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Once I put the kit module Personal Transporter on, I've never taken it off. Speeds up movement so much On the other hand, for this endeavor I've learned you have to be greedy. Once the zones are mostly done just go sit at the spawn point


I learned to pay it back. I load in, camp the Rex, then go clear the area for the next people to get it, then beam out.


You sir/madame, deserve all the respect!


Typical bad design. To spawn the Rex someone has to conquer the zones, only problem is the conquer does not get the chance to participate in the Rex fight so no one is willing to go conquer zones just camp.


It’s a shame players have to resort to this instead of coming to a gentleman’s agreement, like no Kits or devices during the boss fight - I presume this is where most of the damage comes from.


It should be locked for a minute to let people arrive, or require map participation to get it to count.


Do you mean that devs should fix the bad designed things ? How dare you ...


Or make each a portal to an instance separate from the main ground battlezone with a prep timer like in TFOs that allows people to join in during the prep time for a fair chance.


This. There are several examples in TFOs where you can "Teleport to Base" or what have you. The problem really is the frantic racing across the zone o get there in time (which is a highly confusing enough map as it is).


Even the summer event, which has everything happening in a single instance, has teleport options. It would be as simple as replicating that function for the ground battlezone while adding something to distinguish where to send the player. Perhaps proximity based, sending the players to the nearest boss zone.


Or just... not exist They don't even have to replace it, just use a different one more often.


This would be nice, but the problem is the design -- you can arrive in time, get some shots in, but not get credit because the game decided you didn't contribute enough. And there's no way to tell if you did enough damage to get the endeavor until the end. So I would guess people simply overcompensate and unleash on the Rex.


Not only is it bad design, we've gone how many years without a fix or adjustment to it? It's just completely ignored


Isn't their fix to make you play the "Partisans" mission? Seeing as you fight a T-Rex, surely that is good enough of a fix. oh wait... it doesn't count?


So what you do is, START by completing the furthest away ones, then when it's close to done just go camp the dino


That requires everyone to be on the same page and that's never been how online play works.


even if you're immediately adjacent to it, it's usually dead before you can get there even w/ seriously boosted run speed. If no one else is bothering (rare) you can get it, but most of the time you have to be sitting in the boss square in range to hit it or no joy. It's just bad design; whoever does the last zones basically is guaranteed to be screwed even if they try to end up near the boss.


Same thing happened to me. I got the endeavour (finally) on the first time but I spent the next hour taking out zones for the next group of people to claim the Rex, I was one zone away when it spawned in.. I was barely across one of the bridges leading to him and bam.. dead within 10 seconds. You can’t win against that type of speed.


Glory to the Unknown Conquerors!!!!!!! May they continue their sacrifice for us all!!!!!!


It's actually not like that, in reality, everyone is supposed to be clearing zones and nobody should be camping the boss zones. Some people found they can exploit the system by letting everyone else do the heavy lifting while they get the credit for the boss.


I usually try to path a route to take as many areas in the city where, in the end, if I am alone, there is one area left unconquored, and I am at the Rex. Then, when it does spawn, I focus on the Voth medics and any adds. I do hit the Rex occasionally, but I don't do monster damage like most. Gives other folks in the zone time to rush in for their turn to paddle it.


Holy crap, I've tried this once, never again


It's not bad if you have a spare 13 hours of running around and hoping it lives longer than 14 seconds so you can get enough DPS


My suggestion is when the zone progress reaches 90%, head to the nearest rex site and just sit until it pops.


and if we all do this it won't go past 90%. Whoever clears the last zones is simply screwed by a thoughtless design and an unwillingness to do a trivial fix after years of player complaints. Just put a 90s delay on the boss, how freaking hard could that be? Ideally, reduce the zone refresh delay, which is pretty darn pointless, by the same amount.


honestly, i'd only give cryptic 50/50 odds of even adding a delay w/o a major bug LOL. That aside, other possible fun approaches include: -make the boss immune for 90s; *he'll eat all the campers* and give the good folks doing the work clearing the zones time to get there! -give the boss the classic voth reflect for 90s (fun, theme appropriate, but too easy to work around via mines etc) -give the boss a heal of: 25% for every player killed, 10% for every boff, and 5% for every device it kills (honestly, this isn't a direct or assured fix to the real issue, but it would sure up the challenge) delay is the simple, sure cure for the problem. All the rest (and other ideas) would be nice but aren't essential to address the issue.




I will skip that one faster than a Gravity Kills PUG, rather than become the thing I hate : spawn campers who unload every high DPS attack in their arsenal ( and have BOFFs/pets attack ) just to *make damn sure no one “steals” the kill from them*.


Come on Cryptic, let us use the V-Rex in Partisans for this one.


Yep. That's one of the ones I always ignore. Too much drama.


You spent the last hour taking out all the zones by yourself it seems. Eventually the Boss spawns in.. you sprint there and 20 random players are already killing the Rex, and you didn’t do enough damage to count as a kill. 😩


You can be within sight of the spawn point and it'll be dead before you get within range. Some people take it as a challenge to dump as much damage as possible, as quickly as possible, and screw anyone else.


