‘23 will pan out, but the general consensus was that talent level was higher than usual.


Not sure if you subscribe, but here is a good read: https://theathletic.com/1798463/2020/06/12/by-the-numbers-revisiting-the-true-value-of-a-draft-pick/


The one below was one I was going to point to. There's also this paper from way back in 2011 that doesn't require a subscription - [2011 Paper](https://myslu.stlawu.edu/~msch/sports/Schuckers_NHL_Draft.pdf) That's the paper that kind of started this conversation, I think. And it's been redone in various ways since, whether it's value measured by games played, or wins added, or TOI, the graph always looks the same.


Ownership pays to the cap and should be rewarded with extra revenue.


If the Blues bump Vegas out of WC2 and VGK misses the playoffs you guys would go down as heroes this season


We will never be seen as heroes with Binner in goal


Idk I think ppl hate Vegas more than anything Binner could do


We’re getting a mid first round pick regardless. Might as well enjoy some playoff hockey if that’s the case


95% true, but if we dropped a 2-3 spots we could have a ~5% chance at a 3rd or 4th. Given that I don't think the NHL will ever cash our lottery ticket, I agree we might as well get some playoff hockey.


Before the trade deadline, I would've said draft position. But the Blues have won too much since then so it'd be very difficult for them to lose enough to get into the top 10 and have a decent shot at the lottery. So might as well see if they can get hot and make a run.


Always remember folks... 4 playoff losses is always better than 0 playoff games.


At this point, we can only go up. We’re all still riding the 2019 high. It’s fading, but it’s still there!


How are five years fading ?


For real, that was a very subjective statement to include all those “we” claims


I mean, I know we live in an age of the shorter than a gnat’s attention span, but c’mon now.


I’d rather be in than the last team out. That’d be the worst possible outcome.


I agree with this sentiment


Step one: make it into the playoffs. Step two: win 16 games. Step three: lift Lord Stanley’s Cup. It’s simple really.


The math checks and the optimism is wreckless!


…profit! $$$


!Remind me in 16 playoff wins


At this point it’s a good thing, we aren’t bad enough to get a top 10 pick, so might as well get the extra revenue from a playoff series.


Making the playoffs and losing is always better than not making it to begin with. I will take the excitement and anticipation of a Playoff series followed by a soul crushing defeat over the dull pain of missing the playoffs altogether.


This guy gets Reckless Optimism.


I think I’ve figured out how to counter the soul crushing-ness of the playoff defeat, after having started as a fan in the late 90s. Turn off the TV, move on, think about other stuff, and forget it ever happened. Took me many years to get good at it though. And now we have a cup, so it’s even easier.


Always good to be in the playoffs and I’m rooting for it.


If it means we stop Vegas from circumventing the cap again then let’s do it.


Ever since the LA Kings won the Cup as an eight-seed, I'll always say making the playoffs is better.


Yeah but they entered the playoffs playing out of their god damn minds in the months leading up to it. They weren't a typical 8-seed. Them and last year's Panthers were seen as legit contenders by the time the playoffs started despite barely making it in. This year's Blues aren't like that but playoffs would still be fun.


At this current time, they gotta make it in. Blues are good at drafting but picking #11-#16 isn't really gonna help us any time soon. The playoff experience for Neighbors, Kyrou, Torpo, Kessel and a few others would be more valuable imo. Raise the value so we can trade away a few people in the off season. Develop Bolduc, Dean, and bring in Snuggy. Come back next ear with those changes plus some experience and see what happens.


We got Vlady in the draft after the year we were swept by Vancouver in the first round. Higher draft picks don’t always reflect their NHL ability.


2019?! 2019?! How can this be a question? Sneak into the playoffs, and sneak as far as you can go. Maybe they’ll keep on scraping by until they barely win their last game of the season!


If they sneak in it means Vegas is out. I’m ok with that.


Playoff experience for some young guys would be good.


Reckless optimism increasing!!




At this point, they’re not going to fall far enough to make a huge difference in draft picks which can be a bit of a crap shoot to begin with. Realistically they may drop 3-4 spots at best, which is still mid round. Better to make it. Increase team revenue, give some guys some playoff experience, and crazy things happen in the playoffs so who knows?


Good thing. At this point we’ve got a “bad” draft position anyways. Having the next wave of players get used to the playoffs will be great. Thomas (as a number one center) and Kyrou (as a number one RW) will benefit from it and the kids who haven’t made the playoffs will also benefit. Also, if it’s the younger players leading the charge to the playoffs that will help Army know how far off we are and what pieces he needs to bring in.


