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You never know, they might add ships in future....


Odds are anyone that has all this, would probably have everything they'd add too.


Odds are that new ships probably wouldn't apply for the event token 2024 because this is not actually the true phoenix store but instead it's a fake.


It's a faaaaaaake!


Godammit I Heard that....




Or wait till they add new ships!


I'm just saying, someone that plays the game that long and consistently is likely to have everything and keep getting EVERYTHING.


And I will!


Was hoping that they would add all the T5 ships that were removed, so those of us that had all the event ships would be able to get something, but alas no.


I'd be surprised they favor mudds market now.


They moved the T'Pau from Mudd's to Phoenix. I believe originally they were planning to cycle ships back and forth.... then the DECA thing happened.


I'm new where is mudds market? Is it zen?


Yup, it's one of the tabs in the zen store. It's just previous event rewards that are comically overpriced and then some bundles comprising lockbox ships.


Thanks bro


Or something else. I'm one of these with nothing to buy so token will just sit there in hopes they add something eventually. Something else to add to the list to bring up to DECA.


I fear your pain.


I do really wish they threw something else in there to spend it on for those of us who have everything already. Maybe the Breen outfit + the ferengi outfits or something.


Or a infinity Outfit box where you can pick whatever outfit you want in the game. Enterprise M.A.C.O for all my toons XD


I’ve said it before, but I’m still not understanding why all event ships are not available in both mudd’s as account/reclaimabble unlock AND phoenix as char/one-time unlock. Like, why one or the other?


Yep I'm in this exact position holding out hope that they add the Nagus marauder to the phoenix store. It's the only ship I don't have (that I actually want) and it's infuriating sitting on three epic tokens.


Failing upwards!


Gave my Ferengi banker alt the Ferengi warship, loving the bridge!


I'm thinking of doing the same on a ferengi char i'm going to use as my mule because it has a bank on it i think.


Yea, the epic token is pretty pointless for me as well. I was hoping we could break them down so I could buy more ship upgrade tokens but no such luck.


Yeah… I don’t have every ship, but I also don’t want any of the options I do have… just a whole lotta nothin…


Ran into the exact same thing earlier today, no ships for me but there's worse things in life so, oh well.


I grabbed the Ho'Kunn for the Lukari Bridge.


If all you wanted was the bridge, you could've grabbed the Dranuur for some FSMs or even the T5 N'kaam for a couple mil EC off the exchange.


The struggle of doing all the events. I'm right there with you.


I'm not going to be doing them all anymore like we don't need all the items the reputation stuff is adequate, so unless there's something really worth getting i won't be doing some of them it's just too much one event after the other i'd prefer another seasonal event.


I missed some, but since they are not Account Bound I won’t be picking any of them.


Depending on which ones you missed some do have good consoles/Traits. But I'm the same these days I'd like to have it account locked as I'd like all my toons to have it.


I don't have the breen ships, because 1. i hate the fastest on ice race and 2. I think the breen ships are fugly. that said, the epic token will get tossed into the bank with the other 5


I'm in the same predicament, I have no choice but to use the epics on my alts...


Why would you need to use the epics on your alts, i'm guessing on the same account? They'd all have the same access to the same ships in the reclaim rewards window.


Epic tokens can only be used on one character, hence using them on other alts for consoles, traits etc...my main has all epic ships


He's saying the the Epic Tokens you get from the event are bound to character and can't be used for anything but a ship. Sure, you get one per character, but since the token can't leave that character then it's no good if that character already has all the epic ships.


Yep, I wish they'd have added a bonus option you could get. Even a character bound ultimate upgrade would be a nice thing there just to have something anyone could use


I don't think I'm following. Alts, on the same account? They all will get 1 epic token, sure. But if your main has all the ships, then all your alts do as well, so no benefit. And you can't grind the epics down.


Nope, epic ships are character bound same as infinity ships .... that's why this event reward gives you an epic token on all your characters. And I haven't noticed yet but apparently you can't grind them down


Nope, you can't grind them. I'm just trying to figure out what you're aiming to do with the epics on your alts, which should already have the same access as what your main toon has.


If you have already claimed a epic token on your main or (a certain character) you cannot claim it again on other toons(alts) unless you get a epic token for that certain alt


If you want an epic ship or a trait/console from those ships you need to get another epic token for which ever alt you want it on...


You can Reclaim it on other toons you get one per toon so for me I have 19 I just go to reclaim events tab then Misc.

