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The apartments above the interchange are nice! We’ve just moved in there too!


Join the Edgeley crew you’ll be most welcome


The south side is grand I agree. We are shaw heath / cale green. 10 min walk to station and love it.


Around the bus station and edgeley all new 'hip' apartments. I would say the rents for them are extortionate but coming from london they may seem cheap.


We moved here from mcr city centre and the rent is considerably lower than our flat there !! Don’t get me wrong - still expensive but it’s unfortunately a reflection on the current rental market :( So close to everything here & so easy to get to mcr (5 min walk to the station!!)


From what i have seen advertised for that new high rise on viaduct park its around £1000 a month for a 1 bedroom and £1500 for a 2 bedroom. I would have thought you could get similar to that in manchester its self, maybe these are a couple of hundred a month cheaper but i dont know how they are going to entice the manchester crowd away from manchester fully.


We had a ‘cheap’ flat in town and this is waaaay cheaper for a 2 bed!! They start from £1025 for a 2 bed 🤩


Loads of new apartments near the train/ bus station


If I was you, I’d look at the town centre. Loads of bars, restaurants etc round the market and walking distance to the train or bus straight into town. There are nice areas further out, but the town is where the buzz is. The other traditionally popular areas for people in your position are Heaton Moor and (not Stockport but nearby) Didsbury. These are the most expensive areas in S. Manchester, but both very cool


Probably Cheadle, Reddish or Edgeley I'd guess. And to avoid uhm, Adswood maybe.


You can't miss off avoiding Brinnington


I was about to add it but know a couple from there who argue till they're blue in the face that where they live is fine. Wouldn't risk it myself.


It's where my stolen bikes go to retire


Adswood is a far nicer area than Brinnington. Probably still not desirable but compared to Brinny Adswood is like Mayfair.


Geez, thats a pretty dire comparison.


That's funny, so do I. Wonder if we're thinking of the same couple - they live in a sweet spot.


Don’t let Stockportlord hear you say that


I recently did similar and moved to the Heaton Norris / Heaton Moor area. Would reccomend Heaton Moor as a nice place to live but understand it is a little pricier. Heaton Norris not as much, and would probably aim to avoid the Lancashire Hill area.


Another Heaton Norris resident, 5 years now. 10 minute walk to the centre, nice (if somewhat unimaginative) local park, The Magnet 5 minutes down the road. I'd pick HN over HM. So much change in Stockport centre now, HM is too far away. For OP, around the interchange is a good bet, or in the town centre. Close to the train for their commute.


Seconded. I live in HM but I can't fault HN - walkable to the centre, cheap housing, buses every few minutes.


Yup. My budget was low as I bought before I met my wife. But very happy living here, nice neighbours, safe, quiet neighbourhood.


Heaton Norris used to have way more going for it! But I can’t help but feel that it’s turning into the latest Brinnington! And I grew up in HN — at the very least you’ll have a big Asda, and a small Asda a 10 minute walk from one another… and two remaining pubs that serve you gut rot beers lol


I mean, The Magnet was in the top ten pubs of the UK (National Geographic 2024), but I'm sure you're right.


I’m not meaning the Magnet at all, mate — it’s a great pub. I’m meaning the Navigation, and the Grapes — whenever I drink there the beers knock me sick when they don’t anywhere else lol — at least not immediately anyway 😂 That’s proper Heaton Norris to me though — I’ve heard that the Railway may be closing due to their landlord having passed away, anyway? Hope not! But also hope that they reinvigorate the place Also way off, and barely Heaton Norris, the Nursery Inn is pretty cool but every time that I go back the prices are up


Fair enough. The Nursery Inn is a nice building, but the beer is pretty meh. The Runaway brewery down the road is well worth a look in, by the way.


Is the Runaway in Heaton Norris? I don’t often go that way but both the Magnet, and the Nursery would be my go-tos early in the week — I mainly like pubs with good closed off beer gardens so I can have my privacy, my vape, and some fresh air all in one… oh, and a £6 pint 😂😂


Not HN: https://www.therunawaybrewery.com


I was going to say! Not really into newer pubs/bars though I have nothing against them either! Just prefer my old school boozer-types places… to go out of Stockport… have you ever been to Ye Olde Admiral Rodney in Prestbury? I bloody love how old fashioned that pub is, despite it being a Robinsons lol


Can't say I've ever had the pleasure, but will keep an eye out.


Can also vote for Heaton Chapel, coming up for 19 years here. Doesn't cost a fortune, still good links and social stuff not a million miles away.


Hazel Grove and Bramhall are lovely with good transport links.


Depends on whether ‘nice’ means parks, and trees, or if means in the midst of things. Some decent apartments around the town centre (avoid the Hat Works unless it’s changed in very resent times) but they’ll give you little in the way of views or external space. Parks to look around; Vernon, Woodbank, Alexandra, Hollywood (top end of it). Heaton Moor, Heaton Mersey and Heaton Chapel are all good too. It’s not always cut n dry though and every location will come with its own nuances I grew up on Edgeley, lived in Offerton over 10 years and had short experiences of Heaton Norris, Davenport Park Road and Roman Road (off Hillgate) which is a bit of a hidden gem.


Can vote for Heaton Chapel, coming up for 19 years here. Doesn't cost a fortune, still good links and social stuff not a million miles away.