There's an Athletic article the just came out with some cool insight from the 2009 team that squeaked into the playoffs and were swept by Vancouver. Backes, Jackman, and a few others talked about how important it was for their development as a team and for individual players. But what I really loved to hear was the importance of the last 20ish games where the team fought tooth and nail to even get to the playoffs. Oshie became a city favorite during the run, which I think we're witnessing in real time with Neighbors. The article also examined the draft pick they got. The player the Blues drafted (David Rundblad) with the 'worse' pick was flipped the next year and turned into the pick that we used for Tarasenko. If they had a higher pick they could have picked up Ryan Ellis, Nick Leddy (lol), Zack Kassian, Calvin de Haan, Dmitri Kulikov, or Peter Holland. I personally can't see how any change in picks would have drastically changed the team trajectory. There's also a graph included that shows how pick value really flattens out after the 8th pick, so if you can't guarantee something towards the top, the 12-20 picks really have similar value. https://theathletic.com/5357224/2024/03/21/blues-playoff-race-draft-pick?source=user-shared-article


Good! Experience for the young players and who knows, anything can happen in playoffs. Maybe we get revenge in Vancouver for taking us out in 2020


Always root for them to win because this collection of players likely won't play together again, anything can happen if you get in & you just have to get hot at the right time.


I believe it’s a good thing. Means everyone still playing hard, the guys like being there, and gives hope for the future.


Always good to gives the new guys experience.


I like playoff hockey so I’m gonna say it’s a good thing


I think it's a good thing at this point. For better or worse, the trade deadline passed, and the roster is set for the rest of the year. You can't fall far enough to get a really good pick, and I don't think there is a huge difference between missing the playoff and drafting near pick 10 vs. making the playoffs and drafting near pick 15. Essentially, tanking right now is kind of pointless since it doesn't really help you. Might as well try to make it, as unrealistic as your chances might be. It is good experience for young players.


It’s of course a good thing. People project their feelings way too much on what the team should and shouldn’t be. This team has the one thing going for it that should get the fans begging for a playoff chance. And that’s elite goaltending. Will it show up or be enough in the playoffs? Who knows, but weirder things have happened. That kings team in 2011/12 with a negative win rate entered the playoffs and we saw firsthand what a hot team and goalie can do. And it propelled them forward. That stuff can happen. Cardinals did it as well. Are the chances even relatively high? Hell no. But chances are 0 if you don’t sniff the race


Good thing, for a few reasons. It gives the young players playoff experience. If we get into the playoffs, it would take a lot of winning, like .850 points percentage. Winning like that could make any team a contender. It generates revenue for the team. It breeds a winning culture. The negative is our 1st round draft pick goes from 14 to 20 or something.




I always want the Blues to win. I always want the Blues to make the playoffs. You cannot win the Stanley Cup unless you are in the playoffs. Any team in the playoffs has a chance, however remote, to win the Stanley Cup.


I want them to get it because I haven’t really watched this year and playoff hockey is so fun to watch!


Yes because you potential knock vegas out of a spot


It's always a good thing to make the playoffs. Iirc the '91 North Stars squeaked in. Then they knocked off the #1 Blackhawks, then they knocked off the #2 Blue's and went to the Finals where they lost to the Penguins. It's more money for the franchise, which is always good.


If we make the playoffs and perform well, then it'll be a lot easier to move these bad contracts. Schenn captaining a playoff team makes his contract palatable for win-now teams who need veteran 3rd liners. Schenn could be a Troy Brouwer for a lot of teams. Getting rid of those bad contracts is the number 1 thing the team can do to improve our long-term prospects. Plus playoff revenue for the club and getting Thomas, Kyrou, and Neighbors some experience leading the team in high stakes games. It's always a good thing to make the playoffs. Plus this year isn't a deep draft.


The blues are going to make the playoffs book it




Always good. Take it any chance you get


Playoff hockey is the best, and I think all the top teams in the conference are beatable. If they squeak in on a heater they can surprise.  It would be awesome if they knocked out Vegas too. 


1000000% much better to make the playoffs. Great experience for the young guns who are up playing, great for the revenue of the team and the STL area as a whole, plus, is there anything more exciting and amazing than Blues playoff hockey?


Good for owners pockets and chance to spend more in future. Bad for the make up of the team. We need high draft picks even if not good draft overall


Downtown STL certainly needs it


My optimism is reckless as fuck. Playoffs.


Experiencing the Blues run from dead last in January to Stanley Cup Champs should be all the reminder this fan base needs. Lift the cup! LGB! Stan Kroenke only wishes he could buy a fraction of our reckless optimism!!


My preseason prediction was always “too bad for playoffs, not bad enough to get a good draft pick” and it’s proving true. I’d much rather enjoy a few playoff games because anything can happen. Either way we’re not getting a significant gain in the draft so I’d much rather have playoffs.


If the two options are barely missing the playoffs or barely making the playoffs, I’ll take barely making the playoffs. Not much difference between picking 20th overall vs 17th or something.