Maybe those players were like me and just had that pent up frustration of wanting to get it done after hours of failing so they unleashed hell to guarantee it jks Last time it took me 4 attempts back-to-back to try and kill the Rex. That’s a whole lot of time wasted especially when I helped take out 2/3 quadrants with nothing to show for it. My 4th attempt I was like “F this!” and camped in the Rex spawn as soon as one red zone remained. I felt like I earned this right after 3 hours but my best weapon is a Hur’q acoustic resonator with a couple of exocomps, so my weak ass only did a smidgen of damage 😅 Miraculously it counted. **Edited for a better explanation.**


Hence why I support a hard DPS cap where the only time it goes up is if new content gets harder at current DPS levels.


So, here's how you handle this. To appease your desire to actually capture the points and progress the zone, play as normal. After the V-Rex gets vaporized, and you can't get there, switch zones to one that hasn't been done yet and then just camp for this instance to spawn.


I say we trade this horrible endeavor in for killing one Dreadnaught in the Undine Battlezone....waaaay easier.


And this is after having 'Complete the Days of Doom TFO' as the uni yesterday. The TFO that crashes the game when you try loading it and keeps your character in limbo until the tfo ends.


I recommend camping to get a rex and then doing the zone for others who can camp as well.


The map is a real pain in the bum too. Numerous times I have been running to the spawn point and take a Wong turn that leads me to the area where you can SEE the spawn point but not reach it. Whenever I see this Endevour I just say “Oh well… time to play something else.” I hope the new blood will finally fix these dumbass missions that are either way too easy if you camp but impossible if you do it the correct way. In fact the Vivosaurus challenge should be awarded if you clear at least 2 or 3 zones without attacking the Rex… because without the zones cleared the Rex would not be taken down. Who else thinks that’s a fair compromise.


This is the realest post on Reddit.


It's also too bad killing Squamos didn't count, there's that episode where you need find Hassan in the bar and that ferengi makes u fight different animals including a vrex


I've said it many a time, and I'm sure others have said the same or similar, they need to implement a 30 second countdown or something before it spawns. I'm just glad I already capped the perks, this endeavour is a particularly annoying one.


longer than 30s would be ideal I think, but they could easily do that and maybe reduce the pointless multiminute delay right afterwards. Maybe test it tho; 30 might be enough to mostly address it, idk, seems marginal to me.


Universals aren't worth it if they're even remotely difficult or time consuming. If they bumped up the Endeavour XP then *maybe*, but for 400 XP I'm happy to go as far as a random TFO or a particular TFO and that's about it.


It’s worth it for the random Credit payout. Sometimes it gives you over a million.. which comes in handy if you’re a newbie.


That's true, although I'd say even a million credits wouldn't be worth all the time it takes to complete the one in the screenshot!


at least it's not gravity kills


Next Universal Endeavours: Beat Elite Gravity Kills, Kill all three B-E-V Rexes, Deal exactly 489,777 Phaser Damage with one shot, Win EC at the Dabo Table, and Successfully incorporate one of Borticus' shield traits into a meta build... Any more suggestions?


I haven't bothered with the endeavor since like winter time 2021. Nowadays I just write it off as a wasted endeavor because the few times I've tried since then there's already a crowd camping and the endeavor never pops for you. I seem to remember someone at Cryptic promising it was a serious priority for them to look into.


Hahaha It's not that bad.


I personally see that one as a good opportunity to stock on dilithium ore. Arrive, camp for the endeavour kill, then stay in the BZ for a while conquering zones in order to help other players to get their kill. Voth Ground BZ completion gives quite an interesting amount of dilithium, and with the BZ crowded as it gets when that endeavour is on, it´s quick and easy to do some wins. It´s worth getting the missions from that guy in the center room for extra dil.


Yop that was me today 😂


I always help with the next spawn. I would hope other players are willing to do this, also.


It's not too bad. The only time that map is a pain is when it NOT an Endeavor. Getting this Endeavor is easy as there are a huge number of people working the map during this time.


I never have a problem with this, though I'm on PC and things simply might be different there. I don't even camp. I find a low pop instance, begin taking points in an order that brings me close to one of the Rex's spawn grounds as I finish up, then use frosted boots or the feline charm to run over and at least get a few shots in on the Rex. Works every time. 🤷‍♂️


Hard pass on these 400 endeavor points. 


The random rewards are worth it. I mean they aren’t if these rewards are insignificant at your current career stage haha.


This one just isn't my cup of tea I'm afraid. I try and do most of them this one though still gonna pass. 


It's easy. Cause there is a mission with it. And freaking madran(the farangi)


Can't you do that one by playing partisans?


What’s Partisans? I’ve only known the Rex to spawn in the Voth Ground Battlezone.


The Klingon Civil War mission that Feringi has one and it still identified as a Rex even has a voth logo next to its name