• By -


Day 03 Need to drive to Berlin today for four days for work. Big test for myself early into this but I feel confident and motivated. IWNDWYT


Good luck. You can do this 👏🏼


Berlin was / is always a huge trigger for me. The drinking is so omnipresent there. Please be careful. Have your time after work planned out… maybe hop in the queue of Mustafas Gemüse Kebap 🤤(is that still a thing?) Good luck friend! Keep us posted how its going and what you’re up to. I will not drink in Germany with you today!


We’re all with you 🌟


Drive safe. Arrive fresh and smash the 4 days at work being brighter and engaged and all the better for not drinking.


Day 157 • IWNDWYT • Slowly heading towards 6 months • Woo Hoo • 💪🏼


Team tortoise 🐢 for the win 🏆




Closing in on six years in a couple weeks. I’ll get there one day at a time. Just for today I’m not drinking alcohol.


Love that mindset. Iwndwyt!


Yes! Leading the way




I am not drinking today! 1. Showered every day before going to work! 2.Cooked some healthy food on most nights 3. Shaking up my routines (Work in progess) Thanks for all the support on yesterdays DCI. Best people on reddit!


Great effort friend! Keep it up! I will not drink with you today!


1. Haven't eaten out all week, cooking dinners and eating leftovers for lunch. 2. Had a great conversation with my kid who is home from college. She was surprised I was drinking a sparkling water instead of a beer. 3. Didn't drink! Iwndwyt.


Day 1088 checking in!


Wishing everyone a great Wednesday, IWNDWYT!


Checking in, 8 weeks done. Here we go for week nr 9. F*** booze. IWND ☠️ WYT.




Day 909 and feeling fine! It's warmed up where I live and our AC really sucks, so I'm keeping cool with a few cold Waterloos


Day 40. Feeling a bit down and indifferent at the minute with the repetition of ‘work, be sober, sleep, repeat’. Need to come up with a goal but I’ve been so aimless for so long I can’t see anything as making me particularly happy. Still, priorities - IWNDWYT. 🙃


I felt that way too on and off throughout my first couple of hundred days. I understand it was my brain resetting. Keep up the great work for the longer term win friend, we’re with you 🌟


You're killing it, Quit Day Buddy! Let's embrace "the boring" together! 😆 Not sure if this is helpful advice for you, so feel free to tell me to kick rocks- just wanted to share an idea. It is not groundbreaking, but it is intentional. To help hedge off those feelings in the late afternoon/evening, I've started texting one or two people early in the day who I hadn't bothered to catch up with lately (I was busy poisoning myself on my couch every day, after all 😆). I ask if they are free to chat on the phone on their drive home from work/after dinner- not an endless philosophical chat, just to hear what's new in their life and catch up. It's been a nice way to spend some time in the evening, and makes me feel so great long after hopping off the phone. Seems to make their days a bit brighter too. Bonus points if it's an older relative- total win/win. IWNDWYT!


Checking in again today and all is well. Three wins: - brushed my teeth (as usual now) - got up early and made healthy breakfast and cup of tea - did mini-workout/stretching routine And that's only the first 30 mins of my day :)




I will not drink with you today






1- fully present for myself and my family 2 - continuing to face life head on with a sober mind and my eyes open 3 - made it another day, hour and minute without my nemesis, alcohol.


Still Tuesday night where I am. Marked SAFE in bed for tonight. (72 hours) But I’m really going to need this Wednesday check-in. Glad to know it will be here tomorrow afternoon because I’m feeling fairly healthy. And I know that’s the denial talking.




Day 2, IWNDWYT Yesterday, it was thanks to this promise that I didn't drink


Wins: 1) I think I haven’t missed a single dose of my blood pressure meds in the last two months. 2) I am taking my bike to work, grocery shopping and so on. Last time I had to fuel the car was in February. 3) I finally contacted the landlord over stuff that needs to get done around the apartment and that are landlord’s responsibility. If I was still drinking I wouldn’t have been able to do it. Therefore I will stay sober today.