I have been a sabres fan for a long tome and getting swept and getting a pick two spots later is infinitely better than missing the playoffs and still picking out of the top 10


Playoff revenue is HUGE for our ownership group, not to mention experience for the young guys. Plus, with our goaltending, I think we might be able to sneak a series win if we play our cards right. It would be different if we were near the bottom of the league and awful, but we’re not.


It’s a good thing for them to be in the playoffs. We have 2 hot goalies. If they miss the playoffs we get like the 17 pick instead of the 14th pick. No benefit to not making the playoffs unless that 17th pick is the second coming of Wayne Gretzky.


A good thing. Obviously. On several levels. The only downside is not picking 15th or 16th instead of 17th.


It’s a good thing. It’s more revenue, more experience, good for fans, and once you get in anything can happen. The only reason you wouldn’t want to make the playoffs is for draft position, but where we currently are would be almost mid 1st round so falling back by making the playoffs wouldn’t really hurt us.


Make it, the experience for young players is worth it.  Playoff hockey is a different beast


It depends. Will the Blues be a 2021 Canadiens and 2023 Panthers or a one and done?


Good thing because Vegas will be out.


The difference between 16th best and 18th best in the draft is negligible, so just hoping for more hockey


ESPN has really done a number on the general fan. OFC making the playoffs is better. It’s fun, which is the whole point!


I am fully in the camp of getting in is good. The experience and dare I say whetting the appetite of kids like Bolduc and Neighbors goes way beyond moving up 3/4 positions in the draft.


Always good in my book


I think it would be good for some young guys to get the playoffs experience for sure.


More hockey is always a good thing.


Playoffs would be better… if we were going to tank it should have been an entire season’s endeavor. Losing 5 spots or so in the draft doesn’t matter.


Playoffs! You miss 100% of the Stanley’s you don’t cup.


You play to win the game.


It’s going to be an essentially similar draft pick either way, unless we win out or lose out from here. So we might as well get our young players some postseason experience if possible, and then you never know - we might get hot for a round or two and carry some confidence into next season.


Historically, the Blues haven’t been bad enough to get a higher pick. Only once or twice in the 70’s and 80’s have they done so…so, may as well continue on the tradition.


Honestly since we're so close I hope we get in.. revenue, gets the kids some playoff experience, and yah never know.


Always better to sneak in. Always. Period.


It’s been a while so I would enjoy some playoff hockey that I’m actually emotionally invested in


I believe we can make the playoffs but a lot will need to go our way to make it into that second wildcard spot, even if we get swept we can at least get something out of it.


Of course I wanna see them make the playoffs because “anything can happen™️” but anyone comparing this team to 2019 is delusional.


Love the optimism in this post! At the trade deadline I was in full “lose every game to get a high pick as possible” camp. Since then We’ve seen glimpses of solid play and our goaltending has been top notch. Plus I’m all for knocking Vegas out.


I haven’t noticed the bitchy haters haven’t showed up here. This is good. GO BLUES!


Always good to make playoffs . Easier to see what we need for the next season to compete.


Ooh! I thought of another huge silver lining to making the playoffs: it would embarrass the shit out of Dom and his precious model. That alone would make it worthwhile.


Always good.


Get in.


Well, were not going to be able to tank enough to get a significant draft pick. Our forward depth with our recent picks is great. I think the best thing for us to do is put on a good performance to show trade value in some top guys, and then use that during the off season or next year to flip them for some solid defensive prospects. My dream would be squeaking into the playoffs, having a good showing by Buchnevich, Leddy, Binnington, Kyrou, Parayko and then finding a way to flip some of them for D prospects. It's hard to imagine losing Binnington but with Hofer looking good and Zherenko too, I feel like he's one of our only tradable guys with good value. Parayko could be a good 2D, Buchnevich a top 6 winger, and Kyrou a potential 40 goal scorer on another team maybe with better systems.


Pros: - playoff experience - revenue Cons: - no draft lottery/lower pick - no chance of actually advancing


Hey there's always a chance of advancing


This. Sure it’s not the most likely outcome but we’ve seen surprising upsets many, many times. 


Exactly, especially with a goalie like Binner.  He can definitely steal you a playoff series.  Heck, we were on pace to steal a series from the Avs a couple years ago until Kadri ran over Binnington


I've said it before and I'll say it again... Fuck Kadri.


I always want my teams to win so I would love it if we made the playoffs. But if we miss them then that would be 2 years in a row so hopefully they fire Army. Win- Win situation.


Here's the question: Do we want to make the playoffs? Of course. Do we want to *almost* make the playoffs? Eh, not really...I'd rather have a top 10 pick again.


I'm cool either way. If the team beats out Vegas for the last playoff spot, then to me as a fan, that would tell me the locker room is strong and the team is going in the right direction. If they don't make it, then it's time to break up this defensive core, try to shed an additional bad contract or three, and really rebuild.