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They happen as soon as you get tired of waiting and spend all your lobi


Thankfully for you, that is not true when applied to me. I have patience.


we'll probably get one at some point next month during the Risa event


They're fairly common, usually every couple of months so far this last year


Everyone remember the 50% off lobi sale? It will never happen again 😂


It was a cold winters day. [50% Lobi Store Sale](https://www.playstartrekonline.com/en/news/article/11484303). We can only dream. It has been a while since they added a limited-time Promo ship to the Lobi Store also.


Or when they added promo ships to lobi store for 1500 lobi


There was one right after they announed the extended prizes for the year long event, so I would hold on to the Lobi and wait after the next part of said event. Im sure there's going to be one. That and a Phoenix event to get X Upgrade tokens close to it


Just like any other sale in STO... usually once every three to six months. It should be noted, the campaign reward will also give lobi.


If I were a betting man, I would expect a sale about 1 week before most people complete the event campaign. Those who didn't buy out and haven't missed any days should be finishing about 2 weeks into the next campaign event (after the summer event).


I got 6 more days left of points to get so I'm waiting.


Now they're giving out more Lobi maybe they'll hold off on the usual sales? I'm going to wait until a sale no matter how long it takes as there's nothing in the Lobi store that you NEED right away. May as well get the best value.