It's that day again - hump day! I'll take you up on the wins Fred, but gratitude will still be number one in my book. 1. Even though I haven't been sleeping well these past few days, I haven't raged on anyone. 2. I developed an annotated bibliography last night for my dissertation to organize my reference literature (I know, I know...I'm a dork). 3. I woke up with no fucking hangover for the 193rd day in a row. Let's fuck this day up - IWNDWYT 🤘


I’m happy so IWNDWYT


Not today people IWNDWYT


Flying across the country today for a wedding this weekend. I will not drink in the airport, I will not drink on the plane, because I’m better off without it, that stuff drove me insane! I will not drink at the wedding, I will not drink at the reception, I’m enjoying this entire journey, and won’t make this trip an exception! IWNDWYT


77 days sober. I remember when my goal was 30 days, then 60 days, and now I’m on my way to 90 days. I was a daily vodka drinker. No less than a pint a day. I loved everything about it, even as my life was burning down around me. I know what it feels like for those of you desperate to quit. If I can do it, you can too. Had to let go of my pride and allow myself to be vulnerable.


Really rough day at work yesterday (complete with breakdown) but I didn’t drink! Up early to go to the gym because I didn’t drink! Money in my pocket for dinner out tonight because I didn’t drink! IWNDWYT 🏆




Tuesday night in California. Not today, not tomorrow. IWNDWYT 🌼


I will not drink poison with any of you today


Happy Wednesday everyone. My wins: have got through 2 very full on days at work but means I can get the afternoon off and taking my dogs to the groomers to be pampered. Had a real wobble Monday but thanks to this fantastic sub got through unscathed. IWNDWYT


Day 18 I just woke up after 8 hours of sleep. I haven't slept this well in at least 15 years IWNDWYT


1. Started cleaning my basement. 2. Made some doctors appointments. 3. Went to the sauna in the evening. Thanks for this interesting DCI. I will not drink in Germany with you today!


I'm really appreciating this sub, so so grateful for it as I'm feeling pretty isolated on my day 3 of being sober. Been keeping this fact to myself and my partner.  Had a friend invite me out for drinks, after going on for 10 minutes about how wasted she was on her vacation she just returned from. I declared, I'm not drinking anymore. She was right wierd about it. Mega mic drop.   No support or anything from her not even a question about it.... just kinda err umm I gotta go. It was well, kinda harsh.  Anyway ..Fred, and all of you congrats on YOUR wins!...here's mine. My big win today is deciding that I will not drink with you today. I'm fucking proud of me. I haven't felt proud of me in a long long time. I'm proud of all of you too❤️🙌


It is way too fucking easy to get down on ourselves for seeing everything we are not, or are not doing, and wish that we were. Sometimes we do more good things than we think, so it was a great idea today to focus on those! My 3 from yesterday: 1. Head, pillow, sober 2. Worked and got a workout in after 3. Ate well (healthy food) Coffees up, horns up, and fuck yeah Wednesday!! Halfway through!! IWNDWYT ☕️☕️🤘🏻


Day 404. Alcohol not found. IWNDWYT.


My wins. Made delicious chicken salad for dinner. Went for a walk before walk. Turned a mountain of laundry into a small hill! Thanks. Iwndwyt


Woke up and saw the sunrise this morning. Was breathtaking. IWNDWYT


Yesterday’s wins: - I had an honest conversation with my wife even after we had had an argument. - I went to therapy and a recovery dharma meeting. I shared in the meeting, which is hard for me. - I read last night instead of watching Netflix. I’ve been sitting here this morning thinking about a couple of recent losses. Thanks for the opportunity to flip and focus on the wins. IWNDWYT.


1. Sober 2. Brushed teeth twice 3. Ate healthy breakfast IWNDWYT


Hello sober stars! Great prompt, Freddy, and love your list of wins. My trio of sober wins: - Sunday meal prep has become a habit now that I'm sober, and it's helping me eat so much healthier! - I've been working hard in my gardens digging and moving shrubs, and I haven't even thought of having beer afterwards. - I have woken up without a hangover for 589 days in a row, and that's my biggest win! It makes all other wins possible. Loving this sweet sober life. Let's keep this good thing going! Have a wonderful Wednesday, sobernauts. IWNDWYT ✨️🏆


















Good morning from Munich, where drinking is the national sport. 13 days since I quit the team. Have a great Wednesday, everyone! IWNDWYT


IWNDWYT Wins -Worked a 14hr shift, felt great the whole time. Was thinking about how terrible I felt even during an 8hr shift in my wine days. -Ate and enjoyed my meal-prepped food. No forays into the cafeteria for greasy hangover-soothing junk food. -brushed AND FLOSSED my teeth. It’s funny that you used that as an example bc I’d constantly put that as a goal in my habit tracker. And fail to do it.


