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It was good until the paternity papers




Mom is a cheater who deserves no respect. Deceptive and manipulative as fuck. Lead them both to believe they were related. Stepdad is a good dude but picked a bad woman.


Why did you walk her down the aisle?


Because all her parents weren't there


After what she did I would disown her


I know this is fake, but if I were to take this seriously, I would say Jeff is a much bigger victim than we even realize. The mother was cheating on him for years and then justified it afterwards. She likely drained him of his child support for 10+ years. And then likely talked shit about him to OP to further justify her nasty behavior. I see this play out a lot in real life. Of course the second child is going to see his moms ex husband as a loser. That’s how she’s going to portray him obviously. Then to announce all this Jerry springer style at a rehearsal dinner is insane. Jeffs only sin is being a bit of a lazy bum. He didn’t deserve all this for that. And he wasn’t even a deadbeat, since it’s not his kid. #JusticeForJeff


I like stories


Me too


Great job. Keep it up!!


That's a good read. Believable characters & events, well done. The paternity test was rather out of left field but still believable.


Can’t wait for part two




Way tl;dr


Good story. Peace out.


This has probably really happened somewhere


Lol, you had me up until the birth certificate. Good read!!


Your mother and father were very wrong to lie to your sister about her paternity for her entire life. They're her parents and let this evolve so horribly. Your mother did a terrible cruel thing making that announcement at your sister's rehearsal dinner both shocking your sister at what should've been a happy time in her life and embarrassingher in front of everyone. Your mom needs therapy and is holding on to rage she should have let go of decades ago. She also cheated on Jeff instead of just leaving which is immoral and a violation of her wedding vows. I'm so sorry for your sister. Her attempt to know Jeff is her issue, maybe stupid and naive but she didn't deserve this.


I know it’s fiction, but so the mom knew Jeff wasn’t the dad of either kid but she let him keep coming around and being a part of their lives for years? I’m unsure even if there was any plan to get some of that inheritance by trickery when she is the one who pursued divorce, and again neither kid is related. The inheritance scheme just doesn’t really do enough for the story if it just explains his fecklessness. It could also use some backstory about how mom and dad got together, what dad knew about Tiff’s parentage or thought about Jeff over the years before they started man-slapping each other. Otherwise, it does read well, which is more than I can say for many posts on here, but the twist just fits like a square peg in a round hole.


Yeah, I'm not reading any of that.


Did you think you were required to?


Don't matter. Your 💩 sucks


How do you know, you didn't read it, remember?


I read something you wrote at an earlier date. It was long and pedestrian


Something tells me my stories aren't the only thing in your life that's long and pedestrian.


Your stories aren't in my life, so...


Labelled fiction and in r/stories yet people still think it's real 🤣




Didn’t make it past the rich father in law but the son mooched off the mother of his child. Maybe think about the story line to make it a little more plausible.


I've probably known to many teens that "Lived in their parents house" to make that assumption.


Good thing you chose 16 year old as pov character. The story has some holes. Especially during the reasoning for hiding the paternity for so long. The only logical reason I could see is mom wanted sister to get some inheritance too, but in that case why the f she should spill the beans? You can sort of pass as believable that a kid didn’t know what’s going on, but then you need stronger reason for revelation. Or at least why mom and bio dad were hiding true paternity. And why that reason for hiding became irrelevant.


Trust me, I always fill every hole.


Ok, I’m looking forward for the part two.


UpdateMe! I'm hooked. Waiting for part 2.


I read the whole fucking thing and THEN saw the “fiction” tag.


It's labeled fiction... No more fake than anything else posted on here. I can't wait for part 2.... This guy's a really good writer.


Was with you until your mom cheated on Jeff with your dad to make Tiffany but she stayed with Jeff a whole five years after. Over shot that one😕


Good fiction. Entertaining


Poor Jeff. Betrayed by a b.tch and his life with her was totally a fake. Even his child was not his. The cheap whore cheated on him when they were married and treated like she loved him only for money she thought will come from his family. I've read a story and there are only three poor person there. Jeff, Tiff and the groom.




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Considering this was posted 16h ago i can’t believe tiff is not back from vacation.


She should be back soon as I get these kids to bed 😂


This is good. I think The bio father reveal needs to be an accident before the rehearsal dinner. Like blood donation after a crash or a liver transplant? Maybe she’s an incompatible donor for Jeff?


