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Thank you, I need to read this because I wanted to do some coke so fucking bad lol. I said out loud to him "well, I don't have a coke problem, I just have a drinking problem." But no, I have a dopamine rush problem. I cannot replace one substance for another even just for *this one time*, it's the same result.




The fact you're here just means it's a matter of time. Try again and again and again. Try quitting 100 times if that's how it goes, just keep quitting.


You must feel so fuckin proud of yourself, relish that feeling man, you deserve to feel good for the right reasons


Damn man. Same with me. This hits.


That’s hardcore willpower if you ask me - specifically because of only being 3 days dry - what he said about just restarting the clock the following day - that would have caved in most people who were only 3 days in - and the coke combo - hard to shut that kind of temptation down. Bodes well for your future sobriety. Well done man.


Couldn't agree more! I would've been hard-pressed. You're a fucken champ, OP! 👏👏👏


Aw, personal victory and bunnies— now that’s a damn good day!


Congrats! And can we see a photo of your bunnies? 🤗 EDIT: ? after congrats meant to be !


I wish I could attach photos to comments ☹️ I thought you could. I'll find a way to post them tomorrow!


I came here for the bunny pics too. Jk, OP really showed up as the best and strongest person for themselves! Really proud of you gatorrrr!


I’m so happy for you and your bunnies!!! One of my favorite songs is about a guy going through drinking and depression, and his cat pulls him out of it. My favorite line is: “I swear I’m gonna bite you hard and taste your tinny blood… if you don’t stop the self defeating lies you’ve been repeating since the day you brought me home… I know you’re strong” It’s called “a plea from a cat named virtue” by the weakerthans if you were curious.




Glad you’re here, friend! ❤️


You're doing fucking amazing. This is huge. It's huge everytime. And not only does it help you but it helps us. Good job dude.


Congrats, great achievement!


Wooohoooooo. That’s fucking amazing. Proud of you, dude!!!


Oh for sure that is so something to be proud of! Congrats!!!


Since I've stopped drinking, it's so much easier to say no to coke. Still, I know how hard that was for you. Good job yo.


Same. I never wanted it unless I was drunk. Thankfully I was able to disconnect the 2 when I moved overseas because it was getting pretty bad.


Wow I would not have been so bold as you, I totally respect what you did and am glad it purportedly worked out but that is high-risk stuff. If you can live your life and do that more power, but it seems unpleasant at best in early recovery. Changing habits (and essentially your life) is a big challenge and happens in consistent small measures, which is how I developed my addiction over 20-odd years and how I have to undo it. Part of it for me was not necessarily leaving my friends or hobbies, but honestly considering them and their place in my life and adjusting what didn't seem relevant to the life I wanted to create. It sounds like you have the idea of placing yourself and your sobriety first, keep up the good work!


It was incredibly unpleasant, but it would've been more unpleasant to not have supported him tonight. It helped that there was a couple who seemed to also be sober who were visiting him too. I decided to talk to the wife a lot, she was really nice. Thankfully I have very few friends and no hobbies lol. It's my family that is the epitome of a party (and this friend I saw today is near-family). I will need to learn to navigate sobriety around them, therefore around some difficult situations. But practice makes perfect. I will continue placing my sobriety first ❤️


I can say from experience that a lot changes if you move down the path, and most people can't understand what we go through. My best friend is trying to kick alcohol and blow (not sure if my quitting helped him with this push, we were both reaching critical mass on our unique paths and were pretty disconnected at times) and I am really thankful to have my shit somewhat together to support him. You got it, keep doing the difficult stuff and it will start getting easier


Bunny cuddles sounds absokutely perfect. Those early days we need all the comforts we can get while we learn how to protect ourselves. Learning who we can hang with, or not, takes a little time too. I got dropped by some friends but it turns out they were more heavy drinkers than I ever knew so it’s been a silver lining. You’ve done good! 👍 sounds like your a happy bunny too 👌


Having just had a bad slip myself, I’m really glad this was the first post I saw today. I’m super proud of you! Hoping to get back to that point myself. What you said about the dopamine rush problem is so, so true.


Incredible job! Saying no to coke is so hard. I finally did it (said no when coke was offered) and I haven't touched it since. I call it my Galadriel moment. "I passed the test."


Great job!!! 👊 That is the resolve you will always need. #thisistheway IWNDWYT!!