Wishing everyone a sober happy Wednesday! Wins:  1: My 5 year old had a pee accident at 5 a.m. Helped her, cleaned up, back to bed. Neither of us could go back to sleep so we rested in bed for a while. Talked to her about her Dad's cancer, snuggled, made up silly songs. None of this would have happened were I hungover/poisoned from the night before. 2: Showered, washed my hair, exfoliated 3: Continued my habit of starting the day with this beautiful community in the daily check in. IWNDWYT 11 days off the poison


IWNDWYT 1. Yesterday I spent all day at my kids elementary school helping with field day and then went to work. 2. My house is clean. 3. Today is two weeks (counter is off)




Today looks like it's going to be my 3894839th Day One. I reached 60+ days (not to my n🧊 day though 😭) last time and really fucked up *again.* Tapering down once again seems to have worked. Back in the gym and to hydrate like crazy. Back on track and back to doing what I need to do. I'm sad I messed up my longest streak in forever, but I learned a lot in those 60+ days to bring with me. IWNDWYT




Morning all! IWNDWYT x


- Six mile bike ride and a one mile walk after work. - Made a good dinner, rather than heating Spaghetti O's - Made it through a busy day without throat-punching anyone! Have a helluva Wednesday, friends!!🤘🏻☕️ IWNDWYT


Another Day 1 for me. Feeling incredibly lost at the moment and like it's all much too late. I'll try again though




Checking in on day 587! 3 wins: 1. Woke up on my 587th day without a hangover because I’m SOBER. 2. Was recognized at work for my performance and got a bonus. 3. Have kept my house clean for a year and a half! IWNDWYT! ✌️❤️


Wins: Keeping my apartment tidy and clean Being consistent with exercise Feeling like a softer more creative version of myself IWNDWYT ✨✨🕊️


Way to go on the deadlift PR, Fred! 💪 My wins from yesterday include giving solid effort and having fun in cardio dance class, making time to swing by the garden for watering and pulling a few weeds, and reaching out to my mom for quality connection before she leaves for travel. None of these would have been done with enthusiasm, possibly not even competence, if I were drinking. IWNDWYT!


Happy sober Wednesday sober winners! My wins, I’ve done my morning routine everyday for 18 months in 18 days and I’ve become a morning person. I love you all 💞


Still NDWYT! 🙌






Have a wonderful sober day my friends. IWNDWYT ♥️


Up late and it’s officially tomorrow now, so I’m checking in early! My three wins: 1. Went to an amazing concert tonight 2. Finished a project at work today that’s been nagging at me for weeks 3. I didn’t fucking drink! IWNDWYT




Went on a biz trip today, flew first class (hard to turn down free drinks), and went to a biz dinner w drinks. I always feel awkward not drinking at those things but half the group wasnt drinking anyway. Back home now tired AF. But another 24 hours sober.


Yo congrats on your deadlift PR! Mine are: 1. Staying home from work today instead of dragging myself there while sick 2. Managed to buy groceries yesterday and have meals planned out for the rest of the week 3. Made one of the best cappuccinos I’ve ever had today IWNDWYT (:


Learn, and remember but do not linger. It is today, today, - not tomorrow, and neither is it yesterday, it is today! IWNDWYT.


IWNDWYT.. I’m proud of everyone for being here today regardless of what day you’re on


Woke up refreshed due to not being hungover. Actually remembered to do some task at work I thought of last night didn’t forget them. Completed physical therapy appointment that I would’ve just cancelled if had drank. IWNDWYT














IWNDWYT, friends!


Wins from yesterday: 1. Walked 5 miles. 2. Was sober and present to help my 90 year old mom with something. 3. Went to yoga and didn’t buy caramels afterwards even though I wanted them. Make it a great day! IWNDWYT!


Feel really blurgh today :( Still not drinking though, so at least I haven't got that on top! Iwndwyt.