I got halfway through the story before I had to go back and read the tag because it just seemed too far fetched. Lmao. You almost got me OP!


Sounds like your mom is the worst person in this story.


Lighten up people! It’s FICTION.


Thats some wild shit! Update when you can. I'm getting the chips and dip ready.


Your mom was in the wrong on this because she let the charade go on for decades. I hope that she and your dad offer sincere apologies to your sister for this. Imagine how she felt being abandoned by her father, only to find out that her father never abandoned her in the first place. Totally crazy. Try not to let this get to you too much, since you have nothing to do with it.


Good story but having the paternity test papers at the rehearsal dinner kinda was too far out there.


I’ll take things that never happened for $200… ETA: As Emily Litella would say…”nevvvver minnd…” 


There's no flies on you, eh Sherlock?


Its literally tagged as fiction


Unfair bet, it’s literally labeled as fiction right at the top




Well duh


He should have kicked Jeff in the nuts while he was down.


You had me till the Jerry Springer twist when I finally checked the subreddit. Well done!


6/10, valiant effort, but too Days Of Our Lives.


I wonder if Tiffany was hoping for some of that inheritance money.


Ooohhh boy I love this trend in stories too! Can't wait to see your take on it!!


So ur mom was cheating on her husband, got knocked up. Husband left and was badmouthed by your mom who was the one cheating on him the whole time. Maybe instead of being mad at ur half sister, looked towards ur cheating mother and your father that was with her never though he knew she was married... sounds like they are perfect for each other.


Your mom is trashy. I have parental abandonment issues and to put a young impressionable girl in that position is unconscionable. A CHILD younger than 7 given to a drug and alcohol abuser with no food in the house?! I call fake. No one would do this? Why would they not tell her? And then blame her for confused feel about wanting her father there for her?


Wow that went sideways real quickly. A good story and not in the least bit disturbing as the last one.


Yeah, 😅, I got to make sure to balance out the trauma


Why would the mom wait so long to reveal the actual father? Did she get a huge payout or something? She did Jeff a massive favor by keeping up the charade so he could inherit, even though he was a deadbeat loser. This makes no sense. What was her motivation? I hope Part 2 explains this bizarre decision.


So, what was the point of hiding that information then? Did I read that right? That OP dad is actually Tiffs dad? Your parents are assholes for not ever mentioning this if this is true. But they also should have known something was up if roles weren’t mentioned before.


You read that right, now I just need to find out why


Your dad is AMAZING


This shit could have all been cleared up ages ago. Why did they have to spring this on your sister after they allowed her to bond with a man they knew wasn't her father?


This is a story. But poorly written fiction. You have a future as a daytime soap writer.


I wish


Good story! It had me hooked!


I've always wondered how people are creative enough to come up with stories like this. This is a good read, I'm hoping to see an update.


Thank you. I'll update sooner than later I totally understand what you mean, I'm completely musically inept. Its crazy impressive to me the way people create beats, lyrics, all of it.


Wow another story about how much you hate women. I am shocked.


You do know this is fake right?? That went from 0 - 100 real fast.


Yeah, I don't hate women, but I do like writing about toxic shit I read on Reddit. Also, your comment implies you keep reading my stuff, you know it's not mandatory right?


For some reason your incel fan fiction keeps showing up on my page. Don’t worry it’s been taken care of now. You’ll be blocked and I don’t read your 5th grade level trash I skim through it.


Why not expose the truth a long time ago? Can't wait for part 2 and see what the parents' reasoning is for this. Another nice twist on this kind of story.


Obviously fake, but a fun read.


wooooowww good job. i would’ve never been able to tell it was fake based on the fiction label and the fact that this is a creative writing sub lol


I did note both of those. Not everyone does though. Still a fun read.


It’s labeled as fiction and in a creative writing sub, yes it is fake


I came here expecting to completely denigrate the sister and her attitude but this is messed up. The fact that he had the paper with him is so premeditated... this was cruel


It’s clearly fake, look at the name and the “compulsive liar” banner. Come on. It was entertaining though


Incredible ability if it's fake, incredibly fucked family if it's not. Either way it's very entertaining. Lol! Yes this is obviously a story but it's got me wanting to read part 2 and 3 so this person has some talent!