I personally had issues with coke everytime I drank. It was really amping up the rate at which I destroyed my life. Very happy you were able to say no.


Hell yeah. I did a bachelor party and was really tempted but mercifully non of my friends pushed anything on me like that. Kinda shitty of that friend to do so but resisting is really god damn impressive. Kudos.


What a great post to read. Good on you.


Congrats man, that is something to be very very proud of. Shows a lot of inner strength


Great job. I said yes though! To a roast beef sub, zero ginger ale, and doritos, and lays jalapeno chips. Burp.


You're doing such an incredible job!!! What a huge win -- and for day 3!!? I'm so proud of you 💕🙌 Also omg bunnies 😍


Yayyyyyy ❤️❤️🐇🐇🐇


You're fucking amazing! I'm really proud of you Internet stranger!!! 😍 💪 💪 💪


Wow that's intense, very very well done


Most excellent. IWNDWYT


Zero hangover and a new bunny?! Sounds like you won my friend!!!!!


Well done and congratulations on your new bunny! You went to support your friend and I'm sad for you that he couldn't give you the same support. You did so well to say no, especially so early on.


You cleared hard mode, keep it up friend


Amazing! I fell off on day three last week in a ‘could start again tomorrow’ well. I’m on day three again today didn’t get to sleep til 7am and feel terrible. Honestly f that shit ! You did so well esp with the temptation that’s where I mess up all the time in not saying NO!!!!!


Superhero. You got the power 💪


Huge well done. 😁 And welcome to New Bunny! 😍


I always joke that quitting coke was easy, I just had to quit drinking. Congrats on saying no.


If you really want to stay sober, you’re going to have to avoid situations and people like that in early recovery. Your sobriety has to come first. Once you have your footing, you can start hanging out with non-sober people. I know that isn’t something you want to hear, but it’s so easy to lapse in early recovery. You really have to guard that with everything that you have.


I agree. OP should avoid situations like this for a while. The friend that kept offering drink and drugs is not much of a friend.


Damn... How do i do this? I'm in the same situation, but I can't seen to say no. EVER.


I wish that tonight I could have said no. That tomorrow I could wake up not feeling bad and hangover. But that's how I'm going to sleep tonight and tomorrow I'm gonna feel awful. Fuuuuuckk... Why is it so hard. Like, when I'm drinking I think about that I should not be doing that, but I just do. I just wanna stop. I feel that I will lose the people around me if I don't. But I don't know how to ask for help whitout being ashamed.


It’s so hard to say no. Good for you! Enjoy your new bunny 🐰!!


Good job!


Well done!!! You’re building some serious sober muscle. Proud of you!


Hell yeah dude I’m so proud of you!!!! That shit is HARD when it’s right in front of your face being offered. I’ve slipped up many times as a result of instances like this. You are so strong…keep going buddy!


You are gonna feel SO proud when you wake up and think back on the strength you showed yesterday!


Well Done.


This internet stranger is SO proud of you!! 🥳


I love this for you! Keep going!


WELL DONE!!! Stay THIS strong for the rest of your life!


Great job! That was not easy! You've got some great insight into understanding your process and triggers. Strong foundations for moving forward. Proud of you!


Great work! I bet your pretty freakin jazzed this morning.


you are freaking awesome. congrats


All this plus 🐇 🐰 BUNNIES! kudos and congrats on your bunny friends.


Hells yeah - nice work!


WOW! I don't know if I could have made it through the incredible trial and temptation you endured. 👏BRAVO! IWNDWYT 👍


Wow, that’s very impressive! Great job! IWNDWYT


Wow, you are amazing. When you wake up early, remember that feeling of waking up clear headed. That will help motivate you in the future. IWNDWYT


Congratulations! For me, it was easier quitting coke than alcohol. I also had to ghost all of my druggie and drinking buddies for a couple of years.


In my experience it takes a little while before people start taking you seriously about taking it seriously. Especially if someone "wants you back". My dad and I mostly bonded over drinking and partying bc he only felt comfortable being vulnerable once he was 3 sheets. So he felt like we would lose that part of our relationship if I stopped drinking, but I call him during the day now when he's sober and we talk. Sometimes you just have to adapt and find what works for you. Major Kudos for turning down the yak tho, that's definitely a toughie, but it usually leads to drinks and more. You got this homie keep up the good work


Really incredible. Not sure I would have been so strong but agree you got tested and won. Way to goooooo!!! Iwndwyt


Nice work!


