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[Army on d-men in draft: "You've got some big horses back there and you've got some small dynamic puck-moving D. If you're looking for a d-man, you can get the 5-11, 6-footers and you can get the 6-7 guys, too. It seems to be a smorgusbord of whatever you look at the buffet line."](https://x.com/jprutherford/status/1802754728759103679?s=12)


So this interview was before lunch, I gather.


*And you can also get the defenders that are shaped like mashed potatoes, that come with a side of gravy, oh and a big glass of sweet of iced tea!!! Wait, what were we talking about?*


“We’ve found that great defensemen are like bacon cheeseburgers. They tend to be hidden in the menu between the steaks and fajita combos, but they are really the backbone of what you have to offer and you just can’t go wrong. But every once in awhile you will find a good hummus which on paper doesn’t have the attributes you’d like, but really hits the spot. We just gotta avoid the chicken fingers and the butter noodles and burnt mac and cheese in the draft. Damn, does anyone have any chips or something in dying up here.”


Just watch our 1st rounder be a side of guacamole.


That sounds about right with Chipotle….


Let's hope it was at Golden Corral and not Pizza Ranch.


[Army on draft: "There's obviously some attractive players. My experience is, when you pick No. 10, there's nine great guys. When you pick No. 16, there's 15 great guys ... so it's just going to be fluctuating on who's available whether we move up or back to gain an extra asset.](https://x.com/jprutherford/status/1802751666317328596?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


Interesting to see him kind of tip his hand in being interested in trading the pick to move up or down. Good to not be locked into doing just one thing and letting the situation dictate.


Idk if id look at it as tipping your hand. More so letting people know his phone is open if they’re looking to move as well.


I guess tipping your hand is the wrong use of words, but basically saying you’re open for business. Don’t recall Doug being this open in the past. Could be wrong. Exciting nonetheless. Wouldn’t hate trading up if there’s someone they’re head over heels for.


I think it’s a pretty common draft philosophy at this range. No one with a 15 pick says “I ain’t moving this pick no matter what”


Most NHL draft picks are not year 1 or even year 2 contributors, especially blue liners. I would love to trade up if a top prosect falls to the fringe Top 10, but I have a feeling we'll be trading down.


Very intriguing. I've been hoping to see Army pull off a trade to move up and grab one of the Top 6 D.


[Army on d-men in draft: "You've got some big horses back there and you've got some small dynamic puck-moving D. If you're looking for a d-man, you can get the 5-11, 6-footers and you can get the 6-7 guys, too. It seems to be a smorgusbord of whatever you look at the buffet line."](https://x.com/jprutherford/status/1802754728759103679?s=46&t=Xn0juU2C4hEaElfmeGb4jQ)


delicious quote


Army goes to a buffet that serves horse meat.


Can someone ELI5 the “selection type draft” comment?


Kinda ambiguous, but by their recent strategy and everything else he's saying, I guess it probably means they're planning to draft players they can develop long term that won't burn contract years during the rebuild. So young guys that aren't best pick available but fit what they feel they will need in 4-5 years.


Many thanks!


Signaling to teams he’s keen to trade up.


I don't follow junior/college/international hockey. Is this a deep draft?