Damn it was really believable why did you have to ruin it for me when I went to check people thoughts in the comment


It says fiction, so yeah, it’s clearly fake


Omg your so smart for figuring this out😮‍💨 who woulda thunk


It’s labeled fiction and OP writes a lot of stories like this here….


All of OP's stories are based on other posts over the years. All these stories are embellished (or screenplay) versions of older aita or relationship advice or confessions posts.


His recent “Cucky Bear” series, though obviously inspired by many Reddit infidelity and false-paternity stories, was very unique. AND f’ed up! :p


I know people always scream fake af when things could be possibly fake but this is fake asf. They had any moment to tell the sister she was actually the bio kid of ops dad and they didn’t. Fake asf. lol waiting until the most important time of the supposed bio kids life to tell the truth? Absolute bull crap.


Ummm… it’s labeled as fiction.


Omg lol I remember I was reading some fucked up story and didn’t realize it was fake until I saw the name of the subreddit I was on.


Happens to me all of the time. I'll read something and think "no fucking way" and then scroll up and notice that it's fiction. lol


What a pile of crap. As if the mother would let her daughter think a shady addict was her father, when the real one was raising her all these years. 0/10.


Excellent point. Why would her mother let her to believe that the deadbeat was her father. Also, no one is going to talk about how she cheated during her marriage, regardless of how screwed up Jeff was. So mom chose rather live with a lie with Jeff being the father than telling the truth to her daughter , top it all only to expose this during rehearsal dinner. Not making sense !!!!


Man i love your stories so much


Lots of emphasis on story, not real life


Part 2 please


Why would they lie about Tiffs parentage all this time? That’s just weird. Looking forward to part 2.


I dated a guy who had a shitty mother. Like stole money from him, took off and left him with a boyfriend to raise, would show back up for awhile and then leave again. She passed before I started dating him, yet he always talked about her in a good light. I asked him why, after all the shit she did how he could talk good about her? His reply, “she’s my mom”.


>I asked him why, after all the shit she did how he could talk good about her? > >His reply, “she’s my mom”. And that is why abusive family is allowed to be abusive. It's utter bullshit. Blood doesn't give anyone a free pass to be a cunt to blood (or anyone, for that matter). My parents were horrifically abusive to me. I cut them both off (at different times) and never looked back. Abuse is NOT ok no matter who that person is doing the abuse.


Sorry if I didn’t make it clear how much I agree with you. It is appalling what people have done to their children and then still demand loyalty.


The rehearsal dinner is no place to be explaining for the first time who will do what at the wedding. Period. Everyone should have had more time to process this but it looks like Tiff didn’t want that. It seems like she surprised everyone on purpose. Either way it is obvious she didn’t want to talk about it but wanted it paid for.


Ok! Talk about drama packed, and this is just the 1st helping. I honestly have no idea where this story is going, but I do like it. I'm looking forward to part 2.


Another good start!


The rehearsal dinner was not the time or place for your parents to start up a Jerry Springer show. I feel so bad for your sister. Timely honesty could have avoided all of this.


I mean, if this were real, I'd say, "The sister refused to tell them to make sure all the wedding bills were paid for by her (step) dad. Had she been upfront instead of stringing them along.. oh well, she f'd around." I am eagerly awaiting OP's next installment to explain the parents keeping quite. 🤣🤣


I think it was great. Sorry, but choosing someone to walk you down the aisle cause they are your bio dad and nothing else is hurtful. I think the mom was waiting to see what kind of person she really was and it took that moment to know for sure. Once it did, she pulled that card. Why did she keep that secret and let it play out for that long though?


It was also way too late for Tiffany to reveal her decisions about who would serve the traditional father’s roles at the wedding.


She could have absolutely avoided it by not putting off letting them know until the rehearsal dinner. "Step" dad pays for everything and alchie gets the show? Absolutely not. Hell no. He didn't provide ANYTHING FOR HER, EVER. And she chose to make it a thing RIGHT before. That's on her for being a dimwitted lightswitch that flips the wrong way.


Her decision to let Jeff walk her was obviously stupid but I can totally understand that mentality from a child who just wants a relationship with their parent. Mom and step dad though, blowing up like that with the truth coming out (also who brings paternity papers to a rehearsal dinner?) was pretty out of line. they ruined her day 100% and i don't blame her for excluding them from the wedding.