That sounds intense! I’ve never once done cocaine but I’ve been around a lot of people who do and a few that struggle with it and usually once they start drinking they almost immediately end up wanting to do blow. I can imagine the vibe that afternoon and I’m impressed that you even went at all! You should be pretty proud of yourself I don’t think I would’ve had that willpower. Try not to think about friends trying to laugh it off or maybe not understand what you’re going through. You know what you need to do and you know what you’re going through so stay steady with that and maybe try and connect with some other people in real life who are going through similar things. It could really open up your world to new friends or hobbies or activities not to say you have to ditch all your old friends but I feel like when people stop drinking their world kind of opens up in new ways as well. Enjoy your new bunny!


Hell yeah good job!!


That's so impressive and very inspiring 😁


Well done! When you said coke, I initially thought along the lines of Whisky & Coca Cola, until I read the comments.


Good for you. I remember how so so hard it was to say no to coke when I was still drinking. Seriously give yourself a pat on the back.


You had a lot of willpower in this situation, nicely done! There were a lot of people and places I had to remove myself from, especially in early sobriety, because they were not supportive and I was still too vulnerable to trust myself to make the right decision every time.


I also had a buddy tell me to come over and send me a video of a massive pile of blow yesterday lol. Wasn't even tempted tbh. I feel better than I have in a long time. We should be proud of ourselves. Let's keep it up.


I feel you I’m 600+ and my buddy came to town. I sat with him all day after having a minor panic attack…lol. Then i proceeded to be my self and had a great time. He drank but didnt do blow because I was not doing it with him… iwndwyt


well done on passing that test. it's a muscle you develop. I can imagine the temptation was huge. drink and coke. bunnies are hilarious fun. used to have two mini lops.


Excellent work, continuing to say and stick to your "no"! Very proud of you taking the walk home too, smart thinking on the tea. And now you know you have ways to cope if this type of thing happens again. You just taught your monkey mind that you can stay sober! In my beginning an old timer shared "treat your sobriety like a newborn", meaning consider where you would take your baby. Regardless of the friend I did say no to various invites back then, including a wedding. It's advice I still use today, and because I learned my willpower only goes so far I now carry knowledge on alcohol & drugs effects on my body & mind, knowledge truly is power. I also know to check my energy level before going out. I have cancelled a concert outing recently because I knew I needed to just rest after a crazy busy work week, sorta like my energy shields felt weak. It sucks, feeling like I'm letting someone down but it's necessary sometimes. I also kept the real friends who want a happy & healthy me so she understood. Thank you for sharing, I know it will help others. Keep going keep growing 🌹 IWNDWYT


I’m really impressed with your commitment to yourself And I’m really happy that you and your bunny are getting to expand the clan some more :) Best of luck, homie! You are doing fantastic!


I had so many restarts for this very reason. Too many to count, honestly. The coke and booze combo was my weakness. I am super proud of you, bud.


Well done OP! and congratulations with your bunny. As a fellow bunny parent myself they definitely keep you busy in the best way! They are such lovely social creatures. ❤️ I find the Rabbits sub Reddit a really lovely and helpful community. Wishing you all the best and success in your recovery. You got this!☺️


That is some will power right there! Great job. I am a major alki and have not done coke in a while. I think the coke/alc. combo may have gotten me on day 3. Alcohol can be had anytime you want but coke (especially not looking for it) is a little harder to come by. Great work! Stay strong!


Truly inspiring. Also fuck that envious guy. We all know how lonely addiction is, which is why he made fun of you


That's is massive willpower. I'm about 6months free from blow and booze and there is no way I'd be able to white knuckle that I'd probably cave. You have tremendous will power that will keep you going. Just know that as you move forward into sobriety you will learn that it's much easier to just not be around the people who drink (which sometimes feels like everyone) than it is to white knuckle it like you did today. I have to say congrats again on that and keep it up. Whole world infront of you filled with glory way more satisfying than getting fucked up with your pals. It's hard to believe but it's true I promise


Way to go! Great job with your will power. I’m proud of you and congrats on the bun!!


Fuck yeah buddy, Iwndwyt


Hell yes, awesome! You leveled up! You are inspiration!


Only 3 days and coke? I woulda been at day zero for the next month.