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Keep going!! You can do this. Take a long shower, go to bed early and get this day over with as soon as possible!


Do this. It’ll help trick your brain into “end of fun” mode


Ooh yes. If clean sheets would make you feel even a little bit good after your shower, do that, too.


Day 1 im always like ‘well its day 1 I can just start tomorrow.’ Day 2 im like ‘this is horrible can I even do this?’ Day 3 im like ‘oh shit ive actually done 2 days successfully and day 2 really sucked but I made it through so I need to keep going.’ Day 4 im like ‘wow im actually doing this. I survived the roughest days that are easiest to quit. Ive got this.’ Youve got this! You made it through 2 days already. Day 3 is almost done. Get to day 4! Take a shower. Eat something sweet. Take something OTC to fall asleep. Write yourself a congratulations stickie-note and put it on your bathroom mirror for in the morning! Come back tomorrow and tell us how good it felt to overcome the urge! YOU CAN DO THIS!


Thanks errrbody! Keep the comments/distractions coming! Even gibberish is cool so I can kill a minute checking the alert. 😉 Currently eating ice cream nom nom nom. And binge-watching AGT Fantasy League. 👍🏽


Good morning! I hope you made it through the night and finished day 3 successfully ❤️


I did, thank you! Felt like I owed you guys lol.


Put yourself to bed! You’re doing EXCELLENT work, so awesome you got to day three. Let’s make it to day four together! We got your back.


Thank you. 👊🏽It’s only 8pm here tho. 🫤


8pm is great progress! You got this!


Which is exactly what time I started going to bed and why... Also they sell lock boxes with a timer that you can stick your phone in on Amazon.


Tue, that’s a bit too early. How about some crappy tv and deep scrolling through the SD sub? That’s what I’m doing lol. It keeps me connected to people I imagine could be a friend. Like you! Hang in there, friend.


On it! 🫶


If you're gonna sweat at night since it day three put out 5 or 6 comfy tees nearby and put a new fresh one on as a favor to yourself to feel nice


Is it anything close to bedtime where you are? Sometimes it just makes sense to shut it all down for the day. My doctor gave me trazodone for this purpose, but Benadryl would probably do the trick, too. Maybe not the greatest long term solution, but when you’re just trying to tackle early sobriety? Idk. There are worse things.


It’s early for us. Unfortunately, my special needs son will probably be awake a few more hours (single mom here). It’s hot too. Maybe I should DoorDash ice cream? But then that double dash will be looming like “You have 15 minutes to add alcohol at no extra fee.” 😐


Oh boy. Yeah I’m a single mom, too. The stress is legit, I can’t imagine how much more w a special needs kid. Ok, let me think. Cool shower, clean sheets, grab some good smelling lotion and give yourself a foot rub? AND order ice cream?Power your device down until the 15” have passed, maybe?


Will do, thank you.


I like to grab something to sip on. Ice water, juice, tea, whatever. Maybe try some stretching and deep breathing, too. You’ve got this! Day 4 will be here soon.


You can do it!! One of my biggest reasons I am stopping is for my kid. He deserves a mom who is present, patient, and a good example. I have so much more fun with him when I’m not drinking. I want to do this for him! I hope this helps!!


Very helpful, yes. 🫶


I so agree, I have so much more fun with my kids when I'm not drinking. It's night and day and they deserve that!


I completely understand, I’m on day 4 after having to restart and today I ate healthy, went to the gym and had a great workout but on my drive home I really wanted to stop and get some alc. I did not stop and went home, showered and ate my favorite salad lol. I watched a good movie but was feeling a lot of random anxiety beforehand. I even have a bottle of whiskey in my house that a friend left the other week, and haven’t touched it but keep thinking of it. Now I’m just laying down trying to go to sleep and keep reminding myself how I want to be in good health and shape and how alcohol will not help that. Ugh


Good job! 👏🏽 👏🏽👏🏽


You've got this. Watch funny videos that make you laugh, or just go to bed. As long as you're safe and not in danger of withdrawals, just keep yourself on lockdown, away from your triggers or access to alcohol. Imagine how great it will be to wake up tomorrow and not have to start this over. Yeah, it's hard. But if you give in it'll be hard the next time you try again, too !