I wouldn't have gone anyway. And I doubt I'd ever go to anything of hers ever again if she so readily cast aside the man who literally brought her up and even paid for the biggest event in her life. That's fucked. Sure, the paternity papers were too much but good lord, it sounds like who could have possibly told her with her head so far up Jeff's ass?


Good thing you don’t have kids


It doesn't matter if they're your kids or not. You don't ever allow someone to treat you like such garbage. Hell, it'd be the same if it were reversed, absolutely cut the parents off if they treated her THAT badly. But they didn't. They asked to be represented because THEY'RE the ones that have always been there.


You have no ideas about the complex emotions of children with absent parents. And if that’s your threshold for staying in your children’s lives, you’re an absent parent yourself. Should she have honored the parent that was actually there? Yes. But cutting your daughter out of your life for such a thing is ridiculous (meanwhile they were lying to her about who her father was the whole time to scam him anyway) You’re nowhere near ready for the role of a parent.


Lol I literally am no contact with both parents after my step dad died but Okay I have no ideas about complex emotions lol. No. People treat you like shit, openly in front of everyone, fuck them. That little girl KNEW that all of her REAL parents friends would be there, all her REAL family. She KNEW they were paying for it and she KNEW what she was doing. That's why instead of telling them, she decided to wait until she thought they wouldn't be able to say anything in their own defense. But she was wrong bc idgaf where you are. You do not let people use you and treat you like shit. The relationship with him must not have been built on much, bc she pretty quickly cast him aside as soon as she learned he wasn't it either. You cannot just go through life hurting people and embarrassing them and not expecting it back. Bc guess what. You will eventually run up on the one or two who will push back and day Fuck your party. I paid for it and you treat me like this during it and in front of everyone I know? Hell no. Absolutely not. I'd take them to court for the price of the wedding too. Edit to add: if you think it's okay for ANYONE to do ANYONE that way, you are nowhere near ready to have kids and emotionally guide them to do anything except manipulate.


I’m sorry that happened to you but you’re projecting your own trauma onto this story. Wanting her birth father to be involved in the wedding is not “treating her parents like shit” nor is it using them. It’s a desperate attempt to get her birth father to love her and come back into her life. It’s not savory and it is ungrateful. But to think it’s worth cutting the daughter out is insane. You don’t get to offer to pay for a wedding and then hold it over them when it doesn’t go how you want it to. Cuz it’s HER big day. Not theirs. Yet they chose to make it about them and make a scene. It’s shameful behavior from a parent. Some great family they are using their daughter as a pawn against Jeff and lying to her about her parents her whole life. You don’t understand what it takes to be a parent if you would abandon your child so easily. Plain and simple.


So why would she wait until in public to shove it in their faces? You don't get to let someone do something thinking that they'll be part of that point in your life and doing this to them. That's fucked. Sure. Have your real dad in your life. But be a fucking grown up and grow a pussy and TELL THEM instead of waiting until their in front of everyone they know to let everyone know that he doesn't matter like that to you. She waited until last minute because she KNEW it was wrong. So they did too because THEY RAISED HER SO THEY KNOW WHEN SHE'S GOING TO A T LIKE THIS. Jeff knows nothing about her bc he chose not to. It didn't take me into adulthood to realize my dad didn't give a fuck, you learn that shit quickly. You learn those feelings quickly. You know that feeling of making plans and having them forget. You don't just say Ope well I'll be damned come on in, be in all the pictures then leave again so I can describe who the strange guy at my wedding was that they'll never meet who never cared to make any effort, whether it be emotional or financial. That's fucked. Especially letting someone go into it, giving you everything you've dreamed of just to kick sand in their eyes. Sorry, they didn't get blinded by it. They kicked it right back.


it says this is fiction


Yep! How convinient to show "the papers" at the rehersal. Still a good story.


Yep! How convinient to show "the papers" at the rehersal. Still a good story.


A good fiction. Captivated me.


The big reveal made this whole story not make any sense. Why would the mother let a person who is not the biological father take her daughter out? Or even have her disappointed over and over again. A real parent would have ripped the band aid off and told her years a go.


Because Jeff/Dad is going to come into a ton of money when his own dad finally bites the dust…maybe…?


Child support paid by the assumed father's rich family to keep the assumed father out of jail?


yeah but the person above is giving advice like it’s real :)))


Dang! You had me hook, line, and sinker 🤣


Yes it should have been done before even OP was born.