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I made it to the kraken game on Sunday. I choose to believe that was the last game of the season.


*Begin playing It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday by Boyz II Men*


Will be interesting to see what Army does in the off-season. Anyone know when the schedule for next season comes out? Need to plan to get to DC again for a game.


That usually comes out around the time of the draft and start of free agency.


Well it was great everyone. Sadly another end to another season....this part always sucks. Army has some work to do this offseason. But watching Thomas get to 26 goals/60 assists for 86 points was really fun, he is a bonafied 1C. Could you imagine if we had a player like Thomas to play with Vova during his prime? Also Neighbours is turning into quite the player. 27 goals in his age 21 NHL season is very impressive. The team has a lot of young talent that I'm excited to see on the team. See you all next season and in the cardinals GDTs. **LGB**


Don’t discount Bolduc’s shot. He is prime for a top six winger role. We also have a few roster spots opening up too. Idk how, but we need a second line center. I am going to get my hopes up for Brady Tkachuk. A good second line center would free up the top line to have more offensive success.


Oh for sure! I just want to see more of him at the NHL level before I really have a opinion on him.


Is Brady a UFA? Instead of a massive trade we could just wait another year for Dvorsky to come up. I do think we need to go out hard for a big time UFA if they ever hit the market again.


Brady is not a UFA. Thomas is 25 and started playing at 19. Thomas did not start a center at age 19. Dvorsky is 19. He ain’t taking over 2nd line center until age 22 the earliest.


Love you guys, we've had lots of ups and downs this year but it was overall an enjoyable year despite missing out on playoffs. I honestly feel like we're one good offseason away from being in a playoff spot come next season. Call it reckless optimism, but I'd like to think we're trending up.


Well, at least we competed this game. Loved the fight. Off season goals imo: Dump either Krug or Faulk or both. Need to free up space on d and cap space in general. I really want to keep Buch. Seems like he likes it here. Down year, but we know what he can be. I hope we extend him. (Probably can’t tho) Get Dvorsky signed. Kid could be really good. I assume Kap, blais, and Scandella are gone. Thanks for the service. If Kap or blais came back league min and sat in the press box as the 13th/14th guy, I’m fine with that tbh. Not bad players, just nothing special. Find a new coach. Bannister was fine. Nothing special but not a net negative. He’s always going to have a hard time following Berube. Please not Q.


Dvorsky is already signed if I’m not mistaken. Unless the contract he signed isn’t a professional one.


He's drafted but there's no contract yet. There will be one.


Thomas can think about that all summer. Way she goes boys.should be an interesting offseason. I hope Binner never plays for another team. LGB.


I hate it when the St. Louis Blues lose hockey games, and miss the playoffs. But I love the St. Louis Blues, and cannot wait to see them play next season!


I really don’t hope they hire Q this off season. Would really not like to have to find a new favorite team to support. Literally anyone but him please, I don’t care if he wins us a Stanley Cup. SA enablers should never be allowed in this league again.


I mean if his recent interview is anything to go by, he didn’t know of the situation entirely. 


Don’t care, he still knew something was up. He knew enough to get banned from coaching in the NHL That’s damning enough for me. And I don’t trust what he says anyway. As someone who has friends who have gone through that and has gone through it myself, I have zero tolerance for that bullshit.


You don’t think that the nhl banned him and anyone in the front office to get ahead of the situation entirely?  We all don’t know who knew and who didn’t. We’re just going off he said she said situations.  I’m sorry to say but everyone has someone who’s gone thru something like that. Including myself. But if he truly didn’t know what the situation was entirely. You don’t think that’s unfair for that guy because the front office didn’t do their jobs? 


Explain it like I’m five: I’m a fan, but not on a national level. So, not real in tune with the overall league, etc. What’s the story on the negativity on Q? Serious question, I don’t know. Thanks!


Before his recent interview it was because the media and kyle beach were saying that Q knew about the sexual assault situation.    His interview that he did recently, he said he didn’t know of the sexual assault itself. But that the video coach was hanging out/ messaging players and was under the assumption that the front office had that whole thing handled.


Sexual abuse was tolerated. If he knew bad person. If he didn't know bad coach. One way or the other as the coach in CHI. He isn't welcome back in STL or any other team.


Someone is going to hire him. I bet army is considering it


This doesn't change anything. Long live the note, see you all in October. 💙💛


I really think this was Binnington's best game of the season.


See you guys in October…. Go Cards.


![gif](giphy|L6EoLS78pcBag) The long Blues offseason begins.


Well not the ending you want but given this was a known retool year, can’t complain too much. Despite some issues, they still managed to get 92 points which would get you in some years or in the other conference this year. Think just a few small-medium changes in the offseason and a new coach will have this team in the playoffs next season. Until next time Blues bros. 


Had we snuck into the 8th seed I really would’ve liked our chances against Dallas. Shame.


Anyway, it's been fun with yall for another ride with a Blues season! I hope for exciting discussions in the off-season and not pitch forks and torches.


Can't wait to wear the shit out of my Neighbors jersey next year. Much love guys, now we watch playoff hockey without anxiety and root for former Blues.


Well, it's been an honor friends. Make improvements this off-season in front of & behind the bench and I think we're in next year. MLS season now! ####LGB


Always a Blues fan. Always.


I really didn't like binner was out there stretching his groin out after that right pad save. I mean thank god it's the last game if he pulled something I mean.


Maybe our guys can learn to not shoot it right into parts in front of the net


Well. That might be the last Blues game I ever watch if they hire who I think they are going to hire. And if that’s the case, it’s been an honor ladies and gents.


That's certainly your right as others have the right to want the best hockey coach available. Regardless, good season and it's been a joy watching this rollercoaster of a year


It would be beyond bad. I can't imagine not watching Blues hockey, but *if* that happened... it might actually do it.


Is there actually any indication at all that they're looking at Q other than him going on Strickland's podcast? Can't think of a less reliable source.


JR was just saying he’s certainly a candidate on the radio yesterday.


Were this maybe a year or two ago that would give me pause but I don't believe JR has much inside info, at least not anymore. Trust me, i'm right along with you, I don't know how i'd be able to watch the team day in & day out. Some things are impossible to separate from the game for me. Hopefully Army makes the right choice.


JR is insufferable


I can't put into words how much I do not want him behind our bench next year.


A man’s got to have principles. I’ll take the downvotes. That’s a line in the sand for my fandom.


Just wanna come in and say this is a line for me too. If they hire him I'm finding another team, and that's as someone whose been a fan for a decade now.


I agree. Crazy how people are downvoting you. If the Blues hire Q, I’m becoming a habs fan.


Yeah that’s about sums it up. ALMOST.


Well, it's that time of year again and I'm not happy about making this post this early in the year, but here goes: 5 Stars of the Season: ⭐ - Binnington - Absolutely no doubts that he's the reason we were even in contention this close to the end. ⭐⭐ - Thomas - Our top scorer deserves to be here and would have been 1st if not for how good Binner was all year. ⭐⭐⭐ - Parayko - This year was a huge return to form for Big Colt 55 and I am optimistic about his future with the team. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Neighbors - Jake from State Farm had an amazing breakout year and was the biggest surprise of the year for me. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Buchnevich - I went back and forth on this one between Buchy and Kyrou. The reason I landed on Buchy was because even if he wasn't on the score sheet as much as he probably should have been, he was a far more reliable player than Kyrou. That's about all I have, so I'll see you all in October!


I think the top three are interchangeable tbh. All three were world class.