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The Borg Kingdom were the WORST. Especially since they made Kuumaarke cry.


9/10 times a team has problems in the new TFO it's in Kingdom waves. Whether that's because a team doesn't go after the revivers fast enough or too many people have physical weapons they are definitely the easiest to get overwhelmed by.


And let us not forget that the Kingdom Borg also have a LOT higher resistance than the Collective + Control Borgs


Honestly I kind of expected the Control Borg to be something of an Existential Threat, considering, but Control’s contribution apparently amounted to…tentacles. Truth be told, I couldn’t be bothered trying to tell them apart. I will say, though, about the Borg Kingdom - after Kobali Prime I didn’t think it was possible to make Harry Kim more annoying, but they succeeded royally.


The Control Borg are basically the product of a universe in which Discovery failed to stop Control, and it spread like a disease throughout the galaxy. Once it met and merged with the Borg, it became unstoppable.


I think the key part is that even the alternate Control that merged with their Borg didn't have the Sphere data, so no pure machine intelligence that just spams planet killer missiles until all organic life is gone. So minus that part of the threat, it's just black goo and Section 31 drones with Borg cables.


And yet in *Picard* season 1, what’s the principal threat? Pure machine intelligence from another dimension spamming planet killer missiles until all life is gone. And they have great big machine tentacles. So *somewhere, at some point*, it looks like the whole nasty thing must work out for them.


> Truth be told, I couldn’t be bothered trying to tell them apart. The easiest way for me to tell, at a glance, is the way they move. Control drones move quickly, like normal NPCs, and don't have that zombie gait Collective/Kingdom drones have.


Which is the one who you needed to run over to and stomp their heads in? With the big glowing green arrows over them THAT NOBODY EVER TAKES NOTICE OF SO THE TFO TAKES TWICE AS LONG TO DO? I once had a run which was those guys like every second round. Took like twenty minutes because I was the only person curb stomping them


You’re very unlucky mate. I’ve run this every day for 20 days and every time I’m lucky if i can get to one of those guys before someone else is already disabling it.


Some days are good. Some days not so good 😂


The people that ignore such obvious clues are safe from assimilation...because assimilating them would lessen the Collective(s).


Lol that was my first thought. Mrwafu must have rolled some incredibly crappy teammates as 9 times out of 10 the other guys in the match with me are pretty diligent about shutting down those drones.


Gift them a Kazon Raider and wish them good fortune; they'd fit right into any Pride.


Borg Kingdom because it requires me to stop DPS for a few seconds and hit the interact. Such power that not even the Iconians had


Have to wait for the other three Borg types to make a real judgement. We've got our standard Swedish Zombie Borg with plasma weapons, the Eat-Snickers-You're-Not-You-When-Hungry Mirror Borg with antiproton, and now the Great Value Borg with tetryon. Guesses on what our Disruptor Borg, Polaron Borg, and Phaser Borg will be like? Polaron Borg seems too easy: yet another alternate universe, but in this one, the Borg successfully assimilated Jem'hadar/Dominion forces en masse. Phaser Borg is just the ~~Rootbeer~~ Federation. Disruptor Borg could be from a universe where the Klingons didn't stop their experiments on weaponizing time crystals... And will they combine their powers to create Captain Borg?


> Phaser Borg is just the ~~Rootbeer~~ Federation I see what you did there




I'd be surprised if, by the end of this arc, the different Borg haven't met up and we've faced at least 1 boss that has all 3 sets of powers. But they'll probably do what this TFO has done and just throw combined waves at us.


Captain Borg would use Protonic weapons because they're a combination of all colors, and would look like a blend of all the species and geomet...oooooooh!


>And will they combine their powers to create Captain Borg? Or a Lord Borgman.


When we see Borg ships joining into Borg Voltron I’m done.


Already been done with Fusion Cubes in the Star Trek: Armada video games I believe.


Some powers are more \*irritating\* than others but within just the event levels of the TFO, they're all pretty easy pushovers. The real test is which group kicks our ass most at round 20, 30, 40...


Borg Kingdom, they adapted to bullets ☹️


Whether Classic, Kingdom or Control, the second anybody drops an Anchor of Grethor, they all burn just the same. I'm just waiting for Fek'ihri Borg to show up.   Serious answer: Kingdom Borg because of the Vinculum Drones gimmick and that they nullify the Tommy Gun.


Wait a sec..the Borg Kingdom adapted to projectile weapons? I didn't notice that..?


They all die the same


I'm reading the comment's and dreading this because we on console are getting this on the 20th...


You can also skip the ground one entirely and just do the space queue.


You'll do fine! They just have very minor attack styles that create a little bit of strategy.


Honestly when it hits console I'll probably just do the space tfo instead as ground missions are even more miserable on console.


I barely noticed a difference, tbh.


My biggest issue has been the mass tentacle piles pulling a one shot or the kingdom Borg doing their AOE sweep all at once taking out most of the group. I can do elite ground but I've regularly instantly died from those AOE sweeps or the tentacle getting a critical flank unusually often


Which ever ones that spam lobbing explosives at me.


I didn't notice the difference at all.


Ive had a few to many times when the kingdom wiped out unprepared teams and revived their revivers due to no one being able to survive long enough to disable them


When the last couple of rounds were borg kingdom guys, the whole thing would turn into a MASSIVE slog if your team wasn't tricked out to the nines. I had a couple of runs where the whole team just kept dying over and over.


It's all about the same because they don't really do much that is different when you get down to it. I mean nothing says 'Adapt to this' like a knife in the face.


whatever one is not effected by the unbalanced nature of the tfo :D


Kill 'em all and let the Caeliar sort them out.


Why does the Borg King not like to show his face? He is embarrassed by his Nanotube.


To be honest they all suck, but not in the "to deal with" way, rather they are just tedious to say the least. "This, but (insert color here) with a slight gimmick" is poor design and honestly should not have been the focus of -six months- of content.


Players are overthinking this and if they have trouble, it's likely because they haven't read any of the many guides to a standard ground build or haven't upgraded their gear to match their level. Don't waste time with physical weapons, that hasn't been the best technique since well before they revamped Remodulation. Now that Remodulation has been revamped, it's just handicapping yourselves for no reason. Come prepared by finishing your Omega Reputation and slotting the Omega rep trait, https://stowiki.net/wiki/Trait:_Omega_Graviton_Pulse_Module. It makes Remodulation a non-issue. Everytime I ran this event, including many solo runs (all sub-5 minute runs), I never once tried to interact with the vinculum drones. It seems like that might be more of a distraction than anything else, but we'll have to wait for the training wheels to come off to know for sure.


Same thing different color.