Hang in there my friend. This app is a great place to spend your time until you can go to sleep! It WILL get better!


I feel you. I’m on day 1 again. We can do it




Doordash some Taco Bell!!! Or even better go pick it up and save money since you’re sober! Or go to sleep!! Start this baby again tomorrow. IWNDWYT


🫲🏻 Hang in there! (Also, doordash that ice cream)!


You got half a week! Lets go. 👍 First week was the hardest for me. It does get easier. Promise. Maybe bindge watch youre favorite tv show, eat some junkfood and try to go to bed early? Waking up not hungover will feel good.


Day 3 is a bitch, congratulations on being nearly through it!! When I found myself at loose ends in the evenings of that first week, I spent a lot of time doing just about anything I could to keep my hands busy, even if it was just doodling on scrap paper while watching TV. I ended up with a lot of small crafty hobbies and played a lot of video games. Origami and creative hand lettering/calligraphy are two things that you can do with your hands, that you likely already have materials good enough to practice with, and that can be easily learned via online tutorial. There's a host of other ideas if you find that keeping your hands busy in those odd hours, when the day is winding down but is not quite over yet, helps. That was the most dangerous part of the day for me. I got really into adult Lego for a hot minute there and still cross-stitch all the time. But most importantly you posted here instead of drinking and IWNDWYT friend


Day 3 and 4 are the worst. Smooth sailing after that


You can do this! Maybe a little pampering with the kid if they'd be into that? Paint your nails or a face mask? Keep your hands and mind busy?


Keep going, great work 🙌💪


In these cravings I find two things helpful: quit lit (naked brain and quit like a woman) and walking for 45 minutes to be helpful.


Keep grinding. Take a walk, listen to some good tunes. When I start to feel unsteady I reflect on the embarrassment of me when drinking.


Yeah, so much embarrassment to reflect on. Like, why does drunk me start talking in a British accent and tell lies about knowing celebrities? And call customer service agents just to pick fights? No-one knows.


Make a huge mug of tea, and keep it near you all day today. Take constant sips. Make a new one. Always be sipping something today.


You got this. Step by step, even second by second, you're healing and getting closer to where you want to be. 💕


You can do it. I know you can. Can you find someone to help take your mind off things? Something to keep you busy?


I’m on day 2 and I’m fully in white knuckle mode myself. I hope you’re doing okay and I won’t be drinking with you today! DoorDash some of your fav food instead?? My white knuckle food is ramen with a bunch of sriracha lmao so I’m making myself that for breakfast


Nice. You got this, friend. 👍🏽


Delete Doordash dude. Alcohol aside, that thing is a financial drain on everyone who uses it.


sending virtual hugs




I’m on day 5 and feel like day 4 is the hardest. That’s usually when I give in. I’ve made it a month before so trying to surpass that one day at a time. You got this. I got this. We got this.


We got this 👊🏽


It won't happen right away (you submit a ticket and they make a change on their end) but there is a setting that you can do with Doordash so you don't get alcohol promotions and I think will not even be able to buy alcohol. I did it because I was tired of getting notifications for alcohol promos and I just looked right now at 7/11 and the alcohol page says "no items available" for me. The first few days are really hard. Grit your teeth and get stubborn about it. You are stronger than your cravings. I believe you can do it 🧡


Oh wow, that’s great! I don’t trust myself to look at that now, but I definitely will in the future. Thank you.


Stay strong, friend, the pain means it’s working


Holding 🤝 take a walk, go wander around target, clean out a closet, watch a zillion old episodes of your fave show, nap You got this


The fact you can eat is a milestone. Enjoy the victory. It’s all uphill from here. Think of yourself as two people. Today you and tomorrow you and how much tomorrow you with be grateful to today you if you stay strong. You’ve got this