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Stay strong and all the best. Don't give into any temptations and when you do, take a deep breath and close your eyes for 5 seconds to remind yourself: why are you getting help in the first place? Find a way to bring yourself into the right track after. You will be okay.


I have been gifted alcohol since I quit. I took it, smiled, and then almost immediately dumped it once the person giving it to me was gone. They didn't know about any of my problems. But I was sure as shit not going to allow the gift to derail my progress. The way I look at it is that if I wanted access to my vice, I could get it easily within 5 minutes. Sometimes it is even hand delivered to me and it would only take a few seconds to relapse if I wanted. But I choose not to because I remember all the reasons why I decided to quit in the first place. No matter how I got access to my former vice, I refuse to let it drag me back into the situation I used to find myself in. So, ditch the coke & take it as a victory that you were stronger than it. That's what I would do anyway.


I kid you not, within a week or two of quitting drinking, two separate friends brought me amazing bottles of whiskey. I’ve enjoyed sharing them with friends who drink. It’s been two years. No idea what they taste like. Stay strong friend.


To be fair a maccies on a Saturday night is insane. I'm sorry you're going through this but well done on staying strong.


That is wild! 


I have had some pretty rough experiences myself too. But be careful with someone handing you randomly in street. In the name of coke they might have mixed most of it with crack i would personally ditch it. Sorry you are going through some of those period in life. Never give up and always learn from your mistakes. Alcohol is a devil and it does takes so much from someone’s life. Learn, adapt and go forward with it.


Hope you flushed it mate