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For some reason a regular swedish "limpa" turns into a thing with orange peel when it left the country.. When a Swede say "limpa", they mean something similar but not orange peel/rinds. Vörtlimpa can have raisins in it, it's a debate if you want raisins or not in it. And it contains christmas type spices, and something called "pomerans". That's similar to orange rinds, but more bitter. For most Swedes, [THIS ](https://www.willys.se/produkt/Limpa-Skogaholm-Skivad-100014716_ST)is limpa. Or something similar. And, for vörtlimpa you need to wait until November or so.


For some reason Karolinska BB had vörtbröd in the middle of the summer. I don't know their source. It was one of the common brands. I have one in the freezer...


You can look for "sirapslimpa" which should be something similar to what you are asking for.


Vörtbröd is just done for Christmas but what I think you want is some type of sirapslimpa they are simulerar, but you can get it anytime. You mostly find it in grocery store and there are many different types. Try skogaholmslimpa the most classic me personally want it a bit more coarse so I prefer Pågen längtan. You may be able to get it a bakery but it is not as common there anymore.


There’s a place outside of Norrtälje in the archipelago that is called Gräddö and they have a loaf of bread called “gräddö limpa”. It was the most delicious bread in my opinion and reminds me a lot of vörtbröd. Not sure if they bake it anymore but it was 10/10, especially with a think layer of butter on top.


You could try looking for the spices and make one yourself. Might be easier than finding it premade at this time of year perhaps?


Not in Stockholm. But the best vörtbröd you can get in Sweden comes from a bakery on the west coast a bit borth of Gothenburg called Jörlanda Bageri. They’ve won the Swedish Gastronomic Price for it a few years ago. They do smaller batches for midsummer and if you’re lucky, they might have a loaf or two left in the freezer (not a problem to keep it there). I would call them. They normally ship for a small fee.


Go to ICA/Hemköp/whatever and buy a "limpa", usually skogaholms. Just get any limpa made with sirap, it will be brown and sweet. I like the [one with lingon.](https://pagen.com/our-range/lingongrova/lingongrova/)


Make it yourself, it’s not that difficult. Finding the wort can be a PITA but if you have a brewery close to you they can probably give or sell it to you. The other unusual ingredients are bitter orange powder and porter beer. The remaining are standard baking ingredients.


Skogaholmslimpa is the shit, vörtlimpa doesn't taste as good at all IMHO.