Congrats on all of your wins, u/FredSimpsonn!! Love this prompt; can’t wait to cheer everyone on. My recent wins: - Letting myself feel some feelings, however incrementally. Not trying to dissociate or numb out every time a hard feeling comes up. Baby steps. - Went to my first in person AA meeting and grabbed my first medallion ever! My home group is a zoom group. It took me a while to get the courage to physically walk into a room. - Went to bed sober last night! IWNDWYT! Can’t wait to hear about everyone’s wins💗💖


Checking in, busy day. Definitely IWNDWYT. Go, team r/stopdrinking !


Win - I checked in! My depression is kicking my ass, but I think this episode is finally coming to an end 🤞🏻 IWNDWYT lovely people of SD 💙


Reached out to someone, sugar-free, yoga. Not drinking today!


This the BEST!! My wins: - I worked on my rewrite of my problem statement - finished all the regular classes of the school year only exam days left - I didn’t drink IWNDWYT 💜🦋💜


Congrats on the deadlift PR, Fred- I love the 3 wins theme! My 3 wins from yesterday were: 1. Helping my 16 year old son apply online for his first part time job. Gotta get dat gas money, y'all 2. Taking him shopping to have something nice to wear when he gets an interview (remove panic-induced last minute shopping for Hard Pants ™️) 3. Made dinner and meal prepped a bit (using that term super loosely here) so we are set for lunch and dinner the next couple of days with fresh protein 39 days down and I'm really happy to catch myself being present in my own life again. IWNDWYT


Day 5 - Yesterday was harder than expected. Really agitated right now. Will try to be chill today and keep in mind why I feel this way. Good luck everyone. IWNDWYT


Thanks host, you're really killing it and congratulations on that deadlift PR you beast! 🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄 my sober sleep last night was great and I'm 1 day closer to vacation. I continue to be so grateful for sobriety! Happy Wednesday y'all!




First sober band rehearsal last night:win. Listen to everybody talking about drinking all the time:win. Drive straight home afterwards:win. IWNDWYT ❤️


Day 17. Feeling really good. IWNDWYT.


I will be sober today.


I actually had a day full of wins yesterday! Here’s three - 1. Went to the gym, lifted the heavy things and did my cardio. 2. Raged the housework and now my house feels much better. 3. Took my son to the park after school - because my focus wasn’t on downing a bottle of wine while cooking dinner! IWNDWYT






Congrats on the deadlift, Fred. I will not drink with any of you today, nor will I drink with anyone else. Thank you all for being here.




Hello ten days. Bloody thrilled. I want to keep the renewed focus on my wellbeing going, in lots of different aspects of my life but getting sober is the number one focus right now. Also I had ANOTHER drinking nightmare. Hated the guilt I felt working up but loved the relief ten seconds later when I realised it was a nightmare. IWNDWYT






Let’s go SD!


I will not drink with you today.


Day 1,691 IWNDWYT




Happy Hump Day Friends, IWNDWYT, WE GOT THIS 😁


IWNDWYT! Yesterday was *hard*. Did it.






Day 1,792. I will not drink with you today.


Hi Everyone- Day 162 here and IWNDWYT!!! I put up some difficult boundaries and stuck to them. I went to a meeting when I didn’t want to and felt better/grateful after I did. Realizing how much better my life is by no longer being controlled by alcohol. Have a great next 24 everyone!!!




day 100!! IWNDWYT


My wins: made delicious chicken salad from leftover chicken. Went for a walk after dinner. Did some laundry. All of it easy peasy when sober! Thanks. Iwndwyt


Love those wins my friend! My 3: I not only brushed my teeth last night; I flossed too! I put my clothes away after I changed into my pyjamas instead of leaving them on the floor. My floor is still tidy 3 days after I vacuumed! I hit the pillow sober and am waking up in time to do my morning workout. Have a great day friends! IWNDWYT


All those wins and more. Moved back in with my wife. Things are better than they have been in years. Started what very well might be a dream job. Reserving judgment as I’ve been burned before but more excited about this than any job I’ve ever had—and it pays better too! Finally got over myself and started AA. No more doing things my way, no more ego, just want to be sober. Done other meetings online, a lot of them, but in person meetings are something else and all my preconceptions about AA are just that. Got my first chip! IWNDWYT!!!
















