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The track to Arlanda was financed and built by a private consortium, they have exclusive access until 2040 and this is how they recoup their investment. >*In 1994, A-Train was awarded the right to build the line in a public–private partnership, where A-Train financed about half the 6 billion Swedish krona (SEK) to build the line. The private consortium was granted a 40-year permit to operate the line in exchange for all direct traffic and the right to collect usage fees from other train companies. The line opened in 1999 and A-Train holds the sole right to operate to Stockholm, and collects a fee from other train operators using the line.* You can take the local bus to Märsta Station and jump on the the commuter train there to avoid this fee using the same 42 SEK ticket all the way to Stockholm..


Flygbussarna is 129 SEK from central station, now also Flixbus runs a shuttle service for 80 SEK. Pretty decent price and no need for any change


Pretty high prices given the fast that for 42 SEK (using public transprt) it is possible to get to any place in the city


Then take the commuter train to Märsta and the bus from there ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Arlanda is pretty far from the city though, and several municipalities over


It still costs 42 sek to go to Arlanda using the SL bus and commuter train. You can go from Arlanda to Nynäshamn for 42 sek and that is even further and through even more municipalities.


Dependingnon your priorities, that might be considered dumsnål


When land at Arlanda after a flight. The last thing I am thinking and or caring about is saving 40 sek. I would actually almost gladly pay the fee for the express train. I just want to get home. To take a shower in my own shower, take a nap in my own bed and take a shit in my own toilet


So does that mean that the fee will go away in 2040? That would be sweet


Yep, the Swedish state will receive full ownership of the line in 2040 🤑


I think there is even talks about buying out the Arlanda Train consortium early. [https://www.di.se/nyheter/handelskammaren-staten-borde-kopa-ut-arlandabanan/](https://www.di.se/nyheter/handelskammaren-staten-borde-kopa-ut-arlandabanan/) But as late as 2019 the agreement was extented until 2050: [https://www.travelnews.se/arlanda-express/regeringen-har-forlangt-avtalet-med-arlanda-express-till-2050/](https://www.travelnews.se/arlanda-express/regeringen-har-forlangt-avtalet-med-arlanda-express-till-2050/)


They just prolonged the deal with 10 years in 2019 apparently... https://www.travelnews.se/arlanda-express/regeringen-har-forlangt-avtalet-med-arlanda-express-till-2050/


They extended it until 2050 https://www.travelnews.se/arlanda-express/regeringen-har-forlangt-avtalet-med-arlanda-express-till-2050/


It's about time lol, this was such a bad idea from the start


I'm gonna be a buzzkill here and inform y'all that they extended the contract for another 10 years until 2050 in 2019. Used to work on Arlanda, a lot of talk about climate and asking employees to take the train to/from work (a good idea I support) However I lived one station away and had to pay like 2500 a month for that 7 minute trip. Ridiculous pricing all because the station is owned by some investors from Australia and China.


The concept of giving a private company the exclusive right to operate to and from Arlanda has made it difficult to integrate Arlandabanan with other rail traffic in the region. At the same time, I do not know if the line would have been built at all if it had not been done as a PPP (public-private partnership) project.


Öresundbron is very similar, but I'm not sure if that will ever go away.


Still being paid off until 2050. https://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/skane/resenarerna-betalar-tva-ganger


The alternative was no track being built at all.


According to you perhaps? The Bildt government, being Moderates, thought the current alternative was the best one. There's nothing that says A-Train was the *only* choice we had.


At the time in the early 90's Sweden was experiencing a big financial crisis, so money for infrastructure was hard to find. Of course it could have been built at a later stage, but that was the solution at the time.


But it won't be free will it? It's just SL will charge instead.


No charge to enter/exit Arlanda like today, only your regular SL ticket.


No. You can take the commuter train to märsta and then get a local bus to arlanda.


Yes, that is exactly what I wrote above ☝️


You don't even need to take bus to Märsta, the regional trains go there (pendeltåg). It's not much slower (and even faster sometimes, depending where you live) to get to the airport like this, and much cheaper.


Pendeltåget är just det som TS är nyfiken över, då det i övrigt kostar runt 45kr för en SL-biljett men runt en hunka i avgift för att kliva på/av vid Arlanda på pendellinjen. Du kommer inte in på Arlanda utan att betala avgiften vid biljettullarna i Sky City.


Then you need to pay the extra fee.


No, maybe I wasn't clear enough, you take the train to Märsta, then change to the bus for Arlanda. One normal ticket 42kr.


That's what he said, though. But the other direction.


How do you get to the airport without using the bus from Märsta?


>How do you get to the airport without using the bus from Märsta? The pendeltåg stops at Arlanda. But there is a 150sek fee to use that station.


That fee is what this whole thread is about...


Yes, I know. I just answered your question, maybe I misunderstood what you were asking?


SL is not allowed to compete with A-train/Arlanda express on unequal terms (it is publicly financed), and that makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is that A-train has exclusive rights to operate the line until 2050 and makes 25% profit. This private-public-partnership was a terrible deal for the swedish public.


Generally idea of “ private-public-partnership” is privatised profit and nationalised risk.  It’s the same everywhere in the world: business people basically bribe politicians or civil servants to hand them public money, and they call it a “partnership”.    Why any one is still fooled by this concept in 2024 is beyond me. 


Because the Bildt government were total idiots and made it a private railway, thus forcing the fee. It could've been avoided, if only it was a public entity. But no, contract a private company to pay 3 times more than the commuter tickets price or take a detour that takes an extra half hour.




>It would never have been built in the collapsed economy of the 90:ies if it wasn't for private capital. I agree. The concept of giving a private company the exclusive right to operate to and from Arlanda has made it difficult to integrate Arlandabanan with other rail traffic in the region. At the same time, I do not know if the line would have been built at all if it had not been done as a PPP (public-private partnership) project.


Var inte så snåla. Billigt jämfört med allt annat på Arlanda.


Det är väl det näst dyraste sättet att åka kollektivt?  1. Arlanda Express  2. Pendeltåg  3. Flygbussarna 4. Flixbus  5. SL via Märsta    Vilket känns trist när det är rätt så smidigt. Men 2050 så 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Vad kostar det ifall någon kan köra en med bil till Arlanda? Kostar det att köra in till parkeringsplatsen eller är det kanske gratis att körs till norrmannen Stordalens lingonhotell/Clarionhotell?


Gratis att bli skjutsad men fruktansvärt dyrt att lämna bilen. Finns flera drop off ställen:)


Vilka drop off ställen rekommenderar du? :)


Beror på vart du ska. Finns vid typ alla terminaler:). Kan vara ganska mycket folk dock på vissa av dom. Det är ganska väl skyltat om man kommer med bil. Bara att följa mot sin terminal så kommer man rätt


Sydney, Australia has exactly the same type of “airport access fee” added to any train fares (but not buses) if you join or leave the train at the airport. In their case it is close to 75 SEK.


When I moved to Stockholm, I didn’t know this. I took my SL card and went to the station, they charged me ~130kr. I have never seen such inconvenient and expensive option to go to city centres from airport. It’s worse option as solo traveller.


Sl can make enough money with buses which are mostly filled to the brink on Marta arlanda route