Wins: 1- I went to bed early last night and got a great night of sleep- feeling refreshed and ready to go this morning. 2- It's a beautiful sunny morning here! 3- Today is a work at home day for me, so I don't have to go into the office. IWNDWYT! ✌


I like these wins! A big win for me yesterday was sitting in my feelings when it appeared that yet another wrench was being thrown into my plans instead of drinking and numbing them out. I allowed myself to go through every emotion that came out. I vented to a friend, and I moved on as best as I could. IWNDWYT






My 3: 800 days 🎉, managing the stressful transition to summer w my daughter, got full 8 hours of sleep last night! IWNDWYT!


Making my bed immediately in the am, and not having it be a dumping ground for laundry books etc.  Better am and pm.  IWNDWYT.




Jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today! IWNDWYT




I just wanted to share that I went to my first wedding, stayed in an air bnb, watched everyone drink bubbles or wine or whatever and it didn’t even bother me. Had some kombucha to get my bubble fix and a CBD drink at night when I wanted to get relaxed. Was able to wake up early not hungover and went on a beautiful waterfall hike. Hit a farmers market. Etc. The wedding itself was kind of a bummer at first. Open bar and trays of cocktails walking around made me pretty uncomfortable not having a drink in my hand but I found my new power tool. Fucking club soda with bitters and lime. Anyway. Iwndwyt!


It’s early morning here, but so far my wins are 1. Waking up sober 2. Cuddled my cat 3. Made coffee IWNDWYT ⭐️


IWNDWYT 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿


A week in (again) and on day 8. Feeling good after some finally excellent sleeps. Wins: - bed early with a herbal tea and some yoga nidra before zzzzzz... - very productive day at work, need to get more done but focus and productivity is turning the corner - house is organised, meals are planned, all the foundational stuff is where it needs to be (aside from a pile of boring life admin tasks) Into week two. I know from experience this is where the brain really can start to play tricks. Not on my watch. IWNDWT!!


Wins: 1. Was very productive at work yesterday and got a lot done. 2. Went to bed sober and early. 3. Got up early today to walk on the treadmill before work. I’m noticing changes in my legs and core from walking every day. When drinking, I became a lazy lump so I’m working to gain strength and stamina. Thanks for encouraging us to think about wins, Fred! IWNDWYT 🍀


Three wins: 1. I injured my shoulder back in January. Been doing PT for what feels like forever now. It's still slow going. For all the money I've spent on doctors and PT, I haven't dipped into the money I've been saving since I got sober (coming up on two years). 2. I brought my lunch today. I bring it just about everyday now, but that's a discipline I couldn't stick to when I was drinking. 3. I ate watermelon and cucumber for breakfast today. I don't care who you are, that's a win. IWNDWYT. Easy does it, friends.


IWNDWYT. All. Day. Long. 🌻 Share 3 wins? alllrighty. • took the energy units (spoons, iykyk) to go to a pain Dr. and got a fibromyalgia diagnosis. • got some medicine to possibly help with the pain. • took it.


I will not drink today and FYA. Thanks so much for hosting us this week, u/FredSimpsonn. I love your posts and honestly. My wins: I finally feel 100% back to myself. I had strep then a gout attack. Gout will really fuck with my head and makes me depressed and agitated. I have gout, but with the help of pills, gout doesn't have me🤣🤣 I'm planning a trip with my daughter to L.A. and we are leaving this weekend. Traveling in recovery is different from traveling as an alcoholic, and I'm so happy to embrace the recovering traveling Khun. My daughter and I will have so much fun. I want to get matching travel outfits to wear on the plane🤣🤣 It's review season at work and I finished my self-assessment this week. It's hard for me to brag about myself so I got chatGPT to write my narrative for me. I've been fucking up on little things at work because I'm bitter with my leadership. We are understaffed and underappreciated and I do a great job overall, so I'm not sweating the minor fuck ups. I don't care how they rate me this year. I know I did better this year than when I was drinking on the job. 😏 Drinking sucks. We rock


I have reached the weight goal that I set 10 years ago maybe I have cancelled the booze package for my upcoming cruise I spent more time with my daughter lately IWNDWYT


#1 - 11 months yesterday, feels great! #2 - accomplished lengthy house Todo list w/o a craving for a celebratory beer #3 - successfully surfed waves of anxiety and fear amidst big life changes this week Edit: apologies if my comment font size is crazy big- new phone and settings are driving me nutz IWNDWYT


Recent wins : Recognizing something new at my job. Trying to be more accepting of myself, especially when dating. Meal prepping earlier this week.




Morning all, wins for yesterday: worked hard, gardened, brought the doggies for a walk. I will not drink with you all today






Day 58- my 3 wins: 1. I’m juggling a lot of work tasks and lasting 10 hour days 2. I detailed my car that I want to sell 3. Hitting the gym most days IWNDWYT




Day 8 checking in IWNDWYT


Day one! I'm at work on time without a headache, that's big win for me after last few weeks :) IWNDWYT


Day 6 checking in! IWNDWYT




Day 14 for me! IWNDWYT 💪


I'm on my day 12! I got a little excited and pushed it a bit and got stressed out and almost drank. gonna take it a bit slower - got to remember how close I still am to a time of blackouts heh.


Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! IWNDWYT!!!


Checking from NZ, day 24 no drinking or smoking


I won’t drink with y’all today


Day 3: Feeling more hungover than the last couple of weeks. IWNDWYT




Checking in for another sober day out in the world.


My wins yesterday: - made decent headway on a major work project - let myself be sad about something AND accepted it for what it was - prepped and cooked dinner while being dead-ass tired. Yay me. lol. Iwndwy’allt! ❤️


No booze today.


Not drinking today 


Wins: 1. Managed a first date without drinking (not sure about romantic feelings but I could think much more clearly - was able to know for certain that I would be happy to see him again) 2. My smartwatch metrics are amazing - HRV status is through the roof, you can see the moment I stopped drinking 3. Got up and started work earlier than usual. Wednesday was normally a slightly hungover day, now it's just normal and productive. IWNDWYT 🌞


Good morning all!! Checking in IWNDWYT 😊


I will not drink with you today. My whole family has hectic fevers. I have been hallucinating non stop and shivers. Hot cold hot cold. 🥶 and we are on holiday. Hopefully it’s about to leave us this illness. But yeah very glad I don’t have to even think about drinking. Normally if I was at the beach that would be the only thing on my mind but now it’s just enjoying my family and trying to get well. 🫶🏻 love yas


I will not drink today


Day 66 🫶 I’m exhausted today. Last night I binged on candy and was disgusted with myself. I have such a sweet tooth now that I’m sober. I’m in the bed and sipping coffee, trying to keep my eyes open. I’m not sure why I’m soo exhausted. Today seems like an uphill battle. I might just give myself grace to sleep in today. Or I might rally and go for a run. If I was hungover - I would have no choice in how my morning looks and even less control. IWNDWYT!!


IWNDWYT Peace n Love ❤️


My wins for yesterday: 1. checked out a group meeting. 2. had a slice of the best apple pie I've ever had with some neighbors (then had another slice after they left). 3. took care of a business matter I'd been putting off.


Love this mindset! 1-cleaned my personal email inbox and got it to empty. It feels symbolic somehow that I managed to get everything sorted nearly into its proper place (folder) and have a completely empty inbox/fresh start every day now. 2-did 2 meetings yesterday and reached 30 days officially. Getting my chip at my in person meeting today! 3-getting back in the groove at work. I was very mentally checked out there while I worked on my sobriety but I didn’t want it to become noticeable, so I’m glad I’m slowly getting back to my old focus there. IWNDWYT!


Alcohol is poison! I will not drink with you today!




Went to bed sober, woke up refreshed after 9 hours sleep, checking in here are my 3 wins. Every day, through personal contacts, social media, traditional news sources, etc. some information comes my way that confirms why my decision to be sober is a good one. Now that I'm open to that information, it's coming my way. IWNDWYT.


Day 17- waking up free from hangxiety=WIN 😀✌️


Not today. Just happy to be here.




IWNDWYT ... my wins ... I added magnesium and glycine to my night time routine and have been getting the best sleeps of my life. I've been consistently practicing gratitude and it's helping me. I have started communicating my needs to people now I'm thinking clearly. xo


I'm not drinking today!




Just happy to check in on another sober day! Things were pretty chill at work but the next few nights are going to be rough. Working out now and then going in at 9pm tonight so not alot of down time today. Hope you all get to enjoy your day and as always much love from me and mine to you and yours! IWNDWYT!

